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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regulation of Glucose Uptake and Transporter Expression in the North Pacific Spiny Dogfish (Squalus suckleyi)

Deck, Courtney January 2016 (has links)
Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) are a primarily carnivorous group of vertebrates that consume very few carbohydrates and have little reliance on glucose as an oxidative fuel, the one exception being the rectal gland. This has led to a dearth of information on glucose transport and metabolism in these fish, as well as the presumption of glucose intolerance. Given their location on the evolutionary tree however, understanding these aspects of their physiology could provide valuable insights into the evolution of glucose homeostasis in vertebrates. In this thesis, the presence of glucose transporters in an elasmobranch was determined and factors regulating their expression were investigated in the North Pacific spiny dogfish (Squalus suckleyi). In particular, the presence of a putative GLUT4 transporter, which was previously thought to have been lost in these fish, was established and its mRNA levels were shown to be upregulated by feeding (intestine, liver, and muscle), glucose injections (liver and muscle), and insulin injections (muscle). These findings, along with that of increases in muscle glycogen synthase mRNA levels and muscle and liver glycogen content, indicate a potentially conserved mechanism for glucose homeostasis in vertebrates, and argue against glucose intolerance in elasmobranchs. In contrast to the other tissues examined, there was a decrease in glut4 mRNA levels within the rectal gland in response to natural feeding, a factor known to activate the gland, suggesting mRNA storage for rapid protein synthesis upon activation. A similar trend was also shown for sglt1 in the rectal gland, and the ability of GLUT and SGLT inhibitors to prevent chloride secretion solidified the importance of glucose uptake for gland function. The exogenous factor of salinity was also investigated and high levels of glut mRNA were observed within the rectal glands of low salinity-acclimated fish relative to control and high salinity fish, reiterating the idea of mRNA storage when the gland is expected to be inactive. Taken together, the results of this thesis demonstrate that glucose is an important fuel in the dogfish (and likely other elasmobranchs) and that the dogfish is fully capable of regulating its storage and circulation, contrary to prior beliefs.

Hexose Transporter mRNAs for GLUT4, GLUT5, and GLUT12 Predominate in Human Muscle

Stuart, Charles, Yin, Deling, Howell, Mary E.A., Dykes, Rhesa J., Laffan, John J., Ferrando, Arny A. 24 November 2006 (has links)
In the past few years, 8 additional members of the facilitative hexose transporter family have been identified, giving a total of 14 members of the SLC2A family of membrane-bound hexose transporters. To determine which of the new hexose transporters were expressed in muscle, mRNA concentrations of 11 glucose transporters (GLUTs) were quantified and compared. RNA from muscle from 10 normal volunteers was subjected to RT-PCR. Primers were designed that amplified 78- to 241-base fragments, and cDNA standards were cloned for GLUT1, GLUT2, GLUT3, GLUT4, GLUT5, GLUT6, GLUT8, GLUT9, GLUT10, GLUT11, GLUT12, and GAPDH. Seven of these eleven hexose transporters were detectable in normal human muscle. The rank order was GLUT4, GLUT5, GLUT12, GLUT8, GLUT11, GLUT3, and GLUT1, with corresponding concentrations of 404 ± 49, 131 ± 14, 33 ± 4, 5.5 ± 0.5, 4.1 ± 0.4, 1.2 ± .0.1, and 0.9 ± 0.2 copies/ng RNA (means ± SE), respectively, for the 10 subjects. Concentrations of mRNA for GLUT4, GLUT5, and GLUT12 were much higher than those for the remainder of the GLUTs and together accounted for 98% of the total GLUT isoform mRNA. Immunoblots of muscle homogenates verified that the respective proteins for GLUT4, GLUT5, and GLUT12 were present in normal human muscle. Immunofluorescent studies demonstrated that GLUT4 and GLUT12 were predominantly expressed in type I oxidative fibers; however, GLUT5 was expressed predominantly in type II (white) fibers.

