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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The geology of the Proterozoic Haveri Au-Cu deposit, Southern Finland

Strauss, Toby Anthony Lavery January 2004 (has links)
The Haveri Au-Cu deposit is located in southern Finland about 175 km north of Helsinki. It occurs on the northern edge of the continental island arc-type, volcano-sedimentary Tampere Schist Belt (TSB) within the Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Domain (2.0 – 1.75 Ga) of the Fennoscandian Shield. The 1.99 Ga Haveri Formation forms the base of the supracrustal stratigraphy consisting of metavolcanic pillow lavas and breccias passing upwards into intercalated metatuffs and metatuffites. There is a continuous gradation upwards from the predominantly volcaniclastic Haveri Formation into the overlying epiclastic meta-greywackes of the Osara Formation. The Haveri deposit is hosted in this contact zone. This supracrustal sequence has been intruded concordantly by quartz-feldspar porphyries. Approximately 1.89 Ga ago, high crustal heat flow led to the generation and emplacement of voluminous synkinematic, I-type, magnetite-series granitoids of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex (CFGC), resulting in coeval high-T/low-P metamorphism (hornfelsic textures), and D₁ deformation. During the crystallisation and cooling of the granitoids, a magmatic-dominated hydrothermal system caused extensive hydrothermal alteration and Cu-Au mineralisation through the late-D₁ to early-D₂ deformation. Initially, a pre-ore Na-Ca alteration phase caused albitisation of the host rock. This was closely followed by strong Ca-Fe alteration, responsible for widespread amphibolitisation and quartz veining and associated with abundant pyrrhotite, magnetite, chalcopyrite and gold mineralisation. More localised calcic-skarn alteration is also present as zoned garnetpyroxene- epidote skarn assemblages with associated pyrrhotite and minor sphalerite, centred on quartzcalcite± scapolite veinlets. Post-ore alteration includes an evolution to more K-rich alteration (biotitisation). Late D₂-retrograde chlorite began to replace the earlier high-T assemblage. Late emanations (post-D₂ and pre-D₃) from the cooling granitoids, under lower temperatures and oxidising conditions, are represented by carbonate-barite veins and epidote veinlets. Later, narrow dolerite dykes were emplaced followed by a weak D₃ deformation, resulting in shearing and structural reactivation along the carbonate-barite bands. This phase was accompanied by pyrite deposition. Both sulphides and oxides are common at Haveri, with ore types varying from massive sulphide and/or magnetite, to networks of veinlets and disseminations of oxides and/or sulphides. Cataclastites, consisting of deformed, brecciated bands of sulphide, with rounded and angular clasts of quartz vein material and altered host-rock are an economically important ore type. Ore minerals are principally pyrrhotite, magnetite and chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of pyrite, molybdenite and sphalerite. There is a general progression from early magnetite, through pyrrhotite to pyrite indicating increasing sulphidation with time. Gold is typically found as free gold within quartz veins and within intense zones of amphibolitisation. Considerable gold is also found in the cataclastite ore type either as invisible gold within the sulphides and/or as free gold within the breccia fragments. The unaltered amphibolites of the Haveri Formation can be classified as medium-K basalts of the tholeiitic trend. Trace and REE support an interpretation of formation in a back-arc basin setting. The unaltered porphyritic rocks are calc-alkaline dacites, and are interpreted, along with the granitoids as having an arc-type origin. This is consistent with the evolution from an initial back-arc basin, through a period of passive margin and/or fore-arc deposition represented by the Osara Formation greywackes and the basal stratigraphy of the TSB, prior to the onset of arc-related volcanic activity characteristic of the TSB and the Svecofennian proper. Using a combination of petrogenetic grids, mineral compositions (garnet-biotite and hornblendeplagioclase thermometers) and oxygen isotope thermometry, peak metamorphism can be constrained to a maximum of approximately 600 °C and 1.5 kbars pressure. Furthermore, the petrogenetic grids indicate that the REDOX conditions can be constrained at 600°C to log f(O₂) values of approximately - 21.0 to -26.0 and -14.5 to -17.5 for the metasedimentary rocks and mafic metavolcanic rocks respectively, thus indicating the presence of a significant REDOX boundary. Amphibole compositions from the Ca-Fe alteration phase (amphibolitisation) indicate iron enrichment with increasing alteration corresponding to higher temperatures of formation. Oxygen isotope studies combined with limited fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Ca-Fe alteration and associated quartz veins formed at high temperatures (530 – 610°C) from low CO₂, low- to moderately saline (<10 eq. wt% NaCl), magmatic-dominated fluids. Fluid inclusion decrepitation textures in the quartz veins suggest isobaric decompression. This is compatible with formation in high-T/low-P environments such as contact aureoles and island arcs. The calcic-skarn assemblage, combined with phase equilibria and sphalerite geothermometry, are indicative of formation at high temperatures (500 – 600 °C) from fluids with higher CO₂ contents and more saline compositions than those responsible for the Fe-Ca alteration. Limited fluid inclusion studies have identified hypersaline inclusions in secondary inclusion trails within quartz. The presence of calcite and scapolite also support formation from CO₂-rich saline fluids. It is suggested that the calcic-skarn alteration and the amphibolitisation evolved from the same fluids, and that P-T changes led to fluid unmixing resulting in two fluid types responsible for the observed alteration variations. Chlorite geothermometry on retrograde chlorite indicates temperatures of 309 – 368 °C. As chlorite represents the latest hydrothermal event, this can be taken as a lower temperature limit for hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation at Haveri.The gold mineralisation at Haveri is related primarily to the Ca-Fe alteration. Under such P-T-X conditions gold was transported as chloride complexes. Ore was localised by a combination of structural controls (shears and folds) and REDOX reactions along the boundary between the oxidised metavolcanics and the reduced metasediments. In addition, fluid unmixing caused an increase in pH, and thus further augmented the precipitation of Cu and Au. During the late D₂-event, temperatures fell below 400 °C, and fluids may have remobilised Au and Cu as bisulphide complexes into the shearcontrolled cataclastites and massive sulphides. The Haveri deposit has many similarities with ore deposit models that include orogenic lode-gold deposits, certain Au-skarn deposits and Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits. However, many characteristics of the Haveri deposit, including tectonic setting, host lithologies, alteration types, proximity to I-type granitoids and P-T-X conditions of formation, compare favourably with other Early Proterozoic deposits within the TSB and Fennoscandia, as well as many of the deposits in the Cloncurry district of Australia. Consequently, the Haveri deposit can be seen to represent a high-T, Ca-rich member of the recently recognised Fe-oxide Cu-Au group of deposits.

