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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A pol?tica de habita??o e o direito ? cidade : um estudo a partir das a??es do Departamento Municipal de Habita??o de Gravata?-RS

Silva, Andr? Luis da 21 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 445413.pdf: 1568117 bytes, checksum: d32ca13ee312e125956c9ee3ba1a0224 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-21 / This study aims to discuss the security of access to the city through housing policy developed by the local government. To have both as the locus of research Municipality of Gravata?, through the actions of the Departamento Municipal de Habita??o (DEMHAB) and with this, besides the production of knowledge, aims to contribute to the improvement of the housing policy of the city. This is a research type of formative evaluation ex-post, with emphasis qualitative, grounded in Marxist critical theory of inspiration. The study was the critical-dialectical method as theoretical and methodological orientation from their theoretical categories of analysis: historicity, contradiction and totality. The subjects users are benefited in the DEMHAB housing projects, as well as managers and technical implementers of this policy. In addition to the interviews, we developed an analysis of documents on the Plano Local de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PLHIS) of Gravata?. The PLHIS is one of the planning tools that compose the Sistema de Habita??o de Interesse Social (SHIS), at the municipal level, and is intended for planning actions in the area of housing, pointing the municipal strategic planning to meet the demands related to housing social interest, which is benefiting families earning up to three minimum wages. As a result, it was found that the process of urbanization of cities in the world and in Brazil was decisive in shaping housing demand since the housing deficit in their qualitative and quantitative dimensions, comes from the private appropriation of space and uneven cities. According to the evaluation made by users, technicians and administrators about the actions of DEMHAB in Gravata?, identifies that the Housing Policy, besides not being a priority, needs more planning for that, besides the acquisition of home users may have access to other rights. It is clear, moreover, that the right to housing and the right to the city find themselves threatened in a context of deregulation rights and social policies, requiring interventions to those most in need of effective actions of the state enjoy the goods and services located in urban cities. / O presente estudo objetiva discutir a garantia do acesso ? cidade, atrav?s da pol?tica de habita??o desenvolvida pelo poder local. Para tanto tem como l?cus de investiga??o o Munic?pio de Gravata?, atrav?s das a??es do Departamento Municipal de Habita??o (DEMHAB) e com isso, al?m da produ??o de conhecimento, visa contribuir para o aprimoramento da pol?tica habitacional do Munic?pio. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo avaliativa formativa ex-post, com ?nfase qualitativa, fundamentada na teoria cr?tica de inspira??o marxiana. O estudo teve o m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico como orienta??o te?rica e metodol?gica, a partir de suas categorias te?ricas de an?lise: historicidade, totalidade e contradi??o. Os sujeitos desta pesquisa s?o os usu?rios beneficiados em projetos habitacionais do DEMHAB, bem como os gestores e t?cnicos executores desta pol?tica. Al?m das entrevistas realizadas, desenvolveu-se uma an?lise documental sobre o Plano Local de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PLHIS) de Gravata?. O PLHIS ? um dos instrumentos de planejamento que comp?em o Sistema de Habita??o de Interesse Social (SHIS), em ?mbito municipal, e se destina ao planejamento das a??es na ?rea da habita??o, apontando o planejamento estrat?gico municipal para o atendimento das demandas ligadas ? habita??o de interesse social, que tem como benefici?rias as fam?lias com renda de at? tr?s sal?rios m?nimos. Como resultado, verificou-se que o processo de urbaniza??o das cidades no mundo e no Brasil foi determinante na conforma??o da demanda habitacional, uma vez que o d?ficit habitacional, em suas dimens?es qualitativa e quantitativa, tem origem na apropria??o privada e desigual do espa?o das cidades. Segundo a avalia??o feita pelos usu?rios, t?cnicos e gestores sobre as a??es do DEMHAB, em Gravata?, identifica-se que a Pol?tica de Habita??o, al?m de n?o ser prioridade, necessita de um maior planejamento para que, al?m da aquisi??o da casa, os usu?rios possam ter acesso a outros direitos. Percebe-se, ainda, que o direito ? habita??o e o direito ? cidade se veem amea?ados em um contexto de desregulamenta??o dos direitos e das pol?ticas sociais, exigindo interven??es para que aqueles que mais necessitam de a??es efetivas do Estado usufruam dos bens e servi?os localizados no espa?o urbano das cidades.

O trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica de habita??o de interesse social : o direito ? moradia em debate

