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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grundvattenmodellering inom Loddby före detta Sulfitmassabruk

Bachofner Gran, Clara January 2019 (has links)
Loddby sulfitmassabruk var under sin verksamhetstid beläget vid Loddbyviken, cirka fem kilometer norr om Norrköping. På bruket bedrevs tillverkning av sulfitmassa mellan år 1899 och 1977 inom ett område som omfattar 18,6 hektar. Det före detta sulfitmassabruket anses idag vara förorenat till den grad att det medför en mycket stor risk för människors hälsa och miljön, men för att kunna besluta om åtgärder gällande den förorenade marken vid Loddby f.d. sulfitmassabruk behöver bland annat de hydrogeologiska förhållandena inom området klargöras. Detta examensarbete syftade till att kartlägga grundvattenströmningen vid Loddby f.d. sulfitmassabruk genom att utveckla en platsspecifik grundvattenmodell med modellkoden MODFLOW i programvaran Groundwater Modeling System (GMS). Dessutom avsåg examensarbetet att undersöka hur grundvattenströmningen i området påverkas av fluktuationer i den intilliggande Loddbyvikens vattennivå. Initialt utvecklades en konceptuell modell för området, där det hydrologiska systemet förenklat beskrevs med avseende på områdets geologi, hydrologi och klimat. Modellområdet avgränsades utefter topografiska vattendelare samt hydrologiska gränser och delades sedan vertikalt in i tre lager utefter de huvudsakliga jordmaterial som hade identifierats vid undersökningar i området: fyllnadsmaterial, lera och morän. I GMS delades modellområdet sedan in i ett rutnät med storleken 5x5 meter och dess ränder tilldelades lämpliga randvillkor. Genom att interpolera utsträckningen av modellens tre lager från sonderingspunkter med känd geologi kunde den konceptuella modellen beskrivas matematiskt i programvaran. För att öka modellens tillförlitlighet kalibrerades jordmaterialens hydrauliska konduktiviteter mot observerade grundvattennivåer i flertalet grundvattenrör inom Loddby f.d. sulfitmassabruk. Efter kalibrering var fyllnadsmaterialets, lerans samt moränens hydrauliska konduktivitet 2,1ˑ10-4 m/s, 5,7ˑ10-7 m/s respektive 3,9ˑ10-5 m/s. En känslighetsanalys utfördes slutligen för att undersöka hur valet av värden på jordmaterialens hydrauliska konduktiviteter samt grundvattenbildningen påverkar modellresultaten. Simuleringarna med den kalibrerade modellen visade bland annat att grundvattnet generellt rör sig från områdets västra delar mot Pjältån och Loddbyviken i norr och öster, dock runt de områden där bergytan når höga nivåer. Förändringar i Loddbyvikens vattennivå visade sig ha en viss påverkan på mängden vatten i systemet, men bedömdes inte medföra en större effekt på strömningsmönstret i området. Känslighetsanalysen visade att modellen var mycket känslig för värdet på grundvattenbildningen, samt att även den hydrauliska konduktiviteten för moränen hade en stor effekt på resultatet. Ett lågt värde på lerans genomsläpplighet visade sig kunna leda till modelleringssvårigheter och fyllnadsmaterialets konduktivitet hade generellt en liten påverkan på resultatet. / Loddby sulphite pulp factory was during its active days located next to Loddbyviken, approximately five kilometers north of Norrköping. Production of sulphite paper pulp was conducted between the years 1899 and 1977 within an area of 18,6 hectares. The former sulphite pulp factory is today considered polluted to the extent that it is entailing a great risk for human health and the environment, but to be able to decide what measures to take, the hydrogeological conditions in the area need to be clarified. The objective of this master’s thesis was to map the groundwater flow pattern within Loddby former sulphite pulp factory by developing a site-specific groundwater model with the groundwater flow model MODFLOW in the software Groundwater Modeling System (GMS). The master’s thesis also aimed at examining how the groundwater movement in the area is affected by fluctuations in the water level of Loddbyviken. A conceptual model was initially created to describe the hydrological system in a simplified way with regards to the geology, hydrology and climate within the area. The model domain was delimited by topographical water divides and hydrological boundaries, and was thereafter divided into three horizontal layers based on the main materials that have been identified during investigations within the area: filling material, clay and till. In GMS, the model domain was divided into a 5x5 meter grid and its borders were assigned appropriate boundary conditions. By interpolating the three model layers from scatter point data of known geology, the conceptual model could be described mathematically within the software. To increase the reliability of the model, the hydraulic conductivities of the materials were then calibrated against observed hydraulic head in several groundwater monitoring wells in the area. After the calibration, the hydraulic conductivities of the filling material, clay and till were 2,1ˑ10-4 m/s, 5,7ˑ10-7 m/s and 3,9ˑ10-5 m/s respectively. A sensitivity analysis was then performed in order to examine how the values of hydraulic conductivity and groundwater recharge would affect the model results. Simulations with the calibrated model showed that the groundwater generally moves from the western parts of the area towards Pjältån and Loddbyviken in the north and east. However, it moves around the areas where the impermeable bedrock is close to the ground surface. Changes in the water level of Loddbyviken proved to have some effect on the amount of water in the system, but they did not entail a greater influence on the groundwater movement pathways in the area. The sensitivity analysis showed that the model was very sensitive regarding the groundwater recharge and the hydraulic conductivity for the till. A very low conductivity of clay turned out to lead to some modeling difficulties and the conductivity of the filling material showed to only have a small effect on the result.

