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Britain and the development of professional security forces in the Gulf Arab States, 1921-71 : local forces and informal empireRossiter, Ash January 2014 (has links)
Imperial powers have employed a range of strategies to establish and then maintain control over foreign territories and communities. As deploying military forces from the home country is often costly – not to mention logistically stretching when long distances are involved – many imperial powers have used indigenous forces to extend control or protect influence in overseas territories. This study charts the extent to which Britain employed this method in its informal empire among the small states of Eastern Arabia: Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the seven Trucial States (modern day UAE), and Oman before 1971. Resolved in the defence of its imperial lines of communication to India and the protection of mercantile shipping, Britain first organised and enforced a set of maritime truces with the local Arab coastal shaikhs of Eastern Arabia in order to maintain peace on the sea. Throughout the first part of the nineteenth century, the primary concern in the Gulf for the British, operating through the Government of India, was therefore the cessation of piracy and maritime warfare. Later, British interests were expanded to suppressing the activities of slave traders and arms traffickers. At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, Britain also sought to exclude foreign powers from gaining a foothold in the area. It was during this time that the British government assumed full responsibility for the external relations of these shaikhdoms and that Britain conferred the status of ‘protected state’ upon them. Up to this point, when Britain needed to protect these interests or use force to compel local rulers to comply with its wishes, naval power usually sufficed. By the midpoint of the twentieth century, Britain’s interests in the area had swelled and migrated inland – first because of the establishment of air stations servicing the imperial route to India, then as a result of oil exploration and production. At the same time, growing international opposition to colonialism and a steady reduction in Britain’s ability to project military power overseas made it more and more difficult for Britain to discharge it security duties in the Gulf. So how did Britain bridge this gap? Studies of British security policy towards the Gulf have focused almost exclusively on Britain’s formal military architecture. Using India Office records and British Government archival documents, this study provides a reinterpretation of the means by which Britain sought to maintain order, protect its interests in the region and discharge its defence obligations. The records, it will be shown, point to a broad British policy before 1971 of enhancing the coercive instruments available to the local rulers. Rather than having to revert to using its own military forces, Britain wanted the Gulf rulers to acquire a monopoly over the use of force within their territories and to be in a stronger position to defend their own domains against cross-border raiders and covetous neighbours. This policy was not always successful; Britain was progressively drawn into the internal security affairs of a number of ITS protégés, especially after the Second World War. The security forces that emerged – armed police forces, gendarmeries and militaries – varied considerably, as did Britain’s involvement in their establishment and running. Nevertheless, taken as whole, a trend emerges between 1921 and 1971 of Britain pushing the Gulf states to take over more and more of the security burden. Indeed, at a time when its traditional sources of global power were fading, indigenous security forces were an important tool in Britain’s pursuit of its interests before its military withdrawal from the Gulf in December 1971. This aspect of Britain’s approach to security in the Gulf has largely been overlooked.
