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Demonstration Of Supersonic Combustion In A Combustion Driven Shock-TunnelJoarder, Ratan 06 1900 (has links)
For flights beyond Mach 6 ramjets are inefficient engines due to huge total pressure loss in the normal shock systems, combustion conditions that lose a large fraction of the available chemical energy due to dissociation and high structural loads. However if the flow remains supersonic inside the combustion chamber, the above problems could be alleviated and here the concept of SCRAMJET(supersonic combustion ramjet) comes into existence. The scramjets could reduce launching cost of satellites by carrying only fuel and ingesting oxygen from atmospheric air. Further applications could involve defense and transcontinental hypersonic transport.
In the current study an effort is made to achieve supersonic combustion in a ground based short duration test facility(combustion driven shock-tunnel), which in addition to flight Mach number can simulate flight Reynolds number as well. In this study a simple method of injection i.e. wall injection of the fuel into the combustion chamber is used. The work starts with threedimensional numerical simulation of a non-reacting gas(air) injection into a hypersonic cross-flow of air to determine the conditions in which air penetrates reasonably well into the cross-flow. Care is taken so that the process does not induce huge pressure loss due to the bow shock which appears in front of the jet column. The code is developed in-house and parallelized using OpenMp model. This is followed by experiments on air injection into a hypersonic cross-flow of air in a conventional shock-tunnel HST2 existing in IISc. The most tricky part is synchronization of injection with start of test-flow in such a short duration(test time 1 millisecond) facility.
Next part focuses on numerical simulations to determine the free-stream conditions, mainly the temperature and pressure of air, so that combustion takes place when hydrogen is injected into a supersonic cross-flow of air. The simulations are two-dimensional and includes species conservation equations and source terms due to chemical reactions in addition to the Navier-Stokes equations. This code is also built in-house and parallelized because of more number of operations with the inclusion of species conservation equations and chemical non-equilibrium. However, the predicted conditions were not achievable by HST2 due to low stagnation conditions of HST2.
Therefore, a new shock-tunnel which could produce the required conditions is built. The new tunnel is a combustion driven shock-tunnel in which the driver gas is at higher temperature than conventional shock-tunnel. The driver gas is basically a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and helium at a mole ratio of 2:1:10 initially. The mixture is ignited by spark plugs and the hydrogen and oxygen reacts releasing heat. The heat released raises the temperature of the mixture which is now predominantly helium and small fractions of water vapour and some radicals. The composition of the driver gas and initial pressure are determined through numerical simulations.
Experiments follow in the new tunnel on hydrogen injection into a region of supersonic cross-flow between two parallel plates with a wedge attached to the bottom plate. The wedge reduces the hypersonic free-stream to Mach 2. A high-speed camera monitors the flow domain around injection point and sharp rise in luminosity is observed. To ascertain whether the luminosity is due to combustion or not, two more driven gases namely nitrogen and oxygen-rich air are used and the luminosity is compared. In the first case, the free-stream contains no oxygen and luminosity is not observed whereas in the second case higher luminosity than air driver case is visible. Additionally heat-transfer rates are measured at the downstream end of the model and at a height midway between the plates. Similar trend is observed in the relative heat-transfer rates. Wall static pressure at a location downstream of injection port is also measured and compared with numerical simulations. Results of numerical simulations which are carried out at the same conditions as of experiments confirm combustion at supersonic speed.
Experiments and numerical simulations show presence of supersonic combustion in the setup. However, further study is necessary to optimize the parameters so that thrust force could be generated efficiently.
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Experimental Study Of Large Angle Blunt Cone With Telescopic Aerospike Flying At Hypersonic Mach NumbersSrinath, S 12 1900 (has links)
The emerging and competitive environment in the space technology requires the improvements in the capability of aerodynamic vehicles. This leads to the analysis in drag reduction of the vehicle along with the minimized heat transfer rate. Using forward facing solid aerospike is the simplest way among the existing drag reduction methodologies for hypersonic blunt cone bodies. But the flow oscillations associated with this aerospike makes it difficult to implement. When analyzing this flow, it can be understood that this oscillating flow can be compared to conical cavity flow. Therefore in the spiked flows, it is decided to implement the technique used in reducing the flow oscillation of the cavities. Based on this method the shallow conical cavity flow generated by the aerospike fixed ahead of a 120o blunt cone body is fissured as multiple cavities by so many disks formed from 10o cone. Now the deep conical cavities had the length to mean depth ratio of unity; this suppresses the unnecessary oscillations of the shallow cavity. The total length of the telescopic aerospike is fixed as 100mm. And one another conical tip plain aerospike of same length is designed for comparing the telescopic spike’s performance at hypersonic flow Mach numbers of 5.75 and 7.9.
