Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geophysics"" "subject:"rheophysics""
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Regional geophysical modelling and paleo-reconstruction in and around the southern Slave Structural Province.Shepley, Karen Anne Bernice. January 2000 (has links)
The rocks of northwestern Canada represent over 4.0 Ga of geological history. This study focuses on two periods from that history: geophysical modeling in the south-central Archean Slave Structural Province and a reconstruction of the Early Proterozoic Great Slave Lake Shear Zone (GSLSZ) using the regional magnetic fabric. One of the goals of the modelling in the Slave Province was to constrain the depth extent and shapes of the exposed plutons and greenstone belts. The reconstruction of the GSLSZ was performed using a technique developed by Roest and Pilkington (1994). First, the effects of the Bathurst and MacDonald Fault Zones were removed. Reconstruction of the GSLSZ was performed using the regional magnetic fabric after the removal of the effects of the Bathurst and MacDonald Fault Zones. One possible combination of plate geometries is assumed. Although widely separated in time, the two tectonic phases addressed in this study depicts two phases in the process of craton formation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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The origins of magnetic anomaly lows associated with three impact structures.Scott, Ronald Glenn. January 1996 (has links)
Drill cores from three Canadian impact structures were analysed for rock magnetic properties and mineralogy, in order to explain the reduced magnetizations associated with these structures. Samples from the drill cores were cut and measured for AMS and NRM parameters. Drill cores from the twin impact craters of the Clearwater structure exhibited different natural remanent magnetization (NRM) characteristics and samples from their respective drill cores were subject to demagnetization by alternating field and thermal techniques. The difference noted in their NRM characteristics was attributed to the acquisition of a viscous remanent magnetization (VRM) at depth in Clearwater East. Both magnetic susceptibilities and remanent magnetizations are well below regional values in impact generated breccias, melt rocks, shocked crystalline rocks, and in post-impact sedimentary infill. The processes of brecciation, alteration, shock, and infill by non-magnetic sediments contribute to the development of the magnetic lows. However, a significant component of the magnetic anomalies was found by forward modeling to derive from the unshocked basement rocks beneath the impact structures. This zone of reduced magnetization may be caused by the partial demagnetization of magnetite by the impact-induced transient stress wave travelling away from the point of impact, and the possible acquisition of a lower intensity shock remanent magnetization in the target rocks at depth. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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Contribution of hyperspectral remote sensing to the estimation of leaf area index in the context of precision agriculturePacheco, Anna January 2004 (has links)
The estimation of Leaf Area Index (LAI) is a key parameter controlling biophysical processes of the vegetation canopy, and ultimately yield. Defined as one half the total green leaf area per unit ground surface area, LAI is an essential component of precision crop management. Direct field techniques are tedious, time-consuming and labour-intensive. Indirect techniques, such as determining gap fraction with optical instruments have proven to be a good alternative, but their use is limited to rigid field sampling techniques. Vegetation indices have been useful to estimate LAI but are limited mostly due to its background reflectance noise. LAI can be estimated using different types of data, but only hyperspectral remote sensing has the potential to distinguish effectively the crop from other field components using spectral mixture analysis. Once the crop fraction has been derived, LAI is estimated using a crop fraction inversion technique. The application of this technique under agricultural field conditions has been very limited and not rigorously validated. The main objective of this study is to validate the crop fraction inversion technique for LAI estimation, and to examine the potential for LAI estimation using hyperspectral remote sensing data in the context of precision agriculture. This research will provide a unique scientific contribution to the field of hyperspectral remote sensing and greatly contribute to the advancement of remote sensing agriculture applications in Canada. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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An interpretation of high-resolution aeromagnetic data over the Manitouwadge greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada.Miles, Warner Frederick. January 1998 (has links)
The aim of this study is to interpret aeromagnetic data using 3D techniques. The data consist of eleven high resolution surveys over the Manitouwadge greenstone belt of the Superior Province, Ontario. The interpretation was calibrated to the detailed geological mapping of the area by Zaleski et. al. (1995) The study has three components. First, the data and grid quality were maximized to maintain as much of the high frequency component of the flight line data as possible while minimizing levelling errors and gridding artefacts. Second, a number of 3D interpretation techniques was investigated. Third, the 3D interpretation techniques were applied to the data over the Manitouwadge study area. Grid improvement techniques, particularly micro-levelling and trend reinforcement, were found to be necessary to maximize grid quality. The 3D interpretation techniques used included apparent magnetic susceptibility mapping, analytic signal, horizontal gradient of pseudo-gravity, potential field tilt and Euler deconvolution as well as first and second vertical derivatives. Each method enhances a different component of the total field intensity and complemented each other when interpreted in combination. The apparent susceptibility map combined with the horizontal gradient of pseudo-gravity maxima produced an image that approximates the mapped geology. Calibrating the magnetic interpretation to the known geology allowed the extrapolation of supracrustal rock units into areas of limited geological mapping. The presence of supracrustal units in the engulfing Black Pic tonalitic batholith extends the geological mapping and illustrates regional deformation.
