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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrando dimensiones para la comprensión del proceso de abandono de los sistemas de andenería de la comunidad campesina de San Juan de Iris, subcuenca Santa Eulalia, Huarochirí

Yakabi Bedriñana, Katiusca Susana 04 September 2017 (has links)
The present research, "Integrating dimensions for the understanding of the abandonment process of highland terracing systems of the rural community of San Juan de Iris, Santa Eulalia sub–basin, Huarochirí" has as general objective to analyze articulately physical, social, economic, productive and institutional factors that lead to the abandonment of the highland terracing systems. The integrated understanding of the problematic is the base to propose recommendations for a productive system that contributes to the sustainable development of the community, as well as to the conservation and enhancement of its agricultural terraces. In order to achieve this objective, the methodology was organized in three phases in which instruments of different sciences, such as soil science, geography and anthropology, were applied to collect qualitative and quantitative information. The first phase consisted in a revision of bibliographical, statistical and cartographical information, as a basis for the research approach and the methodology itself. In the fieldwork, soil samples of the platforms were taken, and quantitative information and perception were collected through surveys, interviews and a workshop. Finally, in the third phase, precipitation data was acquired with the subsequent calculation of interannual variability, the physical and chemical properties of the sampled soil were analyzed and interpreted, the information obtained from the surveys, interviews and workshop were systematized and the analysis was made. Applying a participatory approach, the rural community of San Juan de Iris was involved throughout the investigation to be an active part of the process. The highland terracing system studied belongs to the rural community of San Juan de Iris, in the district of the same name, located in left margin of the upper part of the Santa Eulalia sub– basin, Huarochirí, in the Andean zone of Lima. In the 1990s, this community was benefited from a rehabilitation experience of the National Program for Watershed Management and Soil Conservation (PRONAMACHCS, for its acronym in Spanish); nevertheless, at the present time, 59.7% of its terracing systems are in a situation of abandonment. For this reason, this community was chosen as the case study. Field verification carried out by PRONAMACHCS indicates that the abandonment of terraces in San Juan de Iris was in an 80% due to the water deficit (natural factor) and 20% to the migration from the countryside to the city (social factor). However, the Andean rural reality is much more complex; therefore, physical, institutional, economic-productive, and social dimensions of the territory were explored in the research. The main drivers of the abandonment of the San Juan de Iris terracing systems were the search for generating economic power (economic-productive factor); migration of young people and adults (social factor); perception of decrease and lack of water resources (physical-natural factor); change in the regime of the land tenure (institutional factor); and dependence on projects and programs of external agents (socio-institutional factor). With the main drivers of the abandonment process of the terracing systems identified, it is possible to propose the actions in order to eliminate the causes of the problem. Otherwise, the consequences derived from the abandonment process will intensify: underutilization of the soil resource and food insecurity; increasing pressure on the natural pasture ecosystem that leads to a risk in the profitability of livestock; loss of ancestral technique and knowledge; and lack of initiative for the conservation of their agricultural terraces and for the development of the community. As a solution strategy is proposed to position the highland terraces as key element in the development of the rural community of San Juan de Iris. For this, the agriculture on terraces must respond to the expectations of the community, so that by their own and shared initiative, they will include this productive and cultural resource in their vision of development. / Tesis

