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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The geology and geochemistry of the North Fork stock, northeastern Oregon

Matty, David Joseph 01 January 1979 (has links)
The North Fork stock is a composite intrusive body of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous age which outcrops in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon. The upper 600 m of the intrusion are exposed over an area of approximately 36 km squared along the canyon walls of the North Fork of the John Day River in Grant and Umatilla counties. The stock intrudes metasediments, metavolcanics, and metagabbros associated with the Permian-Triassic Elkhorn Ridge Argillite. Contact metamorphism of the Elkhorn Ridge Argillite is developed to the hornblende-hornfels facies throughout most of the exposed area of this unit in the study area. The contact aureole of the North Fork stock extends away from the intrusive margins and ultimately grades into regionally metamorphosed greenschist- and amphibolite facies rocks. The metamorphic rocks exhibit a pronounced regional trend of foliation which is disrupted where it intersects intrusive contacts at steep angles.

A geochemical study of the Rhododendron and Dalles formations in the area of Mount Hood, Oregon

Gannett, Marshall W. 01 January 1981 (has links)
The Miocene Rhododendron and Dalles Formations in the Mount Hood area are accumulations of chiefly pyroclastic andesitic material, largely confined to the Dalles-Mount Hood syncline. These very similar units are geographically separated by overlying andesites including the present Mount Hood cone, and past workers (Hodge 1938, Wise 1969) have suspected that they may share a common source. Prior to this study, few geochemical data were available for the Rhododendron and the Dalles Formations, compared to the well studied Columbia River basalts underlying them and the overlying Pliocene andesites. This geochemical study was designed to investigate certain aspects of the Rhododendron and Dalles Formations such as their possible common source, how they differ chemically from other andesites in the area, and how they fit into the chemical evolution of the Cascade Mountains.

A stratigraphic-geochemical study of the Troutdale Formation and Sandy River Mudstone in the Portland basin and lower Columbia River Gorge

Swanson, Rodney Duane 01 January 1986 (has links)
Hyaloclastic sediment forms an identifiable stratigraphic interval within the Troutdale Formation that can be traced from the Bridal Veil channel to the Portland basin. Hyaloclastic sediment composed chiefly vitric sands is found interbedded with muds, sandy muds and gravels penetrated by wells in northeast Portland are correlated with the upper member of the Troutdale Formation. These beds are characteristic of the informal upper member of the Troutdale Formation in the Bridal Veil channel of the ancestral Columbia River (Tolan and Beeson, 1984) and the type area of the Troutdale Formation exposed along the Sandy River (Trimble, 1963). Fluvially deposited hyaloclastic beds within the upper Troutdale Formation are interpreted to be the result of interaction of Cascadian basaltic lavas with an ancestral Columbia River (Tolan and Beeson, 1984; Trimble, 1963). Glass clasts taken from well and outcrop samples have nearly identical trace and minor element geochemical content as determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis.

The Geology, Geochemistry, and Alteration of Red Butte, Oregon: A Precious Metal-Bearing Paleo Hot Spring System

Evans, Carol Susan 01 January 1986 (has links)
Red Butte is located 60 km south of Vale, Oregon, about 20 km west of the Oregon/Idaho border. The butte is within the Owyhee Upland physiographic province of eastern Oregon which lies at the intersection of the Western Snake River Plain, the High Lava Plains, and the Northern Basin and Range provinces. The butte is composed of Miocene to Pliocene lacustrine and fluvial volcaniclastic sediments. The topography of the butte is controlled by silicification of the sandstones and mudstones which cap it. Silicification and hydrothermal alteration are both structurally and stratigraphically controlled. North-trending normal faults dominate the area, and show progressively less offset in younger units. Strong northwest and minor northeast faults also cut the area. Anomalous concentrations of Au, As, Sb, and Hg occur in banded quartz, quartz-adularia veins and rarely in calcite-quartz veins cutting basalts. The silicified mudstones at the butte top are generally barren. An hydrothermal explosion crater exposed on the southeast side of the butte lies at the intersection of north and northwest-trending faults. Banded quartz veins, quartz-adularia veins, and quartz-cemented breccias are exposed in the walls of the explosion crater. There is evidence of multiple brecciation events. A few mudstones exposed in the crater wall have an exhalative texture, contain pyrite des seminated along bedding, and contain trace amounts of Au. The Red Butte system developed as a hot spring venting into a lake, possibly within a caldera. Periodic influxes of air fall tuffs and coarser clastic sediments diluted accumulating fine grained clastic and chemical sediments. As hot, silica saturated fluids rose into cooler lake waters they were cooled and diluted, resulting in silica flocculation near the vents and silicification of the lake sediments as they were deposited. Faults cutting the butte acted as conduits for the hydrothermal fluids. Overpressuring, caused by silica sealing of open fractures, resulted in explosions, generally followed by resealing of the system. Simultaneous faulting, sedimentation, and hot spring activity occurred at different rates throughout the life of the system. Late in the life of the system, the local water table dropped, and the lake was replaced by a high-energy fluvial system. As the water table dropped below the surface, zones of low pH alteration and bleaching were developed above the hydrothermal vents, implying boiling at depth. The large explosion crater and bedded explosion breccia on the southeast side of the butte were formed in these last stages of hydrothermal activity.

