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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrological modelling of a catchment supported by the discharge of treated wastewater - A comparison of two model concepts

Rudnick, Sebastian 26 October 2018 (has links)
Die Untersuchung von Klimaszenarien ergab, dass die Grundwasserneubildung in Nordostdeutschland abnehmen könnte. Um Süßgewässer zu erhalten müssen neue Strategien entwickelt werden. Im Gebiet des Lietzengrabens wird Klarwasser eingeleitet, um Feuchtgebiete und Seen zu erhalten. Diese Strategie wurde durch eine Szenarioanalyse erarbeitet, die sich auf das hydrologische iterative Modell ArcEGMO-ASM stützte. In dieser Arbeit wurde das voll integrierte Modell HydroGeoSphere genutzt, um den Fluss von Wasser an der Oberfläche und im Untergrund zu simulieren. Basierend auf dieser Simulation wurden Fließpfade und Aufenthaltszeiten abgeschätzt. Die Ergebnisse beider Modelle wurden analysiert und verglichen. Mit beiden Modellen war es möglich, die Abfluss- und Grundwasserdynamiken im Einzugsgebiet zu reproduzieren. Bei der Anwendung von HydroGeoSphere fehlten Möglichkeiten zur Berücksichtigung von z.B. Schneefall und Wehren, welche in ArcEGMO-ASM vorhanden sind. Die Kalibrierung des Modells lieferte Parameterwerte, die eine Reproduktion der Dynamiken erlaubten. Allerdings könnte HydroGeoSphere nur eingeschränkt nutzbar sein, da die Werte teils unrealistisch waren. HydroGeoSphere ermöglichte aber die Abschätzung von unterirdischen Fließpfaden und Aufenthaltszeiten. Weiter wurde der Austritt von Grundwasser in einen Bachabschnitt durch Messungen bestimmt und mit Simulationsergebnissen verglichen. Keines der Modelle war geeignet, die räumlichen Muster auf dieser Skala zu reproduzieren. Die simulierten Exfiltrationsraten wichen von den beobachteten ab. Der Vergleich von ArcEGMO-ASM und HydroGeoSphere zeigte die Vorteile und Grenzen der Modelle auf. Der Einsatz von HydroGeoSphere bei Untersuchungen von Bewirtschaftungsstrategien macht sich noch nicht bezahlt, vergleicht man den Aufwand mit den Vorteilen. Da HydroGeoSphere weiterentwickelt wird und die Rechenkapazitäten zunehmen, könnte das Modell in der nahen Zukunft in der Praxis nutzbar sein. / Analysis of climatic scenarios for North-East Germany showed that groundwater recharge could decline. In order to sustain freshwaters, new strategies must be developed. At the Lietzengraben catchment treated wastewater is discharged to sustain wetlands and lakes in the catchment. This management strategy was developed previously by scenario analysis, performed by the hydrological iterative model ArcEGMO-ASM. In this work, the fully integrated model HydroGeoSphere was used to simulate the surface and subsurface water flow in the catchment. Based on the simulation results, flow paths and residence times were estimated. The results of the simulations by both models were investigated and compared. It was possible to reproduce the catchment dynamics regarding discharge and groundwater heads reasonably well with both models. The application of HydroGeoSphere was limited due to the inability of the model to represent features like snowfall and weirs, which are represented in ArcEGMO-ASM. The calibrated parameter values enabled the model to reproduce the catchment dynamics reasonably well. HydroGeoSphere may be limited in its use since the obtained values are partially unrealistic. HydroGeoSphere allowed the approximation of subsurface flow paths and residence times. The exfiltration of groundwater to a stream reach was estimated by measurements and compared to simulation results. Both models were not able to reproduce the spatial patterns on a sub-reach scale and the calculated exfiltration rates did not match the observed rates. The comparison of ArcEGMO-ASM and HydroGeoSphere showed the advantages and limitations of both models. Comparing the overall additional effort to the benefits, however, the application of HydroGeoSphere to investigations regarding management strategies or scenario analyses may not pay off. Since HydroGeoSphere is under steady development and computational resources improve, the use of HydroGeoSphere may be applicable in the near future.