Cambios en la cobertura del suelo en el distrito de Cajamarca 1987-2004

Reyes Acevedo, Martín Alejandro 23 June 2011 (has links)
En las últimas décadas, las áreas rurales en el Perú han estado cambiando debido a la introducción y desarrollo de nuevas actividades económicas como la minería. Esta es una actividad que genera cambios físicos que se manifiestan en la cobertura del suelo y pueden ser estudiados mediante la geomática. Se entiende por cobertura del suelo a aquella cobertura, ya sea física o biológica, que se observa sobre la superficie de la tierra, y que, desde un sentido estricto, debe ser confinada a la descripción de la vegetación y de los elementos de origen antrópico (Anderson et al. 1976, Di Gregorio y Jansen 2005). El área de estudio comprende el distrito de Cajamarca, ubicado en la provincia y departamento del mismo nombre, al norte del Perú. Abarca una extensión de 380.5 km2 y alberga la explotación minera aurífera más importante del país: Yanacocha. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la extensión y el cambio en la cobertura del suelo en el distrito de Cajamarca entre 1987 y 2004, que sirva como información de base para futuros planes de desarrollo. La metodología estuvo basada en el uso de la geomática: percepción remota y SIG. Se utilizó una imagen Aster de 2004 de 15 m. de resolución y una imagen Landsat TM de 1987 de 30 m. de resolución, que fue remuestreada a 15 m; en un trabajo de campo para identificar las principales coberturas y en la adopción del Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) de la FAO. Como resultado, el área de estudio ha experimentado un cambio en la cobertura del suelo, en la red hidrográfica y vial. El área total que ha experimentado cambios en la cobertura del suelo es de 17086 has., que representa el 44.9% del distrito. El mayor cambio es la transformación de cultivos a vegetación herbácea rala ya que ocupan el 21% del área con cambios. Igualmente, la transformación de pasto natural a vegetación herbácea rala, que representa el 13.6% del área con cambios, hacen que ésta última sea la unidad de cobertura que más se incrementó. La cubierta vegetal que ha sido transformada a área de extracción representa el 17.8% del área de estudio. Asimismo, ha comprometido a siete microcuencas en las que han desaparecido 1819.7 has. de pasto natural, vegetación arbustiva, cultivos, pasto cultivado y plantación forestal. / Tesis

Integrando dimensiones para la comprensión del proceso de abandono de los sistemas de andenería de la comunidad campesina de San Juan de Iris, subcuenca Santa Eulalia, Huarochirí

Yakabi Bedriñana, Katiusca Susana 04 September 2017 (has links)
The present research, "Integrating dimensions for the understanding of the abandonment process of highland terracing systems of the rural community of San Juan de Iris, Santa Eulalia sub–basin, Huarochirí" has as general objective to analyze articulately physical, social, economic, productive and institutional factors that lead to the abandonment of the highland terracing systems. The integrated understanding of the problematic is the base to propose recommendations for a productive system that contributes to the sustainable development of the community, as well as to the conservation and enhancement of its agricultural terraces. In order to achieve this objective, the methodology was organized in three phases in which instruments of different sciences, such as soil science, geography and anthropology, were applied to collect qualitative and quantitative information. The first phase consisted in a revision of bibliographical, statistical and cartographical information, as a basis for the research approach and the methodology itself. In the fieldwork, soil samples of the platforms were taken, and quantitative information and perception were collected through surveys, interviews and a workshop. Finally, in the third phase, precipitation data was acquired with the subsequent calculation of interannual variability, the physical and chemical properties of the sampled soil were analyzed and interpreted, the information obtained from the surveys, interviews and workshop were systematized and the analysis was made. Applying a participatory approach, the rural community of San Juan de Iris was involved throughout the investigation to be an active part of the process. The highland terracing system studied belongs to the rural community of San Juan de Iris, in the district of the same name, located in left margin of the upper part of the Santa Eulalia sub– basin, Huarochirí, in the Andean zone of Lima. In the 1990s, this community was benefited from a rehabilitation experience of the National Program for Watershed Management and Soil Conservation (PRONAMACHCS, for its acronym in Spanish); nevertheless, at the present time, 59.7% of its terracing systems are in a situation of abandonment. For this reason, this community was chosen as the case study. Field verification carried out by PRONAMACHCS indicates that the abandonment of terraces in San Juan de Iris was in an 80% due to the water deficit (natural factor) and 20% to the migration from the countryside to the city (social factor). However, the Andean rural reality is much more complex; therefore, physical, institutional, economic-productive, and social dimensions of the territory were explored in the research. The main drivers of the abandonment of the San Juan de Iris terracing systems were the search for generating economic power (economic-productive factor); migration of young people and adults (social factor); perception of decrease and lack of water resources (physical-natural factor); change in the regime of the land tenure (institutional factor); and dependence on projects and programs of external agents (socio-institutional factor). With the main drivers of the abandonment process of the terracing systems identified, it is possible to propose the actions in order to eliminate the causes of the problem. Otherwise, the consequences derived from the abandonment process will intensify: underutilization of the soil resource and food insecurity; increasing pressure on the natural pasture ecosystem that leads to a risk in the profitability of livestock; loss of ancestral technique and knowledge; and lack of initiative for the conservation of their agricultural terraces and for the development of the community. As a solution strategy is proposed to position the highland terraces as key element in the development of the rural community of San Juan de Iris. For this, the agriculture on terraces must respond to the expectations of the community, so that by their own and shared initiative, they will include this productive and cultural resource in their vision of development.

