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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Defining General Conservation Principles Forprimary Schools Of Rum Minority In Istanbul

Ekmekci, Onur Tunc 01 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, it is aimed to make a study on Primary Schools of Rum Minority in Istanbul, and in light of this study, to define general principles for conservation studies on these schools. Rum Minority had an important part in social and cultural life in Istanbul and in late 19th Century, their impact in the city increased with their financial power, especially in Beyoglu. Increase in number of schools they built also occurred in the same timeline. Schools built in and after this term by Rum Minority were built as important public buildings of a minority group and possess strong authenticity, technical-artistic, socio-cultural and economical values. In order to decide which values, problems and potentials these buildings bear, a site survey study is done for this thesis. Primary Schools of Rum Minority in Istanbul are among strongest solid evidences of cultural diversity in Istanbul, and Turkey. While conserving these cultural assets, considering all their values, problems, and potentialities is vital. In addition to conservation studies, interpretation and presentation are also necessary steps for reintegration of these buildings to the city. This thesis performs as an effort made to document features and current state of these schools, decide their value, problems, and potentials / and defining general conservation principles for them.

The Limits Of Language As A Transporter/ Marker Of Identity: The Case Of Polish Eu Accession

Dincer, Cansu 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the relationship between identity and language by evaluating Poland&rsquo / s accession to the European Union. It suggests that at the national level, language is a constructer and transporter of identity, which is created and recreated as part of a political programme. Thus, it questions the role of language as an identity transporter/ marker at the EU level. Within this framework, arguing that the European identity is created by the European elites, establishment of the European identity in Poland will be discussed and the role of language in the European identity formation process in Poland will be examined. The thesis will also evaluate the results of the language policies and multilingualism that aim to establish the European identity in Poland, and will draw attention to the results such as the dominance of Anglo-Saxon culture and English. Finally, by making use of Poland&rsquo / s EU accession, the thesis will point out the limits of language as an identity transporter/ marker at the EU level.

Energy Security And Central Asian Geopolitics

Gunduc, Yildirim 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Energy security has become an important part of national security policies in the last decades. Policies concerning energy security are designed and implemented in different ways by countries based on their geographical, political and economic imperatives. This thesis analyzes the securitization of energy resources in Central Asia and the roles of the US, China, India and Russia as major actors of the Central Asian energy politics in the post-Soviet period. The conditions shaping Central Asian countries decision making process&rsquo / as well as the policies and priorities of the US, China, India and Russia are analyzed in the light of latest energy policy developments and related pipeline projects in the region. While doing so, this thesis aims to compare and contrast the practices and policies of the US, China, India and Russia in securing access to energy resources of Central Asia.


Onem, Aysel 01 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study explores how the European Union Enlargement policy of Germany as represented by her main political parties, being the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Social Democratic Party-SPD) and the Christlich Demokratische Union Deutschlands (Christian Democratic Union-CDU), has evolved after 1990 towards the case of Turkey. These two parties have been analysed because they have clear and different stances towards Turkey&rsquo / s EU Accession process and they have witnessed and shaped watershed events of this process. The study does focus on the incumbencies of Helmut Kohl, Gerhard Schr&ouml / der and Angela Merkel. Thereby it relies on both a thorough literature review and also on the screening of plenty of official documents. This study attempts to scrutinize the differences between the stance of the SPD and CDU towards Turkey&rsquo / s EU Accession process. In this vein, it explores the interplay of political reforms and concepts of common culture, identity and history as variables in the altering attitudes of SPD and CDU. Further, this study rests on the ground that there have been breaking points in German support for EU Enlargement first emerged by the end of the Cold War and the concomitant new political climax and second with Turkey&rsquo / s EU Accession process. Ultimately, this study sets on the ground that there has been a shift in Germany&rsquo / s overt support for EU Enlargement which has been triggered by Turkey&rsquo / s entrenched and problematic EU Accession Process.

A Critical Review Of The Debates On Populism: Politics Of Import Substitution Industrialisation Or A Hegemonic Project ?

Esilmez, Burcu Devrim 01 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The impact of the World Depression of 1929 and the 2nd World War on many developing countries has been significant in terms of economic and political changes. Among the important transformations, changes in accumulation models, political discourses, balance of class forces and/or political regimes can be mentioned. The main objective of this thesis is to undertake a critical review of the debates centring on the concept of populism in Latin America as well as in Turkey so as to account for these changes. The predominant tendency in these debates has been to establish a correlation between populist policies and/or import substitution industrialisation strategy. In this study it is argued that, the line of thought which tried to analyse the developments in Argentina and Brazil as well as in Turkey from 1929 until the 1980s on the basis of such a correlation does not provide an adequate explanation. Instead, it is proposed that the concept of populism can enhance our understanding to the extent that it is conceived as a hegemonic project.

