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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centralisers and amalgams of saturated fusion systems

Semeraro, Jason P. G. January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, we mainly address two contrasting topics in the area of saturated fusion systems. The first concerns the notion of a centraliser of a subsystem E of a fusion system F, and we give new proofs of the existence of such an object in the case where E is normal in F. The second concerns the development of the theory of `trees of fusion systems', an analogue for fusion systems of Bass-Serre theory for finite groups. A major theorem finds conditions on a tree of fusion systems for there to exist a saturated completion, and this is applied to construct and classify certain fusion systems over p-groups with an abelian subgroup of index p. Results which do not fall into either of the above categories include a new proof of Thompson's normal p-complement Theorem for saturated fusion systems and characterisations of certain quotients of fusion systems which possess a normal subgroup.

The width of verbal subgroups in profinite groups

Simons, Nicholas James January 2009 (has links)
The main result of this thesis is an original proof that every word has finite width in a compact $p$-adic analytic group. The proof we give here is an alternative to Andrei Jaikin-Zapirain's recent proof of the same result, and utilises entirely group-theoretical ideas. We accomplish this by reducing the problem to a proof that every word has finite width in a profinite group which is virtually a polycyclic pro-$p$ group. To obtain this latter result we first establish that such a group can be embedded as an open subgroup of a group of the form $N_1M_1$, where $N_1$ is a finitely generated closed normal nilpotent subgroup, and $M_1$ is a finitely generated closed nilpotent-by-finite subgroup; we then adapt a method of V. A. Romankov. As a corollary we note that our approach also proves that every word has finite width in a polycyclic-by-finite group (which is not profinite). As a supplementary result we show that for finitely generated closed subgroups $H$ and $K$ of a profinite group the commutator subgroup $[H,K]$ is closed, and give examples to show that various hypotheses are necessary. This implies that the outer-commutator words have finite width in profinite groups of finite rank. We go on to establish some bounds for this width. In addition, we show that every word has finite width in a product of a nilpotent group of finite rank and a virtually nilpotent group of finite rank. We consider the possible application of this to soluble minimax groups.

Aspects of branch groups

Garrido, Alejandra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a study of the subgroup structure of some remarkable groups of automorphisms of rooted trees. It is divided into two parts. The main result of the first part is seemingly of an algorithmic nature, establishing that the Gupta--Sidki 3-group G has solvable membership problem. This follows the approach of Grigorchuk and Wilson who showed the same result for the Grigorchuk group. The proof, however, is not algorithmic, and it moreover shows a striking subgroup property of G: that all its infinite finitely generated subgroups are abstractly commensurable with either G or G × G. This is then used to show that G is subgroup separable which, together with some nice presentability properties of G, implies that the membership problem is solvable. The proof of the main theorem is also used to show that G satisfies a "strong fractal" property, in that every infinite finitely generated subgroup acts like G on some rooted subtree. The second part concerns the subgroup structure of branch and weakly branch groups in general. Motivated by a natural question raised in the first part, a necessary condition for direct products of branch groups to be abstractly commensurable is obtained. From this condition it follows that the Gupta--Sidki 3-group is not abstractly commensurable with its direct square. The first main result in the second part states that any (weakly) branch action of a group on a rooted tree is determined by the subgroup structure of the group. This is then applied to answer a question of Bartholdi, Siegenthaler and Zalesskii, showing that the congruence subgroup property for branch and weakly branch groups is independent of the actions on a tree. Finally, the information obtained on subgroups of branch groups is used to examine which groups have an essentially unique branch action and why this holds.