Cambios en la cobertura del suelo en el distrito de Cajamarca 1987-2004

Reyes Acevedo, Martín Alejandro 23 June 2011 (has links)
En las últimas décadas, las áreas rurales en el Perú han estado cambiando debido a la introducción y desarrollo de nuevas actividades económicas como la minería. Esta es una actividad que genera cambios físicos que se manifiestan en la cobertura del suelo y pueden ser estudiados mediante la geomática. Se entiende por cobertura del suelo a aquella cobertura, ya sea física o biológica, que se observa sobre la superficie de la tierra, y que, desde un sentido estricto, debe ser confinada a la descripción de la vegetación y de los elementos de origen antrópico (Anderson et al. 1976, Di Gregorio y Jansen 2005). El área de estudio comprende el distrito de Cajamarca, ubicado en la provincia y departamento del mismo nombre, al norte del Perú. Abarca una extensión de 380.5 km2 y alberga la explotación minera aurífera más importante del país: Yanacocha. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la extensión y el cambio en la cobertura del suelo en el distrito de Cajamarca entre 1987 y 2004, que sirva como información de base para futuros planes de desarrollo. La metodología estuvo basada en el uso de la geomática: percepción remota y SIG. Se utilizó una imagen Aster de 2004 de 15 m. de resolución y una imagen Landsat TM de 1987 de 30 m. de resolución, que fue remuestreada a 15 m; en un trabajo de campo para identificar las principales coberturas y en la adopción del Land Cover Classification System (LCCS) de la FAO. Como resultado, el área de estudio ha experimentado un cambio en la cobertura del suelo, en la red hidrográfica y vial. El área total que ha experimentado cambios en la cobertura del suelo es de 17086 has., que representa el 44.9% del distrito. El mayor cambio es la transformación de cultivos a vegetación herbácea rala ya que ocupan el 21% del área con cambios. Igualmente, la transformación de pasto natural a vegetación herbácea rala, que representa el 13.6% del área con cambios, hacen que ésta última sea la unidad de cobertura que más se incrementó. La cubierta vegetal que ha sido transformada a área de extracción representa el 17.8% del área de estudio. Asimismo, ha comprometido a siete microcuencas en las que han desaparecido 1819.7 has. de pasto natural, vegetación arbustiva, cultivos, pasto cultivado y plantación forestal.

Conservación del puma andino (Puma concolor) a través de una propuesta de corredor ecológico frente a la fragmentación de su hábitat en el distrito de Olmos, provincia y departamento de Lambayeque

Mendoza Acosta, Milagros Carolina 16 January 2024 (has links)
El puma andino (Puma concolor) posee funciones ecológicas muy importantes en los ecosistemas en que habita como mantener el equilibrio ecológico y ser especie paraguas. Aun así, se encuentra en estados de conservación negativos a distintas escalas geográficas en el país. En el norte peruano, se debe a la deforestación y la expansión de la frontera agrícola, que han originado cambios en el uso del suelo. Este estudio abarca el distrito de Olmos, Lambayeque, con el objetivo de identificar las áreas con mayor aptitud de hábitat para la distribución de Puma concolor y modelar un corredor ecológico para su conservación. La importancia del tema recae en los efectos de las dinámicas humanas en el hábitat de la especie y, con ello, analizar qué medidas de conservación se pueden proponer para lograr el desarrollo sostenible de ambas partes y mejorar su interacción. Los resultados se obtienen mediante teledetección (clasificaciones supervisadas) entre 2016 hasta el 2022, superposición de variables y modelamiento con CorridorDesigner. Estos se analizan mediante tres bases teóricas: ecología del paisaje, biología de la conservación y la ecología de Puma concolor. En síntesis, hay reducción de la cobertura vegetal natural y aumento de la agricultura, que suele introducirse en el bosque seco, fragmentándolo. Los cambios de uso de suelo y la menor disponibilidad de cobertura natural terminan por situar a la especie en áreas críticas. Por ende, el objetivo final es modelar un corredor ecológico para conservar a Puma concolor, en el que se identifica su ruta de menor coste y tres puntos críticos. / The Andean puma (Puma concolor) has very important ecological functions in the ecosystems in which it lives, such as maintaining the ecological balance and being an umbrella species. Even so, it is in a negative state of conservation at different geographic scales in the country. In northern Peru, this is due to deforestation and the expansion of the agricultural frontier, which have caused changes in land use. This study covers the district of Olmos, Lambayeque, with the objective of identifying the areas with the greatest habitat suitability for the distribution of Puma concolor and modeling an ecological corridor for its conservation. The importance of the subject lies in the effects of human dynamics on the habitat of the species and, with this, to analyze what conservation measures can be proposed to achieve sustainable development of both parties and improve their interaction. The results are obtained by remote sensing (supervised classifications) between 2016 and 2022, superimposition of variables and modeling with CorridorDesigner. These are analyzed using three theoretical bases: landscape ecology, conservation biology and the ecology of Puma concolor. In summary, there is a reduction in natural vegetation cover and an increase in agriculture, which tends to be introduced into the dry forest, fragmenting it. Changes in land use and the reduced availability of natural cover end up placing the species in critical areas. Therefore, the final objective is to model an ecological corridor to conserve Puma concolor, identifying its cost distance and three critical points.

