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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Low-energy processes with three pions in the final state

Strandberg, Bruno January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Hadronic Decays of the ω Meson

Heijkenskjöld, Lena January 2016 (has links)
Two decay channels of the ω(782) meson, into π+π-π0 and π+π-, are studied. The dynamics of the three-pion channel is represented using a two-dimensional distribution, called a Dalitz plot. A high-statistics Dalitz plot distribution is needed to test theoretical predictions and increase understanding of the decay mechanism. The isospin-breaking two-pion decay gives insight into the ρ-ω mixing. The ω→π+π- decay has previously been studied in π+π- spectra in high statistics e+e- experiments and with lower statistics in hadroproduction experiments. The collected evidence indicates that the resulting interference pattern strongly depends on the production reaction. In 2011 an experiment to investigate ω hadronic decays in pd→3Heω reaction was performed with the WASA detector. Two studies based on the collected data are included in this thesis. In the first, the dominant decay channel ω→π+π-π0 is selected and two experimental Dalitz plot distributions are created. Each distribution corresponds to one of the two incident beam energies used in the experiment. A fit to the Dalitz plots is performed using a parametrisation including the expected P-wave shape. The result indicates an onset of the intermediate ρ in the two-pion channel, as predicted by theoretical models. The efficiency corrected Dalitz plot bin contents are reported to facilitate comparison to theoretical predictions by direct fits to the experimental data. In the second study, the ω→π+π- decay channel is selected. For events with a 3Heπ+π- final state, the 3He missing mass is constructed in search for the ρ-ω interference pattern in pd production. No significant deviations around the ω mass position was found. Dedicated studies using experimental data to estimate background contribution and to extract signal acceptance shows that the background is too large to observe the expected signal with the collected data sample. The last part of the thesis presents pre-studies for using data collected at the KLOE detector for an ω→π+π-π0 Dalitz plot analysis. Since the ω mesons are produced in the e+e-→ωπ0 reaction, the study focuses on the impact of the π0-π0 interference.

Theoretical Studies of Hadronic Reactions with Vector Mesons

Terschlüsen, Carla January 2016 (has links)
Aiming at a systematic inclusion of pseudoscalar and vector mesons as active degrees of freedom in an effective Lagrangian, studies have been performed in this thesis concerning the foundations of such an effective Lagrangian as well as tree-level and beyond-tree-level calculations. Hereby, vector mesons are described by antisymmetric tensor fields. First, an existing power counting scheme for both pseudoscalar and vector mesons is extended to include the pseudoscalar-meson singlet in a systematic way. Based on this, tree-level calculations are carried out which are in good agreement with the available experimental data and several processes are predicted. In particular, the ω-π0 transition form factor is in better agreement with experimental data than the prediction done in the vector-meson-dominance model. Furthermore, a Lagrangian with vector mesons is used together with the leading contributions of chiral perturbation theory in order to calculate tree-level reactions in the sector of odd intrinsic parity. It turns out that both the Lagrangian with vector mesons and the Lagrangian of chiral perturbation theory are needed to describe experimental data. Additionally, a feasibility check for one-loop calculations with pseudoscalar and vector mesons in the loop is performed. Thereby, only a limited number of interaction terms in the Lagrangian with vector mesons is used. The results are used to both renormalise the low-energy constants of chiral perturbation theory up to chiral order Q4 and to determine the influence of loops with vector mesons on masses and decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons.