The Precambrian metallogeny of Kwazulu-Natal

Hira, Hethendra Gangaram January 1998 (has links)
The Precambrian rocks of KwaZulu-Natal comprise the Archaean granite-greenstone remnants of . the Kaapvaal craton and Late Archaean volcanics and sediments of the supracratonic Pongola Supergroup. These Archaean rocks have been intruded by numerous mafic/ultramafic complexes and voluminous granitoid intrusives of various ages. To the south, the basement rocks are represented by the Mid- to Late-Proterozoic Natal Metamorphic Province (NMP). The NMP comprises three discontinuity-bound tectonostratigraphic terranes. These are, from north to south, the Tugela, Mzumbe and Margate Terranes. The Tugela Terrane has been interpreted as an ophiolite suite that was thrust northwards onto the stable Archaean craton as four nappe structures. Continued thrusting resulted in the two southern terranes being thrust northwards over each other, resulting in numerous sinistral transcurrent shear zones and mylonite belts. The greenschist facies Tugela terrane has been intruded by mafic-ultramafic complexes, alpine serpentinites, plagiogranites and a number of alkaline to peralkaline granitoids. The Mzumbe and Margate Terranes comprise arc-related, felsic to mafic supracrustal gneisses and metasediments that were intruded by syn-, late- and post-tectonic granitoids. Mineralisation in the granite-greenstones consists of structurally-hosted lode-gold deposits. These deposits have many characteristics in common with lode-gold deposits found in other granitegreenstone terranes throughout the world. The Nondweni greenstones also contain volcanogenicrelated massive sulphide deposits. The Pongola Supergroup is host to lode-gold mineralisation and placer gold mineralisation. These placer deposits have been correlated with deposits found in the similarly-aged Witwatersrand Basin in an adjacent part of the craton. The metallogeny of the NMP can be described in relation to the various stages in the tectonic evolution of the belt. The initial, rifting and extension-related stage was characterised by arcrelated magmatism and volcanic arc activity. Alkali basalt magmatism due to hot-spot activity in the oceanic basin in which the Tugela Terrane initially accumulated, produced magmatic segregation deposits, while volcanic-arc activity is responsible for the submarine-exhalative massive sulphide mineralisation. All the mineralisation within the NMP is structurally-related. These thrusts and shear zones were developed during obduction and thrusting during the NMP event, and created the paths necessary for the migration of mineralising fluids. Alpine-type ophiolite deposits were also emplaced along these zones. Epigenetic, shear zone-hosted gold mineralisation occurs in the Tugela and Mzumbe Terranes. Mineralisation occurs within quartz veins and is also disseminated within the sheared host-rocks. The Mzumbe Terrane also contains small showings of massive sulphide deposits that were related to volcanogenic exhalative processes during the formation of this terrane. Potential for finding further mineralisation of this type appears to be good. The massive sulphide deposits formed early in the evolution of the belt, and were deformed and metamorphosed during the later accretionary processes. The southernmost Margate Terrane is characterised by a lack of metalliferous mineralisation, but hosts the extensive, and economically important, limestone deposits of the Marble Delta. The recently discovered spodumene-rich pegmatite deposits of this terrane may also be considered for exploitation. Post-collisional magmatism and metamorphism resulted in extensive rapakivi-type granite/charnockite plutons