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Les systèmes turbidiques du Golfe d'Oman et de la marge est-africaine : architecture, évolution des apports au Quaternaire terminal et impact de la distribution sédimentaire sur les propriétés géoacoustiques des fondsBourget, Julien 08 December 2009 (has links)
Ce travail présente une analyse des systèmes turbiditiques actuels du Golfe d’Oman et de la marge est-africaine (océan Indien occidental), auparavant méconnus. Il se base sur une base de données acoustique (bathymétrie, imagerie multifaisceaux, sismique THR et multitraces) et sédimentologique (carottes küllenberg et calypso) issues de campagnes successives réalisées par le SHOM et l’IFP. L’architecture des systèmes de dépôts profonds et les processus associés ont révélé une grande diversité selon le contexte géodynamique et physiographique des marges étudiées (marge passive, marge transformante, marge active). Les différents systèmes étudiés illustrent notamment le rôle du contexte tectonique régional sur la répartition et la morphologie des dépocentres à plusieurs échelles d’observation. L'analyse détaillée des faciès et séquences sédimentaires a permis de mettre en évidence le fonctionnement sédimentaire des différents systèmes en lien avec les conditions physiographiques et environnementales régionales (influence des crues liées à la mousson sur le transfert sédimentaire). A travers la reconstruction des transferts sédimentaires dans ces systèmes turbiditiques, nous discutons de l’impact relatif des différents facteurs forçant la sédimentation gravitaire sous-marine à haute-fréquence (eustatisme, climat, et tectonique). Pour cela, une étude stratigraphique détaillée a été réalisée sur la base de différents outils (datation radiocarbone, géochimie élémentaire, biostratigraphie) permettant de contraindre dans le temps les séries sédimentaires gravitaires. L’évolution des apports sédimentaires et des processus de dépôt au cours du Quaternaire terminal, en relation avec les modifications paléo-environnementales continentales, a permis d’identifier l’impact, l’importance relative et les interactions entre les forçages externes sur le développement à haute-fréquence (103-104ans) de systèmes de dépôt gravitaires, dans divers contextes géodynamiques. Les connaissances acquises sur la sédimentation du Golfe d’Oman ont finalement permis d’alimenter une base de données sédimentologique conséquente. L’intégration de cette base dans un modèle numérique géoacoustique (« simulateur ») développé par le SHOM a permis d’évaluer quantitativement l’impact des variations sédimentaires à différentes échelles (distribution spatiale, lithologie, stratification, processus de dépôt) sur la propagation du signal acoustique pour différentes gammes de fréquence (de 300 Hz jusqu’à 3 kHz) et angles d’émission (de 0 à 90°). Ces travaux constituent une base pour la réalisation d’un modèle géoacoustique régional robuste. / This study focuses on the Late Quaternary turbidite systems of the Gulf of Oman and the East-African margin (western Indian Ocean), previously poorly studied. It is based upon a compilation of acoustic data (bathymetry, multibeam imagery, 3.5 kHz and multi-channel seismic) and sedimentological data (küllenberg and calypso piston cores) recovered during several cruises leaded by the SHOM and IFP institutes. Turbidite system architecture and sedimentary processes revealed a strong variability primarily related to the physiographic, hydro-climatic and geodynamic context of each margin. High-resolution stratigraphy has been achieved using a combination of radiocarbon dating, XRF geochemistry, biostratigraphy). This allowed to investigate the impact, the interaction and the relative importance of the external forcings on deep water sedimentation (i.e. tectonics, climate and eustasy) at high- frequency (103 -104 yrs) in different tectonic setting (active & passive margins). Finally, integration of the sedimentological data set in a geoacoustic numerical modelling leaded to a first quantitative estimation of the regional relationship between sea-floor properties (lithology, depositional environment, stratification) and propagation of acoustic signal at 300 Hz- 3kHz frequencies and 0-90°. This work constitutes a basis for future geoacoustic modelling in the area.
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Geomorphic evolution and coastal hazards along the Iranian coast of Makran / Évolution géomorphologique et risques côtiers le long des rivages du Makran (Iran)Shah-Hosseini, Majid 21 March 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse a deux objectifs principaux: (i) la reconstruction de l'évolution des plaines côtières autour des baies de Chabahar et de Pozm et (ii) L'évaluation des risques côtiers (tsunamis et tempêtes extrêmes) par l'étude des dépôts de haute énergie. Vastes plaines côtières et paleo-rivages protégées par des terrasses marines soulevées sont présents autour des baies de Chabahar et Pozm. Nous avons mise en évidence des changements du niveau marin relatif le long de quatre profils. L'architecture interne des paleo-rivages a été imagée en utilisant le géoradar (GPR). Des analyses