Hedonic Price Analysis Of Office Rents: A Case Study Of The Office Market In Ankara

Ustaoslu, Eda 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyzes variations in office rents in Ankara. The theoretical background of this study is related to the hedonic methodology, which is extensively applied for explaining price or rental price variations of the real property. Given this theoretical framework, hedonic regression model is utilized for the estimation of hedonic price indices by using the cross sectional data of the office market in Ankara for the year 2002. Hedonic price function is specified in the log linear functional form and is estimated with the Ordinary Least Squares technique for two models. The models include the same variables / however, Model 1 differs from Model 2 in including the location variables. The estimation results obtained from the models suggest that height and construction quality of the building act as proxies for the locational characteristics. Also, it is found from Model 1 that locational characteristics have the greatest effect on the rental prices of the office units. In order to verify this fact, Model 1 is tested against Model 2 and vice versa based on alternative tests for non-nested models. The results of non-nested tests indicate that Model 1 is preferred to Model 2. This result is important in the sense that locational characteristics are found to be significant in explaining the rental price variations. Besides location variables, the other variables related to physical attributes and lease characteristics of the office property are also evaluated from the estimation results of Model 1. From the empirical results, it is finally concluded that locational characteristics explain the spatial rent variations of the office property in Ankara to a large extent.

Measuring Vertical And Horizontal Intra-industry Trade For Turkish Manufacturing Industry Over Time

Senoglu, Demet 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
In traditional trade theories, foreign trade plays the role of filling the gap of products not produced within the country. However, in the early 1960s increasing exchange of similar products, intra-industry trade, in the world trade have been observed by trade theorists. After the realization of the fact that intra-industry trade has become a very important part of world trade, more comprehensive studies on intra-industry trade have been conducted. At the end of the 1970s, trade theorists started to analyze intra-industry trade between developed countries (horizontal intra-industry trade) and intra-industry trade between developed and developing countries (vertical intra-industry trade) separately, because their characteristics were different. Horizontal intra-industry models were characterized by attribute variation between products while vertical intra-industry models were characterized by quality variation. This study investigates the issue of measurement of horizontal and vertical intra-industry trade for Turkish manufacturing industry. We address the questions of whether the intra-industry trade in Turkish manufacturing sector is more of the horizontal or the vertical type and whether the vertical industries dominates horizontal industries in number at the 3- digit industry level. Empirical analyses shows that the majority of intra-industry trade in Turkish manufacturing sector is of the vertical nature / Turkish manufacturing sector exports lower quality varieties in exchange for higher quality varieties. Also, our empirical analyses indicate that a large percent of 3- digit industries considered as primarily involved in intra-industry trade are vertical industries.

Pre-accession Aid Of European Union The Prospects Of Turkey

Demir, Sirma 01 August 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis calculates the amount of pre-accession aid which will be given Turkey when Turkey starts accession negotiations with EU. By using Poland&amp / #8217 / s receipts from pre-accession financial transfers of EU during its accession negotiations, the study makes expectation about Turkey&amp / #8217 / s pre-accession aid. This thesis also attempts to ask the reality of this calculated value by looking at the budgetary situation of EU during Turkey&amp / #8217 / s pre-accession period.

The Determinants Of International Competitiveness: The Case Of Turkish Manufacturing Sector

Gencay, Mehmet 01 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to identify and to study the micro and macro determinants of export performance. The results of micro determinants suggest that there is no significant relationship between export performance and R&amp / D intensity, which could be a result of underreport of R&amp / D expenditures in income statements of firms and the realization of its effects in the long-term. The results for marketing intensity, ratio of foreign exchange profits in total sales, fixed investment intensity and capital intensity are in the same way. On the other hand, bank loans and previous year&amp / #8217 / s export performance is strongly related with export performance. Moreover, it is found that there is no significant difference between low technology industries&amp / #8217 / and medium and high technology industries&amp / #8217 / export behavior. On the other hand, from the macro-economic determinants perspective, the implementation of flexible exchange rate policy has favorable effects on the volume of exports. While export intensity is positively affected by the major devaluations experienced in 1994 and 2001.

Social Political Discourse Of The Surveillance Society A Thesis Submitted To The Graduate School Of Social Sciences Of Middle East Technical University By Egemen Nilufer Yumurtaci In Partial Fulfillment Of The Re

Yumurtaci, Egemen Nilufer 01 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to discuss the Surveillance Society discourse, especially in relation with political analysis in a historical framework by means of new technologies. This study also analyzes the use of so-called revolutionary information and telecommunication technologies for data recording and tracking is analyzed, which is used to regulate the order of the system by the power holders. The limits of thought are traced to Foucault and Lyon. To this context an attempt is made to show that surveillance/ monitoring is growing as a result of the developments in information and communication technologies. Dataveillance is being carried out by Internet, ID cards, and bank credit cards. Focus is on awareness as a midway between paranoia and utopic futurism against surveillance suppression.

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