Pan-African imprint on the early mid-proterozoic Richtersveld and Bushmanland sub-provinces near Eksteenfontein, Namaqualand, Republic of South Africa

Booth, Peter William King 27 March 2017 (has links)
The present investigation examines the relationship between the Proterozoic Richtersveld and Bushmanland Subprovinces in the westernmost part of the Namaqua Province, near Eksteenfontein, Republic of South Africa. There is a controversy about this relationship because isotopic data contrast with field evidence. On a regional scale the Richtersveld Subprovince is separated from the Bushmanland Subprovince by the northward-dipping Groothoek Thrust. North of the thrust the Richtersveld Subprovince is comprised of low grade volcano/ plutonic rocks of the Vioolsdrif Terrane and medium grade volcano sedimentary sequences of the Pella Terrane. Medium grade rocks of the Steinkopf Terrane (Bushmanland Subprovince) lie immediately south of the thrust. Late Proterozoic strata of the Stinkfontein Formation (Gariep Group) overlie the Namaqua Province in the west; Cambrian Nama Group outliers occur east of the Stinkfontein Formation. Isotopic data show that lithologies of the Richtersveld Subprovince formed between 2000 - 1730 Ma, whereas those of the Bushmanland Subprovince are younger. It is not clear whether the Namaqua metamorphic imprint (at 1200 - 1100 Ma), which is manifest in terranes south of the Groothoek Thrust, extended as far as the Vioolsdrif Terrane in the north. Early Proterozoic structural and metamorphic imprints are inferred to have been obliterated during this event. The westernmost part of the Namaqua Province was overprinted for a distance of 100 km from the coast, during the Pan-African event at 700 Ma and 500 Ma. An area measuring nearly 500 km2 , traversing the western extremity of the boundary between the Richtersveld and Bushmanland Subprovinces was mapped on a scale of 1:36,000. Field mapping was carried out with the aid of aerial photographs, whereas laboratory techniques included map compilation, structural analysis, X-ray diffractometry, geochemical (XRF) and electron microprobe analyses. Supracrustal units of the Richtersveld Subprovince are composed of quartzo-feldspathic gneisses, schists, and minor meta-pelites. Supracrustals of the Bushmanland Subprovince are less diverse than those of the Richtersveld Subprovince and have a disconformable relationship with them. Most intrusive rock-types are thick granitic sheets, except the Early Proterozoic Vioolsdrif Granodiorite which forms part of a batholithic pluton in the north. The Sabieboomrante adamellite gneiss, Kouefontein granite gneiss and Dabbieputs granite gneiss could not be correlated with lithologies commonly occurring in the Richtersveld and Bushmanland Subprovinces. They have been given the new rock names. Mafic and ultramafic rocks of the Klipbok complex occur along the strike of the Groothoek Thrust. They form part of the Richtersveld Subprovince.

Serpentinization and metamorphism in the proterozoic Cape Smith foldbelt, New Quebec

Ozoray, Judit. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Greenschist-amphibolite metabasites at the northern margin of the Cape Smith foldbelt, Ungava, Québec

Olson, Karin Elizabeth. January 1983 (has links)
No description available.