Asymptotic invariants of infinite discrete groups

Riley, Timothy Rupert January 2002 (has links)
<b>Asymptotic cones.</b> A finitely generated group has a word metric, which one can scale and thereby view the group from increasingly distant vantage points. The group coalesces to an "asymptotic cone" in the limit (this is made precise using techniques of non-standard analysis). The reward is that in place of the discrete group one has a continuous object "that is amenable to attack by geometric (e.g. topological, infinitesimal) machinery" (to quote Gromov). We give coarse geometric conditions for a metric space X to have N-connected asymptotic cones. These conditions are expressed in terms of certain filling functions concerning filling N-spheres in an appropriately coarse sense. We interpret the criteria in the case where X is a finitely generated group &Gamma; with a word metric. This leads to upper bounds on filling functions for groups with simply connected cones -- in particular they have linearly bounded filling length functions. We prove that if all the asymptotic cones of &Gamma; are N-connected then &Gamma; is of type F<sub>N+1</sub> and we provide N-th order isoperimetric and isodiametric functions. Also we show that the asymptotic cones of a virtually polycyclic group &Gamma; are all contractible if and only if &Gamma; is virtually nilpotent. <b>Combable groups and almost-convex groups.</b> A combing of a finitely generated group &Gamma; is a normal form; that is a choice of word (a combing line) for each group element that satisfies a geometric constraint: nearby group elements have combing lines that fellow travel. An almost-convexity condition concerns the geometry of closed balls in the Cayley graph for &Gamma;. We show that even the most mild combability or almost-convexity restrictions on a finitely presented group already force surprisingly strong constraints on the geometry of its word problem. In both cases we obtain an n! isoperimetric function, and upper bounds of ~ n<sup>2</sup> on both the minimal isodiametric function and the filling length function.

Finiteness properties of fibre products

Kuckuck, Benno January 2012 (has links)
A group Γ is of type F<sub>n</sub> for some n ≥ 1 if it has a classifying complex with finite n-skeleton. These properties generalise the classical notions of finite generation and finite presentability. We investigate the higher finiteness properties for fibre products of groups.

Algebraic modules for finite groups

Craven, David Andrew January 2007 (has links)
The main focus of this thesis is algebraic modules---modules that satisfy a polynomial equation with integer co-efficients in the Green ring---in various finite groups, as well as their general theory. In particular, we ask the question `when are all the simple modules for a finite group G algebraic?' We call this the (p-)SMA property. The first chapter introduces the topic and deals with preliminary results, together with the trivial first results. The second chapter provides the general theory of algebraic modules, with particular attention to the relationship between algebraic modules and the composition factors of a group, and between algebraic modules and the Heller operator and Auslander--Reiten quiver. The third chapter concerns itself with indecomposable modules for dihedral and elementary abelian groups. The study of such groups is both interesting in its own right, and can be applied to studying simple modules for simple groups, such as the sporadic groups in the final chapter. The fourth chapter analyzes the groups PSL(2,q); here we determine, in characteristic 2, which simple modules for PSL(2,q) are algebraic, for any odd q. The fifth chapter generalizes this analysis to many groups of Lie type, although most results here are in defining characteristic only. Notable exceptions include the small Ree groups, which have the 2-SMA property for all q. The sixth and final chapter focuses on the sporadic groups: for most groups we provide results on some simple modules, and some of the groups are completely analyzed in all characteristics. This is normally carried out by restricting to the Sylow p-subgroup. This thesis develops the current state of knowledge concerning algebraic modules for finite groups, and particularly for which simple groups, and for which primes, all simple modules are algebraic.

Geometric and probabilistic aspects of groups with hyperbolic features

Sisto, Alessandro January 2013 (has links)
The main objects of interest in this thesis are relatively hyperbolic groups. We will study some of their geometric properties, and we will be especially concerned with geometric properties of their boundaries, like linear connectedness, avoidability of parabolic points, etc. Exploiting such properties will allow us to construct, under suitable hypotheses, quasi-isometric embeddings of hyperbolic planes into relatively hyperbolic groups and quasi-isometric embeddings of relatively hyperbolic groups into products of trees. Both results have applications to fundamental groups of 3-manifolds. We will also study probabilistic properties of relatively hyperbolic groups and of groups containing ``hyperbolic directions'' despite not being relatively hyperbolic, like mapping class groups, Out(F<sub>n</sub>), CAT(0) groups and subgroups of the above. In particular, we will show that the elements that generate the ``hyperbolic directions'' (hyperbolic elements in relatively hyperbolic groups, pseudo-Anosovs in mapping class groups, fully irreducible elements in Out(F<sub>n</sub>) and rank one elements in CAT(0) groups) are generic in the corresponding groups (provided at least one exists, in the case of CAT(0) groups, or of proper subgroups). We also study how far a random path can stray from a geodesic in the context of relatively hyperbolic groups and mapping class groups, but also of groups acting on a relatively hyperbolic space. We will apply this, for example, to show properties of random triangles.