Evaluación de la pérdida de suelo por salinización en la costa peruana – el caso de los distritos de San Antonio y Mala, departamento de Lima

Quezada Zavala, Ximena 18 January 2021 (has links)
La salinización es un proceso de degradación del suelo que se ha ido agravando y expandiendo a lo largo de la costa del Perú. Este proceso de degradación es negativo para los habitantes de los distritos de San Antonio y Mala, departamento de Lima, ya que les impide realizar la agricultura tradicional a lo largo del año. Es justamente por ese motivo que en este trabajo se quiere comprender el proceso y la situación actual de la salinización en estos distritos, mediante la determinación de la expansión de la salinización durante los años 1976 y 2016, e identificar las causas de la evolución y expansión de esta misma en el distrito. La metodología empleada para este trabajo consistió en 3 etapas. La primera es el trabajo de campo, en donde se recogieron muestras de suelo del área de estudio; en segundo lugar el trabajo de laboratorio, en donde se analizaron las muestras bajo los parámetros de textura, pH, conductividad eléctrica, color y materia orgánica; y la tercera y última etapa, la de trabajo de gabinete, en donde se procesaron todos los datos obtenidos y se elaboraron mapas comparativos del área cultivada a partir del análisis de imágenes satelitales de los años 1976 y 2016, y los resultados obtenidos en el laboratorio de los parámetros analizados. Los resultados demostraron que la salinización en el área de estudio se expandió entre 1976 y 2016, llegándose a perder 1690,47 ha de cultivos. Asimismo, en la mayoría de puntos de muestreo, la salinidad se agravó. Esto ocurrió por factores naturales como la cercanía con el mar, y factores antrópicos como la baja calidad de agua de riego, que proviene de aguas residuales y canales de regadío contaminados. / Salinization is a process of soil degradation that has been aggravating and expanding along the coast of Peru in the past decades. This process has a negative impact on the inhabitants of the districts of San Antonio and Mala, in the region of Lima, because it does not allow them to perform their traditional agriculture activities throughout the year. It is precisely for this reason that the current thesis aims to understand the process and the current degree of salinization in these districts. With this objective, the rate of expansion of salinization between the years 1976 and 2016 is determined, as well as the causes of its evolution and growth. The methodology followed consisted in three stages. The first one is field stage, where soil samples were collected from the study area. The second one is laboratory stage, where the samples were analyzed in a laboratory to measure parameters of texture, pH, electrical conductivity, color and organic matter. And the third and final one is the cabinet stage, where the entire laboratory data was processed, merged with satellite images from 1976 and 2016 of the cultivated areas in the surface and presented as comparative maps. The results showed that the salinization has expanded from 1976 and 2016, causing the loss of 1 690,47 hectares of arable land. Also, in the majority of the sampling points, the salinity has worsened. This is caused by natural factors, such as proximity to the sea, and anthropic factors, such as low-quality irrigation water that comes from wastewater discharge and polluted irrigation canals. Finally, the study concludes with strategies proposed to control salinization in the research area.

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