Structure/Function Studies of the High Affinity Na+/Glucose Cotransporter (SGLT1)

Liu, Tiemin 15 September 2011 (has links)
The high affinity sodium/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) couples transport of Na+ and glucose. Investigation of the structure/function relationships of the sodium/glucose transporter (SGLT1) is crucial to understanding co-transporter mechanism. In the first project, we used cysteine-scanning mutagenesis and chemical modification by methanethiosulphonate (MTS) derivatives to test whether predicted TM IV participates in sugar binding. Charged and polar residues and glucose/galactose malabsorption (GGM) missense mutations in TM IV were replaced with cysteine. Mutants exhibited sufficient expression to be studied in detail using the two-electrode voltage-clamp method in Xenopus laevis oocytes and COS-7 cells. The results from mutants T156C and K157C suggest that TM IV participates in sugar interaction with SGLT1. This work has been published in Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 295 (1), C64-72, 2008. The crystal structure of Vibrio parahaemolyticus SGLT (vSGLT) was recently published (1) and showed discrepancy with the predicted topology of mammalian SGLT1 in the region surrounding transmembrane segments IV-V. Therefore, in the second project, we investigated the topology in this region, thirty-eight residues from I143 to A180 in the N-terminal half of rabbit SGLT1 were individually replaced with cysteine and then expressed in COS-7 cells or Xenopus laevis oocytes. Based on the results from biotinylation of mutants in intact COS-7 cells, MTSES accessibility of cysteine mutants expressed in COS-7 cells, effect of substrate on the accessibility of mutant T156C in TM IV expressed in COS-7 cells, and characterization of cysteine mutants in TM V expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, we suggest that the region including residues 143-180 forms part of the Na+- and sugar substrate-binding cavity. Our results also suggest that TM IV of mammalian SGLT1 extends from residue 143-171 and support the crystal structure of vSGLT. This work has been published in Biochem Biophys Res Commun 378 (1), 133-138, 2009 Previous studies established that mutant Q457C human SGLT1 retains full activity, and sugar translocation is abolished in mutant Q457R or in mutant Q457C following reaction with methanethiosulfonate derivatives, but Na+ and sugar binding remain intact. Therefore, in the third project, we explored the mechanism by which modulation of Q457 abolishes transport, Q457C and Q457R of rabbit SGLT1 expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes were studied using chemical modification, the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique and computer model simulations. Our results suggest that glutamine 457, in addition to being involved in sugar binding, is a residue that is sensitive to conformational changes of the carrier. This work has been published in Biophysical Journal 96 (2), 748-760, 2009. Taken together our study along with previous biochemical characterization of SGLT1 and crystal structure of vSGLT, we propose a limited structural model that attempts to bring together the functions of substrate binding (Na+ and sugar), coupling, and translocation. We propose that both Na+ and sugar enter a hydrophilic cavity formed by multiple transmembrane helices from both N-terminal half of SGLT1 and C-terminal half of SGLT1, analogous to all of the known crystal structures of ion-coupled transporters (the Na+/leucine transporter, Na+/aspartate transporter and lactose permease). The functionally important residues in SGLT1 (T156 and K157 in TM 4, D454 and Q457 in TM 11) are close to sugar binding sites.

Study of glucose transporters in C. elegans

Feng, Ying January 2010 (has links)
The calorie restriction (CR) and insulin/IGF-I-like signalling (IIS) are two pathways regulating the lifespan of C. elegans. Recent studies showed that glucose restriction extends the lifespan of C. elegans while excessive glucose shortens the lifespan of the worms. The first step of the glucose metabolism is the transport of glucose across the plasma membrane by the glucose transporters. The work described in this thesis aims to identify glucose transporters in C. elegans and to provide a primary investigation of the in vitro and in vivo function of the identified glucose transporter. Nine putative transporters have been cloned and expressed. Out of the nice cloned putative transporters in the C. elegans genome, H17B01.1 (H17) only is identified as a fully functional glucose transporter using an oocyte expression system in which glucose transport activity is directly measured. The two transcripts of H17 are both capable of transporting glucose with high affinity, as well as transporting trehalose. Heterologous expression of H17 in mammalian CHO-T cells suggests that the protein is localised both on the plasma membrane and in the cytosol. In vitro studies of H17 show that the protein does not respond to insulin stimulation when expressed in mammalian CHO-T cell and rat primary adipocyte systems. In vivo functional studies using H17 RNAi indicate that the worm’s lifespan is not affected by the H17 knockdown. However, glucose metabolism of C. elegans (as measured by glucose oxidation to CO2 and incorporation into fat reserves) is influenced by the decreased expression of H17, especially in the daf-2 mutant strain, e1370. However, the increase of glucose metabolism caused by H17 knockdown observed in daf-2 mutant is inhibited in the age-1 and akt-1 mutant strains. The findings reported in this thesis suggest that the H17 glucose transporter may play an important role glucose metabolism in C. elegans and that this transport and metabolism is influenced by insulin receptor activity and serine kinase cascades.