Identifikacija spoljnih pritisaka i uticaja na kvalitet podzemne vode izvorišta opštine Laktaši / Identification of external pressures and impactson the groundwater quality of the sources in themunicipality of Laktaši

Stojanović Maja 30 October 2017 (has links)
<p>Cilj rada je ispitivanje kvaliteta podzemnih voda tri izvori&scaron;ta na teritoriji op&scaron;tine<br />Lakta&scaron;i u naseljima Kri&scaron;kovci, Maglajani i Lakta&scaron;i, kao i uticaja prirodnih uslova i<br />antropogenih de&scaron;avanja u okolini izvori&scaron;ta na kvalitet ispitivanih podzemnih voda.<br />Detaljno dizajnirana laboratorijska istraživanja i planiran eksperimentalni deo ove<br />disertacije predstavlja polaznu osnovu u re&scaron;avaju kompleksne problematike iz oblasti upravljanja kvalitetom voda za piće istražnog područja. Poseban doprinos nauci u oblasti za&scaron;tite voda predstavlja integrisan pristup u analizi selektovanih organskih, neorganskih i fizičko-hemijskih parametara podzemnih voda i definisanje osnovnih i specifičnih zavisnih varijabli hemometrijskom analizom podataka kao i kreiranje eksperimentalnih i laboratorijskih uslova za demanganizaciju vode kritičnih izvori&scaron;ta. Ovaj sveobuhvatni pristup u skeniranju op&scaron;tih i specifičnih varijabli i definisanje veza između elemenata, grupisanje na osnovu njihovih sličnosti ili razlika u specijalne klase prema karakterističnim fizičko-hemijskim svojstvima i sposobnosti ka kompleksiranju, ukazuje na način pojavljivanja promenljivih, njihovo poreklo u vodi i defini&scaron;e uzroke njihove varijabilnosti (antropogeni - tačkasti ili difuzni, ili nativni, dominantno geolo&scaron;ki). Svi analizirani in situ parametri zadovoljavaju kriterijum propisan važećim Pravilnikom o higijenskoj ispravnosti vode za piće (2003). Od 1632 merenja u laboratoriji (72 parametara), 26 merenja (1,59%) nisu zadovoljavala kriterijume propisane ovim Pravilnikom (15 merenja u vodi sa izvori&scaron;ta Kri&scaron;kovci (57,6%), 7 sa izvori&scaron;ta Maglajani (26,9%) i 4 sa izvori&scaron;ta Lakta&scaron;i (15,4%)). Parametri koji odstupaju od kriterijuma datih Pravilnikom (2003) su mutnoća, nitriti, mangan, ulja i masti. Sa mikrobiolo&scaron;kog aspekta voda izvori&scaron;ta u Lakta&scaron;ima je zdravstveno ispravna, dok je voda izvori&scaron;ta u Kri&scaron;kovcima u najlo&scaron;ijem stanju, na izvori&scaron;tu u Maglajanima nisu detektovane bakterije indikatori fekalnog zagađenja, dok je voda reke Vrbas jako lo&scaron;eg kvaliteta. U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ostvaren je značajan doprinos u otkrivanju i razumevanju međusobnih odnosa pojedinih elemenata i parametara u složenom sistemu kakav je voda posebno imajući u vidu analizu organskog i neorganskog kompleksiranja, &scaron;to predstavlja značajan doprinos u ovom polju imajući u vidu ograničen broj literaturnih referenci. Iz rada se može doneti zaključak da se rezultatiispitivanih parametara na izvori&scaron;tima menjaju u toku godine, da je potrebno izvr&scaron;iti dodatna geolo&scaron;ka ispitivanja da bi se sa sigurno&scaron;ću utvrdila veza između vode reke Vrbas i vode izvori&scaron;ta, da na izvori&scaron;te u Kri&scaron;kovcima ima uticaj biolo&scaron;ko pođubravanje zemlji&scaron;ta i otpadne vode okolnog naselja, dok za druga dva izvori&scaron;ta nije dokazana sumnja da de&scaron;avanja na povr&scaron;ini iznad izvori&scaron;ta utiču na samo izvori&scaron;te i da padavine nemaju značajan uticaj na iste. Data ispitivanja su bazirana na osnovnim zahtevima okvirne direktive o vodamna (EU Water Framework Directive (WFD)) na prvom mestu izboru prioritetnih i ostalih supstanci od interesa u cilju praćenja i definisanja indikatora pritisaka i uticaja na vodna tela. Dobijeni podaci će poslužiti za razvoj strategija i planova kontrole i sprečavanja zagađenja, definisanje programa za praćenje kvaliteta podzemnih voda i vode za piće, upravljanja rečnim slivom, dostupnost informacijama u cilju pobolj&scaron;anja<br />kvaliteta vode za piće.