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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bioacessibilidade dos polifenóis do jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea Stigonocarpa Mart.) e seus efeitos em genes relacionados à absorção de glicose em células Caco-2 / Bioaccessibility of polyphenols from jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart.) and its effects on genes related to glucose uptake in Caco-2 cells

Silva, Cintia Pereira da 27 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O diabetes mellitus (DM) está associado a complicações que comprometem a qualidade de vida e a sobrevida dos indivíduos. Além disso, acarreta elevados custos para o controle metabólico e o tratamento de suas complicações, sendo assim caracterizado como um problema de saúde pública. A regulação da digestão e da absorção intestinal dos carboidratos, com vista a manter a homeostase da glicose plasmática, constituem importantes estratégias de proteção em condições clínicas como o diabetes tipo 2 (DM2), obesidade e síndrome metabólica. Os compostos fenólicos compreendem um grupo complexo de fitoquímicos bioativos presentes nos vegetais. Estudos in vitro e in vivo têm demonstrado que os compostos fenólicos inibem a atividade de carbohidrases (α-amilase e α-glicosidase) e o transporte intestinal de glicose mediado pelos transportadores SGLT1 e GLUT2. O cerrado brasileiro compreende uma larga biodiversidade, porém, apesar de muitas espécies terem sido identificadas, o seu potencial nutritivo e funcional ainda é pouco conhecido. Dentre estas espécies nativas é destacado o jatobá-do-cerrado. O jatobá-do-cerrado é uma leguminosa nativa brasileira, cuja a polpa farinácea que envolve suas sementes apresenta quantidades significativas de compostos fenólicos, podendo ter um potencial efeito sobre o metabolismo da glicose. Objetivos: Verificar os efeitos dos compostos fenólicos da farinha de jatobá-do-cerrado na digestão de carboidratos e na captação de glicose em células intestinais Caco-2. Metodologia: Os compostos fenólicos da farinha de jatobá foram obtidos por extração sequencial com as soluções de etanol (60%) e acetona (70%). Em seguida, o extrato foi digerido utilizando enzimas (α-amilase, pepsina e pancreatina) em pH fisiológico. Os compostos fenólicos presentes no extrato antes e após a digestão foram identificados por cromatografia líquida de ultra performance - espectrômetro de massas (UPLC-MS/MS). Foi avaliada a capacidade de inibição dos extratos de jatobá digeridos em relação à atividade das enzimas α-amilase e α-glicosidase. Células intestinais Caco-2 foram incubadas com diferentes concentrações (0,05 mg/mL - 0,1 mg/mL) de extratos de farinha de jatobá digeridos em diferentes tempos (30 min, 2h e 12 h) para a avaliação da captação de glicose e da expressão gênica dos transportadores de glicose SGLT1 e GLUT2. Resultados: 44 compostos fenólicos foram identificados, dentre eles, a principal classe presente são os flavonoides. Compostos como o ácido cafeico, o kaempferol, quercetina-3- rutinosideo e a quercetrina estavam presentes no extrato antes da digestão. O conteúdo de compostos fenólicos do extrato foi reduzido após a digestão, entretanto o mesmo ainda apresentou compostos de relevância biológica como o ácido p-cumárico, ácido 3-o-feruloilquinico, theaflavina, crisina e grandinina que já apresentaram efeito positivo sobre o metabolismo da glicose in vitro em outros trabalhos. Os extratos fenólicos de jatobá após a digestão in vitro inibiram significativamente a atividade das enzimas α-amilase (76 e 91%) e α- glicosidase (53 e 77%). Os extratos também demonstraram inibir significativamente tanto a captação de glicose independente de sódio quanto a expressão gênica dos transportadores de glicose SGLT1 e GLUT2 de maneira dose-dependente. Conclusão: Este é o primeiro trabalho que identificou os compostos fenólicos presentes na farinha de jatobá. A partir do exposto, podemos concluir que a farinha de jatobá apresenta potencial benefício a saúde devido ao seu conteúdo de compostos fenólicos e a capacidade destes compostos de regular a digestão e a absorção de carboidratos in vitro. / Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is associated with complications that decrease the quality of life and survival of individuals. In addition, it entails high costs for metabolic control and treatment of its complications, thus being characterized as a public health problem. The regulation of digestion and intestinal absorption of carbohydrates to maintain plasma glucose homeostasis are important strategies for protection in chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes (DM2), obesity and metabolic syndrome. Phenolic compounds are a complex group of chemical substances present in plants. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that phenolic compounds are able to inhibit the activity of carbohydrases (α-amylase and α-glycosidase) and the intestinal transport of glucose mediated by SGLT1 and GLUT2 transporters. Brazilian Cerrado present a large biodiversity, but although many species have been identified, its nutritional and functional potential is still little known. Among these native species is the jatobá-docerrado. Jatobá-do-cerrado is a brazilian native legume, whose farinaceous pulp that surrounds its seeds presents significant amounts of phenolic compounds and may have a potential effect on glucose metabolism. Objectives: To verify the effects of phenolic compounds from jatobá-do-cerrado flour in the digestion of carbohydrates and uptake of glucose in Caco-2 intestinal cells. Methods: Phenolic compounds of jatobá flour were obtained by sequential extraction with solutions of ethanol (60%) and acetone (70%). The extract was digested using enzymes (α-amylase, pepsin and pancreatin) at physiological pH. The phenolic compounds present in the extract before and after the digestion were identified by liquid chromatography of ultra-performance - mass spectrometer (UPLCMS / MS). The ability of inhibition of the extracts of jatobá digested in relation to the activity of α-amylase and α-glycosidase enzymes was evaluated. Caco-2 intestinal cells were incubated with different concentrations of jatobá flour extracts (0.1 mg / mL - 0.05 mg / mL) for different time (30 min, 2 h and 12 h) to the evaluation of facilitated uptake (sodium-free buffer) and gene expression of SGLT1 and GLUT2 glucose transporters. Results: 44 phenolic compounds have been identified, among them a major class present are flavonoids. Compounds such as caffeic acid, quercetin-3-rutinoside and quercetrine were present in the extract before in vitro digestion. The content of phenolic compounds of the extract after digestion was reduced. However, the extract presents compounds with biological activity such as p-coumaric acid, 3-o-feruloylquinic acid , theaflavin, chrysin and grandinine, which already presented positive effects on glucose metabolism in vitro in other studies. Phenolic extracts of jatobá after in vitro digestion inhibited the activity of α-amylase (76 and 91%) and α-glycosidase (53 and 77%). The extracts also shown to inhibit both glucose uptake and gene expression of glucose transporters SGLT1 and GLUT2 in a dose-dependent manner. Conclusion: This is the first work that identified the phenolic compounds present in jatobá flour. Thus, we can conclude that the jatobá flour presents potential health benefit by modulate digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates in vitro.