A three component force balance system capable of measuring drag, lift and pitching moment is designed and mounted internally into the skirt of the model. Drag measurement is done for without spike, conical tip plain spiked and telescopic spiked blunt cone body. The three configurations are tested at different angles of attack from 0 to 10 degree with a step of 2. A discrete iterative deconvolution methodology is implemented in this research work for obtaining the clean drag history from the noisy drag accelerometer signal. The drag results showed the drag reduction when compared to the without spike blunt cone body. When comparing to the plain spiked, the telescopic spiked blunt cone body has lesser drag at higher angles of attack.
Heat transfer measurements are done over the blunt cone surface using the Platinum thin film gauges formed over the Macor substrate. These results and the flow visualization give better understanding of the flow and the heat flux rate caused by the flow. The enhancement in the heat flux rate over the blunt cone surface is due to the shock interaction. And in recirculation region the heat flux rate is very much lesser when compared to without spike blunt cone body. It is observed that the shock interaction in the windward side is coming closer towards the nose of the blunt cone as the angle of attack increases and the oscillation of the oblique shock also decreases.
Schlieren visualization showed that there is dispersion in the oblique shock, particularly in the leeward side. In the telescopic spike there are multiple shocks generated from each and every disk which coalesces together to form a single oblique shock. And the effect of the shock generated by the telescopic spike is stronger than the effect of the shock generated by the conical tip plain spike.
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Experimental Investigations of Leading Edge Bluntness in Shock Boundary Layer Interactions at Hypersonic SpeedsLakshman, Srinath January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Shock Boundary Layer Interactions (SBLIs) and shock-shock interactions are some of the most fundamental problems in high speed aerodynamics. These interactions are of particular importance in scramjet intakes at hypersonic speeds. In hypersonic own with strong SBLI accompanied by own separation, large separation bubbles can form due to high impinging shock strengths. While experiments involving large separation lengths for the impinging shock boundary layer interactions near sharp leading edge are well documented in the literature, only few investigations on the effect of leading edge bluntness on the interactions are studied. In the present study, experiments were carried out to study the role of leading edge bluntness on the impinging shock boundary layer interactions. An oblique shock generated by a wedge (wedge angle 31 degrees) is made to impinge on a at plate (length 200 mm) over which a boundary layer develops. Different leading edge inserts were used on a at plate to get either a sharp or a blunt (radii from 2 to 8 mm) leading edge. The position of the at plate was moved horizontally with respect to the wedge to vary the shock impingement location relative to the leading edge. Experiments were carried out at two freestream conditions - Mach 5.88 (total enthalpy of 1.26 MJ/kg and freestream Reynolds number of 3.85 million per meter) and Mach 8.54 (total enthalpy of 1.85 MJ/kg and freestream Reynolds number of 1.41 million per meter). The various features of the interaction along with different parameters were obtained from schlieren visualizations and surface pressure measurements. The schlieren visualization was used to obtain the separation length, while the reattachment pressure was obtained from the surface pressure distribution. From the present experimental study, a reduction in separation length was observed with an increase in leading edge bluntness. It was also seen that the sharp leading edge had the maximum separation length. Correlations for the separation length and the reattachment pressure have been proposed for these experimental conditions. Numerical simulations were also carried out using commercial software and they had a qualitative agreement with the experiments.
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Experimental Investigations on Hypersonic WaveriderNagashetty, K January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In the flying field of space transportation domain, the increased efforts involving design and development of hypersonic flight for space missions is on toe to provide the optimum aerothermodynamic design data to satisfy mission requirements. Aerothermodynamics is the basis for designing and development of hypersonic space transportation flight vehicles such as X 51 a, and other programmes like planetary probes for Moon and Mars, and Earth re-entry vehicles such as SRE and space shuttle. It enables safe flying of aerospace vehicles, keeping other parameters optimum for structural and materials with thermal protection systems. In this context, the experimental investigations on hypersonic waverider are carried out at design Mach 6.