Geology and Tectonic Significance of the Late Precambrian Eastern Blue Ridge Cover Sequence in Central Virginia

Wang, Ping 06 June 2008 (has links)
The Late Precambrian cover sequence in the Blue Ridge of central Virginia includes rocks of the Moneta Formation and the overlying Lynchburg Group. The Moneta Formation comprises arnphibolites, felsites and biotite gneisses that unconformably overlie the Grenville basement. The Lynchburg Group in central Virginia is divided into three formations. Lynchburg I is made up of massive to thick bedded coarse-grained feldspathic arenites and conglomerates, which are interpreted as slope-apron deposits. Lynchburg IT contains mainly medium to fine grained feldspathic arenites and graphitic schist (black shales) with subordinate conglomeratic rocks. These are believed to be channelized submarine fan turbidites formed in an anoxic environment. Lynchburg ill consists of fine to medium grained feldspathic quartz arenites and a minor amount of conglomeratic rocks, which are considered to be channelized submarine turbidites with a more open marine environment and wider shelf. Three metamorphic facies and two deformation events are recognized in the cover sequence of the study area. The current tectonic models tend to view most of the mafic-ultramafic rocks and the host sedimentary rocks of the Lynchburg as ophiolitic melange, thus creating a suture, of Precambrian to Ordovician age. Detailed field mapping shows that the Lynchburg Group does not have the characteristics of melange and the mafic-ultramafic rocks in it do not resemble ophiolite. Rather, the cover sequence is related to the Late Precambrian Iapetan rifting event. Some tectonomagmatic discriminant diagrams have been used to support the current tectonic model and they are considered one of the most important arguments for ophiolites. These diagrams were tested by plotting samples from Jurassic rift basalts-diabases of eastern North America (ENA). The ENA samples, as well as the post Grenville mafic rocks in the Blue Ridge, tend to plot outside the within-plate field. It is clear that geochemical data alone may give a wrong tectonic classification, and that a knowledge of field relations is of paramount importance for interpretation. / Ph. D.

A sedimentological and structural analysis of the Proterozoic Uncompahgre Group, Needle Mountains, Colorado

Harris, Charles William January 1987 (has links)
Siliciclastic sediments of the Proterozoic Uncompahgre Group can be subdivided into stratigraphic units of quartzite (Q) and pelite (P); these units include a basal, fining- and thinning-upward retrogradational sequence (Q1-P1) that records the transition from an alluvial to a shallow-marine setting. Overlying the basal sequence are three thickening- and coarsening-upward progradational sequences (P2-Q2, P3-Q3 and P4-Q4) that were influenced by tide-, storm- and wave-processes. The progradational units are subdivided into the following facies associations in a vertical sequence. Outer-to inner-shelf mudstones, Bouma sequence beds and storm beds of association A are succeeded by inner-shelf to shoreface cross-stratified sandstones of association B. Conglomerates and cross-bedded sandstones of upper association B represent alluvial braid-delta deposits. Tidal cross-bedded facies of the inner shelf/shoreface (association C) gradationally overlie association B. Interbedded within the tidal facies in upper association C are single pebble layers or <1 m-thick conglomerate beds and trough cross-bedded pebbly sandstones. Single pebble layers could be due to storm winnowing whereas conglomerates and pebbly sandstones may record shoaling to an alluvial/ shoreface setting. A temporally separated storm/alluvial and tidal shelf model best explains the origin and lateral distribution of facies in the progradational sequences. The presence of smaller progradational increments in the mudstone dominated units (P3) and the recurrence of facies associations in the thick quartzite/conglomerate units (Q2, Q3, Q4) suggests that external cyclic factors controlled sedimentation. A composite relative sea level curve integrating glacio-eustatic oscillations and long-term subsidence may account for the evolution of the thick progradational sequences of the Uncompahgre Group. Sedimentary rocks of the Uncompahgre Group have been subjected to polyphase deformation and greenschist facies metamorphism. Phase 1 structures (localized to the West Needle Mountains) include bedding-parallel deformation zones, F₁ folds and an S₁ cleavage. Phase 2 coaxial deformation resulted in the development of upright, macroscopic F₂ folds and an axial-planar crenulation cleavage, S₂. In addition basement-cover contacts were folded. Phase 3 conjugate shearing generated strike-parallel offset in stratigraphic units, a macroscopic F₃ fold, and an S₃ crenulation cleavage. In addition, oblique-slip, reverse faults were activated along basement-cover contacts. The Uncompahgre Group unconformably overlies and is inferred to be parautochthonous upon ca. 1750 Ma gneissic basement that was subjected to polyphase deformation (D<sub>B</sub>) and amphibolite facies metamorphism. Basement was intruded by ca. 1690 Ma granitoids. Deformation of gneissic and plutonic basement together with cover (D<sub>BC</sub>) postdates deposition of the Uncompahgre Group. The structural evolution of the Uncompahgre Group records the transition from a ductile, north-directed, fold-thrust belt to the formation of a basement involved “megamullion" structure which was subjected to conjugate strike-slip faulting to accommodate further shortening. D<sub>BC</sub> deformation may be analogous to the deep foreland suprastructure of an orogenic belt that developed from ca. 1690 to 1600 Ma in the southwestern U.S.A .. / Ph. D.