Endocytosis as an Additional Mechanism of Glucose Transport to the Hexose Transporter in Trypanosoma brucei

Choi, JongSu 01 December 2018 (has links)
Trypanosoma brucei is an extracellular kineotoplastid parasite that causes human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), also known as sleeping sickness. As trypanosomes undergo vector to host transition, heavy transcriptional adaptation such as metabolic shift to glycolysis and upregulated endocytosis occurs. Specifically, glycolysis in the infectious stage becomes the sole source of energy production; thus, the glucose transport mechanism in T. brucei provides one of the most promising therapeutic targets for development of new drugs to treat HAT. Despite an established trypanosome hexose transporter (THT) model for glucose transport across the plasma membrane, there remains gaps in the detailed mechanism of glucose transport especially as it relates to glucose transport across the glycosomal membrane. Using 2-NBDG, a fluorescent glucose analog, we measured glucose uptake rates in the presence of small molecule inhibitors and by using RNA interference (RNAi) to knockdown key proteins to investigate the mechanism of glucose transport in trypanosomes. We have confirmed a direct role of THT in glucose transport of BSF trypanosomes; however, in our investigations, we observed an unexpected ATP-dependence on glucose transport in live trypanosomes, which initiated further study where we focused on the role of endocytosis as an ATP-coupled bulk glucose transport mechanism. Experimental approaches that inhibited endocytosis reduced the observed glucose uptake rate confirming a role for endocytosis-coupled glucose transport in BSF trypanosomes. We provide evidence for an endocytosis-coupled glucose transport mechanism in BSF trypanosomes as an additional and important mechanism that functions in parallel with the established THT model.