</p> / <p>The aim of this paper is to examine the quality of groundwater of three springs on the<br />territory of the municipality of Lakta&scaron;i in the Kri&scaron;kovci, Maglajani and Lakta&scaron;i settlements, as well as the influence of natural conditions and anthropogenic activities in the spring areas on the quality of examined groundwater. Detailed designed laboratory research and the planned experimental part of this dissertation represent the starting point for solving of complex problems in the field of quality management of drinking water in the investigated area. The special contribution to water protection science is an integrated approach to the analysis of selected organic, inorganic and physicochemical parameters of groundwater, as well as the definition of basic and specific dependent variables, by chemometric data analysis, and the creation of experimental and laboratory conditions for the demanganization of water from critical sources. This is a comprehensive approach to scanning general and specific variables and defining links between elements &ndash; grouping them on the basis of their similarities or differences in special classes according to the characteristic physicochemical properties and their ability to complex, which indicates the way of change, its origin in water and defines the causes of their variability (anthropogenic -pointic or diffuse, or native, predominantly geological). All analyzed in situ parameters meet the criterion prescribed by the relevant Regulation on Hygienic Quality of Drinking Water (2003). Out of the 1632 measurements in the laboratory, only 72 parameters and 26 measurements (1.59%) did not meet the criteria prescribed by this Regulation: 15 water measurements from sources Kri&scaron;kovci (57.6%), 7 from Maglajani sources (26.9%) and 4 from the sources of Lakta&scaron;i (15.4%). Parameters that deviated from the criteria given in the Regulation (2003) were turbidity, nitrite, manganese, oil and fat. From the microbiological aspect,<br />water source in Lakta&scaron;i is health safety, while the source of water in Kri&scaron;kovci is in the<br />worst condition. In water from sources in Maglajani did not detect bacterial indicators of fecal pollution, while the water of the river Vrbas is of very poor quality.<br />Within this doctoral dissertation, a significant contribution was made in the discovery<br />and understanding of the mutual relations of certain elements and parameters in a<br />complex system such as water, especially in the view of the analysis of organic and<br />inorganic complexation. Keeping in mind the limited number of literary references,<br />these results represent a significant contribution in this field. It can be concluded from the dissertation that the findings of the tested parameters at the sources change during the year. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out additional geological investigations in order to establish with certainty that there is a connection between the water of the river Vrbas and the water sources. From the dissertation can be concluded that the biological fertilization of the soil and the waste water of the surrounding settlement has an impact on the spring in Kri&scaron;kovci. For the sources of other two settlements there no has proven that surface activities above the sources affect the source itself and that precipitation does not have a significant impact on them. Conducted tests was based on the basic requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) and in the first place on the selection of priority and other substances of interest for the purpose of monitoring and defining pressure indicators and impacts on water bodies. The obtained data will: (1) serve to develop strategies and plans for pollution control and prevention, (2) define programs for monitoring the quality of groundwater and drinking water, (3) enable improved river basin management, and (4) provide availability of information for improving the quality of drinking water.</p>