Expression von Natrium/Glukose-Cotransportern im menschlichen Gehirn bei Todesfällen durch Schädel-Hirn-Trauma und Todesfällen durch Ersticken / Expression of sodium/glucose cotransporter in the human brain following death by traumatic brain inury and suffocation

Oerter, Sabrina January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Glukosetransporter spielen eine wichtige Rolle in der Versorgung des Gehirns mit Nährstoffen und somit für den Erhalt der physiologischen Zellintegrität. Glukose wird über die Blut-Hirn-Schranke (BHS) mittels spezifischen transmembranen Transportproteinen der SLC-Genfamilie (GLUT, SGLT) befördert. Dabei scheint während physiologischen Bedingungen hauptsächlich der Glukosetransporter GLUT1 (SLC2A1) für die Energieversorgung des Gehirns zuständig zu sein. Die Erforschung der SGLT-Expression ist in den letzten Jahren ein wichtiger Ansatzpunkt für neue Behandlungsstrategien vieler Erkrankungen, wie Diabetes Mellitus, maligne Neoplasien oder eines Herzinfarkts, geworden. Jedoch ist über deren Expression und Funktion im menschlichen Gehirn nur wenig bekannt. Besonders die Lokalisation entlang der BHS bleibt fraglich. Ein Großteil bisheriger Forschungsarbeiten beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit der Expressionsanalyse des Transporters SGLT1 im tierischen Gehirn in vivo (Poppe et al. 1997; Balen et al. 2008; Yu et al. 2013). Es konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass SGLT1 mRNA exklusiv in Neuronen und nicht an der BHS exprimiert wird. Dies wird durch in vitro Analysen einer humanen Hirnendothelzelllinie bestätigt. Demnach kann kein SGLT1 unter physiologischen Bedingungen nachgewiesen werden (Sajja et al. 2014). Im menschlichen Hirngewebe besitzen SGLTs somit keine zentrale Funktion für den Glukosetransport an der BHS. Im Gegensatz dazu konnte eine Expression von SGLT sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro während hypoglykämischen Bedingungen belegt werden (Vemula et al. 2009; Sajja et al. 2014). Die Expression der SGLT-Transporter während einer ischämischen Hypoglykämie führt zu der Annahme, dass diese Transporter für die Aufrechterhaltung der Energieversorgung des geschädigten Hirngewebes notwendig sind. Um die physiologischen Mechanismen nach einem Glukosemangel zu untersuchen, wurden SHT-Modelle etabliert (Salvador et al. 2013). In einem experimentellen Modell des Schädel-Hirn-Traumas im Rahmen eines DFG-gefördertes Projekts ist ein Expressionsverlauf von Glukosetransportern im Maushirn und in Hirnendothelzellen erarbeitet worden (Wais 2012; Salvador et al. 2015). Somit könnten SGLTs als Ansatzpunkt für den Nachweis der Überlebenszeit nach einem SHT fungieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die Expression der Natrium-abhängigen Glukosetransporter SGLT1 und SGLT2 im menschlichen Gehirn. Hierbei liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf der Lokalisation dieser Transporter an der menschlichen BHS von post mortalem Hirngewebe. Weiterhin wird untersucht ob die Expressionsstärke von SGLT1 und SGLT2 eine Aussage über die Überlebenszeit von Verstorbenen nach einer traumatisch bedingten Hirnveränderung zulässt. Die Lokalisation von SGLT1 und SGLT2 an der menschlichen BHS konnte durch die Etablierung eines Protokolls zur Isolation von Hirnkapillaren erfolgen. Vorab wurden alle verwendeten Antikörper auf ihre Spezifität mittels siRNA Transfektion und Blockierung der Immunfluoreszenzsignale mittels immunisierten Peptids getestet. Somit ist die Spezifität der detektierten SGLT1- und SGLT2-Expression in menschlichen Hirnkapillaren gewährleistet. Anschließend wird untersucht, in welchen zeitlichem Verlauf nach einer traumatisch bedingten Hirnveränderung die verschiedenen Formen der Glukosetransporter exprimiert werden und ob ggf. der Umfang und die Verteilung von SGLT1, SGLT2 und GLUT1 sowie das Verhältnis zueinander Auskünfte über eine vitale bzw. postmortale Entstehung eines Traumas bzw. dessen Überlebenszeit zulässt. Hierfür wird ein Expressionsschema der Glukosetransporter generiert, abhängig von Todeszeitpunkt und Todesursache. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass GLUT1 nicht als Target für die Ermittlung der Überlebenszeit nach einem Trauma geeignet ist. Dahingegen zeigen SGLT1 und SGLT2 eine signifikante Änderung der Expressionsstärke im contusionalen Gewebe in Abhängigkeit von der Überlebenszeit. Obwohl diese vorläufigen Daten einen neuen Ansatzpunkt für die forensische Fragestellung aufzeigen, müssen weitere Experimente mit einem erhöhten Umfang der Probenanzahl und kürzere Zeitspannen der Überlebenszeiträume durchgeführt werden. / The transport of glucose across the endothelial cells of the human blood-brain barrier (hBBB) plays a major role for energy supply of the brain and therefor for neuronal integrity. Glucose enters the brain cells through specific transmembrane transporter proteins of the SLC-gene family (GLUT, SGLT). Under physiological conditions glucose uptake across the BBB seems to be mediated primarily by facilitated diffusion through glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1). Although SGLTs are a known drug target for diabetes and furthermore play a role in other disease like cancer and cardiac ischemia, active glucose transport by SGLTs is hardly observed and very little is known about their expression or activity in human brain. Especially the function along the BBB remains uncertain. Up to now, expression analysis focused on SGLT1 and has been confirmed in vivo by analyzing brain tissue of animals (Poppe et al. 1997; Balen et al. 2008; Yu et al. 2013). Here detection mainly occurs in neurons, no SGLT1 mRNA in capillaries of the BBB could be found. Similarly in vitro experiments with a human brain microvascular endothelial cell line reveals no expression of SGLT1 under physiological conditions (Sajja et al. 2014). In human brain, SGLT1 is hardly expressed and so far could not be found along the BBB. In contrast to these findings, expression of SGLT1 could be detected in vivo as well as in vitro under hypoglycemic conditions (Vemula et al. 2009; Sajja et al. 2014). The occurrence of these transporters during ischemic hypoglycemia could lead to the conclusion that the secondary active glucose transport by SGLTs is necessary for additional glucose supply in injured brain. To investigate if SGLTs are required for the reconstruction of energy supply after glucose deficiency, traumatic brain injury (TBI) models were established to study secondary physiological mechanisms along the BBB (Salvador et al. 2013). In an experimental CCI (controlled cortical impact) mouse model within a DFG-funded project, an expression pattern of glucose transporters in the mouse brain and in brain endothelial cells has been developed (Wais 2012; Salvador et al. 2015). Thus it could lead as a Target for evidence of the time of survival after TBI. This study focuses on the sodium-dependent glucose transporters SGLT1 and SGLT2 expression in human brain. The main topic is to localize the sodium-dependent glucose transporters along the human BBB of post mortem brain tissue and to examine whether SGLT expression allow a conclusion to be drawn about the survival time of a patient after TBI. First of all the localization of SGLT1 and SGLT2 at the human BBB could be shown by establishment a capillary isolation protocol of human post mortem brain tissue. Therefore the antibody specificity was tested by a siRNA transfection protocol and blocking the immunofluorescence signal with an immunized peptide. Thus, specific SGLT1 and SGLT2 expression at the endothelial lining of the capillary lumen could be demonstrated. After attaching the value of SGLTs at the human BBB, the relationship of the glucose transporter expression in TBI tissue according to the survival time of the patient is presented. Hereby it should be clarified whether the expression and distribution of the transporters GLUT1, SGLT1 and SGLT2 as well as the relation to each other provide information on a vital or post mortal development of a trauma or its survival time. It could determine that GLUT1 is not suitable as a target for the representation of survival time after TBI. However, SGLT1 and SGLT2 show a significant change in the expression profile of traumatic brain regions. Here an increase according to the survival time after trauma can be shown. Although these preliminary data suggest a novel target for forensic questions, more experiments with an increased scope of survival time frames should be carried out.