The hypersonic waverider has high lift to drag ratio at design Mach number even at zero degree angle of incidence, and this seems to be one of the special characteristics for its shape at hypersonic flight regime. The heat transfer rates are measured using 30 thin film platinum gauges sputtered on a Macor material that are embedded on the test model. The waverider has 16 sensors on top surface and 14 on bottom surface of a model. The surface temperature history is directly converted to heat transfer rates. The heat transfer data are measured for design (Mach 6) and off-design Mach numbers (8) in the hypersonic shock tunnel, HST2. The results are obtained at stagnation enthalpy of ~ 2 MJ/kg, and Reynolds number range from 0.578 x 106 m-1 to 1.461 x 106 m-1. In addition, flow visualization is carried out by using Schlieren technique to obtain the shock structures and flow evolution around the Waverider. Some preliminary computational analyses are conducted using FLUENT 6.3 and HiFUN, which gave quantitative results. Experimentally measured surface heat flux data are compared with the computed one and both the data agree well. These detailed results are presented in the thesis.
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Experimental Investigation Of Hypersonic Boundary Layer Modifications Due To Heat Addition And Enthalpy Variation Over A Cone Cylinder ConfigurationSingh, Tarandeep 11 1900 (has links)
Despite years of research in high speed boundary layer flow, there is still a need for insightful experiments to realize key features of the flow like boundary layer response to different conditions and related transition mechanisms. Volumes of data on the these problems point to the fact that there is still much to be understood about the nature of boundary layer instability causing transition and growth of boundary layer in different conditions. Boundary layer stability experiments have been found to be more useful, in which the boundary layer is perturbed and its behavior observed to infer useful conclusions. Also, apart from the stability part, the effect of various changes in boundary layer due to the perturbation makes interesting observation to gain more insight into the understood and the not so understood facets of the same.
In view of the above, the effect of a steady axisymmetric thermal bump is investigated on a hypersonic boundary layer over a 60º sharp cone cylinder model. The thermal bump, placed near tip of the cone, perturbs the boundary layer, the behavior of which is observed by recording the wall heat flux on the cone and cylinder surface using platinum thin film sensors. The state of the boundary layer is qualitatively assessed by the wall heat flux comparisons between laminar and turbulent values. The same thermal bump also acts as a heat addition source to boundary layer in which case this recorded data provides a look into the effect of the heat addition to the wall heat flux. To gain a larger view of heat addition causing changes to the flow, effects of change in enthalpy are also considered.
Experiments are performed in the IISc HST2 shock tunnel facility at 2MJkg−1 stag-nation enthalpy and Mach number of 8,with and without the thermal bump to form comparisons. Some experiments are also performed in the IISc HST3 free piston driven shock tunnel facility at 6MJkg−1, to investigate the effect of change in stagnation enthalpy on the wall heat flux. To support the experimental results theoretical comparisons and computational studies have also been carried out.
The results of experiments show that the laminar boundary layer over the whole model remains laminar even when perturbed by the thermal bump. The wall heat flux measurements show change on the cone part where there seems to be fluctuation in the temperature gradients caused by the thermal bump, which decrease at first and then show an increase towards the base of the cone. The cylinder part remains the same with and without the thermal bump, indicating heavy damping effects by the expansion fan at cone cylinder junction. A local peak in wall heat flux is observed at the junction which is reduced by 64% by the action of the thermal bump. The possible reason for this is attributed to the increased temperature gradients at the wall due to delayed dissipation of heat that is accumulated in the boundary layer as a result of the thermal bump action. The comparison of data for enthalpies of 2MJkg−1 and 6MJkg−1 show that there are negligible real gas effects in the higher enthalpy case and they do not affect the wall heat flux much. Also it is found that the thermal bump fails to dump heat into the flow directly though it creates heat addition virtually by mere discontinuity in the surface temperature and causes temperature gradients fluctuation in the boundary layer. Considering the thermal bump action and the change in stagnation enthalpy of the flow, there seems to be no change in both cases that can be attributed to a common observation resulting from the factor of change in heat inside the boundary layer.