Impact of deep building foundations on coastal groundwater flow systems

Ding, Guoping, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Title proper from title frame. Also available in printed format.

Effects of biological activity and precipitation on stormwater retention basin water chemistry in Bryn Mawr, PA

Pugh, Evan. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (B.A.)--Bryn Mawr College, Dept. of Geology, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

Groundwater nitrate removal capacity of riparian zones in urbanizing watersheds /

Watson, Tara Kimberly. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Rhode Island, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-112). Also available online via the University of Rhode Island Watershed Hydrology Laboratory publications home page.

Assessing the Impact of Groundwater Pollution from Marine Caves on Nearshore Seagrass Beds in Bermuda

Cate, Jenipher R. 14 January 2010 (has links)
This investigation characterized karstic and nearshore environments of Bermuda to describe 1) behavior and periodicity of cave springs; 2) submarine spring water quality; and 3) nearshore marine seagrass density. Caves can be conduits for groundwater pollution where terrestrial anthropogenic processes leach nutrient enriched water into marine caves springs that flow directly into coastal waters. Seagrass may serve as an environmental indicator due to its susceptibility to anthropogenic pollution. In 2007, environmental water monitoring devices were moored at the entrance of coastal cave springs throughout Bermuda to retrieve data on water quality, flow volume, velocity and direction. Nutrients (nitrate, phosphate, nitrite, and ammonium) and fecal bacteria (Enterococcus spp. and Escherichia coli) were measured in each cave. To qualify a link between terrestrial pollution and the nearshore environment, seagrass density within 100 m from cave entrances were measured. Bermuda caves were tidally influenced. Caves in Harrington Sound showed a delayed tidal flux with smaller ranges due to the restricted tidal inlet. Four caves exhibited a 1:1 in:out flow ratio. Caves with an imbalance flow ratio could be influenced by additional entrances, connection to an alternate water body, or cave geometry. Cave water was similar between caves. Environmental parameters and nutrients changed together, excluding seasonal variations in temperature (17.89 to 22.94 degrees C). Higher nutrients and fecal coliforms within caves indicated sewage may be leaching into the subsurface ground water system. Three seagrass species were evenly distributed within patchy meadows. Densities ranged from 0.91 to 4.5 (on a Braun-Blanket Scale). Higher mean densities in Harrington Sound, suggested the enclosed, protected nature of the sound allowed for reduced wave and current action. Syringodium filiforme decreased in density towards the ocean signifying a direct influence of cave water on seagrass beds. Tidal in and out-flux allowed for a constantly changing environment suitable for a mixture of seagrass species. Higher dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations were associated with locations lacking seagrass. This study found 1) cave springs connected groundwater and nearshore seagrass ecosystems; and 2) components associated with terrestrial sewage pollution (DIN, HPO4=, and Enterococcus spp.) were higher within caves than nearshore waters.