Structure/Function Studies of the High Affinity Na+/Glucose Cotransporter (SGLT1)

Liu, Tiemin 15 September 2011 (has links)
The high affinity sodium/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) couples transport of Na+ and glucose. Investigation of the structure/function relationships of the sodium/glucose transporter (SGLT1) is crucial to understanding co-transporter mechanism. In the first project, we used cysteine-scanning mutagenesis and chemical modification by methanethiosulphonate (MTS) derivatives to test whether predicted TM IV participates in sugar binding. Charged and polar residues and glucose/galactose malabsorption (GGM) missense mutations in TM IV were replaced with cysteine. Mutants exhibited sufficient expression to be studied in detail using the two-electrode voltage-clamp method in Xenopus laevis oocytes and COS-7 cells. The results from mutants T156C and K157C suggest that TM IV participates in sugar interaction with SGLT1. This work has been published in Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 295 (1), C64-72, 2008. The crystal structure of Vibrio parahaemolyticus SGLT (vSGLT) was recently published (1) and showed discrepancy with the predicted topology of mammalian SGLT1 in the region surrounding transmembrane segments IV-V. Therefore, in the second project, we investigated the topology in this region, thirty-eight residues from I143 to A180 in the N-terminal half of rabbit SGLT1 were individually replaced with cysteine and then expressed in COS-7 cells or Xenopus laevis oocytes. Based on the results from biotinylation of mutants in intact COS-7 cells, MTSES accessibility of cysteine mutants expressed in COS-7 cells, effect of substrate on the accessibility of mutant T156C in TM IV expressed in COS-7 cells, and characterization of cysteine mutants in TM V expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, we suggest that the region including residues 143-180 forms part of the Na+- and sugar substrate-binding cavity. Our results also suggest that TM IV of mammalian SGLT1 extends from residue 143-171 and support the crystal structure of vSGLT. This work has been published in Biochem Biophys Res Commun 378 (1), 133-138, 2009 Previous studies established that mutant Q457C human SGLT1 retains full activity, and sugar translocation is abolished in mutant Q457R or in mutant Q457C following reaction with methanethiosulfonate derivatives, but Na+ and sugar binding remain intact. Therefore, in the third project, we explored the mechanism by which modulation of Q457 abolishes transport, Q457C and Q457R of rabbit SGLT1 expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes were studied using chemical modification, the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique and computer model simulations. Our results suggest that glutamine 457, in addition to being involved in sugar binding, is a residue that is sensitive to conformational changes of the carrier. This work has been published in Biophysical Journal 96 (2), 748-760, 2009. Taken together our study along with previous biochemical characterization of SGLT1 and crystal structure of vSGLT, we propose a limited structural model that attempts to bring together the functions of substrate binding (Na+ and sugar), coupling, and translocation. We propose that both Na+ and sugar enter a hydrophilic cavity formed by multiple transmembrane helices from both N-terminal half of SGLT1 and C-terminal half of SGLT1, analogous to all of the known crystal structures of ion-coupled transporters (the Na+/leucine transporter, Na+/aspartate transporter and lactose permease). The functionally important residues in SGLT1 (T156 and K157 in TM 4, D454 and Q457 in TM 11) are close to sugar binding sites.

Nutrient-Based Chemical Library as a Source of Energy Metabolism Modulators / 栄養素基盤化合物ライブラリーによるエネルギー代謝変調化合物の探索

Furuta, Tomoyuki 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(医科学) / 乙第13373号 / 論医科博第6号 / 新制||医科||8(附属図書館) / (主査)教授 長船 健二, 教授 稲垣 暢也, 教授 渡邊 直樹 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Extra-nuclear telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) regulates glucose transport in skeletal muscle cells

Shaheen, F., Grammatopoulos, D.K., Muller, Jurgen, Zammit, V.A., Lehnert, H. 2014 June 1923 (has links)
Yes / Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) is a key component of the telomerase complex. By lengthening telomeres in DNA strands, TERT increases senescent cell lifespan. Mice that lack TERT age much faster and exhibit age-related conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes and neurodegeneration. Accelerated telomere shortening in both human and animal models has been documented in conditions associated with insulin resistance, including T2DM. We investigated the role of TERT, in regulating cellular glucose utilisation by using the myoblastoma cell line C2C12, as well as primary mouse and human skeletal muscle cells. Inhibition of TERT expression or activity by using siRNA (100nM) or specific inhibitors (100nM) reduced basal 2-deoxyglucose uptake by ~50%, in all cell types, without altering insulin responsiveness. In contrast, TERT over-expression increased glucose uptake by 3.25-fold. In C2C12 cells TERT protein was mostly localised intracellularly and stimulation of cells with insulin induced translocation to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments in C2C12 cells showed that TERT was constitutively associated with glucose transporters (GLUTs) 1, 4 and 12 via an insulin insensitive interaction that also did not require intact PI3-K and mTOR pathways. Collectively, these findings identified a novel extra-nuclear function of TERT that regulates an insulin-insensitive pathway involved in glucose uptake in human and mouse skeletal muscle cells.

