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Diagenesis of the Bell Canyon and Cherry Canyon Formations (Guadalupian), Coyanosa field area, Pecos County, TexasKanschat, Katherine Ann January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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The geology of the Backbone Ridge area, Llano and Burnet counties, TexasBarrow, Thomas D. 29 June 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the author is to present a geological survey of the Backbone Ridge area in Burnet and Llano counties, Texas. During the summer of 1947 while enrolled in a geologic field course in McCullough County, it was noted that a new classification of the Cambrian and Ordovician formations In central Texas had been presented In the literature. It was noted at the same time that the Paleozoic rocks of the Llano uplift are more highly faulted than had been shown on previous geologic maps of the region. The writer concluded from field observations that the Backbone Ridge area was more complexly faulted then had been previously shown, and it was decided to test this conclusion by making a detailed geologic map of the area using the stratigraphic subdivisions recently established by Bridge, Barnes, and Cloud. A detailed study was made of these subdivisions and a large number of the type sections were visited. It was necessary to study the complete geologic history of the region in order that the events which involved the complex structural pattern and the present physiographic forms might be properly understood. The material contained in this report consists of data obtained from the literature and from field observations which were made in the area during the months of June and July of 1948. / text
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Secondary porosity and hydrocarbon production from the Ordovician Ellenburger Group of the Delaware and Val Verde basins, West TexasIjirigho, Bruce Tajinere January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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The Geologic and Archaeological History of the Dickie Carr Site 41PR26Byers, Johnny A. 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis and synthesis of the geologic and archaeological history of the Dickie Carr site, 41PR26, on Mill Creek in north central Texas. Included are analyses of the stratigraphy, sedimentary environments, and soils of the locality. A regional comparison is made with respect to the Late Quaternary geology of the upper Trinity River basin, Texas to interpret the geologic data. Two stratigraphic units were identified that record the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. The buried lower unit is comprised of terrace, floodplain, and channel deposits with extensive pedogenesis. The unit is Late Pleistocene in age and contains the remains of Mammuthus columbi. The upper stratigraphic unit is comprised of terrace and floodplain sediments with well-expressed pedogenesis. The unit is Early Holocene in age with Late Paleoindian and Late Archaic occupations. The archaeological components are compared and contrasted with documented sites from the Elm and East Forks of the Trinity River. The occupations are examined in a geoarchaeological context. The Late Paleoindian occupation is post-depositional and located in terrace deposits. The Late Archaic occupation is syndepositional and located in floodplain deposits.
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Hydrogeochemistry of the unsaturated zone of a salt flat in Hudspeth County, TexasChapman, Jeannette Elise Burgen 10 July 2013 (has links)
The playas of the Salt Basin in Trans-Pecos Texas are natural laboratories for the study of the hydrodynamic, hydrochemical, and sedimentologic properties of the unsaturated zone under the conditions of evaporation from a shallow water table. Water beneath the salt-flat surface moves upward from the saturated zone, through a thick capillary fringe, to the unsaturated zone where it is removed by evaporation. Daily temperature fluctuations change soil suction values and seasonal variations in temperature alter the thickness of the capillary fringe. There is little change in the chemical composition of the pore water as it moves from below the water table to the capillary fringe because the filled pore spaces of the capillary fringe prevent evaporation from taking place. However, an enrichment in the heavy isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in the groundwater, as compared to area precipitation, suggests that evaporation may have occurred earlier along the flow path. As water moves from the top of the capillary fringe into the unsaturated zone, evaporation in the partially-filled pore spaces increases the total dissolved solids content. According to the increase in chlorinity, the brine has lost over 60% of its original volume by the time it has moved to within 20 cm of the surface. Evaporation in the unsaturated zone further enriches the brine in deuterium and oxygen-18. Gypsum precipitation in the unsaturated zone depletes the shallow pore water in calcium and sulfate, relative to chloride, and forms white patches, enterolithic bands, and discontinuous lenses of pure gypsum. The sediments are made almost entirely of gypsum and dolomite. The high magnesium-to-calcium molar ratio in the brines and the poorly ordered nature of the dolomite mud in the sediment column indicate that the salt-flat dolomite formed by the alteration of a calcium carbonate precursor. A lack of lateral continuity in sediment structures and a change in sediment character from massive below the water table to laminated above indicate that the shallow salt-flat sediments were formed by vadose-zone processes rather than by sedimentation in an ancient lake. / text
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Field experiments for fracture characterization: studies of seismic anisotropy and tracer imaging with GPR / Studies of seismic anisotropy and tracer imaging with GPRBonal, Nedra Danielle, 1975- 28 August 2008 (has links)
Knowledge of fracture orientation and density is significant for reservoir and aquifer characterization. In this study, field experiments are designed to estimate fracture parameters in situ from seismic and GPR (radar) data. The seismic experiment estimates parameters of orientation, density, and filling material. The GPR experiment estimates channel flow geometry and aperture. In the seismic study, lines of 2D data are acquired in a vertically fractured limestone at three different azimuths to look for differences in seismic velocities. A sledgehammer, vertical source and a multicomponent, Vibroseis source are used with multicomponent receivers. Acquisition parameters of frequency, receiver spacing and source-to-receiver offset are varied. The entire suite of seismic body waves and Rayleigh waves is analyzed to characterize the subsurface. Alford rotations are used to determine fracture orientation and demonstrate good results when geophone orientation is taken into account. Results indicate that seismic anisotropy is caused by regional faulting. Average fracture density of less than 5% and water table depth estimates are consistent with field observations. Groundwater flow direction has been observed by others to cross the fault trend and is subparallel to a secondary fracture set. In this study, seismic anisotropy appears unrelated to this secondary fracture set. Vp/Vs and Poisson's ratio values indicate a dolomite lithology. Sledgehammer and Vibroseis data provide consistent results. In the GPR experiment, reflection profiles are acquired through common-offset profiling perpendicular to the dominant flow direction. High frequency waves are used to delineate fluid flow paths through a subhorizontal fracture and observe tracer channeling. Channeling of flow is expected to control solute transport. Changes in radar signal are quantitatively associated with changes in fracture filling material from an innovative method using correlation coefficients. Mapping these changes throughout the survey area reveals the geometry of the flow path of each injected liquid. The tracer is found to be concentrated in the center of the survey area where fracture apertures are large. This demonstrates that spatial variations in concentration are controlled by fluid channel geometry.
