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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezinárodní obchod se zbraněmi: USA, Švédsko a Rusko / International arms trade: U.S., Sweden and Russia

Štrbák, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of international arms trade. More particularly, it deals with the arms trade in three chosen countries - the United States, Sweden and Russia. In general, this work brings coherent data and analyzes the arms trade issue, especially in the countries chosen for this academic work. The aim is to present arms trade problematics of these three countries to the reader as well as to bring the valuable analyzes on the chosen topic and finally to compare the case countries in order to find the differences and common characteristics. The main goal of this thesis is to find the answers on the research questions. The two most important research questions are: What are the current trends and future of the international arms trade in the U.S., Sweden and Russia? How does the arms trade differ in these countries? The first research question is focused on present and future development of arms trade, on the other hand second one gives partially comparative nature to the thesis. The thesis is based on comparative case study method. Through the deep examination of this three case countries the work comes to the answers designed in the research questions. Thesis concludes the raising importance of the arms trade as the instrument of influence. In addition, growing of volume of arms...

Strukturální násilí a velmocenské soupeření: Důsledky čínsko-americké geopolitické rivality v indo-pacifické oblasti / Structural Violence and Great Power Competition: The Effects of Sino-U.S. Geopolitical Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific

Iocovozzi, James January 2020 (has links)
Structural Violence and Great Power Competition: The Effects of Sino-U.S. Geopolitical Rivalry in the Indo-Pacific Abstract This paper examines the effects of the ongoing strategic rivalry between China and the United States for influence over the Indo-Pacific in order to demonstrate the negative impacts upon structural violence within the region. Using an amalgamation from various authors, this paper establishes a definition and set of criteria for the presence of structural violence which are then applied to the cases of Vietnam, Myanmar, and Japan. By correlating the mechanisms with which China and the United States garner influence with the specific consequences for the prevalence and severity of structural violence, this paper illustrates that the ongoing geopolitical rivalry poses considerable threats to all Indo-Pacific nations regardless of their development status or social, political, economic, and geographic characteristics. Results indicate that the extent of each country's structural violence was directly or indirectly affected by the presence of foreign involvement, and that different levels of alignment or independence can serve to reduce or exacerbate these effects. Furthermore, evidence indicated that China's methods pose a more immediate threat to induvial countries, but that the United...

Geopolitika ropy / Geopolitics of Oil

Odintsov, Nikita January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the Geopolitics of Oil is to find a theoretical conceptualization of oil trade regime evolution and its changes during the period between the end of the World War II and 2011. This thesis builds on the two major theories of international relations: neorealism and interdependence theory. The theoretical part of the paper analyzes their main contributions and weaknesses. This enables to formulate the new approach to political economy of oil with a special emphasis on geo-economics. This thesis seeks to answer two main research questions: 1) "Under which conditions do oil exporters consolidate their energy sector?" and 1) "What is the reason for engagement of foreign powers in the oil regions?" This thesis examines relations between exporters from the Persian Gulf and the United States. Interdependence theory is tested by a calculation of symmetry or asymmetry in interdependent relationship between importers and exporters, which is done by a comparison of the market shares between the two during the period of changes in the oil trade regimes. Neorealist theory and political economy of oil approach are examined through detailed case studies that inquire how oil importers and exporters have tried to use oil to pursue their own power interests. This thesis concludes that the geopolitics of oil...

Determinanty indické geopolitické strategie ve Střední Asii / The geopolitical determinants of India's Central Asia strategy

Sandilya, Hrishabh January 2015 (has links)
Teze disertační práce Pracoviště: Institut politologických studií FSV UK Praha Jméno studenta: Hrishabh Sandilya Název disertační práce: The Geopolitical Determinants of India's Central Asia Strategy Školitel: prof. PhDr. Bořivoj Hnízdo, Ph.D. Oponenti: prof. RNDr. Vladimír Baar, CSc.; Mgr. Martin Riegl, Ph.D. Termín a místo obhajoby: FSV UK, 11/2015 Osnova tezí: 1. Abstract 2. Introduction 3. Research Method & Design 4. Contributions to Literature 5. Organization of Chapters 6. Conclusions 7. Selected Bibliography 8. Interviewees 1. Abstract This dissertation aims to identify the drivers and determinants of Indian strategy and policy with regard to the five post-Soviet, Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan within a geopolitical framework. Contemporary scholarship recognizes three determinants (drivers) of Indian strategy in the region - security and strategic necessity, energy diversification given Central Asia's abundant natural resources, and, economic engagement and connectivity. Using this identification as a stepping-stone, the dissertation seeks to rest the validity of these assumptions, and explore these determinants in detail. In addition, it attempts to identify other determinants of Indian strategy, and offers a conceptual framework through which...

