Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dermination rate"" "subject:"determination rate""
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Quantifying the effects of temperature on dormancy change and germination in orchardgrass (<i>Dactylis glomerata</i> L.) and western wheatgrass (<i>Pascopyrum smithii</i> [Rydb.] L.)Qiu, Jie 14 June 2005
Orchardgrass (<i>Dactylis glomerata</i> L.) and western wheatgrass (<i>Pascopyrum smithii </i>(Rydb.) L.) seeds have different degrees of dormancy that result in non-uniform seedling emergence in the field. Seed dormancy of the two species, in part, causes disagreement between germination tests in the laboratory and seedling emergence in the field. Experiments were conducted over two years in the laboratory and in the field to determine the effects of alternating temperatures on changes in seed dormancy and germination of orchardgrass and western wheatgrass. The two western wheatgrass cultivars (Walsh and LC9078a) had deeper dormancy than the two orchardgrass cultivars (Arctic and Lineta). Dormancy of both species was broken by temperatures with 10oC amplitude; this temperature variation was similar to that which occurred at a 1 cm depth in the soil. Optimal temperatures for germination of orchardgrass (10-25oC) were broader than those for western wheatgrass (15-20oC). Seedling emergence of orchardgrass was less sensitive to seeding date in the spring than western wheatgrass; seedling emergence of western wheatgrass increased as seeding date was delayed from early to late May if soil water was not limiting. The rate of seedling emergence increased with increasing temperature in both species, therefore, faster and more uniform seedling emergence can be expected from late spring seeding dates. Seeds were often exposed to light during germination tests in the laboratory while planting seeds in the soil usually prevented exposure of seeds to light. Seedling emergence of orchardgrass in the field was usually less than the germination percentage obtained in the laboratory because of light exposure during germination tests could break dormancy in orchardgrass seeds and the small seeds of orchardgrass had limited energy reserves for pre-emergence seedling growth. On the other hand, germination of western wheatgrass seeds was reduced by exposure to light during germination and seeds were larger than those of orchardgrass. Therefore, seedling emergence of western wheatgrass in the field was usually greater than germination tests would predict. The use of thermal time models to study seed dormancy changes and germination revealed the dual effects of temperature on these processes. The modified thermal time model takes the difference between germination and seedling emergence into account and can accurately predict seedling emergence in the field (R2=0.88 to 0.99). Thermal time models for predicting seedling emergence in the field can also be developed for other forages, however, cultivar- and species-specific parameters must be developed for the models.
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Quantifying the effects of temperature on dormancy change and germination in orchardgrass (<i>Dactylis glomerata</i> L.) and western wheatgrass (<i>Pascopyrum smithii</i> [Rydb.] L.)Qiu, Jie 14 June 2005 (has links)
Orchardgrass (<i>Dactylis glomerata</i> L.) and western wheatgrass (<i>Pascopyrum smithii </i>(Rydb.) L.) seeds have different degrees of dormancy that result in non-uniform seedling emergence in the field. Seed dormancy of the two species, in part, causes disagreement between germination tests in the laboratory and seedling emergence in the field. Experiments were conducted over two years in the laboratory and in the field to determine the effects of alternating temperatures on changes in seed dormancy and germination of orchardgrass and western wheatgrass. The two western wheatgrass cultivars (Walsh and LC9078a) had deeper dormancy than the two orchardgrass cultivars (Arctic and Lineta). Dormancy of both species was broken by temperatures with 10oC amplitude; this temperature variation was similar to that which occurred at a 1 cm depth in the soil. Optimal temperatures for germination of orchardgrass (10-25oC) were broader than those for western wheatgrass (15-20oC). Seedling emergence of orchardgrass was less sensitive to seeding date in the spring than western wheatgrass; seedling emergence of western wheatgrass increased as seeding date was delayed from early to late May if soil water was not limiting. The rate of seedling emergence increased with increasing temperature in both species, therefore, faster and more uniform seedling emergence can be expected from late spring seeding dates. Seeds were often exposed to light during germination tests in the laboratory while planting seeds in the soil usually prevented exposure of seeds to light. Seedling emergence of orchardgrass in the field was usually less than the germination percentage obtained in the laboratory because of light exposure during germination tests could break dormancy in orchardgrass seeds and the small seeds of orchardgrass had limited energy reserves for pre-emergence seedling growth. On the other hand, germination of western wheatgrass seeds was reduced by exposure to light during germination and seeds were larger than those of orchardgrass. Therefore, seedling emergence of western wheatgrass in the field was usually greater than germination tests would predict. The use of thermal time models to study seed dormancy changes and germination revealed the dual effects of temperature on these processes. The modified thermal time model takes the difference between germination and seedling emergence into account and can accurately predict seedling emergence in the field (R2=0.88 to 0.99). Thermal time models for predicting seedling emergence in the field can also be developed for other forages, however, cultivar- and species-specific parameters must be developed for the models.