A Student on Pilot-Scale Biosparging Treatment of a Petroleun VOCs Contaminatal Site Caused by Leakage of Underground Storage Tanks

sheng, Wu-Chen 28 June 2002 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of biosparging for in situ remediation of groundwater at a site contaminated by petrochemicals. To this end, laboratory-scale (lab-scale for short) and pilot-scale tests were carried out. In the lab-scale study, three possible ways (i.e., by injecting air, by adding hydrogen peroxide, and by adding magnesium peroxide) of increasing the dissolved oxygen content in the groundwater were evaluated in terms of the resulting total bacterial count. Under the conditions used in this work, air injection was found to the most effective one. By injecting compressed air into the mixture of petrochemicals-contaminated soil and groundwater at a flow rate of 175mL/min for five minutes, the total bacterial count of the aerobic bacteria was increased greatly from 102CFU/mL to 107CFU/mL. The concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) also were reduced to lower than 0.5£gg/L. Based on the findings obtained from the lab-scale study, air injection was adopted for the enhancement of pilot-scale in situ bioremediation of petrochemicals-contaminated groundwater at a selected site in a petrochemical plant. To evaluate the treatment efficiency of biosparging for the removal of BTEX and naphthalene, in addition to an upstream groundwater well, six one-meter-apart monitoring wells were installed in at the test site the flow direction of groundwater. In the center of the test site, one air injection well and ten soil gas monitoring points also were installed to determining the radius of influence of the air injection well. It was found that an air injection rate of 40L/min was capable of providing sufficient air to all of the monitoring wells of groundwater and increasing the total bacterial count of aerobic bacteria from the order of 102CFU/mL to 106CFU/mL. For a test period of 99 days, the concentrations of all target contaminants in each groundwater monitoring well were decreased markedly. More specifically, the total organic carbon was reduced from 12.7-43.4 mg/L to 3.5-14.9 mg/L; biochemical oxygen demand, from 124-526 mg/L to 43-153 mg/L; benzene; toluene, from 29.88-62.34 mg/L to 11.72-12.82 mg/L ; ethyl benzene, from 0.92-5.30 mg/L to 0.86 mg/L-< 0.5£gg/L; xylenes, from 9.31-47.58 mg/L to 4.07 mg/L -< 0.5£gg/L; and naphthalene, from15.31-0.92 mg/L to < 0.5 £gg/L. Additionally, pH, temperature, and concentrations of various cations determined for the groundwater as well. During the 99-day test period, the following were found: pH varied in the range of 6.75-7.45; temperature, 30-32¢J; Ca2+, 45-65 mg/L; Mg 2+, 16-24 mg/L; Na+, 35-60 mg/L; K+, 8-14 mg/L; and total iron, 2.0-4.0 mg/L. Thus, under the conditions used in this work, the biosparging technology employed was found to have an overall treatment efficiency of over 60% for BTEX and 100% for naphthalene. To increase the overall treatment efficiency, a prolonged air injection is needed at this test site. Keywords: biosparging, groundwater, contaminated site, petrochemicals

Anaerobic benzene degradation in culture and hydrocarbon degradation in the subsurface environment

Oka, Amita R. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Rutgers University, 2009. / "Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences." Includes bibliographical references.

Patterns in stream geomorphology and implications for hyporheic exchange flow /

Anderson, Justin K. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2003. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references (leaves 76-82). Also available on the World Wide Web.

Assessment of groundwater discharge to Lake Barco via radon tracing

Stringer, Christina Elaine. Burnett, William C. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Florida State University, 2004. / Advisor: Dr. William C. Burnett, Florida State University, College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Oceanography. Title and description from dissertation home page (viewed June 16, 2004). Includes bibliographical references.

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