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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact on Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project of government policy changes-an investigation

Haley, Caryl Rosemary January 2008 (has links)
This research investigates the perceptions and viewpoints of staff working for the Hamilton Abuse Intervention Project (HAIP) as to the impact of changes in government policy. Established in 1991 HAIP is a coordinated community response to domestic violence based on the Duluth Model. Over the last two decades governments in New Zealand have introduced policies and strategies to combat violent crime in the community predicated on the understanding that addressing violence within the family/whanau setting will assist in breaking the cycle. This research focuses on the impact of strategies which advocated inter-agency collaboration such as the VIP Pol400 Project (Pol400 Project) established in 2001 with HAIP as the lead agency. (VIP is an abbreviation standing for Violence Intervention Project). The research also set out to test the hypothesis that working within an environment marked by the introduction of policy changes and new strategies has a significant impact upon a social services agency such as HAIP. In view of the inherent complexity of investigating perceptions and viewpoints qualitative methodology was chosen for this research. Ten of the fourteen people employed by HAIP contributed to the research. Semi-structured face to face interviews and the written answers from questionnaires provided a detailed body of information which informed the narrative and descriptions of this study. An outline of relevant legislation, policy initiatives and strategies introduced over the last two decades was provided to give a framework for the study. Each of the respondents commented on issues related to funding and workload. Inadequate funding was seen to be adding to already heavy workload which continued to grow aggravated by the demands of compliance and accountability. Respondents identified some aspects of HAIP which had been affected by lack of adequate funding such as the loss of the 24/7 Crisis Line and difficulties with maintaining the parallel development policy. However, In spite of funding shortfalls respondents noted that HAIP's services continued to expand and examples were given of recent initiatives such as the establishment of home support groups. Several respondents identified the Pol400 Project as being significant development in HAIP's services. Respondents commented on its value in closing gaps in the criminal justice system's response to incidents of family violence. A detailed analysis of the Pol400 Project using archival material and using statistics from the HAIP Pol400 database demonstrated the comprehensive extent of the inter-agency collaboration. The findings of this investigation showed that respondents regarded inadequate funding and increased workload as impacting significantly on their work. However, apart from comments made in relation to some negative impacts on HAIP of the Domestic Violence Act of 1995, respondents rarely made a specific connection between these issues and their relationship to changes in government policies. This study showed that since the Pol400Project began in 2001 reported incidents of family violence and subsequent referrals rose steadily but the data showed a marked increase in activity following the involvement in 2005 of a Family Safety Team. The increase in the intake of reports was attributed, in part, to the police addressing gaps and shortfalls in their own systems. The impact of the Pol400 Project on HAIP was seen, in the main, to be contributing positively to HAIP's role in providing a seamless coordinated community response to family violence.

An experimental investigation of a crossover concept for high accuracy indoor positioning systems

Lind, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
To know your whereabouts is important and sometimes exact position is the determinant of success or not. Since the launch of the USA made Global Positioning System (GPS) in the late 1970s, global tracking has been available both for military and civilian use. Today, satellite based systems like the American GPS, European Galileo and the Russian GLONASS are the standard for basically any navigation or location application. However these systems are limited by the fact that they must have connection with multiple satellites in order to work. This means that satellite dependent systems are very limited in indoor environments. Despite this, there is no standard for indoor positioning systems (IPSs) even close to the satellite dependent systems when it regards distribution and accessibility for use where satellite dependent systems are limited or not working. However, this new age of connectivity provides a number of options for positioning indoors. There are some systems available, but very few of them provide good enough accuracy. This Master thesis evaluates different options for indoor positioning using technologies that are available in smart devices and smart phones, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and focuses on indoor positioning systems that can provide high accuracy. The current state of the technologies and the possible future for them, considering rising need and interest in indoor positioning systems are covered in this thesis. A selection of technologies and approaches are explored, tested in conditions designed for this purpose and evaluated to highlight their differences in approach, accuracy and usability. In order to achieve the goals of this thesis, a hybrid method of experimental research design and system development is selected as the main research method. The hybrid method is focused on experimental research, and is used to investigate if the accuracy of the positioning data can be affected and improved by tuning independent variables in an IPS. To be able to do this, an application for smart devices, such as android smartphones, is developed. The application developed is the heart of the conceptual crossover IPS (CCIPS), which is named Locantis, that is being developed and used in the experimental stages of this investigation. It is also used to test the hypothesis that a CCIPS could be a valid contender for replacing the established IPSs. The observations show how the accuracy and precision of the location data is affected by change to independent variables in an IPS and how well a CCIPS can meet real time requirement’s. The main conclusion is that changes to independent variables have greater impact on the precision than the accuracy for location data in an IPS and that a CCIPS in many cases are the sensible choice of IPS. / Att veta var du befinner dig är viktigt och ibland är exakt position avgörande för framgång. Sedan lanseringen av amerikanska Global Positioning System (GPS) i slutet av 1970 har global navigation varit tillgängliga för både militärt och civilt bruk. Idag är satellitbaserade system, som det amerikanska GPS, europeiska Galileo och det ryska GLONASS, standard för i princip alla navigering eller platsinformation. Men dessa system är begränsade av det faktum att de måste ha kontakt med flera satelliter för att fungera. Detta innebär att satellitberoende system är mycket begränsad i inomhusmiljöer. Trots detta finns det ingen standard för inomhus positioneringssystem (IPSS) som kan mäta sig med de satellitberoende systemen när det gäller distribution och tillgänglighet. Men denna nya generationens kommunikation ger ett antal alternativ för positionering inomhus. Det finns IPS tillgängliga idag, men väldigt få av dem kan tillhandahålla en hög noggrannhet på positioneringen. Detta examensarbete utvärderar olika alternativ för inomhuspositionering med teknologier som är tillgängliga i smarta enheter och smarta telefoner, som Wi-Fi och Bluetooth, fokus ligger på inomhus positioneringssystem som kan ge hög noggrannhet. Det aktuella läget för dessa teknologier och dess möjliga framtid, med tanke på stigande behov och intresse av inomhus positioneringssystem, behandlas i detta examensarbete. Ett urval av teknologier och metoder utforskas, testas under förhållanden utformade för detta ändamål, och utvärderas för att lyfta fram sina skillnader i tillvägagångssätt, noggrannhet och användbarhet. För att uppnå målen i detta examensarbete har en hybrid metod för experimentell designforskning och systemutveckling valts som huvudsaklig forskningsmetod. Hybridmetoden fokuserar på experimentell forskning och används för att undersöka om positioneringsdatas noggrannhet kan påverkas och förbättras genom att förändra oberoende variabler i ett IPS. För att kunna göra detta har en applikation för smarta enheter, så som Android, utvecklats. Applikationen som utvecklats är hjärtat i det konceptuella kombinations inomhuspositioneringssystem Locantis som utvecklas och används i det experimentella stadiet i denna undersökning. Den används också för att testa hypotesen att en CCIPS kunde vara en giltig kandidat för att ersätta den etablerade IPSer. Observationerna visa hur noggrannhet och precision av positioneringsdata påverkas av förändring på oberoende variabler i ett IPS och hur väl ett CCIPS kan uppfylla realtidskravet talet. Huvudslutsatsen är att förändringar på oberoende variabler har större inverkan på precision än noggrannheten för lokaliseringsuppgifter i en IPS och att ett CCIPS i många fall är det klokt val av IPS.

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