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Design And Development Of Diaphragmless Hypersonic Shock TunnelHariharan, M S 11 1900 (has links)
The growing requirements to achieve hypersonic flights, as in the case of reentry vehicles, pose a serious challenge to the designers. This demands an understanding of the features of hypersonic flow and its effect on hypersonic vehicles. Hypersonic shock tunnels are one of the most widely used facilities for the purpose of obtaining valuable design data by conducting experiments on scaled down models. They are operated by conventional shock tubes by rupturing metal diaphragms placed between the driver and driven sections of the shock tube. Shock tunnels are being extensively used in spite of some of the drawbacks they possess. Due to the varying nature of metal diaphragm rupture, reproducibility of the experiment results is difficult to obtain. Damage to model and inner surface of the shock tube can happen when the diaphragm petal breaks away from the diaphragm. Lastly the time consuming diaphragm replacement process is not desired in applications which require quick loading of shock waves on the specimen. All these disadvantages call for the replacement of the diaphragm mode of operation with a diaphragmless mode of operation for the generation of shock waves. The main objective of the present study is to design and demonstrate the working of a diaphragmless hypersonic shock tunnel. The motivation for the present study comes from the fact that the diaphragmless operation of a shock tunnel has not been reported so far in the open literature. All the research works carried out deal with diaphragmless drivers operating only a shock tube. In the present work, the conventional metal diaphragm is substituted by fast acting pneumatic valves which serve the purpose of quickly opening the driven section of the shock tube to allow the driver gas to rush in, resulting in the formation of a shock wave. To design a diaphragmless driver, a detailed study of the shock formation process is accomplished which helps in understanding the effect of valve opening time on the shock formation distance. Also the theoretical basis for the design of a pneumatic cylinder is understood. Following the theoretical studies, three types of diaphragmless drivers are designed and tested. The first setup incorporates a rubber membrane, which acts as a valve. The rubber membrane when bulged closes the mouth of the driven section and on retraction the driven section is opened to the driver gas. The second and the third setups utilise two different types of double acting pneumatic cylinders. Experimental results of the three diaphragmless drivers operating a shock tube are analysed and compared with the ideal shock tube theory. Better repeatability in terms of shock Mach number is shown with all three diaphragmless shock tubes when compared with a conventionally operated shock tube. Finally, the best among the three systems is identified to operate the hypersonic shock tunnel 2 (HST2) facility of the Shock Waves laboratory, IISc. Demonstration of the working of the diaphragmless shock tunnel is shown by performing heat transfer measurements on a 3 mm backward facing step flat plate model. The experimental results are compared with those obtained in a conventional shock tunnel. CFD studies on diaphragmless shock tube model are done to have an idea on the flow in the shock tube there by identifying the shock formation distance. ANSYS-CFX package is used for this purpose. Further, results from the numerical simulation of hypersonic flow over the backward facing step model are compared with the experimental results thus validating the code.
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Shock Tunnel Investigations On Hypersonic Separated FlowsReddeppa, P 05 1900 (has links)
Knowledge of flow separation is very essential for proper understanding of both external and internal aerothermodynamics of bodies. Because of unique flow features such as thick boundary layers, merged shock layers, strong entropy layers, flow separation in the flow field of bodies at hypersonic speeds, is both complex as well as interesting. The problem of flow separation is further complicated at very high stagnation enthalpies because of the real gas effects. Notwithstanding the plethora of information available in open literature even for simple geometric configurations the experimentally determined locations of flow separation and re-attachment points do not match well with the results from the computational studies even at hypersonic laminar flow conditions. In this backdrop the main aim of the present study is to generate a reliable experimental database of classical separated flow features around generic configurations at hypersonic laminar flow conditions.
In the present study, flow visualization using high speed camera, surface convective heat transfer rate measurements using platinum thin film sensors, and direct skin friction measurements using PZT crystals have been carried out for characterizing the separated flow field around backward facing step, double cone and double wedge models. The numerical simulations by solving the Navier-Stokes equations have also been carried out to complement the experimental studies. The generic models selected in the present study are simple configurations, where most of the classical hypersonic separated flow features of two-dimensional, axi-symmetric and three dimensional flow fields can be observed. All the experiments are carried out in IISc hypersonic shock tunnel (HST2) at Mach 5.75 and 7.6. For present study, helium and air have been used as the driver and test gases respectively.
