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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The geology of the Proterozoic Haveri Au-Cu deposit, Southern Finland

Strauss, Toby Anthony Lavery January 2004 (has links)
The Haveri Au-Cu deposit is located in southern Finland about 175 km north of Helsinki. It occurs on the northern edge of the continental island arc-type, volcano-sedimentary Tampere Schist Belt (TSB) within the Palaeoproterozoic Svecofennian Domain (2.0 – 1.75 Ga) of the Fennoscandian Shield. The 1.99 Ga Haveri Formation forms the base of the supracrustal stratigraphy consisting of metavolcanic pillow lavas and breccias passing upwards into intercalated metatuffs and metatuffites. There is a continuous gradation upwards from the predominantly volcaniclastic Haveri Formation into the overlying epiclastic meta-greywackes of the Osara Formation. The Haveri deposit is hosted in this contact zone. This supracrustal sequence has been intruded concordantly by quartz-feldspar porphyries. Approximately 1.89 Ga ago, high crustal heat flow led to the generation and emplacement of voluminous synkinematic, I-type, magnetite-series granitoids of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex (CFGC), resulting in coeval high-T/low-P metamorphism (hornfelsic textures), and D₁ deformation. During the crystallisation and cooling of the granitoids, a magmatic-dominated hydrothermal system caused extensive hydrothermal alteration and Cu-Au mineralisation through the late-D₁ to early-D₂ deformation. Initially, a pre-ore Na-Ca alteration phase caused albitisation of the host rock. This was closely followed by strong Ca-Fe alteration, responsible for widespread amphibolitisation and quartz veining and associated with abundant pyrrhotite, magnetite, chalcopyrite and gold mineralisation. More localised calcic-skarn alteration is also present as zoned garnetpyroxene- epidote skarn assemblages with associated pyrrhotite and minor sphalerite, centred on quartzcalcite± scapolite veinlets. Post-ore alteration includes an evolution to more K-rich alteration (biotitisation). Late D₂-retrograde chlorite began to replace the earlier high-T assemblage. Late emanations (post-D₂ and pre-D₃) from the cooling granitoids, under lower temperatures and oxidising conditions, are represented by carbonate-barite veins and epidote veinlets. Later, narrow dolerite dykes were emplaced followed by a weak D₃ deformation, resulting in shearing and structural reactivation along the carbonate-barite bands. This phase was accompanied by pyrite deposition. Both sulphides and oxides are common at Haveri, with ore types varying from massive sulphide and/or magnetite, to networks of veinlets and disseminations of oxides and/or sulphides. Cataclastites, consisting of deformed, brecciated bands of sulphide, with rounded and angular clasts of quartz vein material and altered host-rock are an economically important ore type. Ore minerals are principally pyrrhotite, magnetite and chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of pyrite, molybdenite and sphalerite. There is a general progression from early magnetite, through pyrrhotite to pyrite indicating increasing sulphidation with time. Gold is typically found as free gold within quartz veins and within intense zones of amphibolitisation. Considerable gold is also found in the cataclastite ore type either as invisible gold within the sulphides and/or as free gold within the breccia fragments. The unaltered amphibolites of the Haveri Formation can be classified as medium-K basalts of the tholeiitic trend. Trace and REE support an interpretation of formation in a back-arc basin setting. The unaltered porphyritic rocks are calc-alkaline dacites, and are interpreted, along with the granitoids as having an arc-type origin. This is consistent with the evolution from an initial back-arc basin, through a period of passive margin and/or fore-arc deposition represented by the Osara Formation greywackes and the basal stratigraphy of the TSB, prior to the onset of arc-related volcanic activity characteristic of the TSB and the Svecofennian proper. Using a combination of petrogenetic grids, mineral compositions (garnet-biotite and hornblendeplagioclase thermometers) and oxygen isotope thermometry, peak metamorphism can be constrained to a maximum of approximately 600 °C and 1.5 kbars pressure. Furthermore, the petrogenetic grids indicate that the REDOX conditions can be constrained at 600°C to log f(O₂) values of approximately - 21.0 to -26.0 and -14.5 to -17.5 for the metasedimentary rocks and mafic metavolcanic rocks respectively, thus indicating the presence of a significant REDOX boundary. Amphibole compositions from the Ca-Fe alteration phase (amphibolitisation) indicate iron enrichment with increasing alteration corresponding to higher temperatures of formation. Oxygen isotope studies combined with limited fluid inclusion studies indicate that the Ca-Fe alteration and associated quartz veins formed at high temperatures (530 – 610°C) from low CO₂, low- to moderately saline (<10 eq. wt% NaCl), magmatic-dominated fluids. Fluid inclusion decrepitation textures in the quartz veins suggest isobaric decompression. This is compatible with formation in high-T/low-P environments such as contact aureoles and island arcs. The calcic-skarn assemblage, combined with phase equilibria and sphalerite geothermometry, are indicative of formation at high temperatures (500 – 600 °C) from fluids with higher CO₂ contents and more saline compositions than those responsible for the Fe-Ca alteration. Limited fluid inclusion studies have identified hypersaline inclusions in secondary inclusion trails within quartz. The presence of calcite and scapolite also support formation from CO₂-rich saline fluids. It is suggested that the calcic-skarn alteration and the amphibolitisation evolved from the same fluids, and that P-T changes led to fluid unmixing resulting in two fluid types responsible for the observed alteration variations. Chlorite geothermometry on retrograde chlorite indicates temperatures of 309 – 368 °C. As chlorite represents the latest hydrothermal event, this can be taken as a lower temperature limit for hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation at Haveri.The gold mineralisation at Haveri is related primarily to the Ca-Fe alteration. Under such P-T-X conditions gold was transported as chloride complexes. Ore was localised by a combination of structural controls (shears and folds) and REDOX reactions along the boundary between the oxidised metavolcanics and the reduced metasediments. In addition, fluid unmixing caused an increase in pH, and thus further augmented the precipitation of Cu and Au. During the late D₂-event, temperatures fell below 400 °C, and fluids may have remobilised Au and Cu as bisulphide complexes into the shearcontrolled cataclastites and massive sulphides. The Haveri deposit has many similarities with ore deposit models that include orogenic lode-gold deposits, certain Au-skarn deposits and Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits. However, many characteristics of the Haveri deposit, including tectonic setting, host lithologies, alteration types, proximity to I-type granitoids and P-T-X conditions of formation, compare favourably with other Early Proterozoic deposits within the TSB and Fennoscandia, as well as many of the deposits in the Cloncurry district of Australia. Consequently, the Haveri deposit can be seen to represent a high-T, Ca-rich member of the recently recognised Fe-oxide Cu-Au group of deposits.