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Mesoproterozoic structural evolution and lithologic investigation of the western Llano Uplift, Mason County, Central TexasHunt, Brian Butler, 1971- 23 May 2011 (has links)
The Llano Uplift of central Texas contains the largest exposure of Mesoproterozoic rocks along southern Laurentia and is thus crucial to the understanding of orogenesis and plate reconstructions along a portion of one of the largest orogens in the world. Most of the current understanding of the Mesoproterozoic tectonic evolution of southern Laurentia comes from the southeastern portion of the Llano Uplift. To fully characterize the tectonic evolution Llano Uplift, detailed mapping is necessary in the less-studied western Llano Uplift. The Mesoproterozoic Llano Uplift exposes mid-crustal, poly-deformed and metamorphosed schists and gneisses and abundant pre- to post-tectonic granites through an erosional window of Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks. Three lithologic groups were mapped in the western Llano Uplift, from structural highest to lowest these are the Valley Spring Gneiss (VSG), Lost Creek Gneiss (LCG) and Packsaddle Schist (PS). The VSG consists of pelitic schists and pink quartzofeldspathic schists and gneisses. The LCG is a thick, homogeneous package of medium- to coarse-grained augen granite gneiss, interpreted to be a deformed, coarse-grained, porphyritic pluton. The PS consists of a heterogeneous package of interlayered quartzofeldspathic gneisses, amphibolites and minor marbles. These lithologies are consistent with the PS and VSG domains described in the southeastern Llano Uplift (Mosher, 1998; Reese et al., 2000). The exotic Coal Creek Domain (CCD) of the southeastern Llano Uplift is not observed in the western Llano Uplift. The western Llano Uplift, including the VSG, LCG and PS, records a deformational history that resulted in multiple fold generations (F1-F5) and is characterized by a penetrative axial planar foliation (S1-S5). F2s are isoclinal folds of S0 (primary layering) and S1 that locally fold F1 axial planes and have steeply plunging and generally easterly trending hinge lines. F3 folds are locally developed, nearly colinear and coplanar with F2s, tight to open, and fold all previous structures (F1/F2) and fabrics (S1/S2). F4s are open folds with northeast-trending axial traces that occur on a regional-scale. F5s are open to tight folds of all previous structures, with hinge lines that are primarily southeast trending and steeply plunging. S0 to S3 orientations vary from north to east dipping because of reorientation by younger folds. S4 foliations strike to the northeast and S5 foliations are northwest striking and nearly vertically dipping. Late left-lateral shear zones (D6) with generally an easterly trend and boudinage affects the VSG, LCG and VSG in this study area and is commonly associated with unfoliated granite material. Four generations of intrusive granitic sills and dikes are documented and provide relative and absolute age constraints on deformation. The oldest recognized deformation (D1-D3) is constrained between 1253 +5/-3 Ma and 1126 +5/-4 Ma (Roback, et al., 1999). D4 and D5 deformation are constrained between 1126 +5/-4 Ma and 1076 ± 5 Ma (Roback, et al., 1999). Although a change in metamorphic conditions is documented to have occurred between D2 and D3, metamorphic fabrics and assemblages indicate granulite facies conditions during D1, D2 and D3. Amphibolite facies metamorphism occurred during D4 and presumably D5. Deformation in the eastern Llano Uplift has a similar polyphase deformational history to that recorded here for the western Llano Uplift. Deformation in the eastern Llano Uplift is similarly constrained between ca. 1238 to 1091 Ma. In addition, the youngest fold generation (F5) can be directly correlated in orientation and timing from the western to the eastern Llano Uplift, and is constrained between ca. 1119 and 1091 Ma in the eastern uplift. Both the western and eastern Llano Uplift contain late shear zones and extensional structures. Structural differences between the western and eastern Llano Uplift include differences in style and orientation of all but the latest (D5 and D6) structures. In addition, dip of fabrics and, therefore, structural stacking of lithologic domains is opposite, and no mylonite zones were identified in the west. In conclusion, the lithologic domains appear to correlated across the Llano Uplift based upon gross lithologic similarities and the tectonic evolution is similar to the well-studied eastern Llano Uplift, though the kinematics and orientations differ. These conclusions may require that the kinematics of deformation in the southeastern uplift were controlled by the presence of the exotic island arc terrane (CCD) whereas the kinematics of deformation in the western uplift were controlled by continent-continent collision. / text
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Paleontology and sedimentology of the Haymond boulder beds (Martin Ranch), Marathon Basin, Trans-Pecos TexasWitebsky, Susan 23 June 2011 (has links)