sédimentologiques et stratigraphiques des séquences côtières ont été examinées par carottages et tranchées. Les paleo-rivages sont datées entre 4800 et 270 ans BP à des distances respectives de 5 km et de 670 m du rivage actuel. La position spatiale des paléo-rivages montre une chute du niveau relatif de la mer de 15 m au cours des 4800 derniers années. Nous insistons aussi sur le rôle de contrôle des structures géologiques. Les dépôts d'événements (tsunami et tempêtes) ont été étudiés en contexte de côte meuble par Les sédiments sableux et coquilliers d'origine marine, et sur les côtes rocheuses par les dépôt des blocs déplacés. Nous avons appliqué des modèles hydrologiques pour évaluer et comparer la hauteur des vagues et la distance d'inondation. Nos résultats montrent qu'aucun événement de tempête, connu ou potentiel, n'est capable de transporter les blocs observés. Des vagues de tsunamis de l'ordre de 4 m de hauteur sont suffisantes pour transporter les blocs. La côte de Makran a enregistré des indices de paléo-tsunamis probablement générés par de grands séismes dans la zone de subduction. / In this thesis we have two main goals: (i) to reconstruct the Holocene coastal evolution and relative sea-level changes using strandplains around the Chabahar and Pozm bays; and (ii) to evaluate coastal hazards (tsunami and extreme storms) along the Iranian coast of Makran using high-energy deposits. Since the mid-Holocene, the shoreline rimming the bays of Chabahar and Pozm has prograded ~5 km and formed extensive strandplains. We documented relative sea-level changes along four coast-normal profiles. Internal architecture of strandplain imaged using Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). The sedimentology and stratigraphy of the coastal sequence were studied by coring and trenching. The highest paleo-coastline is located about 5 km inland and stands approximately 15 m above present sea level. Paleo-shorelines date back between 4800 and 270 years BP at respective distances of 5 km to 670 m from the active shoreline. The spatial position of the palaeo-coastlines demonstrates a fall in local sea level of around 15 m during the last ~4800 years. Event deposits attesting to high-energy waves have been studied in low-lying coast by study of Over-washed sandy and shelly marine sediment and on the rocky shore by study of displaced boulder deposits. We applied hydrologic models to estimate the height and inundation distance of exceptional waves. Our results demonstrate that no known or probable storm is capable of detaching and transporting the boulders. Tsunami waves 4 m in height are enough to transport the boulders. We conclude the Makran coast has archived evidence of palaeo-tsunami events generated in the Makran subduction zone.
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Field Ecology Patterns of High Latitude Coral CommunitiesFoster, Kristi A. 01 November 2011 (has links)
Some climate models predict that, within the next 30-50 years, sea surface temperatures (SSTs) will frequently exceed the current thermal tolerance of corals (Fitt et al. 2001; Hughes et al. 2003; Hoegh-Guldberg et al. 2007). A potential consequence is that mass coral bleaching may take place (i) during warm El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events which are predicted to occur in some regions more frequently than the current 3-7 year periodicity (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; Sheppard 2003) or (ii) perhaps as often as annually or biannually if corals and their symbionts are unable to acclimate to the higher SSTs (Donner et al. 2005, 2007). Global data also indicate an upward trend toward increasing frequencies, intensities, and durations of tropical hurricanes and cyclones (Emanual 2005; Webster et al. 2005). As coral communities have been shown to require at least 10-30 years to recover after a major disturbance (e.g. Connell 1997; Ninio et al. 2000; Bruno & Selig 2007; Burt et al. 2008), it is possible that future coral communities may be in a constant state of recovery, with regeneration times exceeding the periods between disturbances. Life history traits (e.g. reproduction, recruitment, growth and mortality) vary among species of hard corals; thus, gradients in community structures may have a strong influence on susceptibilities to disturbance and rates of recovery (Connell 1997; Ninio & Meekan 2002). Taxa which are more susceptible to bleaching and mechanical disturbance (e.g. tabular and branching acroporids and pocilloporids) may experience continual changes in population structure due to persistent cycles of regeneration or local extirpation, while the more resistant taxa (e.g. massive poritids and faviids) may display relatively stable population structures (Woodley et al. 1981; Hughes & Connell 1999; Baird & Hughes 2000; Marshall & Baird 2000; Loya et al. 2001; McClanahan & Maina 2003). Determining whether resistant coral taxa have predictable responses to disturbances, with consistent patterns over wide spatial scales, may improve predictions for the future affects of climate change and the composition of reefs (Done 1999; Hoegh-Guldberg 1999; McClanahan et al. 2004).