Mineralogy, geochemistry, and dispersal of opaque oxides on the continental shelf of the Cascadia margin

Ravi, Kommajosyula Subramanya 01 January 1992 (has links)
Opaque oxide minerals (ilmenite, chromite, and magnetite) in sands from the Oregon continental shelf have been studied to establish the provenance, dispersal, and grade of potential shelf placer deposits. The study area extends southward from offshore of the Columbia River in northern Oregon to the Klamath River in northern California.

Geochemical characteristics of iron-manganese nodules in seasonally-saturated soils of the Willamette Valley, Oregon

Seter, Lisa M. 15 July 1998 (has links)
Graduation date: 1999

Field Mapping Investigation and Geochemical Analysis of Volcanic Units within the Dinner Creek Tuff Eruptive Center, Malheur County, Eastern Oregon

Cruz, Matthew 05 September 2017 (has links)
The Dinner Creek Tuff is a mid-Miocene rhyolitic to dacitic ignimbrite, consisting of four cooling units with 40Ar/39Ar ages 16--15 Ma. Previous geologists have suspected that the source of the tuff is located in northwestern Malheur County, eastern Oregon. This broad area is called the Dinner Creek Tuff Eruptive Center. This thesis summarizes field work, XRF/ICP-MS geochemistry, thin section petrography, and SEM feldspar analysis from the summers of 2015 and 2016. The main purpose of this study is to identify sources for the Dinner Creek Tuff units within the Dinner Creek Tuff Eruptive Center. The secondary purpose is to map lava flows that pre-date and post-date the Dinner Creek Tuff, and correlate them with regionally extensive volcanic units. Two volcanic centers related to the Dinner Creek Tuff were identified. The southern volcanic center, centered at Castle Rock, is a caldera and source of the Dinner Creek Tuff unit 1 (DIT1). Rheomorphic, densely welded DIT1 is over 300 m thick along the east side of Castle Rock. The northwestern margin of the caldera has been uplifted along faults, showing vertically foliated tuff dikes and associated mega-breccia deposits. Up to 200 m of incipiently welded tuffs, and fluvial volcanoclastic sediments were deposited on the caldera floor, which has been uplifted due to resurgence and regional extension, creating the complex structural relationships between the volcanic units. The northern volcanic center is located at Ironside Mountain, where densely welded rheomorphic Dinner Creek Tuff unit 2 (DIT2) is exposed in outcrops over 600 m thick. The top of the DIT2 consists of glassy, moderately welded tuff. Sources for the DIT2 are tuff dikes along the south and western flanks of Ironside Mountain. The thick deposits of DIT2 at Ironside Mountain indicate that the mountain is an uplifted caldera, herein named the Ironside Mountain caldera. Uplift may have been due to resurgence, but it is most likely due to normal faulting along the Border Fault, a major regional normal fault that strikes across the northern margin of the caldera. Pre-Dinner Creek Tuff lava flows occur throughout the study area, and can be correlated with the Strawberry Volcanics and the Basalt of Malheur Gorge. A distinct lava flow, herein called the Ring Butte trachy-basalt occurs within the center of the study area, and is distinct from regional lava flows. Following the eruptions of the Dinner Creek Tuff units 1 & 2, aphyric basaltic-andesite and icelandite intrude into, and overlie the intra-caldera tuffs and caldera floor sediments at both calderas. These aphyric lavas are similar in appearance and stratigraphic position with the regionally extensive Hunter Creek basalt. Porphyritic olivine basalt overlies the aphyric Hunter Creek basalt at the Castle Rock caldera. This porphyritic lava is similar in appearance and major/trace element geochemistry to the regional Tim's Peak basalt.

Geochemistry, Alluvial Facies Distribution, Hydrogeology, and Groundwater Quality of the Dallas-Monmouth Area, Oregon