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The effect of crop quality and pre-treatment on germination in Scots pine and Norway spruce seedsHilli, A. (Anu) 03 February 2009 (has links)
Weather conditions during the growing season are determining the size and quality of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seed crop in northern areas. Pathogens, fungi, and insects also have an effect on seed crops. The varying quality of seeds from forest stands and seed orchards does not full fill the germination requirements of tree nurseries. Multi-phase pre-treatment are therefore used in forest tree seed centres to improve seed lots quality.
The main objectives of this study were to analyse long-term variation in the size and quality of Scots pine seed crops in Northern Finland. Determine the impact of fungal injuries on the structures of Norway spruce seeds. To detect changes in the germination capacity and rate of Norway spruce seeds during pre-treatment phases and to determine the impacts of short-term and long-term storage on the germination of treated seeds.
The study found that in most years, regeneration of Scots pine in Northern Finland is limited by quantity as well as quality the seed crop. The long-term average of the Scots pine seed crop was 77seeds/m2 and the long-term average expected germination percentage was 61%. Aeciospores of the inlad spruce cone rust Chrysomyxa pirolata (Körnicke) Wint. were found to form inside Norway spruce seeds, destroying the nucellar layers and reducing germination of seeds. In general, the germination capacity and rate of Norway spruce seeds increased during pre-treatment phases. The germination capacity of seeds increased about 30% and the rate by more than 40% during pre-treatment. During long-term storage the germination capacity and rate of pre-treated Scots pine seeds were preserved better in frozen storage than in cool storage. It was found that pre-treated Scots pine forest stand seeds can be stored for several years in frozen conditions. The germination capacity and rate of pre-treated orchard seeds were effected significantly more than those from forest stands. It is therefore recommended that Scots pine seeds from orchards be stored without pre-treatment. The germination capacity and rate of treated Norway spruce seeds from orchards was not significantly different after one year of storage.
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Seed dispersal by black-backed Jackals (Canis mesomelas) and hairy-footed gerbils (Gerbillurus spp.) of !nara (Acanthosicyos horridus) in the central Namib DesertShikesho, Saima Dhiginina 29 September 2021 (has links)
This study investigated primary seed dispersal of !nara (Acanthosicyos horridus) by Blackbacked Jackals (Canis mesomelas) and secondary seed dispersal by scatter-hoarding hairyfooted gerbils (Gerbilliscus (Gerbillurus) spp.) in the central Namib Desert. This was accomplished by examining visitation rates and fruit removal of !nara melons, primarily by jackals. In addition, I determined the viability and germination rate of !nara seeds collected from jackal scat. The results indicate that jackals were the dominant species to visit !nara (93.3%) and the only !nara frugivores recorded by camera traps over two !nara fruiting seasons. There was no difference in the viability of ingested seeds and control seeds, but germination rates of ingested !nara seeds were significantly higher (50.4%) than control !nara seeds (34%). This component of the study suggests that Black-backed Jackals are the main primary dispersers of !nara seeds in the central Namib Desert. I furthermore examined secondary seed dispersal by tracking !nara seeds to determine whether scatter-hoarding hairyfooted gerbils were caching or consuming seeds. I recorded the distance moved, depth of seed burial, recovery rate and the habitats in which seeds were buried in three habitat types. Hairyfooted gerbils removed 100% !nara seeds from experimental sites and cached 60.3 % of all the !nara seeds removed. The gerbils frequently retrieved the buried caches within two days (77% of the time) and re-cached them elsewhere. The majority of caches were in the open areas (83%) and only consisted of one (39%) or two seeds (45%). Only 1.7% of the cached seeds were not retrieved by the gerbils during the 30-day observation periods. !Nara seeds were moved an average distance of 29.1±1.6 m and buried at an average depth of 4±0.2 cm. Although there is high probability of cache retrieval, some of the cached seeds survived. As gerbil caches are at favourable locations for plant establishment, and as it is more likely that buried seeds will survive until suitable conditions for germination and seedling establishment, seed dispersal by hairy-footed gerbils is advantageous to !nara plants. Therefore, hairy-footed gerbil species in the central Namib Desert contributed to secondary seed dispersal of !nara. The combined interaction of endozoochory by Black-backed Jackals (Canis mesomelas) and synzoochory by hairy-footed gerbils (Gerbillurus spp.) in dispersing seeds of !nara plants (Acanthosicyos horridus) in the central Namib Desert suggest diplochory is highly likely.
