Spelling suggestions: "subject:"grammar lemsystems"" "subject:"grammar atemsystems""
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Gramatické systémy aplikované v syntaktické analýze / Grammar Systems Applied to ParsingMartiško, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with different variants of grammar systems. Grammar systems combine the simplicity of Context Free Grammars with the generative power of more complex gammars. There are two main variants of grammar systems described in this paper: PC grammar systems and CD grammar systems. New type of grammar system, which is a modification of the CD grammar systems, is also described in the paper. New method of parsing, based on this new grammar system is proposed in the paper. This new parser consists of several smaller parsers, which work in both top down and bottom up way.
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Nové verze automatových a gramatických systémů / New Versions of Automata and Grammar SystemsLichota, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with the modification of classical grammar systems with context-free base and defines new, modified linear grammar systems with linear grammar base. Also it deals with modification in automata systems, where each automaton is generative as strong as linear grammar, which is satisfied with the usage of one-turn push-down automata. This thesis also contains view on program realisation of theoretical models, which were described in theoretical part and introduces two programs for syntax analysis built based on it.
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Contributions to the syntactical analysis beyond context-freenessBordihn, Henning January 2011 (has links)
Parsability approaches of several grammar formalisms generating also non-context-free languages are explored. Chomsky grammars, Lindenmayer systems, grammars with controlled derivations, and grammar systems are treated. Formal properties of these mechanisms are investigated, when they are used as language acceptors. Furthermore, cooperating distributed grammar systems are restricted so that efficient deterministic parsing without backtracking becomes possible. For this class of grammar systems, the parsing algorithm is presented and the feature of leftmost derivations is investigated in detail. / Ansätze zum Parsing verschiedener Grammatikformalismen, die auch nicht-kontextfreie Sprachen erzeugen können, werden diskutiert. Chomsky-Grammatiken, Lindenmayer-Systeme, Grammatiken mit gesteuerten Ersetzungen und Grammatiksysteme werden behandelt. Formale Eigenschaften dieser Mechanismen als Akzeptoren von Sprachen werden untersucht. Weiterhin werden kooperierende verteilte (CD) Grammatiksysteme derart beschränkt, dass effizientes deterministisches Parsing ohne Backtracking möglich ist. Für diese Klasse von Grammatiksystemen wird der Parsingalgorithmus vorgestellt und die Rolle von Linksableitungen wird detailliert betrachtet.
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Systémy převodníků / Transducer SystemsSkácel, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This document defines systems of pushdown transducers. The idea of cooperating distributed grammar systems for components working on one word is adjusted for use of transducers instead of grammars. The transducers cooperate by passing output of one to input of another component. It discusses their descriptive power and equivalency between systems with arbitrary numbers of components. The main conclusion is then comparison of their descriptive power with Turing machines with regard to their translation and accepted languages.
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Prefixové omezení řízených gramatických systémů / Prefix Restriction of Regulated Grammar SystemsKonečný, Filip January 2008 (has links)
This thesis studies grammar systems whose components use sequences of productions whose left-hand sides are formed by nonterminal strings, not just single nonterminals. It introduces three restrictions on the derivations in these grammar systems. The first restriction requires that all rewritten symbols occur within the first l symbols of the first continuous block of nonterminals in the sentential form during every derivation step. The second restriction defines derivations over sentential forms containing no more than m continuous blocks of nonterminals. The third restriction extends the second in the way that each sequence of nonterminals must be of length h or less. As its main result, the thesis demonstrates that two of these restrictions decrease the generative power of grammar systems.
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Systémy L gramatik / L Grammar SystemsHnat, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Master thesis deals with L grammar systems. The basic types of grammar systems are studied. There are analyzed different types of L grammars and their use in field of plant development simulation. The work focuses on open L grammars. A parallel system consisting of open L grammars is designed. Communication takes place through the exchange of information between plants and their environment. Implemented is real kind of tree. Simulated is typical environment in which this kind of tree occurs normally. The system properties are examined from the point of view of simulation and the time-consuming interpretation of strings. At the end of this thesis there are described some other options of future development of the project together with the possibilities of using the proposed system.
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Systémy formálních modelů a jejich aplikace / Systems of Formal Models with ApplicationsČermák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This paper introduces and discusses automata systems as a new way for formal languages processing. In the text there are four models described. The first model works on sequential mode. At one computation step only one of components works. The second one works on semi-parallel mode. At the one computation step either one or all the components of the automata system work. In the last two models each component of the automata system has its own input string. The computation step of each component is influenced by their states, or used rules. The state, or used rule of the components of automata system can block or unblock some or all automata of the system.
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Gramatické systémy a syntaxí řízený překlad založený na nich / Grammar Systems and Syntax-Directed Translation Based on ThemHandlíř, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
The thesis examines the theory of formal languages in the field of context-free grammars. It focuses mainly on the possibilities and models of collaborating grammars to solve a common problem. In this context, it presents grammatical systems that have been designed as a formal means for describing distributed and parallel processing. After introducing to the problematics, the thesis focuses on the practical use of these mechanisms in the translation controlled syntax, and therefore the second part of the thesis deals with the implementation of a dynamic syntactic analyzer that uses more grammars during the analysis. With respect to the greatest user friendliness and the possible didactic use, the application is implemented using modern web technologies HTML5, JavaScript, AngularJS, CSS3, LESS and more.
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Systémy syntaktických analyzátorů / Parser SystemsHrstka, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis provides a summary of knowledge of grammar systems. The thesis proposes modifications of parallel oriented grammar systems to be usable in sequential parsing. Concept of grammar systems is extended to level of entire parsers, that are grouped into parsing system. Then the properties of these systems are examined. The aim of thesis is to introduce approaches to syntactic analysis based on grammar systems. Thesis is based on context-free methods of syntactic analysis, extending them and connecting them together. Great attention is dedicated to increase generative capacity of LL and LR parsing. There were created context-free structures within this thesis, which are capable to generate context-sensitive languages. This work also provides a simple recipe for implementation of these structures. We introduced generic concept of parsing, that enlarge generative power of conventional parsing methods. Using presented techniques it is possible to extend many of often used languages with context-sensitive elements, especially elements contradicting with pumping lemma.
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Formální modely distribuovaného výpočtu / Formal Models of Distributed ComputationSoukup, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Tato disertační práce představuje derivační stromy několika různých typů gramatik ve zobecněné Kurodově normální formě; jmenovitě obecné a regulárně řízené gramatiky, gramatiky s rozptýleným kontextem a spolupracující distribuované gramatické systémy. Definuje jednoduché stromové rysy založené na kontextových vlastnostech jednotlivých diskutovaných gramatik a dokazuje, že pokud existuje limitující konstanta k taková, že každá věta generovaného jazyka L odpovídá řetězci listových uzlů derivačního stromu, ve kterém je výskyt definovaných stromových rysů omezen konstantou k, jazyk L je ve skutečnosti bezkontextový. Tato práce dále ukazuje, že dosažený výsledek představuje silný nástroj důkazu bezkontextovosti jazyka. Vše je doplněno příklady praktického využití nástroje.
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