Geopolitika Ruska - její konstanty a proměny v období po rozpadu SSSR / Russian geopolitics - constants and changes after the split of the USSR

Vosátková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
As the diploma's thesis it was chosen the theoretical analysis of the geopolitical position of Russia. The primary objective of this study is the evaluation of current geopolitics of the Russian Federation after the collapse of Soviet Union and outlines its future development. This work tries to answer a few basic questions. What is the current geopolitical situation in Russia, in what direction it develops, and whether we can declare a major shift to any direction. The work is divided into several main parts. Introduction is followed by a theoretical grasp of key concepts and the main actors involved in geopolitics. The other two parts contain an analysis of the relationship of Russia to key actors such as the US and NATO, the EU, China, Ukraine, the near neighborhood in Central Asia and the Transcaucasia and geopolitics of oil and natural gas. The last is practical part, in which the information from the previous sections is applied to specific examples in Russian foreign policy. Keywords: Geopolitics, Russia, eurasianism, foreign policy, the US, the EU, China, Central Asia, Ukraine, NATO, energy policy, oil, natural gas

Netikrumo veiksnys tarptautiniuose santykiuose kaip struktūrinės galios didinimo priemonė / Uncertainty in international relations as a means of rising structural power

Vaščenkaitė, Galina 11 December 2013 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas tarptautinių veikėjų elgesys, anksčiau įprastas laikyti iracionaliu. Išanalizavus lošimų teorijos logiką, tiriamos galimybės atskirus lošimo teorijos modelius taikyti dviejų valstybių sąveikų, kuriose mažesnės santykinės ir struktūrinės galios valstybė siekia didinti savo struktūrinę galią santykyje su didesnės santykinės ir struktūrinės galios valstybe. Išnagrinėjus ribotos informacijos ir sąveikos dalyvių nepasitikėjimo vienas kito racionalumu implikacijas sprendimų priėmimui ir sąveikos rezultatams, daroma išvada, kad dviejų minėtų veiksnių pagalba gali būti tikslingai sukuriama netikrumo situacija kaip priemonė, ribojanti didesnės santykinės ir struktūrinės galios valstybės gebėjimą priimti racionalius sprendimus ir leidžianti mažesnės santykinės ir struktūrinės galios valstybei pasiekti trokštamą sąveikos rezultatą – padidinti savo struktūrinę galią. / International relations can be considered as a set of interactions between the actors of international system. As a result of these interactions some actors gain a reputation of reliable and stable while the others perform as irrational and unpredictable. The main goal of these masters’ theses was to identify when and how should the seemingly “irrational” behavior of the international actor be considered as a rational strategy aiming at some certain objectives. The subject of this research is the interactions between two states in which the structural and comparative power of the one state is lower than the one of the other. Under these circumstances the state which possesses lower power seeks to raise it in relation to the stronger state. The author of this research hypothesizes that the aim of the behavior which seems irrational to the other players of the international system may be the creation of the conditions of uncertainty. The later can be used as a means of rising structural power of the actor who necessitated it. The Author approaches the logic of the theory of rational choice as well as examines the prospects of using the particular models of game theory as a tool of analyzing the abovementioned interactions of two states the structural and comparative power of which is notably unequal. After analyzing the impact of imperfect information as well as the mistrust in the rationality of the partners of the game, the Author comes to conclusion that the abovementioned... [to full text]

Pozice Ukrajiny v euroasijském transportu ropy a zemního plynu / Ukraine’s Position in Eurasian Transport of Oil and Natural Gas

