Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deography."" "subject:"alveography.""
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Barrio historico: Three landscapes, one placeLongan, Michael William, 1971- January 1995 (has links)
Though its causes have been theorized, little is understood about why gentrification often transforms neighborhoods in radically different ways. This thesis links previous research on gentrification with the concept of domestic property interests in an effort to better understand the micro-level processes involved in the production of a gentrified landscape. Once identified as Tucson's skid row, Tucsonans now value Barrio Historico as a historic, Mexican-American neighborhood. Some residents argue that gentrification, though slow and incomplete, is destroying the neighborhood's sense of community and tradition. Interviews with twenty-two residents assessed their domestic property interests and identified the ways in which residents either resist or encourage development. The analysis revealed how conflicts among residents with differing interests and ideological perspectives contribute to the production of the neighborhood landscape. Though not unproblematic, the analysis of residents' domestic property interests complements previous macro-scale approaches by providing a contextually based understanding of neighborhood change.
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Making Carbon Count: Global Climate Change and Local Climate Governance in the United StatesRice, Jennifer Lea January 2009 (has links)
In the absence of federally-mandated climate change regulations in the United States, many municipalities have begun to design and implement their own climate mitigation and adaptation programs during the past decade. These include programs such as the US Mayors Climate Protection Agreement, where more than 1,000 cities have pledged to meet Kyoto Protocol greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions targets within their own jurisdictions, as well as efforts to integrate climate information (e.g. tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow) into resource planning efforts to better assess the effects of climate change on water supplies. Using three related case studies in these areas, this dissertation examines the emergence and spread of local climate change programs in the US, with an emphasis on how government institutions work to make climate governable, and the potential effects these practices have on social life and the production and circulation of scientific knowledge. Central findings of the dissertation include: 1) Cities, through the use of everyday and routine political mechanisms that they have available to them, have become key sites of government action on climate change. In the process, local governments have been able to reaffirm, and in some cases expand, their influence within the public sector of environmental policy; 2) Carbon is the political currency of local climate change programs. Through the creation of GHG inventories (i.e. "carbon territories") and the production of carbon-relevant citizens, climate has become the object of urban environmental governance; and 3) Climate science is utilized in complex and contradictory ways in climate mitigation and adaptation programs. Several framings of climate science have been constructed by local governments as a means to justify action on climate change, while resource managers have begun to incorporate paleoclimate data into water resources planning. In both cases, the use of science has advanced political action on climate change, but the reliance and privilege of scientific discourses may preclude other "non-expert" communities from participating in the debate. This also demonstrates the "science effect," where the practices of science and the state are constructed as separate and distinct, when they are, in fact, coproduced through the practices of climate governance.
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Forest types of the Kenamu-Kenemich drainage basin, Labrador: an interpretation of cover types from an aerial photograph mosaic.McKay, Ian. A. January 1956 (has links)
The Labrador-Ungava Peninsula, until post-war years relatively unknown, has taken on a new significance recently due to the development of vast iron ore deposits and the present threat to world peace. Since the war, the Goose Bay Air Base, carved out of the wilderness, has made Labrador the front entrance to Canada for many who arrive here from abroad. In 1954, since this study was begun, the author had the pleasure of opening the McGill Sub-Arctic Research Building at Knob Lake which will act as a centre for field research into this remote area.
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Development of slopes in central New Quebec-Labrador.Twidale, Charles. R. January 1957 (has links)
Central New Quebec-Labrador represents a virtually virgin field to the geomorphologist and such is the variety of physiographic problem awaiting investigation that there is an almost unlimited choice of research topic. A concentration of activity is essential if worthwhile results are to be forthcoming, largely because of the relative brevity of the (summer) field season, but also on account of the considerable difficulty of traversing much of the terrain. Of the uninvestigated physiographic problems, the present writer chose to undertake a study of the morphology and genesis of hillslopes.
