Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geographical factors"" "subject:"ageographical factors""
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Epidemiologie roztroušené sklerózy mozkomíšní / Epidemiology of multiple sclerosisFOŠUM, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
There are approximately 2.5 million cases of multiple sclerosis [MS] in the world. Each year, around 10,000 new cases of MS are diagnosed. There are approximately 0.1%. in the Czech Republic and that means that there are approximately 15,000 people with this disease. Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological inflammatory disease of the central nervous system in pathogenesis. The auto-immune mechanisms are appliedinvolves; both the affect the myelin and damaged axons. This damage is responsible for the permanent disability of MS. The main objective of this thesis was to use quantitative research to describe the occurrence of MS in the Regions of South Bohemia and Usti, and within objective to estimate the true prevalence of multiple sclerosis in the South and the Usti Regions. MUDr. Príkaszký and I used the method of descriptive epidemiological studies on the technique of data collection, as well as the analysis and the comparison of two sources using the double-capture method. As a research area, we used a set of patients with multiple sclerosis. The data were gathered in two regions of the Czech Republic: Usti nad Labem Region and South Bohemia. We investigated the number of patients from neurologists and MS centers in both regions.There is also the data on health insurance included with the Ústí Region in this research. According to the data, we estimated the prevalence of neurologists in South Bohemia to be 79.20 per 100,000 people. The MS Center at the hospital in Ceske Budejovice has registered 512 patients: 388 women and 124 men. The values of the MS Centre in Ceske Budejovice received from the neurologists are a total of 882 patients, which is a prevalence of 138.6 patients per 100,000 of the population. Regarding the Usti Region, the prevalence reported by neurologists is 208.2 per 100 000 people. The MS Center at the hospital in Teplice, has registered 1139 sick 730 women and 409 men. According to health insurance data in their database, of 1187 people listed with a diagnosis of G.35, 333 are men and 854 are women. This represents an estimate of the prevalence 305/100000 of the people who are registered in the NGA. We calculated the prevalence of illnesses from those sources in both of these regions is higher than the general estimates. When comparing the data source of health insurance and the model file from the MS center of Ústí Region, we calculated the overall sensitivity of 91.7% within a health insurance group. The calculation of the estimated prevalence has been reached by using the method of double-capture of those sources that provided an estimate of 2,681 patients in the Usti Region. The models of this data are mainly demonstrated as a possible approach to the estimate of the prevalence of this chronic disease in the case of multiple sclerosis. The information has been obtained from the collection of data. The results of this study can be used by other workers who have the same objective as this study.
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O nó rodoviário da Afurada em Vila Nova de Gaia-a trajectória recente de um processo de catálise urbanaPinho, Maria Manuela Aguiar dos Santos January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise espacial e os sistemas de informação geográfica-a oferta de equipamentos urbanos na óptica do ambiente urbano e do desenvolvimento sustentável das cidadesVidigal, Ana January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Утицај физичко-географских фактора на планирање и пејзажно уређење инфраструктурног коридора - аутопута Београд - Нови Сад / Uticaj fizičko-geografskih faktora na planiranje i pejzažno uređenje infrastrukturnog koridora - autoputa Beograd - Novi Sad / The influence of physical-geographical factors on planning and landscape design of the infrastructure corridor of highway route Belgrade - Novi SadSentić Ivana 20 May 2019 (has links)
<p>Истраживање у овом раду усмерено је на саобраћајни инфраструктурни коридор Београд -Нови Сад, Србија. Главни акценат је на изучавању односа пута и природе која је саставни део просторне целине којој аутопут припада. Рад има<br />за циљ да укаже на важност изучавања физичко-географских фактора приликом изградње саобраћајнице, ради остваривања што безбеднијег<br />саобраћаја. Посебан осврт је на климатске елементе, као не толико видљиве, али врло угрожавајуће факторе безбедности одвијања саобраћаја. Установљено је да се утицај климатских елемената може врло успешно контролисати вегетацијом, те је и ток истраживања био усмерен ка том правцу. Климатски подаци су преузети из CARPATCLIM базе, након чега се приступило њиховој<br />евалуацији. Добијени резултати су потврђени израдом ЧЕК-ЛИСТИ на терену и графичком обрадом података у GIS софтверском програму.Потом тога је уследило и анкетно истраживање безбедности одвијања саобраћаја на аутопутевима у Србији, посматрано из угла возача. Резултати су обрађени у SPSS софтверском програму. На крају, истраживање је истакло деонице саобраћајног<br />инфраструктурног коридора Београд – Нови Сад, најугроженије утицајима климатских елемената.