Emplacement of the 2.44 Ga ultramafic layered Kemi intrusion, Finland PGE, geochemical and Sm-Nd isotopic implications

Linkermann, Sean Aaron January 2011 (has links)
Europe’s largest chrome deposit is hosted by the 2.44 Ga Kemi ultramafic layered intrusion. The lower half of the intrusion consists of peridotites, pyroxenites and chromitite layers while the upper half consists of websterites, gabbronorites and leucogabbros. The mafic minerals of the lower and upper parts of the intrusion are altered to serpentine, chlorite, talc, amphiboles and carbonates. However, the original mineralogy is still preserved in the middle part of the intrusion. Earlier work on the Kemi intrusion concentrated mainly on the economically important chromitite layers and suggested that these layers were formed through contamination of a single pulse of primitive magma by underlying Archaean basement crustal material. The broad variations of the major element concentrations reflect variations in the mode of the Kemi rocks. The petrology, which shows olivine- and orthopyroxene-dominated rocks in the lower portion of the intrusion to plagioclase- and clinopyroxene-dominated rocks in the upper portion, shows a gross consistency with a fractional crystallization process.The incompatible elements are relatively enriched in the lower portion of the intrusion which is not consistent with a broad fractional crystallization process. These variations suggest that the ultramafic portion of the KemiIntrusion is relatively enriched in trapped liquid compared to the mafic portion.ε2.44 Nd values ranges from +4 (consistent with depleted mantle source) to -10 (indicating a contribution from Archaean crust). The lower peridotites, pyroxenites and websterites have ε2.44 Nd values ranging between depleted mantle signatures and -2, whereas the gabbroic cumulates have ε2.44 Nd values which cover a range from around -5 to -10. Nd isotopic variation in the lower part of the profile is punctuated by distinct spikes to lower ε2.44 Nd corresponding to the chromitite horizons. Both the lower and upper portions of the Kemi Intrusion show enrichment of LREEC1 relative to HREEC1. The LREEC1 enriched values start to increase markedly from about the 1000 meter mark and continue to increase in value towards the roof of the intrusion.The main enrichment of PGE (ΣPPGE = 55 to 148 ppb) occurs approximately 90 to 160 m above the basal contact, beginning within andcontinuing above the main chromitite ore horizon. The mantle-normalized PGE abundances of the main chromitite horizon and the peridotites and pyroxenites below it show enrichment of IPGEPM (Os + Ir + Ru) relative to PPGEPM (Rh + Pd + Pt). In contrast, the overlying rocks are characterised by enrichment of PPGEPM relative to IPGEPM. These PGE-patterns suggest the influence of two distinct controlling processes above and below the main chromitite reef.The isotopic data are consistent with the initial introduction of multiple pulses of depleted mantle-derived magma crystallising olivine and pyroxene. Before the parent magma was fed into the Kemi magma chamber, it underwent crustal contamination and assimilation in a staging chamber within the lower crust. Some of these pulses were “critically crustally contaminated”, inducing chromite saturation and precipitation. The modelling also predicts minor in-situ contamination of the parent magma in the Kemi chamber with its wall and roof rocks. Above the main chromitite layer (about 160 m above the basal contact), the chromite content decreases and the PPGEPM/IPGEPM values increase which is consistent with scavenging of the IPGE into the lowermost layers and/or evolving magma compositions. Above 1000 m, the isotopic and REE data indicate a new magma pulse which has also been extensively contaminated in the staging magma chamber before emplacement into the Kemi magma chamber. The contamination in the staging magma chamber increased which is reflected in a progressively larger crustal component towards the top of the Kemi Intrusion

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