Die Rolle des Glucosetransporters 8 (Slc2a8) in der Regulation der Glucosehomöostase, der Spermienmotilität sowie des Verhaltens / The physiological role of glucose transporter 8 (Slc2a8) in regulation of glucose homeostasis, sperm motility and behavior

Behrens, Verena January 2009 (has links)
Der ubiquitär exprimierte, multifunktionale Glucosetransporter GLUT8 gehört zur Klasse III der Familie der passiven Glucosetransporter, die aus insgesamt 14 Proteinen besteht. Die fünf Mitglieder der Klasse IIII unterscheiden sich strukturell leicht von den Mitgliedern der Klasse I und II (Joost und Thorens, 2001). GLUT8 besitzt ein N-terminales Dileucin-Motiv, das Teil eines [DE]XXXL[LI] Motivs ist, welches für die Sortierung des Transporters in späte Endosomen und Lysosomen verantwortlich ist (Augustin et al., 2005). Da bis heute kein Signal identifiziert wurde, das eine Translokation des Transporters zur Plasmamembran auslöst, wird eine intrazelluläre Funktion von GLUT8 vermutet (Widmer et al., 2005). Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die intrazelluläre Funktion des Transporters in der Regulation der Glucosehomöostase des Körpers durch Analyse einer Slc2a8-knockout-Maus untersucht. Die homozygote Deletion des Transporters erbrachte lebensfähige Nachkommen, die sich augenscheinlich nicht von ihren Wildtyp-Geschwistern unterschieden. Allerdings wurde bei Verpaarungen heterozygoter Mäuse eine verminderte Anzahl an Slc2a8-/--Nachkommen beobachtet, die signifikant von der erwarteten Mendel’schen Verteilung abwich. Da Slc2a8 die höchste mRNA-Expression in den Testes aufwies und die Überprüfung der Fertilität mittels verschiedener homozygoter Verpaarungen eine Störung der weiblichen Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit ausschloss, wurden die Spermatozoen der Slc2a8-/--Mäuse eingehender untersucht. Als Ursache für die verringerte Anzahl von Slc2a8-/--Geburten wurde eine verminderte Prozentzahl motiler Slc2a8-/--Spermien ermittelt, die durch eine unzureichende mitochondriale Kondensation in den Spermien bedingt war. Diese Veränderung war mit einem reduzierten mitochondrialen Membranpotential assoziiert, was eine verminderte ATP-Produktion nach sich zog. Somit scheint GLUT8 in den Spermien an einem intrazellulären Transportprozess beteiligt zu sein, der einen Einfluss auf die oxidative Phosphorylierung der Mitochondrien ausübt. Im Gehirn wurde Slc2a8 besonders stark im Hippocampus exprimiert, der in der Regulation von körperlicher Aktivität, Explorationsverhalten, Erinnerungs- und Lernprozessen sowie Angst- und Stressreaktionen eine Rolle spielt. Außerdem wurde GLUT8 im Hypothalamus nachgewiesen, der unter anderem an der Regulation der Nahrungsaufnahme beteiligt ist. Die Slc2a8-/--Mäuse zeigten im Vergleich zu ihren Slc2a8+/+-Geschwistern eine signifikant gesteigerte körperliche Aktivität, die zusammen mit der von Membrez et al. (2006) publizierten erhöhten Zellproliferation im Hippocampus auf eine Nährstoffunterversorgung dieses Areals hindeutet. Die Nahrungsaufnahme war in Abwesenheit von GLUT8 nicht verändert, was zusammen mit dem nur geringfügig niedrigeren Körpergewicht der Slc2a8-/--Mäuse eine Funktion von GLUT8 im Glucose-sensing der Glucose-sensitiven Neurone des Gehirns ausschließt. Das leicht reduzierte Körpergewicht der Slc2a8-/--Mäuse ließ sich keinem bestimmten Organ- oder Gewebetyp zuordnen, sondern schien durch eine marginale Gewichtsreduktion aller untersuchten Gewebe bedingt zu sein. Zusammen