Истакла се могућност ублажавања утицаја климатских елемената на безбедност одвијања саобраћаја предочавањем адекватног модела пејзажног уређења леве и десне стране коловоза пута.</p> / <p>Istraživanje u ovom radu usmereno je na saobraćajni infrastrukturni koridor Beograd -Novi Sad, Srbija. Glavni akcenat je na izučavanju odnosa puta i prirode koja je sastavni deo prostorne celine kojoj autoput pripada. Rad ima<br />za cilj da ukaže na važnost izučavanja fizičko-geografskih faktora prilikom izgradnje saobraćajnice, radi ostvarivanja što bezbednijeg<br />saobraćaja. Poseban osvrt je na klimatske elemente, kao ne toliko vidljive, ali vrlo ugrožavajuće faktore bezbednosti odvijanja saobraćaja. Ustanovljeno je da se uticaj klimatskih elemenata može vrlo uspešno kontrolisati vegetacijom, te je i tok istraživanja bio usmeren ka tom pravcu. Klimatski podaci su preuzeti iz CARPATCLIM baze, nakon čega se pristupilo njihovoj<br />evaluaciji. Dobijeni rezultati su potvrđeni izradom ČEK-LISTI na terenu i grafičkom obradom podataka u GIS softverskom programu.Potom toga je usledilo i anketno istraživanje bezbednosti odvijanja saobraćaja na autoputevima u Srbiji, posmatrano iz ugla vozača. Rezultati su obrađeni u SPSS softverskom programu. Na kraju, istraživanje je istaklo deonice saobraćajnog<br />infrastrukturnog koridora Beograd – Novi Sad, najugroženije uticajima klimatskih elemenata.Istakla se mogućnost ublažavanja uticaja klimatskih elemenata na bezbednost odvijanja saobraćaja predočavanjem adekvatnog modela pejzažnog uređenja leve i desne strane kolovoza puta.</p> / <p>The research in this paper focuses on the highway corridor Belgrade - Novi Sad, Serbia. The main issue is relationship between the highway and surrounding nature, as an integral part of the spatial entity which the highway belongs to. In order to achieve high level of the traffic safety, the paper emphasizes a high importance of studying the physical-geographical factors in the process of highway construction. Particular attention was directed to, not so visible, but very endangering factors of road safety - climate elements. It was found that the influence of climate elements is strong and it could be successfully controlled by vegetation. Data were taken from CARPATCLIM database and their evaluation was confirmed by obtained field data in CHEK-LISTS and by data evaluation in GIS. This was followed by a survey on the traffic safety of the highways in Serbia,from the driver's aspect of view. Results were processed in the SPSS. Finally, the research emphasized the most endangered sections of the traffic infrastructure corridor Belgrade - Novi Sad,affected by the climate elements. Landscape design of left and right side of the highway has been highlighted as a possibility of mitigating the influence of climate elements.</p>
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Estimating the number of cars in UK and US householdsLawal, Temitope A. January 2021 (has links)
The quest towards resolving concerns about transportation energy consumption
and emissions across nations has created more interests to investigate factors
responsible for households’ car ownership. While literature holds an extensive
body of investigation usually compartmentalised in individual different
disciplines, limited efforts have been made to promote inter-linkages of this
strand of research across different disciplines. To fill this gap, this study
developed an integrating Multinomial logit (MNL) model to examine the impact of
some rarely-investigated and conventional explanatory variables, including:
ethnicity, accommodation tenure, settlement nature, mental belief,
environmental concern, geographical regions, household structure, driving
licence, number of household income earners and household income, on car
Analysis based on rich data sets of British Household Survey and US Consumer
Expenditure Survey found not only the conventional explanatory variables to be
significantly linked to the number of cars in the US and UK households, but also
the rarely-investigated psychological variables were found to be significantly
linked as well. As Socio-demography, Geography and Psychology impact on
how people and households process information and assess market offers (e.g.,
products and services), this study presents findings which have beneficial implications for policymakers and transportations planners, including those who
would like to alter people’s behaviour from private car ownership to public
transportation use, car sellers in terms of how to identify and reach potential
customers, provision of alternative forecasting approaches to car ownership
scholars as well as possible consideration for general car ownership decision
making. Caution should be taken when interpreting the relationship between
psychological factors and car ownership since the psychological factors adopted
are measure representatives from databases used with limitations in the factor
structure for a representative sample of the countries’ population.
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