Étale homotopy sections of algebraic varieties

Haydon, James Henri January 2014 (has links)
We define and study the fundamental pro-finite 2-groupoid of varieties X defined over a field k. This is a higher algebraic invariant of a scheme X, analogous to the higher fundamental path 2-groupoids as defined for topological spaces. This invariant is related to previously defined invariants, for example the absolute Galois group of a field, and Grothendieck’s étale fundamental group. The special case of Brauer-Severi varieties is considered, in which case a “sections conjecture” type theorem is proved. It is shown that a Brauer-Severi variety X has a rational point if and only if its étale fundamental 2-groupoid has a special sort of section.

The length of conjugators in solvable groups and lattices of semisimple Lie groups

Sale, Andrew W. January 2012 (has links)
The conjugacy length function of a group Γ determines, for a given a pair of conjugate elements u,v ∈ Γ, an upper bound for the shortest γ in Γ such that uγ = γv, relative to the lengths of u and v. This thesis focuses on estimating the conjugacy length function in certain finitely generated groups. We first look at a collection of solvable groups. We see how the lamplighter groups have a linear conjugacy length function; we find a cubic upper bound for free solvable groups; for solvable Baumslag--Solitar groups it is linear, while for a larger family of abelian-by-cyclic groups we get either a linear or exponential upper bound; also we show that for certain polycyclic metabelian groups it is at most exponential. We also investigate how taking a wreath product effects conjugacy length, as well as other group extensions. The Magnus embedding is an important tool in the study of free solvable groups. It embeds a free solvable group into a wreath product of a free abelian group and a free solvable group of shorter derived length. Within this thesis we show that the Magnus embedding is a quasi-isometric embedding. This result is not only used for obtaining an upper bound on the conjugacy length function of free solvable groups, but also for giving a lower bound for their L<sub>p</sub> compression exponents. Conjugacy length is also studied between certain types of elements in lattices of higher-rank semisimple real Lie groups. In particular we obtain linear upper bounds for the length of a conjugator from the ambient Lie group within certain families of real hyperbolic elements and unipotent elements. For the former we use the geometry of the associated symmetric space, while for the latter algebraic techniques are employed.

Symmetries of free and right-angled Artin groups

Wade, Richard D. January 2012 (has links)
The objects of study in this thesis are automorphism groups of free and right-angled Artin groups. Right-angled Artin groups are defined by a presentation where the only relations are commutators of the generating elements. When there are no relations the right-angled-Artin group is a free group and if we take all possible relations we have a free abelian group. We show that if no finite index subgroup of a group $G$ contains a normal subgroup that maps onto $mathbb{Z}$, then every homomorphism from $G$ to the outer automorphism group of a free group has finite image. The above criterion is satisfied by SL$_m(mathbb{Z})$ for $m geq 3$ and, more generally, all irreducible lattices in higher-rank, semisimple Lie groups with finite centre. Given a right-angled Artin group $A_Gamma$ we find an integer $n$, which may be easily read off from the presentation of $A_G$, such that if $m geq 3$ then SL$_m(mathbb{Z})$ is a subgroup of the outer automorphism group of $A_Gamma$ if and only if $m leq n$. More generally, we find criteria to prevent a group from having a homomorphism to the outer automorphism group of $A_Gamma$ with infinite image, and apply this to a large number of irreducible lattices as above. We study the subgroup $IA(A_Gamma)$ of $Aut(A_Gamma)$ that acts trivially on the abelianisation of $A_Gamma$. We show that $IA(A_Gamma)$ is residually torsion-free nilpotent and describe its abelianisation. This is complemented by a survey of previous results concerning the lower central series of $A_Gamma$. One of the commonly used generating sets of $Aut(F_n)$ is the set of Whitehead automorphisms. We describe a geometric method for decomposing an element of $Aut(F_n)$ as a product of Whitehead automorphisms via Stallings' folds. We finish with a brief discussion of the action of $Out(F_n)$ on Culler and Vogtmann's Outer Space. In particular we describe translation lengths of elements with regards to the `non-symmetric Lipschitz metric' on Outer Space.

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