Constitutive versus Regulated Traffic of GLUT4

Randhawa, Varinder 19 January 2009 (has links)
Glucose transporter GLUT4 allows glucose uptake into muscle and adipose cells. Insulin promotes recruitment and plasma membrane insertion of GLUT4 vesicles that can recycle constitutively. Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with defects in insulin-induced GLUT4 recruitment. Knowledge of alternative modes and steps of GLUT4 traffic in L6-GLUT4myc muscle cells may reveal possible targets for therapeutic intervention in insulin-resistant patients. Hypertonicity and Platelet Derived Growth Factor also increase surface GLUT4 levels but it was unknown if they tap on the same intracellular GLUT4 depots as insulin. We explored whether GLUT4 vesicles recycle using different compartments and mechanisms for the surface gain elicited by each stimulus. We hypothesized that all vesicle fusion steps require NSF but depend on individual v-SNAREs. Specifically, we tested effects of ATPase-deficient NSF or VAMP7 siRNA transfections, and endosomal ablation on GLUT4 traffic. We show that VAMP7 was required for basal and hypertonic recycling, while VAMP2 is exclusively used in response to insulin. As insulin action bifurcates downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, we also hypothesized that the Rac-to-actin and Akt-to-AS160 branches regulate distinct GLUT4 traffic steps. For this we determined GLUT4myc localization in rounded myoblasts relative to a surface marker. Interfering with Rac, actin dynamics or actin-binding α-actinin4 maintained GLUT4 in a perinuclear region even under insulin-stimulation. Interfering with AS160 allowed significant GLUT4 accumulation beneath the membrane, but not fusion. We propose that actin dynamics and α-actinin4 are required for cortical GLUT4 tethering mechanisms, and AS160 contributes to GLUT4 docking/fusion. We confirmed that VAMP2 facilitates GLUT4 fusion, as tetanus toxin-based cleavage did not inhibit peripheral GLUT4 recruitment. Finally, AS160 targets Rab8A and Rab14 in muscle respectively affected GLUT4 availability for membrane fusion, and basal GLUT4 retention. This work will lead to future testing of strategies to selectively enhance vesicle availability, tethering, or surface fusion, for bypassing insulin resistance.

Constitutive versus Regulated Traffic of GLUT4

Randhawa, Varinder 19 January 2009 (has links)
Glucose transporter GLUT4 allows glucose uptake into muscle and adipose cells. Insulin promotes recruitment and plasma membrane insertion of GLUT4 vesicles that can recycle constitutively. Obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with defects in insulin-induced GLUT4 recruitment. Knowledge of alternative modes and steps of GLUT4 traffic in L6-GLUT4myc muscle cells may reveal possible targets for therapeutic intervention in insulin-resistant patients. Hypertonicity and Platelet Derived Growth Factor also increase surface GLUT4 levels but it was unknown if they tap on the same intracellular GLUT4 depots as insulin. We explored whether GLUT4 vesicles recycle using different compartments and mechanisms for the surface gain elicited by each stimulus. We hypothesized that all vesicle fusion steps require NSF but depend on individual v-SNAREs. Specifically, we tested effects of ATPase-deficient NSF or VAMP7 siRNA transfections, and endosomal ablation on GLUT4 traffic. We show that VAMP7 was required for basal and hypertonic recycling, while VAMP2 is exclusively used in response to insulin. As insulin action bifurcates downstream of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, we also hypothesized that the Rac-to-actin and Akt-to-AS160 branches regulate distinct GLUT4 traffic steps. For this we determined GLUT4myc localization in rounded myoblasts relative to a surface marker. Interfering with Rac, actin dynamics or actin-binding α-actinin4 maintained GLUT4 in a perinuclear region even under insulin-stimulation. Interfering with AS160 allowed significant GLUT4 accumulation beneath the membrane, but not fusion. We propose that actin dynamics and α-actinin4 are required for cortical GLUT4 tethering mechanisms, and AS160 contributes to GLUT4 docking/fusion. We confirmed that VAMP2 facilitates GLUT4 fusion, as tetanus toxin-based cleavage did not inhibit peripheral GLUT4 recruitment. Finally, AS160 targets Rab8A and Rab14 in muscle respectively affected GLUT4 availability for membrane fusion, and basal GLUT4 retention. This work will lead to future testing of strategies to selectively enhance vesicle availability, tethering, or surface fusion, for bypassing insulin resistance.

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