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Evapotranspiration at Point Barrow, Alaska, summer 1956.Shellabear, William. H. January 1959 (has links)
Barrow is the most northern First-Order Weather Station operated by the U.S. Weather Bureau. Much of the data that will be mentioned here has been taken from the "Local Climatological Data" for this station. Normal values are based upon the period of 1921-1950. These forms are published monthly by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau.
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Meteorological Observations on the Chamberlin Glacier; Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska, Summer 1958.Larsson, Peter. January 1960 (has links)
A preliminary investigation of the meteorological conditions on the Chamberlin Glacier in the summer of 1958 was carried out, with emphasis being placed on the measurement of some of the parameters needed to assess the energy balance of the glacier. The Expedition was not equipped with the instruments necessary to carry out a detailed micro climatological study, thus no quantitative measurements of heat balance were obtained. [...]
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Glacial geomorphology in the Kaumajet mountain and Okak Bay areas of North Eastern Labrador.Tomlinson, Roger. F. January 1961 (has links)
Arguments concerning the nature and extent of the North American glaciation as a whole, and that of Labrador in particular, have been regularly appearing in print from 1883 until 1959. From the theories and reports presented it is possible to draw together several distinct lines of thought. Early work by Bell (1882-84), Daly (1902), and Coleman (1921) suggested that the higher parts of the eastern edge of north east America had not been covered by continental ice. Coleman goes as far as to say that in the Nachvak area, “the unglaciated condition is known to reach at least 50 miles inland, giving a driftless area of perhaps 3,000 or 4,000 square miles”, though he concedes that valley glaciers must have reached the sea in areas to the south of Nachvak.
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Deglaciation and postglacial emergence of Northernmost Labrador.Löken, Olav. H. January 1962 (has links)
Northern Labrador lies within the Canadian Shield, its bedrock being generally Precambrian in age or, more accurately, Archean in the area covered by this study. (Map 2) (Piloski 1954). Highly metamorphosed paragneisses and gneisses of granitic composition are the major rock-types, but granite and quartzites occur as well. The bedrock is generally coarse grained and weathered into a very rough surface, on which striae are usually absent. In the areas of gneiss, the local variation in petrography is large, as quartz-inclusions and inclusions of granites are numerous (Ill. 80). Because of this, the identification of erratics is extremely difficult, and in no case was the source-area of a suspected erratic boulder determined.
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The moisture balance of Barbados and its influence on sugar cane yield.Rouse, Wayne. R. January 1962 (has links)
Barbados has the distinction of a one crop economy, that crop being sugar cane. This situation has existed for over 500 years, and during the latter part of this period, particularly since 1924, the cane breeding section of the Department of Agriculture has carried on extensive work in developing high yielding varieties of sugar cane especially suited to the island. The nature of investigation has, however, being virtually confined to this one direction, and study of the other important growth factors such as edaphic and especially climatic control has lagged far behind. Fortunately in 1959 a microclimatic station was set up at Waterford under the auspices of the Geography Department of McGill University, and in the last 2 years a considerable knowledge of various climatic parameters has been amassed, and an insight into the moisture balance regime achieved.
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The physiography of Melville Penisula, N. W. T.Sim, Victor. W. January 1962 (has links)
Melville Peninsula is the largest and most easterly of several peninsulas which extend northward from the eastern mainland portion of the Northwest Territories in the Canadian Arctic. It has a maximum. north-south length of approximately 250 miles (66° 10’N. to 69°52'N.) and a. maximum width at its widest point of approximately 140 miles (81°15’W. to 86°36’W.). The peninsula, itself within the District of Franklin, is joined to the northeastern corner of the District of Keewatin by Rae Isthmus. It forms the western shore of Foxe Basin (map 1) and is separated from Baffin Island to the north by Fury and Hecla Strait and from Southampton Island to the south by Frozen Strait. The region covered by this study includes Wales, Amherst and Igloolik Islands. It does not include several smaller islands off the extreme southern tip of the peninsula.
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