Ruban, Andriy January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on theoretical and empirical analysis of oil and natural gas flows in Eurasia and maps Ukraine's transit position in the regional oil and gas supply chain. The aim of the thesis is to objectively evaluate possibilities of Eurasian energy integration by enlargement of the European energy market further to the East and to prospect Ukraine's involvement into a new geopolitical energy alliance, driven by EU. This dissertation builds up on economical, geographical, historical and political premises of markets integration as well as system approach of energy alliances development. It argues that (i) energy integration on contrary to traditional economic stream can be explained by system approach and geopolitical stream of energy expansionism; (ii) EU infrustructural oil and gas projects imply deeper integration of EU member-states with involed non-members and (iii) Ukraine's oil and gas transit status within Eurasian region facilitates its growing involvement into EU energy intiatives guided by the European rules. The thesis is organized into three chapters. The first one is predominately theoretical and seeks to summarize current theoretical approaches towards integration and trends of energy markets in Eurasia. The second chapter introduces the role of oil and gas transport capacities and Ukraine's transit status in resolving disparities of Eurasian energy supply chain. The third chapter describes condition of Ukrainian oil and gas infrastructure and tackles issues for reformation of national oil and gas transit pipelines. Securing access to energy supplies has been a driving factor of global development since the industrial revolution. Increasing demand for oil and gas has undermined energy and economic security of world centers. In Eurasia Europe and Asia has been competing for fossil fuels originating from Russia, Middle East and Central Asia. Since recently Eurasian energy security problem is being solved by development of new supply routes. These infrastructural projects are initiated by oil and gas consumers, suppliers and transitors competing over control in the infrastructure. Such competition destabilises Eurasian relations, leads to energy "wars", political conflicts and increases supplies disruption risks. To secure stability of energy supply chain producers, transitors and consumers of oil and gas resources should integrate, closely cooperate and jointly invest into improving the existing supply routes and efficiency of fuels consumtion, production and transportation. Oil and gas should be traded for technologies and capital securing control in the infrustucture of mutual interests. Development of further bilateral and multilateral tools of joint interest would also help in resolving energy related contradictions of the participating parties. The leading role in driving energy integration in Eurasia belongs to the EU being the most mature and advanced integration grouping in Eurasia. EU realises TEN-e projects and from recently a common foreign energy policy aimed to strengthen external cooperation with oil and gas suppliers and transitors, including Ukraine. Since 1970s Ukraine has been an important oil and gas transitor for Russian and Central Asian oil and gas to Europe. Ukrainian pipelines intermediate 10 % of oil and 50 % of gas imports of Europe. To counterbalance Russian energy diplomacy over Ukraine, EU is supporting Ukraine's efforts in such energy alliances as INOGATE or GUAM. Ukraine's recent accession to the South Eastern-European Energy Community should improve stability of gas and oil supplies to Europe and facilitate reformation of national transit capacities.

Euroasijská hospodářská unie - potenciál vztahů s EU / Eurasian Economic Union and potential relationship with EU

Makarenko, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
Russian Federation has reconsidered its foreign policy on the European Union and is now focusing more on Eurasian integration. This step aroused various reactions in the world, especially after the creation of the Eurasian Economic Union in January 2015. This work deals with the intention of the Union, examines the steps which preceded this event and the possible influence of the eurasianism on Eurasian integration. At the same time, based on the statements of both parties -- European and Eurasian -- the work analyzes potential point of possible cooperation between the European Union and the newly formed regional integration Eurasian Economic Union.

Energetická bezpečnost EU a vztahy s Ruskem / EU Energy Security and Relations with Russia

Kostitsyna, Ksenia January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation is to research the interconnectivity of energy security of the European Union and its relations with Russia. Achieving this goal entails an analysis of the current situation in the EU energy security in the context of its import dependence on Russian energy sources and an outline of the future development of strategic partnership between the EU and Russia in the energy field. The dissertation is divided into five logically arranged chapters. The first chapter provides the theoretical background, the concept of the energy security and methodological researching tools. The second chapter provides an overview of the current state of the global and the European energy industries as a basis for the evaluation of the energy security. The second chapter is also focused on the EU legislative framework concerning energy system. The third chapter deals with analysis of the energy security of the individual sectors and levels of the energy system by determining risk factors and measures to limit their impact. The fourth chapter examines the energy sector of Russia in terms of its impact on the EU energy security. The final fifth chapter outlines scenarios for the future of the EU energy security in the context of relations with Russia.

Finální externalizace druhých a její důsledky pro tureckou zahraniční politiku / The Final Externalization of the Others and its Consequences for the Turkish Foreign Policy

Chvátal, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP) towards the sub- regions of Central Eurasia (the Middle East and Central Asia) in the period between 1991 and 2010. Theoretically, this thesis combines a modified version of social constructivism with the assumptions of critical geopolitics. Interconnecting social constructivism with the Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA), this thesis targets the domestic level of analysis. Therefore, the ideational background of the decision-makers is examined. Although, the potential impact of the identity variable on the TFP articulation is investigated after 1991 only, the genesis of the long-term identity conflict within the Turkish (Ottoman) society is also included in the analyses. Given the geopolitical part, this thesis draws upon the basic critical insight that the geopolitical argumentation is based on discursive rather than material factors. The aim is to identify the geopolitical metaphors which had been, in the examined period, applied while dealing with the above mentioned sub-regions. At this stage, the theoretical approaches are logically synthetized and the genesis and usage of the geopolitical metaphors is examined in relation to the identity of those who formulated them. This diploma thesis proves that the identity conflict...

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