The high speed schlieren flow visualization is carried out on backward facing step (2 and 3 mm step height), double cone (semi-apex angles of 150/350 and 250/680) and double wedge (semi-apex angles of 150/350) models by using high speed camera (Phantom 7.1). From the visualized shockwave structure in the flow field the flow reattachment point after separation has been clearly identified for backward facing step, double cone and double wedge models at hypersonic Mach numbers while the separation point could not be clearly identified because of the low free stream density in shock tunnels. However the flow visualization studies helped clearly identifying the region of flow separation on the model. Based on the results from the flow visualization studies both the physical location and distribution of platinum thin film gauges was finalized for the heat transfer rate measurements.
Surface heat transfer rates along the length of two backward facing step (2 and 3 mm step height) models have been measured using platinum thin film gauges deposited on Macor substrate. The Eckert reference temperature method is used along the flat plate for predicting the heat flux distribution. Theoretical analysis of heat flux distribution down stream of the backward facing step model has been carried out using Gai’s dimensional analysis. The study reveals for the first time that at moderate stagnation enthalpy levels (~2 MJ/kg) the hypersonic separated flow around a backward facing step reattaches rather smoothly without any sudden spikes in the measured values of surface heat transfer rates. Based on the measured surface heating rates on the backward facing step, the reattachment distance was estimated to be approximately 10 and 8 step heights downstream of 2 and 3 mm step respectively at nominal Mach number of 7.6.
Convective surface heat transfer experiments have also been carried out on axi-symmetric double cone models (semi-apex angles of 15/35 and 25/68), which is analogous to the Edney’s shock interactions of Type VI and Type IV respectively. The flow is unsteady on the double cone model of 25/68 and measured heat flux is not constant. The heat transfer experiments were also carried out on the three-dimensional double wedge model (semi-apex angles of 15/35). The separation and reattachment points have been clearly identified from the experimental heat transfer measurements. It has been observed that the measured heat transfer rates on the double wedge model is less than the double cone model (semi-apex angles of 150/350) for the identical experimental conditions at the same gauge locations. This difference could be due to the three-dimensional entropy relieving effects of double wedge model.
PZT-5H piezoelectric based skin friction gauge is developed and used for direct skin friction measurements in hypersonic shock tunnel (HST2). The bare piezoelectric PZT-5H elements (5 mm × 5 mm with thickness of 0.75 mm) polarized in the shear mode have been used as a skin friction gauge by operating the sensor in the parallel shear mode direction. The natural frequency of the skin friction sensor is ~80 kHz, which is suitable for impulse facilities. The direct skin friction measurements are carried out on flat plate, backward facing step (2 mm step height) and double wedge models. The measured value of skin friction coefficient (integrated over an area of 25 sq. mm; sensor surface area) at a distance of 23 mm from the leading edge of the sharp leading edge backward facing step model is found to be ~ 0.0043 while it decreases to ~ 0.003 at a distance of 43 mm from the leading edge at a stagnation enthalpy of ~ 2MJ/kg. The measured skin friction matches with the Eckert reference temperature within ± 10%. The skin friction coefficient is also measured on the double wedge at a distance of 73 mm from the tip of the first wedge along the surface and is found to be 4.56 × 10-3.