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Improving Post-Wildfire Seeding Success using Germination Modeling and Seed Enhancement TechnologiesRichardson, William Charles 01 April 2018 (has links)
Arid and semi-arid rangelands are important ecosystems that are consistently degraded through disturbances such as wildfires. After such disturbances, the invasion and dominance of annual grasses, like cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), can lead to an overall loss of ecosystem productivity and an increase in fire frequency. To reduce weed dominance, native and introduced perennials species are typically be seeded in the fall. High mortality is seen from these seeded plant communities due to germinated seed being exposed to freezing, drought, fungal pathogens, and other biotic and abiotic stressors during winter months. We utilized wet-thermal accumulation models to first further validate the theory that germination from seeded plant populations occurs during periods of high environmental stress, and then to establish the practicality of abscisic acid seed coatings as a technology that could circumvent winter germination and mortality. In Chapter 1, we developed an excel workbook called Auto-Germ using Visual Basic for Applications, which allows users to estimate field germination timing based on wet-thermal accumulation models and field data. We then used Auto-Germ to model seed germination timing for 10 different species, across 6 years, and 10 Artemisia-steppe sites in the Great Basin of North America. We estimated that for the majority of the species analyzed, a mid to late-winter planting was required on average for the majority of the population to germinate in the spring. This planting time would be logistically difficult for many land managers, due to freezing and/or saturated soil conditions. In Chapter 2, we utilized wet-thermal accumulation models to evaluate the use of abscisic acid (ABA) to delay germination of Pseudoroegneria spicata (Pursh) Á. Löve (perennial native bunchgrass) across 4 years and 6 Artemisia-steppe sites. Germination models estimated that ABA seed treatments typically would delay germination of fall sown seed to late winter or early spring when conditions may be more favorable for plant establishment. Based on these results, we recommend both the use of wetthermal accumulation models as a tool in educating researchers and land managers in knowing when seeding practices should occur, and the further study of ABA seed coatings as a technology that may improve plant establishment of fall sown seeds.
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Hydrothermal time model of germination : parameters for 36 Mediterranean annual species based on a simplified approachKöchy, Martin, Tielbörger, Katja January 2006 (has links)
Germination rates and germination fractions of seeds can be predicted well by the hydrothermal time (HTT) model. Its four parameters hydrothermal time, minimum soil temperature, minimum soil moisture, and variation of minimum soil moisture, however, must be determined by lengthy germination experiments at combinations of several levels of soil temperature and moisture. For some applications of the HTT model it is more important to have approximate estimates for many species rather than exact values for only a few species. We suggest that minimum temperature and variation of minimum moisture can be estimated from literature data and expert knowledge. This allows to derive hydrothermal time and minimum moisture from existing data from germination experiments with one level of temperature and moisture. We applied our approach to a germination experiment comparing germination fractions of wild annual species along an aridity gradient in Israel. Using this simplified approach we estimated hydrothermal time and minimum moisture of 36 species. Comparison with exact data for three species shows that our method is a simple but effective method for obtaining parameters for the HTT model. Hydrothermal time and minimum moisture supposedly indicate climate related germination strategies. We tested whether these two parameters varied with the climate at the site where the seeds had been collected. We found no consistent variation with climate across species, suggesting that variation is more strongly controlled by site-specific factors. / Keimungsgeschwindigkeit und Anteil gekeimter Samen lassen sich gut mit dem Hydrothermalzeit-Modell bestimmen. Dessen vier Parameter Hydrothermalzeit, Mindesttemperatur, Mindestbodenfeuchte und Streuung der Mindestbodenfeuchte müssen jedoch durch aufwendige Keimungsversuche bei Kombinationen von mehreren Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsstufen bestimmt werden. Für manche Anwendungen des Hydrothermalzeit-Modells sind aber ungefähre Werte für viele Arten wichtiger als genaue Werte für wenige Arten. Wenn die