Approaches to identify groundwater discharge towards and within lowland surface water bodies on different scales

Pöschke, Franziska 02 May 2017 (has links)
Die Arbeit beinhalted verschiedene Studien, die die Grundwasser (GW)-Oberflächenwasser (OW)-Interaktion im Norddeutschen Tiefland untersuchen. Dabei werden zwei Ansätze verfolgt: der hydrogeologische und der limnologische Ansatz. Ersterer betrachtet die Interaktionen aus dem Blickpunkt der unterirdischen Wasserbewegung. Diese ist hauptsächlich gesteuert durch die Verteilung der hydraulische Leitfähigkeit (Sediment) und des hydraulischen Gradienten. Es ist immer noch eine Herausforderung beide Steuerungsgrößen richtig abzuschätzen. Mit neuen Ansätzen, welche auf der Wechselwirkung zwischen verschiedenen Landschafskomponenten basieren (Wasserstände, Topographie, Vegetation, Nährstoffe), wurde klein- bis mesoskalige Sedimentverteilungen in einer Aue untersucht und beschrieben. Des Weiteren konnte mit einem einfachen Grundwassermodell gezeigt werden, das verschiedene Grundwasserstonckwerke (regionale Skala) die Interaktion zwischen GW und einem See beeinflussen können. Der limnologische Ansatz basiert auf der Annahme, dass Bereiche in einem See identifiziert werden können an denen Grundwasser zutritt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit, wurden eine Methode getestet, die auf der unterschiedlichen Temperatur von beiden Wasserkörpern basiert: Im Frühjahr ist das GW wärmer als das Seewasser und sollte sich an der Seeoberfläche einschichten. Mittels thermalen Luftbildaufnahmen sollten somit Grundwasserzutritte identifizierbar sein. Die Studien aber zeigten, dass dies nur unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen möglich ist und seeinterne Prozesse bei der Interpretation der Temperaturverteilung an der Seeoberfläche berücksichtigt werden müssen. Somit besteht noch ein erhöhter Forschungsbedarf bezüglich des limnologischen Ansatzes. Dennoch birgt dieser ein großes Potential, denn er eröffnet die Möglichkeit kurzfristig auf grundwasserbürtige Einträge in OW direkt an der Sediment-Wasser-Grenze zu reagieren und verschafft somit Zeit für aufwändigere hydrogeologische Untersuchungen. / The thesis constists of different studies, which are investigating groundwater-surface water interaction in North-German-Lowlands. Therefore, two different approaches were used: the hydrogeological and the limnological one. The former is based on the classical hydrogeological point of view: the subsurface water movement is mainly driven by hydraulic conductivity (sediment) and the hydraulic gradient. However, the characterisation of both is still a challange. Different methods were used to characterize small- and meso-scale sediment distributions within a lowland floodplain. These are based on the interactions of different landscape components (water level fluctuations, topography, vegetation, nutrient distributions). Furthermore, a simple groundwater model was set up to illustrate how regional groundwater flow impacts local groundwater-lake interactions. The limnological approach is based on the assumption that areas of groundwater exfiltration into a lake are detectable directly at the sediment-water interface. For this purpuse, it was assuemed that temperature differences between both water bodies could be used as follows: in spring the groundwater temperature is higher than that of lakes. Hence, the warmer groundwater float on the lake surface. That should be detectable by thermal infrared imaging. However, the studies could illustrate, that this is only true for specific conditions. Furthermore, lake internal processes need to be considered for interpreting temperature distributions at the lake surface. As a consequence, the limnological approach requires more research activities, since it gives the opportunity to initate short-term measures on groundwater inputs in surface waters. This would also guarantee larger time spans for time-consuming hydrogeological studies.

Groundwater flow and contaminant transport in an alluvial aquifer: in-situ investigation and modelling of a brownfield with strong groundwater - surface water interactions