The work presented in this dissertation describes the spatial and temporal patterns in community structures for high latitude coral assemblages that have experienced the types of natural disturbances which are predicted to occur in tropical reef systems with increasing frequency as a result of climate change. The primary area of focus is the southeastern Arabian Gulf, where the coral communities are exposed to natural conditions that exceed threshold limits of corals elsewhere in the world, with annual temperature ranges between 14-36°C (Kinzie 1973; Shinn 1976) and salinities above 40 ppt. Two additional regions are included in this study for comparisons of high latitude coral community structures. The northwestern Gulf of Oman is adjacent to the southeastern Arabian Gulf (i.e. the two bodies of water are connected by the Strait of Hormuz); however, the environmental conditions are milder in the Gulf of Oman such that the number of coral taxa therein is threefold that found in the southeastern Arabian Gulf (i.e. 107 coral species in the Gulf of Oman compared to 34 species in this region of the Arabian Gulf (Riegl 1999; Coles 2003; Rezai et al. 2004)). Broward County, Florida is geographically remote from the Gulfs and, therefore, serves as a benchmark for testing whether consistent patterns in community structures exist despite different climatic and anthropogenic influences.
The coral communities within the southeastern Arabian Gulf, the northwestern Gulf of Oman, and Broward County, Florida have been exposed to recurrent elevated sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, sequential cyclone and red tide disturbances, and frequent hurricanes and tropical storms, respectively. These disturbances and other impacts (e.g. bleaching episodes, disease outbreaks, anthropogenic stresses) have affected the more susceptible acroporids and pocilloporids, resulting in significant losses of coral cover by these families and shifts towards massive corals as the dominant taxa. During the post-disturbance scarcity or absence of branching and tabular corals, the resistant massive taxa have become the crux of the essential hard coral habitat for fish, invertebrates and other marine organisms.
Because recovery to pre-disturbance community structures may take decades or may not occur at all, it is vital that scientists and resource managers have a better understanding of the spatial and temporal ecology patterns of the corals that survive and fill in the functional gaps that are created by such disturbances. To aid in this understanding, this dissertation presents spatial and temporal patterns for the coral assemblages which have developed after the respective disturbances. Spatial ecology patterns are analyzed using graphical descriptions (e.g. taxa inventories, area cover, densities, size frequency distributions), univariate techniques (e.g. diversity indices), distributional techniques (e.g. k-dominance curves) and multivariate techniques (e.g. hierarchical clustering, multidimensional scaling). Temporal comparisons at monitoring sites within the southeastern Arabian Gulf and northwestern Gulf of Oman describe the coral population dynamics and are used to create size class transition models that project future population structures of massive corals in the recovering habitats.