Mindesttemperatur und die Streuung der Mindestfeuchte aus Veröffentlichungen und Expertenwissen geschätzt würde, können die Hydrothermalzeit und Mindestbodenfeuchte aus vorhandenen Daten von Keimungsversuchen mit nur einer Temperatur- und Feuchtigkeitsstufe berechnet werden. Wir haben unseren Ansatz auf einen Keimungsversuch zum Vergleich der Keimungsquote wilder einjähriger Arten entlang eines Trockenheitsgradienten in Israel angewendet. Mit diesem Ansatz bestimmten wir die Hydrothermalzeit und Mindestfeuchtigkeit von 36 Arten. Der Vergleich mit genauen Werten für drei Arten zeigt, dass mit unserem Ansatz Hydrothermalzeit-Parameter einfach und effektiv bestimmt werden können. Hydrothermalzeit und Mindestfeuchtigkeit sollten auch bestimmte klimabedingte Keimungsstrategien anzeigen. Deshalb testeten wir, ob diese zwei Parameter mit dem Klima am Ursprungsort der Samen zusammenhängen. Wir fanden jedoch keinen für alle Arten übereinstimmenden Zusammenhang, so dass die Unterschiede vermutlich stärker durch standörtliche als durch klimatische Ursachen hervorgerufen werden.
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Změny v časování klíčení způsobené interakcemi se sousedními semeny vzhledem k vlastnostem druhů. / Changes in timing of germination caused by neighbouring seeds and how it is connected with species traits.Kos, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The time when the seed germinates is very important. Ability to change the time of germination may be very advantageous. It allows the emerging seed to choose the best time according to abiotic conditions, and also to avoid of competition with neighbouring individuals. The seed reacts not only on adult plants and seedlings, but also on other seeds, with which is able to communicate. For a better understanding to this mechanism I conducted an experimental study with twenty-six species. The species were selected according to their position in long succession seres of mesic/xeric abandoned fields in Český kras. The seeds were left to germinate in pairs in all combinations among them. Here I present the results where I show how the time of emergence changes, depending on presence of neighbouring seed. Also, I show how these changes in germination are related to species specific traits. Out of this, I tried to influence communication between seeds by adding activated carbon. Activated carbon should stop the communication by highly absorbing surface. The time of germination of seeds which germinated alone was not proportional to the time of germination of seeds which germinated with neighbours. This correlation showed up like nonlinear, late-emerging seeds emerging unproportionally later when emerging...
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Temperature Effect on Maize Germination And Root ElongationAli, Omar Nazhan 10 August 2018 (has links)
Early planting is one technique to avoid or reduce heat and drought problems that negatively affecting grain crop production. If producers adopt early planting, cold temperatures may negatively affect corn yield. It is important to select hybrids that are suited for planting earlier in the southern United States. Experiments were conducted by imposing low temperatures during seed germination. Twenty commercially available corn hybrids were evaluated for seed germination and root elongation. The first objective was: 1) To determine if some hybrids germinate better at cooler temperatures than others; and 2) Determine variation in root elongation at cold temperatures among commercially available hybrids. Corn hybrids varied significantly for seed germination and root traits under cold temperatures. Some hybrids have significantly surpassed others in seed germination traits, and they germinated earlier as well having longer radicle length. Also, there were significant differences across temperatures for all traits measured. A second objective was: 1) To quantify the effects of cold temperature on seed germination rate; 2) To evaluate the effects of different cold temperatures on seed germination behavior of corn hybrids under laboratory conditions to determine how fast they germinated; and 3) To classify hybrids for response to cold temperature using cumulative seed germination. The results showed that standard germination performance occurred at 10ºC for all hybrids, but these hybrids performed well under other cold treatments (7.2°C and 8.6° C). There were no big differences between early hybrids 93 to 105 RM (Relative Maturity) and full season 115 to 120 RM in germination % and rate in both experiments, so that means that it pretty much depends on the hybrid. Therefore, the temperature had a major influence on seed germination parameters. These findings are useful for hybrid selection with respect to cool soil temperature conditions during early planting.
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