Batlle Aguilar, Jordi 19 September 2008 (has links)
The continuous demand on new residential and economic areas of the modern society has to face up with problems posed by polluted sites related to former industrial activities, typically located in suburbs areas. These sites, known as brownfields, are often located nearby navigable rivers to facilitate transport operations of industrial manufacturing, which increase their potential environmental threat due to the possible migration of pollutants in groundwater to surface water bodies through groundwater discharge. In this context, the objective of this research, performed in the scope of the FP6-IP AquaTerra project, was to contribute to a better assessment of the risk of groundwater contaminant dispersion for a brownfield located next to the Meuse River (Belgium), in a context where strong groundwater - surface water interactions prevail. The brownfield of interest corresponds to the site of the former coke factory of Flémalle. Resulting from industrial activities, soil and groundwater located in the alluvial aquifer are heavily contaminated with various types of organic (BTEX, PAHs, mineral oils...) and inorganic (As, Zn, Cd...) pollutants. To do so, detailed characterisation campaign was performed, consisting of, on the one hand, classical field experiments such as pumping tests, injection tests and tracer experiments; on the other hand, advanced and original field experiments such as detailed monitoring of groundwater - surface water interaction and dynamics, and the development and application of an innovative tracer technique, the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method (FVPDM), used to quantify and monitor groundwater fluxes. Monitoring and field works data was subsequently used to develop and calibrate a groundwater flow model using the finite difference code MODFLOW, with an automatic parameter estimation approach based on an original combined regional scale (zonation) and local scale (pilot points) approach. A transport model was also developed using MT3DMS and calibrated using tracer experiments performed in the brownfield. This groundwater flow and transport model was used to better quantify the dynamics of groundwater - surface water interactions and to model various scenarios of contaminant dispersion through the aquifer - river system. For these scenarios, benzene was considered because it is one of the main pollutants encountered in the site, its large solubility and mobility in groundwater and its acute toxicity. These scenarios were established considering various groundwater flow conditions (steady state vs. transient) and various hydrodispersive processes possibly affecting the mobility of benzene in groundwater, namely advection, hydrodynamic dispersion, sorption - desorption and, as evidenced by the research results of the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland), benzene degradation under sulphate reducing conditions. These simulations indicate that benzene attenuation is mainly controlled by ongoing benzene degradation processes, aquifer heterogeneity and river stage fluctuations. Based on this analysis, the risk of benzene dispersion is low, and monitored natural attenuation (MNA) is a valuable option with (1) monitoring benzene at control planes downstream from the sources; (2) further investigation on risk of sulphate depletion in the alluvial aquifer; and (3) further investigation on mobilisation/immobilisation of heavy metals related to dynamics of organic pollutant plumes.

Hydrology And Predictive Model Of Headwater Streams And The Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions Supporting Brook Trout Habitat In Northeast Ohio

Amey, Katherine Springer 01 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

A study of stream temperature using distributed temperature sensing fiber optics technology in Big Boulder Creek, a tributary to the Middle Fork John Day River in eastern Oregon

Arik, Aida D. 08 November 2011 (has links)
The Middle Fork John Day Basin in Northeastern Oregon is prime habitat for spring Chinook salmon and Steelhead trout. In 2008, a major tributary supporting rearing habitat, Big Boulder Creek, was restored to its historic mid-valley channel along a 1 km stretch of stream 800 m upstream of the mouth. Reduction of peak summer stream temperatures was among the goals of the restoration. Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Fiber Optic Technology, stream temperature was monitored prior to restoration in June 2008, and after restoration in September 2008, July 2009, and August 2009. Data gathered was used to determine locations of groundwater and hyporheic inflow and to form a stream temperature model of the system. The model was used both to develop an evaluation method to interpret components of model performance, and to better understand the physical processes important to the study reach. A very clear decreasing trend in surface temperature was seen throughout each of the DTS stream temperature datasets in the downstream 500 m of the study reach. Observed reduction in temperature was 0.5°C (±0.10) in June 2008, 0.3°C (±0.37) in September 2008, 0.6°C (±0.25) in July 2009, and 0.2°C (±0.08) in August 2009. Groundwater inflow was calculated to be 3% of the streamflow for July 2009 and 1% during the August 2009 installation. Statistically significant locations of groundwater and hyporheic inflow were also determined. July 2009 data was used to model stream temperature of the 1 km (RMSE 0.28°C). The developed model performance evaluation method measures timelag, offset, and amplitude at a downstream observed or simulated point compared with the boundary condition, rather than evaluating the model based on error. These measures are particularly relevant to small scale models in which error may not be a true reflection of the ability of a model to correctly predict temperature. Breaking down model performance into these three predictive measures was a simple and graphic method to show the model's predictive capability without sorting through large amounts of data. To better understand the model and the stream system, a sensitivity analysis was conducted showing high sensitivity to streamflow, air temperature, groundwater inflow, and relative humidity. Somewhat surprisingly, solar radiation was among the lowest sensitivity. Furthermore, three model scenarios were run: a 25% reduction in water velocity, a 5°C increase in air temperature, and no groundwater inflow. Simulations of removal of groundwater inflows resulted in a 0.5°C increase in average temperature over the modeled time period at the downstream end, further illustrating the importance of groundwater in this stream system to reduce temperatures. / Graduation date: 2012

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