Caldwell, Rodney R 23 April 1993 (has links)
The Dallas-Monmouth area, located in the west-central Willamette Valley, Oregon, consists of Tertiary marine and volcanic bedrock units which are locally overlain by alluvium. The occurrence of groundwater with high salinities has forced many rural residents to use public water supplies. Lithologic descriptions from driller's logs, geochemical (INAA), and x-ray diffraction analyses were used to determine alluvial facies distribution, geochemical and clay mineral distinctions among the units, and possible sediment sources. Driller's log, chemical and isotopic analysis, and specific conductance information from wells and springs were used to study the hydrogeologic characteristics of the aquifers and determine the distribution, characteristics, controlling factors, and origin of the problem groundwaters. Three lithologic units are recognized within the alluvium on the basis of grain-size: 1) a lower fine-grained unit; 2) a coarse-grained unit; and 3) an upper fine-grained unit. As indicated by geochemical data, probable sediment sources include: 1) Cascade Range for the recent river alluvium; 2) Columbia Basin plutonic or metamorphic rocks for the upper fine-grained older alluvium; and 3) Siletz River Volcanics from the west for the coarse-grained sediment of the older alluvium. The Spencer Formation (Ts) is geochemically distinct from the Yamhill Formation (Ty) and the undifferentiated Eocene-Oligocene sedimentary rock (Toe) with higher Th, Rb, K, and La and lower Fe, Sc, and Co concentrations. The clay mineralogy of the Ty is predominantly smectite (86%) while the Ts contains a more varied clay suite (kaolinite, 39%; smectite, 53%; and illite 8%). The Ty and Toe are geochemically similar, but are separated stratigraphically by the Ts. The Siletz River Volcanics is distinct from the marine sedimentary units with higher Fe, Na, Co, Cr and Sc concentrations. The Ty and Toe are geochemically similar to volcanic-arc derived sediments while the Ts is similar to more chemically-evolved continental crust material. Wells that encounter groundwater with high salinities (TDS>300 mg/1): 1) obtain water from the marine sedimentary bedrock units or the older alluvium; 2) are completed within zones of relatively low permeability (specific capacities ~5 gpm/ft); and 3) are located in relatively low-lying topographic settings. The poor quality waters occurring under these conditions may be due to the occurrence of mineralized, regional flow system waters. Aquifers of low permeability are less likely to be flushed with recent meteoric water, whereas upland areas and areas with little low permeability overburden are likely zones of active recharge and flushing with fresh, meteoric water. The most saline waters sampled have average isotopic values (6D = -6.7 ° / 00 and 60 = -1.7 ° / 00 ) very near to SMOW, while the other waters sampled have isotopic signatures indicative of a local meteoric origin. The Br/Cl ratios of most (10 of 14) of the waters sampled are within 20% of seawater. A marine connate origin is proposed for these waters with varying amounts of dilution with meteoric waters and water-rock interaction. The problem waters can be classified into three chemically distinct groups: 1) CaC12 waters, with Ca as the dominant cation; 2) NaCl waters with Na as the dominant cation; and 3) Na-Ca-Cl waters with nearly equal Na and Ca concentrations. The NaCl and CaC12 waters may have similar marine connate origins, but have undergone different evolutionary histories. The Na-Ca-Cl waters may represent a mixing of the NaCl and CaC12 waters.

Geochemistry of the Boring Lava along the West Side of the Tualatin Mountains and of Sediments from Drill Holes in the Portland and Tualatin Basins, Portland, Oregon

Barnes, Michelle Lynn 06 October 1995 (has links)
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) was used to identify geochemical groups in Boring Lava along the west side of the Tualatin Mountains, and in sediments of the Portland and Tualatin basins. Samples of Boring Lava were obtained from TriMet drill core collected during planning of the tunnel alignment for the Westside Light Rail line. Additional samples of Boring Lava were collected from outcrops along the west side of the Tualatin Mountains. Samples of sediment from the Tualatin and Portland basins were obtained from drill core collected during an Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Earthquake Hazards Mapping project. INAA of Boring Lava samples resulted in the identification of three geochemical groups. Additional data sets, including x-ray fluorescence geochemistry, magnetic polarity, and age dates, allowed for the distinction of three Boring Lava units. The Boring Lava of Barnes Road is a young, normal unit, the Boring Lava of Sylvan Hill is an older normal unit, and the Boring Lava of Cornell Mountain is the oldest, reversed unit. The surf ace distribution, identified using topography and outcrop geochemistry, is consistent with the subsurface distribution, identified using boring logs and core geochemistry. Volcanic vent locations are proposed at topographic highs within the identified surface distribution of the Boring Lava of Barnes Road. INAA of sediment samples resulted in the identification of seven groups: (1) Columbia River source sediments, (2) lower Troutdale Formation, (3) Reed Island ashes, (4) young Columbia River sediments, (5) highalumina basalt sediments, (6) episodic Cascadian volcanic sediments, and (7) Columbia River Basalt Group (CRBG) sediments. Only the CRBG sediments group was identified in the Tualatin basin, while all seven groups were identified in the Portland basin. This appears to demonstrate that the sediment packages in the two basins are different. Finally, each sediment group can be placed into one of three broad geochemical categories: Columbia River source sediments and lower Troutdale Formation represent a Columbia River or continental source; Reed Island ashes, young Columbia River sediments, high-alumina basalt sediments, and episodic Cascadian volcanic sediments represent a Cascadian or local source; and CRBG sediments represent residual soils or sediments overlying Columbia River basalt flows.

The Mist gas field, N.W. Oregon : source rock characterization and stable isotope (C,H,N) geochemistry

Stormberg, Gregory J. 28 June 1991 (has links)
Graduation date: 1992

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