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Western Boundary Dynamics in the Arabian Sea / Dynamique de bord ouest en mer d'ArabieVic, Clément 12 November 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'analyser plusieurs phénomènes de bord ouest de la Mer d'Arabie : (i) le cycle de vie d'un tourbillon de mésoéchelle persistant, le Great Whirl; (ii) la dynamique d'un écoulement d'eau dense (outflow) formée dans une mer adjacente, l'outflow du Golfe Persique; et (iii) une remontée d'eau profonde (upwelling) saisonnière dans la zone côtière d'Oman. Le point commun entre ces phénomènes est leur localisation sur un bord ouest océanique. Ils sont donc influencés par des forçages locaux (notamment les vents de mousson) et les forçages à distance (ondes de Rossby et tourbillons dérivant vers l'ouest). En particulier, ces derniers vont jouer un rôle particulier car la Mer d'Arabie est située à basses latitudes, ce qui implique une propagation rapide des ondes longues et tourbillons. De plus, des ondes sont continuellement excitées par le régime saisonnier des moussons. Nous avons mis au point des expériences numériques de différentes complexités en utilisant un modèle aux équations primitives. Ces expériences permettent soit de simuler de manière réaliste la dynamique complexe de la Mer d'Arabie, soit d'isoler un processus en particulier. Les résultats principaux peuvent se résumer comme suit : (i) le cycle de vie du Great Whirl est significativement impacté par les ondes de Rossby annuelles. Le rotationnel de la tension de vent joue un rôle important dans le maintien, le renforcement et la barotropisation du tourbillon. (ii) La dispersion de l'Eau du Golfe Persique (Persian Gulf Water, PGW) est déterminée par le mélange induit par les tourbillons de mésoéchelle. Précisément, ces tourbillons entrent dans le Golfe d'Oman (où se déverse la PGW), et interagissent avec la topographie. Ces interactions frictionnelles produisent des bandes de vorticité très intenses dans la couche limite de fond. Celles-ci sont arrachées et forment des tourbillons de sous-mésoéchelle. Ces tourbillons capturent de la PGW initialement située sur la pente continentale et la redistribuent dans le golfe d'Oman. Ce mécanisme donne finalement lieu à du mélange, permettant d'expliquer le gradient de salinité climatologique observé en profondeur. (iii) La dynamique de l'upwelling saisonnier au large d'Oman contraste fortement avec la dynamique des upwelling de bord est (Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, EBUS). En effet, les ondes de Rossby se propagent vers le large dans les EBUS et vers la côte dans l'upwelling de bord ouest d'Oman. Ces ondes modulent la réponse en température de l'upwelling forcé par le vent.Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats sont relativement spécifiques à la Mer d'Arabie. La faible extension zonale et la basse latitude de la Mer d'Arabie, ainsi que le régime de mousson des vents saisonniers en font une région particulière. La propagation rapide des ondes et tourbillons et leurs interactions avec le bord ouest façonnent les régimes de turbulence de la Mer d'Arabie. / This PhD aims to investigate some western boundary processes in the Arabian Sea : (i) the life cycle of the socalled Great Whirl, a persistent mesoscale eddy; (ii) the dynamics of the Persian Gulf outflow, a marginal sea dense outflow; and (iii) the seasonal Oman upwelling, a coastal upwelling forced by summermonsoonal winds. The cornerstone of all these phenomena is their locationat a western boundary, which makes then being influenced by both localforcing (e.g., monsoonal winds) and remote forcing (Rossby waves and wesward drifting eddies). Specifically, the later are expected to impact the western boundary dynamics since the low latitude of the Arabian Sea implies a fast westward propagation of long Rossby waves and eddies. Moreover, waves are continously excited by the reversing monsoonal winds. Based on a primitive equation model, we designed numerical experiments of different complexity that allowed to either realistically simulate the dynamics in the Arabian Sea or to isolate some processes.Major findings can be summarized as follows : (i) The Great Whirl life cycle is found to be significantly paced by annual Rossby waves, although the strong monsoonal wind stress curl is of major importance to sustain the structure. (ii) The Persian Gulf Water (PGW) spreading in the Gulf of Oman and the northern Arabian Sea can be explained by the stirring done by eddies entering the Gulf. These remotely formed surface intensifed mesoscale eddies propagate into the Gulf and interact with the topography. Frictional interactions produce intense vorticity strips at the boundary that detach and roll up in the interior, forming submesoscale coherent vortices (SCV). These SCV trap PGW initially located on the slope and redistribute it in the interior. This mechanism of transport ultimately produces mixing that explains the large-scale gradient of salinity in the gulf. (iii) We find that the dynamics of the seasonal upwelling of Oman contrasts with the more deeply studied Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS). In particular, Rossby waves, propagating offshore in EBUS vs. onshore in this western boudary upwelling, are found to modulate the wind driven upwelling and its sea surface temperature response.Overall, these results appear to be rather specific to the Arabian Sea. The short zonal extent and the low-latitude of the Arabian Sea, as well as the seasonally reversing wind forcing are the distinguishing features of this region. Fast waves and drifting eddies and their interactions with the western boundary significantly shape the turbulent regimes of the western Arabian Sea.
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