Nalin, Nilene Maria 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 452191.pdf: 2125281 bytes, checksum: 92324d8988d5e0d91844a7da82695750 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / The process of late urbanization/industrialization in Brazil can be explained by the dominance of money and its repercussion on workers. It has prevented workers from possessing pieces of urban land that should be theirs; it has also increased social-spatial exclusion. This thesis approaches the problems related to the denial of the Right to Inhabit and the dilemmas pertaining to the existent segregation in Brazilian cities. It also approaches the new Social Housing Policies (Pol?tica de Habita??o de Interesse Social - PHIS), which was established with the creation of the Ministry of Cities in 2003, and it similarly approaches urban policies due to its inseparability. These elements require the Social Service to understand this form of exclusion, furthering the responses given to it in the context of public policies. Thus, this thesis focus on the effectiveness of the role of the social assistant to the Social Housing Policies (PHIS) and, in parallel, to the analysis of the Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) found in the south of Brazil and within the Housing Plan. We took a dialectical-critical approach considering the use of quantitative and qualitative data. The investigative process was made with the following research-problem: How is the role of the social assistant within Social Housing Policies defined in the three spheres of the government? Its overall goal is defined as follows: To analyze the role of the social assistant in the Social Housing Policies (PHIS) in the three spheres of the government regarding the construction of new conceptual and interventional parameters for the Social Service. The study used the following techniques for research: during collection of the data, questionnaires were sent to 79 social assistants in federal, state and municipal spheres; twenty-four of those have answered the instrument of research and seven Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social-PLHIS), including documental sources which contained Housing Policies. The data and the documents were later analyzed. The main conclusions for the study of Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) show that there is a quantitative deficit of 6.272.645 million properties and a qualitative deficit of 11.559.200 million properties in Brazil. On the other hand, there are 7.051.262 properties that have not been occupied yet, and from these, 6.220.000 properties are in full conditions to be occupied but are still from the government or pertaining to greater purchasing power sectors. As to the role of social assistants, they are linked to a perspective broader than politics, i.e. to the defense of the Right to Inhabit in the City. The effectiveness of the role of the Social Assistants in the Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) has a social direction that is mostly linked to the perspective broader than politics, which is the Right to Inhabit in the City and which includes the Right to the City. Its role is seen in situations along with communities participating on political programs, with actions by public authorities, in special in the planning and development of actions of mobilization and organization of the community and with the management of politics, which tangentially influences the qualification of the inhabiting process of people in different ways. / O processo de urbaniza??o/industrializa??o tardia no Brasil est? marcado pelo dom?nio do capital e os seus rebatimentos na classe trabalhadora, ou seja, impediu que esta se apropriasse da parcela de solo urbano que lhe cabia por direito, acirrando a exclus?o socioespacial. A nega??o do direito de morar e os dilemas pertinentes ? segrega??o existentes nas cidades brasileiras s?o problematizados nesta tese, como tamb?m a nova configura??o da Pol?tica de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PHIS) instaurada a partir da cria??o do Minist?rio das Cidades em 2003 e, de forma an?loga, a pol?tica urbana, em raz?o de que s?o indissoci?veis. No seu conjunto, estes elementos convocam o Servi?o Social, como ?rea de conhecimento, a apreender esta forma de exclus?o, al?m das respostas dadas a ela, no ?mbito das pol?ticas p?blicas. Assim, a tese centra-se na efetiva??o do trabalho do assistente social na PHIS e, de modo paralelo, na an?lise dos Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PLHIS) da regi?o Sul e no PlanHab. O referencial adotado na presente pesquisa ? o dial?tico-cr?tico, contemplando a articula??o de dados quantitativos e qualitativos. O processo investigativo se configurou com o seguinte problema de pesquisa: Como se efetiva o trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica de habita??o de interesse social nas tr?s esferas de governo? No que tange ao objetivo geral, este est? definido conforme segue: Analisar o trabalho do assistente social na PHIS nas tr?s esferas de governo, com vistas ? constru??o de novos par?metros conceituais e interventivos para o Servi?o Social. O estudo lan?a m?o das seguintes t?cnicas de pesquisa: na coleta, foram enviados question?rios a 79 assistentes sociais das tr?s esferas de governo, ou seja, federal, estadual e municipal, sendo que vinte quatro responderam ao instrumento de pesquisa e de sete PLHIS, incluindo fontes documentais que cont?m a pol?tica de habita??o. Quanto ao tratamento e an?lise dos dados, foram utilizadas a an?lise documental e de conte?do. Como principais conclus?es do estudo, no que se refere aos PLHIS se pode apontar que h? um deficit quantitativo de 6.272.645 milh?es e qualitativo de 11.559.200 milh?es no Brasil. Por outro lado, h? 7.051.262 de im?veis n?o ocupados ou ociosos e desses, 6.220.000 em condi??es de serem ocupados, por?m pertencentes ao Estado ou a segmentos de maior poder aquisitivo. Quanto ? conforma??o do trabalho do assistente social, este est? vinculado a uma perspectiva ampliada da pol?tica, ou seja, na defesa do direito ? moradia digna inclusa ? cidade. A efetiva??o do trabalho do assistente social na PHIS possui uma dire??o social que se vincula, majoritariamente, a uma perspectiva ampliada da pol?tica, ou seja, na defesa do direito ? moradia digna, o que inclui o direito ? cidade. Sua conforma??o se desmembra na atua??o junto com as comunidades inclusas em programas vinculados ? pol?tica, bem como nas a??es do poder p?blico, especialmente no planejamento e no desenvolvimento das a??es de Mobiliza??o e Organiza??o Comunit?ria e, tamb?m, na gest?o da pol?tica que, apesar de tangencial, influencia, de m?ltiplas formas, na qualifica??o do processo de morar dos sujeitos.

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