mit den erniedrigten Blutglucosespiegeln und der anscheinend gesteigerten Lebenserwartung zeigten die Slc2a8-/--Mäuse Symptome einer leichten Nährstoffunterversorgung. GLUT8 scheint daher am Transport von Zuckerderivaten, die während des lysosomalen/endosomalen Abbaus von Glykoproteinen anfallen, beteiligt zu sein. Die so wiederaufbereiteten Zucker dienen dem Körper offenbar als zusätzliche Energiequelle. / The family of facilitative glucose transporters consists of 14 different members in human, which are divided into three classes (Joost and Thorens, 2001). The class III family member GLUT8 contains an amino-terminal dileucine sorting signal, which is part of the highly conserved [DE]XXXL[LI] motif responsible for the localization of GLUT8 in lysosomes and late endosomes (Augustin et al., 2005). To date there is no stimulus known, which translocates the transporter to the plasma membrane, therefore an intracellular function rather than at the cell surface is considered (Widmer et al., 2005). The aim of the present dissertation was to analyze the intracellular role of GLUT8 in the regulation of whole body glucose homeostasis, by the characterization of the corresponding knockout mice (Slc2a8-/-). Slc2a8-/- mice were viable and showed no obvious disparity to their wild-type littermates. However, analysis of the offspring distribution of heterozygous mating provided a reduced number of born Slc2a8-/- offspring which differed significantly from the expected Mendelian distribution. Because Slc2a8 mRNA is expressed at highest levels in the testis and the female Slc2a8-/- mice showed no alterations in fertility, we further investigated the function of Slc2a8-/- spermatozoa. An impaired mitochondrial condensation in the Slc2a8-/- spermatozoa, which was associated with decreased ATP levels resulted in a reduced number of motile Slc2a8-/- sperm, which appeared to be responsible for the reduced number of born Slc2a8-/- offspring. Therefore in sperm cells GLUT8 seems to be important for an intracellular transport process, which exerts an influence on the oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. In the brain Slc2a8 is expressed at highest levels in the hippocampus, which is important for the regulation of physical activity, exploration behaviour, memory and learning as well as anxiety related behaviour. Additionally, GLUT8 was detected in the hypothalamus, which is amongst others involved in the regulation of food intake. The Slc2a8-/- mice showed a significant increase in locomotor activity, which indicates a moderate undersupply of the hippocampus area. According to this finding the group of Membrez et al. (2006) observed a raised cell proliferation in the hippocampus of Slc2a8-/- mice. The fact that no alterations in food intake and only a moderate reduction in body weight was detected in Slc2a8-/- mice, indicates that GLUT8 is not important for the hypothalamic glucose sensing. The marginal decreased body weight of the Slc2a8-/- mice appeared to be associated with a slightly reduced weight of different tissues. Together with the lowered blood glucose concentrations and the apparently enhanced lifespan, the Slc2a8-/- mice showed symptoms of a moderate undersupply compareable to caloric restriction. Thus, we hypothesize that GLUT8 is important for the transport of sugar derivatives which arise during lysosomal/endosomal degradation of glycoproteins. These recycled sugars may serve as an additional energy source in the cell.