Viscous flow numerical simulations are carried out on two-dimensional backward facing step, axi-symmetric double cone and three-dimensional double wedge models using ANSYS-CFX 5.7 package. Navier-Stokes Simulations are carried out at Mach 5.75 and 7.6 using second order accurate (both in time and space) high resolution scheme. The flow is assumed to be laminar and steady throughout the model length except on the double cone (semi-apex angles of 250/680) model configuration, which represents the unsteady flow geometry. Analogous Edney Type VI and Type IV shock interactions are observed on double cone, double wedge (semi-apex angles of 150/350) and double cone (semi-apex angles of 250/680) models respectively from the CFD results. Experimentally measured convective heat transfer rates on the above models are compared with the numerical simulation results. The numerical simulation results matches well with the experimental heat transfer data in the attached flow regions. Considerable differences are observed between the measured surface heat transfer rates and numerical simulations both in the separated flow region and on the second cone/wedge surfaces. The separation and reattachment points can be clearly identified from both experimental measurements and numerical simulations. The results from the numerical simulations are also compared with results from the high speed flow visualization experiments. The experimental database of surface convective heating rates, direct skin friction coefficient and shockwave structure in laminar hypersonic flow conditions will be very useful for validating CFD codes
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Experimental Studies on Shock-Shock Interactions in Hypersonic Shock TunnelsKhatta, Abhishek January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Shock-shock interactions are among the most basic gas-dynamic problem, and are almost unavoidable in any high speed light, where shock waves generating from different sources crosses each other paths. These interactions when present very close to the solid surface lead to very high pressure and thermal loads on the surface. The related practical problem is that experienced at the cowl lip of a scramjet engine, where the interfering shock waves leads to high heat transfer rates which may also lead to the damage of the material. The classification by Edney (1968) on the shock-shock interaction patterns based on the visualization has since then served the basis for such studies. Though the problem of high heating on the surface in the vicinity of the shock-shock interactions has been studied at length at supersonic Mach numbers, the study on the topic at the hypersonic Mach numbers is little sparse. Even in the studies at hypersonic Mach numbers, the high speeds are not simulated, which is the measure of the kinetic energy of the ow. Very few experimental studies have addressed this problem by simulating the energy content of the ow. Also, some of the numerical studies on the shock-shock interactions suggest the presence of unsteadiness in the shock-shock interaction patterns as observed by Edney (1968), though this observation is not made very clearly in the experimental studies undertaken so far.
In the present study, experiments are carried out in a conventional shock tunnel at Mach number of 5.62 (total enthalpy of 1.07 MJ/kg; freestream velocity of 1361 m/s), with the objective of mapping the surface pressure distribution and surface convective heat transfer rate distribution on the hemispherical body in the presence of the shock-shock interactions. A shock generator which is basically a wedge of angle = 25 , is placed at some dis-dance in front of the hemispherical body such that the planar oblique shock wave from the shock generator hits the bow shock wave in front of the hemi-spherical body. The relative distance between the wedge tip and the nose of the hemispherical body is allowed to change in di erent experiments to capture the whole realm of shock-shock interaction by making the planar oblique shock wave interact with the bow shock wave at different locations along its trajectory.
The study results in a bulk of data for the surface pressure and heat transfer rates which were obtained by placing 5 kulites pressure transducers, 1 PCB pressure transducer and 21 platinum thin lm gauges along the surface of the hemispherical body in a plane normal to the freestream velocity direction. Along with the measurement of the surface pressure and the surface heat
transfer rates, the schlieren visualization is carried out to capture the shock waves, expansion fans, slip lines, present in a certain shock-shock interaction pattern and the measured values were correlated with the captured schlieren images to evaluate the ow build up and steady and useful test time thereby helping in understanding the ow physics in the presence of the shock-shock interactions.
From the present study it has been observed that in the presence of Edney Type-I and Edney Type-II interaction, the heat transfer rates on the hemi-spherical body are symmetrical about the centerline of the body, with the peak heating at the centerline which drops towards the shoulder. For Edney Type-III, Edney Type-IV, Edney Type-V and Edney Type-VI interaction pattern, the distribution in not symmetrical and shifts in peak heat transfer rates being on the side of the hemispherical from which planar oblique shock wave is incident. Also, it is observed that for the interactions which appear within the sonic circle, Edney Type-III and Edney Type-IV, the heat transfer rates observe an unsteadiness, such that the gauges located close to the interaction region experiencing varying heat transfer rates during the useful test time of the shock tunnel. Few experiments were conducted at Mach 8.36 (total enthalpy of 1.29 MJ/kg; freestream velocity of 1555.25 m/s) and Mach 10.14 (total enthalpy of 2.67 MJ/kg; freestream velocity of 2258.51 m/s) for the con gurations representing Edney Type-III interaction pattern to further evaluate the unsteady nature observed at Mach 5.62 ows. The unsteadiness was evident in both the cases.