A boulder bed unit in the upper Haymond Formation (Pennsylvanian), generally believed to be olistostromes, is exposed in the eastern Marathon Basin, west Texas. Two localities of this unit (Housetop Mountain and Clark Butte) contain clasts derived from several formations found within the basin, as well as exotic Devonian metamorphic and volcanic rocks. This report describes a third previously unstudied site (Martin Ranch locality) that contains clasts of exotic Middle Cambrian shelf limestones. These limestones provide a key to the Early Paleozoic history of the Marathon region. The boulder beds lie in the upper part of the Haymond Formation. At the Martin Ranch locality they form a zone that is traceable for 6.6 km along strike and is up to 230 m thick. These boulder beds contain interbedded units of massive, unstratified, pebble- to boulder-bearing mudstone, thickly bedded, massive sandstone, lenses of pebbly sandstone, and deformed flysch beds. About 80 percent of the clasts found in the boulder beds at Martin Ranch are chert derived from several basin formations. Unique displaced slabs of bedded chert pebble conglomerate comprise about 10 percent of the clasts. Theses conglomerates were probably derived from upper fan-channel deposits within the lower Haymond Formation. Pennsylvanian limestone clasts redeposited from the basin facies of the Dimple Formation and clasts of exotic, late Middle Cambrian limestones each comprise about 5 percent of the clasts. These Cambrian limestones, older than any formation in the Marathon Basin, contain a fauna characteristic of the seaward edge of the cratonic carbonate shelf. The presence of the Cambrian clasts constrains the location of the North American shelf edge during the Cambrian, placing it at least 120 km southeast of the present day Marathon Basin. Both the Martin Ranch and Housetop Mountain boulder beds are composed mainly of clast-bearing, matrix-supported mudstone which have pebbly sandstone, massive sandstone, and flysch beds interstratified with the mudstone and represent periodic deposition of debris flows, slumps, slides, and turbidites interspersed with normal basin deposition of flysch facies rocks. However, different clast types are found at the two localities. The Martin Ranch locality has clasts of Cambrian limestone and chert pebble conglomerate, the latter up to 90 m in length, that are absent at the other localities. Exotic Pennsylvanian limestone clasts and exotic Devonian metamorphic and volcanic rocks, common at Housetop Mountain, are rare or missing at Martin Ranch. The Clark Butte locality is unique because it lacks the mudstone which dominates the other two localities. Instead, the matrix is composed of a pebbly sandstone and conglomerate associated with thick sandstone beds. The boulder beds at this locality may represent upper fan channels and channel-lag deposits. The turbidites and olistostromes resulted from recycling of the southern edge of the tectonic basin as the advancing Ouachita thrusts uplifted the pre Haymond strata. Most of the clasts were from older basin formations exposed by these faults; however one of these thrusts also uplifted slivers of exotic Middle Cambrian limestone. Earthquakes probably triggered slumps and rock falls off the fault scarps. As the boulders travelled downslope plowing through the slope sediments, they accumulated more material. This combination of slide debris and slope mud turned the slumps and slides into debris flows. Between episodes of debris flows and turbidity currents, normal basin deposition of thinly bedded turbiditic sandstone and pelagic shale occurred. / text
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Sediment Bound Trace Metals in the White Rock Creek Watershed, Dallas and Collin CountiesCombest, Kyle B. (Kyle Bryan) 05 1900 (has links)
Areas were sampled in the White Rock Creek Watershed to examine sediment bound trace metal distributions and sorption relationships. A Kruskal-Wallis AOV found significant among area differences for most metals, and SNK-like multiple comparisons were used to group these areas. Kruskal-Wallis AOVs similarly found among area differences for sediment components that bind trace metals (Fe and Mn oxides and organic carbon) and physicochemical conditions that influence metal sorption (particle size and pH). Multiple correlation found numerous relationships among trace metals, sediment components, and physicochemical conditions. Statistical relationships indicate that metal partitioning to various sorption factors is metal specific. White Rock Creek Watershed trace metal concentrations are comparable to those in many urban watersheds.
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The bench deposits at Berger Bluff : Early Holocene-Late Pleistocene depositional and climatic historyBrown, Kenneth M. 12 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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