Membrane cholesterol balance in exercise and insulin resistance

Habegger, Kirk M. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, 2009. / Title from screen (viewed on December 9, 2009). Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI). Advisor(s): Jeffrey S. Elmendorf, Peter J. Roach, Joseph T. Brozinick, Michael S. Sturek, Robert V. Considine. Includes vitae. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 97-124).

Effects of endocannabinoid (CB1) receptor antagonism on insulin resistance in a rodent model of metabolic syndrome

Lindborg, Katherine Ann January 2010 (has links)
The endocannabinoid system is a novel pharmacological target in the treatment of metabolic syndrome. Antagonism of the endocannabinoid-1 receptor (CB1R) leads to a transient reduction in food intake, a sustained decrease in body weight and an improvement in metabolic parameters in animal models of obesity. Skeletal muscle is the primary tissue involved in glucose uptake in response to insulin, and insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle is vital to the maintenance of whole-body euglycemia. Little is known regarding the effects of CB1R antagonism on skeletal muscle glucose transport activity. The purpose of this dissertation was to test the hypothesis that antagonism of the CB1R activates signaling molecules of the insulin signaling pathway to increase glucose transport activity in normal and insulin-resistant skeletal muscle, thereby improving whole-body glucose tolerance. CB1R antagonism with SR141716 directly enhanced basal and insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in skeletal muscle from lean and obese Zucker while activation of the CB1R with ACEA, decreased glucose transport activity. Key proteins associated with regulation of glucose transport activity were not altered by either CB1R agonism (ACEA) or antagonism (SR141716). Chronic CB1R antagonist treatment (10 mg/kg SR141716 i.p. / 14 days) also enhanced insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in skeletal muscle of both lean and obese animals, again with no alteration in relevant signaling factors. Plasma free fatty acids (FFAs) were decreased in chronically-treated lean and obese animals and whole-body insulin sensitivity was improved in obese Zucker rats. The enhanced insulin sensitivity seen in chronically-treated obese animals was associated with a dramatic reduction in insulin secretion following a glucose challenge. Acute CB1R antagonism in obese animals also elicited a reduction in insulin secretion following a glucose challenge; however, with no improvement of whole-body insulin sensitivity. Acute CB1R antagonist treatment did not alter skeletal muscle glucose transport activity or circulating FFAs for any animals. These data suggest that although CB1R antagonism directly enhances basal and insulin stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle of lean and obese rats, direct action on the skeletal muscle is not responsible for the improvement in insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity and whole-body insulin sensitivity seen in chronically-treated obese animals.

Membrane Channel Protein Abnormalities and Autoantibodies in Neurological Disease

Kay, Marguerite M., Goodman, Joseph, Lawrence, Christine, Bosman, Gieljan 01 January 1990 (has links)
Immunological analogues of band 3, the anion transporter of the human erythrocyte, have been identified in all cells, including both isolated neurons and neurons of the central nervous system. We hypothesized that the anion channel is altered in neurological disease associated with choreiform movements because γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter in mammalian brain, binds to its receptor and opens an integral membrane chloride channel. In order to examine this hypothesis, we studied a family with a serious, progressive, genetic neurologic disorder with acanthocytosis (choreoacanthocytosis) that resembles Huntington's chorea. We selected choreoacanthocytosis because erythrocytes, which are readily obtained, are affected in this disease as well as the central nervous system. Biochemical studies of erythrocytes from the proposita, mother, and brother revealed that sulfate transport Vmax was increased, and glucose efflux was decreased. Erythrocytes exhibited immunological changes indicative of cellular aging/transporter damage. In addition, transporter reactive antibodies were present. This is the first evidence for abnormalities of membrane transport in this neurologic disorder.

Evidence for acute activation of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase by metformin and salicylate in rat skeletal muscles / ラット骨格筋におけるメトホルミン及びサリチル酸によるAMPキナーゼの急性的活性化に関する検討

Oshima, Rieko 23 March 2015 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第19057号 / 人博第710号 / 新制||人||171(附属図書館) / 26||人博||710(吉田南総合図書館) / 32008 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 林 達也, 教授 森谷 敏夫, 教授 石原 昭彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

Insulin and Glucose Modulate Glucose Transporter Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expression and Glucose Uptake in Trophoblasts Isolated From First-Trimester Chorionic Villi