Geology of the copper occurrence at Copper Hill, Picuris Mountains, New Mexico

Williams, Michael Lloyd January 1982 (has links)
No description available.

Late Precambrian and Cambrian carbonates of the Adelaidean in the Flinders Ranges, South Australia : a petrographic, electron microprobe and stable isotope study / by Updesh Singh

Singh, Updesh January 1986 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 137-158 / 158 leaves, [8] leaves of plates : ill., maps ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, 1987

The North Break Zone of the late Precambrian Otavi carbonate platform sequence in Namibia: stratigraphic setting, petrography and relationship with Tsumeb Cu-Pb-Zn deposit

Theron, Salomon Johannes 24 April 2014 (has links)
M.Sc. (Geology) / The main objective of this study was to characterize the North Break Zone of the Otavi Mountain Land, Namibia in terms of stratigraphy and petrography and to investigate its relationship with the Tsumeb ore body and other mineralized prospects in the immediate vicinity of Tsumeb. The Late Proterozoic Otavi carbonate platform sequence is famous for its base metal deposits. The North Break Zone is a stratabound zone of sporadic mineralization, brecciation and silicification occurring in the lower part of Iithozone T6 of the Hoffenberg Formation (Tsumeb Subgroup). It intersects the pipe-like Tsumeb Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag ore body at a depth of about 900m below surface. Where the North Break Zone intersects the Tsumeb ore body large massive ore associated with calcitized dolomite, dolomite breccia as well as feldspathic sandstone lenses occur. These features extend along strike and dip outside the normal dimensions of the Tsumeb ore body. The genesis of the Tsumeb ore body is poorly understood. The conventional model is that meteoric fluids circulated through the so-called North Break Zone paleo-aquifer, dissolving carbonate and giving rise to solution collapse and eventually the creation of the Tsumeb karst pipe. However, no direct evidence is available to support this model. This study was devised to critically evaluate the relationship between the North Break Zone and formation of the Tsumeb ore body. The study entailed field mapping, detailed sampling of the stratigraphic sequence and ore bodies, white light, reflected light, UV/blue light and cathodoluminescence petrography. Cathodoluminescence proved to be the most effective petrographic tool for differentiating various carbonate phases. The North Break Zone is defined as a 10 to 14m thick chert free oolitic to intraclastic dolomitic grainstone, stromatolite and mudstone unit, in which discontinuous lenses of mineralized secondary quartz are present. It is interbedded with dark grey cherty micritic dolomite of Lithozone T6 of the HOffenberg Formation. Minor calcification, Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization and manganese and iron enrichment are associated with the quartz-rich bodies. The mineralized quartz bodies are only present up to 2.5km to the west and 2.6km to the east of the Tsumeb ore body. The petrographic study indicated that 1) the epigenetic sequence of carbonate alteration, precipitation of new carbonate phases and mineralization is virtually identical in all Cu-Pb-Zn occurrences and 2) that the mineralization is closely associated with Mn-bearing brightly luminescent (CL) carbonates. Earlier Cu-Pb-Zn sulphide mineralization is associated with Mn-bearing bright red luminescent sparry dolomite (dolomite IIIB). Late stage Cu-arsenate, oxide and silicate mineralization is associated with an episode of Mn-bearing bright yellow luminescent calcite (calcite II) which also causes dolomitization of the associated dolomites. A very simple paragenetic model of mineralization is proposed. The earliest is defined by pre-mineralization calcite (calcite I) vein formation with associated dolomitization. This phase is followed by deposition of kerogen luminescent Mn-bearing dolomite IIIB - quartz and Cu-Pb-Zn sulphides representing the main mineralization event. It is followed by a late mineralization event composed of Mn-bearing calcite (calcite II) with associated Cu-arsenates, oxides and silicates. Supergene alteration is represented by the precipitation of very late stage non-luminescent Mn and Fe-poor calcite (calcite III) and quartz without any associated Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization. The sequence of mineralization is explained by the evolution of a single hydrothermal fluid, from relatively cold to hot and then back to cold, during a major period of fluid migration through the carbonate platform sequence. The North Break Zone probably never acted as a paleo-aquifer for fluids that formed the Tsumeb ore body. Rather hydrothermal fluids moved from the Tsumeb ore body into the North Break Zone. Hydrothermal fluids may have been derived from the Damara orogen to the south of Tsumeb during a period of tectonic loading and thrust deformation.

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