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Geofysikaalisia tutkimuksia Haukiputaan Kellonkankaan pohjavesialueellaNevalainen, J. (Jouni) 05 December 2013 (has links)
Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on geofysikaaliset tutkimukset Haukiputaan Kellonkankaan pohjavesialueella. Kohteena oleva Kellonkankaan pohjavesialue sijaitsee Muhos-muodostumaksi kutsutun sedimenttimuodostuman päällä. Tutkimusten tarkoituksena on kartoittaa muodostuman kallionpinnan topografiset vaihtelut sekä määrittää muodostuman päällä olevan maaperän rakennetta.
Geofysikaaliset maastomittaukset tehtiin vuoden 2011 kesän ja syksyn aikana ja kallionpinnan kartoituksen päämenetelmänä oli painovoimahavaintojen avulla tehtävä maankamaran mallinnus. Apuna käytettiin maatutkaluotausta sekä seismistä taittumisluotausta. Varsinkin maatutkaluotaus antoi arvokasta tietoa sekä kallionpinnan syvyydestä ja sen muodoista että maaperän rakenteesta. Tutkimusalueelta oli käytettävissä huomattava määrä maaperäkairauksia, joilla oli saatu tarkkaa tietoa maaperän rakenteesta. Lisäksi tutkimusalueen läheltä on kolme aiempaa kallionpintaan yltänyttä maaperäkairausta. Niiden perusteella kallionpinta on lähes 90 metrin syvyydellä maanpinnasta noin kilometrin päässä alueen länsireunasta.
Maatutkaluotauksella kallionpinta pystyttiin paikantamaan hyvin tutkimusalueen itäosasta ja tätä tietoa käytettiin apuna painovoima-aineiston mallinnuksessa a priori -ennakkotietona. Maatutkaluotauksella paikannettiin maaperästä useita moreeni- ja hiekkakerrostumia sekä viime jääkauden jälkeen muodostuneita glasifluviaalisia kanavia, jotka ovat täyttyneet erittäin hienojakoisella hiekalla. Seismisellä taittumisluotauksella saatiin kallionpinnan syvyys selville myös tutkimusalueen länsiosassa, missä maatutkaluotauksen syvyysulottuvuus ei ollut riittävä kallionpinnan havaitsemiseen.
Painovoimamittausten havaintopisteet kattoivat koko tutkimusalueen ja pääasiallinen kartoitustapa oli tehdä havaintoja tiheästi linjoilla ja linjojen välissä hajapistein. Kallionpinta kuvattiin painovoima-aineiston inversion avulla käyttämällä kaksikerroksista elementtimallia. Mallin ylempi kerros kuvasi irtomaakerroksen paksuutta ja alempi kerros Muhos-muodostumaa. Malli osoittautui hyväksi Kellonkankaan tutkimusalueella, jossa pääasiassa hiekasta ja moreenista koostuva irtomaakerros on tiheysarvoltaan melko samanlaista koko tutkimusalueella. Tutkimusalueen välittömässä läheisyydessä olevia, Muhos-muodostuman ja ympäröivien kivilajien kalliokontakteista muodostuva epäsymmetrinen alueellinen painovoima-anomalia tuotti vaikeuksia mallinnusvaiheessa. Tästä huolimatta kallionpinnan topografia saatiin selvitettyä ja mallin geologinen mielekkyys on hyvä. Kallionpinnan topografiassa havaittiin luode–kaakko-suuntainen ”jyrkänne”, jonka lounaspuolella kallionpinnan syvyys vaihtelee 50 metristä jopa 80 metriin maanpinnasta. Jyrkänteen koillispuolella kallionpinnan syvyys maanpinnasta vaihtelee 15–25 m välillä. Painovoima-aineiston mallinnuksella saatu kallionpinnan syvyys maanpinnasta tutkimusalueen länsiosassa sopii hyvin yhteen kahden kallioon asti yltäneen maaperäkairauksen havaintoja.
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Use of volume-based 3-D seismic attribute analysis to characterize physical property distribution : a case study to delineate reservoir heterogeneity at the Appleton Field, SW AlabamaTebo, Juliana M. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Weakening of the lithosphere beneath Scotian basin : prelude for initiation of subduction of Atlantic OceanZheng, Ying January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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A numerical study of the 15 December 1992 TOGA COARE mesoscale convective system /Nagarajan, Badrinath. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Negative magnetic anomalies at satellite altitude over passive marginal basinsGhods, Abdolreza January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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The scale invariant generator technique and scaling anisotropy in geophysics /Lewis, Gregory January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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