Gordon, Michael C., Zimmerman, Peter D., Landon, Mark B., Gabbe, Steven G., Kniss, Douglas A. 01 January 1995 (has links)
OBJECTIVE: Our purpose was to determine the effects of insulin and glucose on glucose transport and expression of GLUT1 glucose transporter messenger ribonucleic acid in first-trimester human trophoblast-like cells. STUDY DESIGN: First-trimester human trophoblast-like cells were maintained as a continuous cell line. For 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose uptake and messenger ribonucleic acid studies the cells were incubated in the presence or absence of insulin (10-7 to 10-11 mol/L) or d-glucose (0 to 50 mmol/L) for 0 to 24 hours. Glucose transport was measured by incubating cells with 0.1 mmol/L,2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose for 5 minutes. Specific uptake was determined by incubating companion cultures with 10 μmol/L cytochalasin B. The cells were then solubilized with sodium hydroxide and the radioactivity counted. Data were expressed as nanomoles of 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose transported per milligram of protein per 5 minutes and analyzed by one-way analysis of variance with post hoc testing by the method of Tukey. GLUT1 messenger ribonucleic acid was measured by Northern blotting of total ribonucleic acid samples hybridized to a phosphorus 32-labeled complementary deoxyribonucleic encoding the rat GLUT1 glucose transporter. As a control for loading efficiency, blots were stripped and rehybridized to a 40-mer phosphorus 32-labeled β-actin oligonucleotide probe. RESULTS: Insulin treatment resulted in a dose-dependent increase in the transport of 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose at 24 hours (p < 0.001 at 10-7 mol/L). This change was first detected at 12 hours of incubation. These data closely paralled the insulin-induced increase in GLUT1 messenger ribonucleic acid seen in Northern blots. In contrast to insulin, increasing concentrations of d-glucose did not change the transport of 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose. However, when cells were incubated in low concentrations of d-glucose (0 or 1 mmol/L), an enhancement in the uptake of 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose (p < 0.001) was observed. Kinetic studies indicated that d-glucose augmentation of 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose uptake was significant at 9 hours (p < 0.05). The effects of d-glucose on GLUT1 messenger ribonucleic acid expression paralleled the uptake of 2[3H]deoxy-d-glucose, although the modulation of GLUT1 messenger ribonucleic acid levels by glucose was much less pronounced than in insulin-treated cells. CONCLUSION: Although it has been assumed that the placenta has a limited role in influencing glucose transport to the fetus, our in vitro data demonstrate that both insulin and glucose can modulate glucose transport at the cellular level of the placental trophoblast. Thus maternal insulin and glycemic status may influence the expression of GLUT1, the major trophoblast glucose transporter protein, therefore directly affecting first-trimester placental glucose transport. These in vitro data may help explain the association between maternal glucose abnormalities and impaired fetal development during the first trimester when placental GLUT1 messenger ribonucleic acid expression is at its peak.

Membrane cholesterol balance in exercise and insulin resistance

Habegger, Kirk M. 13 January 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Study has shown that plasma membrane (PM) cholesterol and cortical filamentous actin (F-actin) influence skeletal muscle glucose transport. Of fundamental and clinical interest is whether diabetogenic insults promote membrane/cytoskeletal dysfunction amendable for therapy. As exposure to excess fatty acid (FA)s induce glucose intolerance by mechanisms imperfectly understood, we tested if PM cholesterol/F-actin changes could contribute to FA-induced glucose transporter GLUT4 dysregulation in skeletal muscle. High-fat fed, insulin-resistant animals displayed elevated levels of skeletal muscle PM cholesterol and a loss in cortical F-actin, compared to normal-chow fed animals. Consistent with a PM cholesterol component of glucose intolerance, human skeletal muscle biopsies revealed an inverse correlation between PM cholesterol and whole-body glucose disposal. Mechanistically, exposure of L6 myotubes to the saturated FA palmitate induced an increase in PM cholesterol that destabilized actin filaments and decreased insulin-stimulated PM GLUT4 and glucose transport, which could be reversed with cholesterol lowering. Next, study tested if the lipid-lowering action of the antidiabetic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) had a beneficial influence on PM cholesterol balance. Consistent with AMPK inhibition of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase, a rate-limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis, we found that AMPK activation promoted a significant reduction in PM cholesterol and amplified basal and insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. A similar loss of PM cholesterol induced by β-cyclodextrin caused an analogous enhancement of GLUT4 regulation. Interestingly, PM cholesterol replenishment abrogated the AMPK effect on insulin, but not basal, regulation of GLUT4 translocation. Conversely, AMPK knockdown prevented the enhancement of both basal and insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation. As a whole these studies show PM cholesterol accrual and cortical F-actin loss uniformly in skeletal muscle from glucose-intolerant mice, swine, and humans. In vivo and in vitro dissection demonstrated this membrane/cytoskeletal derangement induces insulin resistance and is promoted by excess FAs. Parallel studies unveiled that the action of AMPK entailed lowering PM cholesterol that enhanced the regulation of GLUT4/glucose transport by insulin. In conclusion, these data are consistent with PM cholesterol regulation being an unappreciated aspect of AMPK signaling that benefits insulin-stimulated GLUT4 translocation during states of nutrient excess promoting PM cholesterol accrual.


Noonan, William Thomas January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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