It is realized that the short test times in the shock tunnels pose a constraint in the study of unsteady flow fields, and the use of tailored mode operation of shock tunnel can alleviate this constraint. Also, limited number of experiments in the present study, which are carried out in a Free Piston Shock Tunnel, helps to understand the need to conduct such study in high enthalpy test conditions.
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Experimental Analysis of Shock Stand off Distance over Spherical Bodies in Hypersonic FlowsThakur, Ruchi January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
One of the characteristics of the high speed ows over blunt bodies is the detached shock formed in front of the body. The distance of the shock from the stagnation point measured along the stagnation streamline is termed as the shock stand o distance or the shock detachment distance. It is one of the most basic parameters in such ows. The need to know the shock stand o distance arises due to the high temperatures faced in these cases. The biggest challenge faced in high enthalpy ows is the high amounts of heat transfer to the body. The position of the shock is relevant in knowing the temperatures that the body being subjected to such ows will have to face and thus building an efficient system to reduce the heat transfer. Despite being a basic parameter, there is no theoretical means to determine the shock stand o distance which is accepted universally. Deduction of this quantity depends more or less on experimental or computational means until a successful theoretical model for its predictions is developed.
The experimental data available in open literature for spherical bodies in high speed ows mostly lies beyond the 2 km/s regime. Experiments were conducted to determine the shock stand o distance in the velocity range of 1-2 km/s. Three different hemispherical bodies of radii 25, 40 and 50 mm were taken as test models. Since the shock stand o distance is known to depend on the density ratio across the shock and hence gamma (ratio of specific heats), two different test gases, air and carbon dioxide were used for the experiments here. Five different test cases were studied with air as the test gas; Mach 5.56 with Reynolds number of 5.71 million/m and enthalpy of 1.08 MJ/kg, Mach 5.39 with Reynolds number of 3.04 million/m and enthalpy of 1.42 MJ/kg Mach 8.42 with Reynolds number of 1.72 million/m and enthalpy of 1.21 MJ/kg, Mach 11.8 with Reynolds number of 1.09 million/m and enthalpy of 2.03 MJ/kg and Mach 11.25 with Reynolds number of 0.90 million/m and enthalpy of 2.88 MJ/kg. For the experiments conducted with carbon dioxide as test gas, typical freestream conditions were: Mach 6.66 with Reynolds number of 1.46 million/m and enthalpy of 1.23 MJ/kg. The shock stand o distance was determined from the images that were obtained through schlieren photography, the ow visualization technique employed here. The results obtained were found to follow the same trend as the existing experimental data in the higher velocity range. The experimental data obtained was compared with two different theoretical models given by Lobb and Olivier and was found to match. Simulations were carried out in HiFUN, an in-house CFD package for Euler and laminar own conditions for Mach 8 own over 50 mm body with air as the test gas. The computational data was found to match well with the experimental and theoretical data
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Investigation of Heat Transfer Rates Around the Aerodynamic Cavities on a Flat Plate at Hypersonic Mach NumbersPhilip, Sarah Jobin January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Aerodynamic cavities are common features on hypersonic vehicles which are caused in both large and small scale features like surface defects, pitting, gap in joints etc. In the hypersonic regime, the presence of such cavities alters the flow phenomenon considerably and heating rates adjacent to the discontinuities can be greatly enhanced due to the diversion of flow. Since the 1960s, a great deal of theoretical and experimental research has been carried out on cavity flow physics and heating. However, most of the studies have been done to characterize the effect downstream and within the cavity. In the present study, a series of were carried out in the shock tunnel to investigate the heating characteristics, upstream and on the lateral side of the cavity. Heat flux measurement has been done using indigenously developed high resistance platinum thin film gauges. High resistance gauges, as contrary to the conventionally used low resistance gauges were showing good response to the extremely low heat flux values on a flat plate with sharp leading edge. The experimental measurements of heat done on a flat plate with sharp leading edge using these gauges show good match with theoretical relation by Crabtree et al. Flow visualization using high speed camera with the cavity model and shock structures visualized were similar to reported in supersonic cavity flow. This also goes to state that in spite of the fluctuating shear layer-the main feature of hypersonic flow over a cavity ,reasonable studies can be done within the short test time of shock tunnel.
Numerical Simulations by solving the Navier-Stokes equation, using the commercially available CFD package FLUENT 13.0.0 has been done to complement the experimental studies.
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