Studies of Light Hyperon Decay Parameters

Heikkilä, Annele January 2019 (has links)
A basic assumption in fundamental physics is that equal amounts of matter and antimatter were created after the Big Bang. When particles and antiparticles collide, they annihilate, i.e. disappear and produce photons. Nevertheless, the universe consists mainly of matter today. To explain why all matter did not disappear, violation of CP symmetry beyond the Standard Model is required. CP symmetry means that the laws of physics are the same if particles are interchanged with antiparticles and spatial coordinates of all particles are mirrored. CP symmetry is relatively poorly tested in baryon decays. A new method to study CP symmetry in hyperon-antihyperon pairs has been developed at Uppsala University. Hyperons are baryons with one or more strange quarks. The method allows determining the decay asymmetry parameters of the hyperon and antihyperon separately if the hyperon-antihyperon pair is polarized. If any significant difference between the magnitudes of these parameters is found, the process is CP violating. The particle physics experiment BESIII in China is a suitable experiment to conduct this kind of measurements because it is a high precision experiment and has collected large data samples of hyperon-antihyperon pairs. The goal of this project was to study statistical precisions of the physics parameters that can be obtained with the new method in cases of J/ψ meson decaying into ΛΛ, Σ+Σ− and Σ0Σ0. High statistical precision is required to detect CP violation, because CP violating processes are, if they exist, expected to be rare. The main focus was to study the process e+e− → J/ψ → Σ0Σ0 → ΛγΛγ → pπ−γpπ+γ. In this process, CP symmetry can be tested in two decay processes: electromagnetic decay Σ0 → Λγ and weak decay Λ → pπ−. Only the asymmetry parameter of Λ → pπ− was studied. The study served as a validity check of the new method and ongoing analyses at BESIII. The statistical precision was studied by simulations: Monte Carlo data samples were created and then a maximum-log-likelihood fit was applied to the samples. An important component when determining the asymmetry parameters turned out to be the relative phase ∆φJ/ψ. The relative phase is one of the parameters used for determining the relation between the electric and magnetic form factors. ∆φJ/ψ is also related to the polarization of the hyperon-antihyperon pair. The study showed that the value of ∆φJ/ψ has a large impact on the uncertainties of the hyperon and antihyperon asymmetry parameters. A low value of ∆φJ/ψ resulted in high uncertainties and strong correlations between the asymmetry parameters. The formalism is different for different processes, which affects the uncertainties as well. The formalism used for the Σ0Σ0 process gives poorer parameter precision of the asymmetry parameter related to the Λ → pπ− decay than the formalism used for the ΛΛ process. Therefore, the ΛΛ process is a much more suitable process for CP studies of the Λ → pπ− decay. / Ett grundantagande inom den fundamentala fysiken är att lika stora mängder av materia och antimateria skapades efter Big Bang. När partiklar och antipartiklar kolliderar, annihilerar de, dvs försvinner och producerar fotoner. Trots detta består dagens universum huvudsakligen av materia. För att förklara varför all materia inte försvann krävs ett brott mot CP-symmetrin bakom standardmodellen. CP-symmetrin innebär att fysikens lagar är desamma om man byter partiklar mot antipartiklar och speglar partikelns rumsliga koordinater. CP-symmetri i baryonsönderfall är relativt dåligt testad. En ny metod för att studera CP-symmetrin har utvecklats vid Uppsala universitet för hyperon-antihyperon par. Hyperoner är baryoner med en eller fler särkvarkar. Metoden gör det möjligt att bestämma asymmetriparametrar hos hyperon- och antihyperonsönderfall separat om hyperonantihyperonparet är polariserat. Om en signifikant skillnad mellan värden av dessa parametrar upptäcks, är processen CP-brytande. Partikelfysikexperimentet BESIII i Kina är ett lämpligt experiment för sådana här mätningar eftersom det är ett högpresicionsexperiment och har dessutom samlat in stora mängder data av hyperon-antihyperonpar. Målet för detta projekt har varit att studera de statistiska precisioner av fysikparametrar som kan nås när man använder den nya metoden i de fall där J/ψ mesonen sönderfaller till ΛΛ, Σ+Σ− och Σ0Σ0. Hög statistisk precision behövs för att upptäcka CP-brott, eftersom CP-brytande processer, om de existerar, är relativt sällsynta. Huvudfokuset var att studera processen e+e− → J/ψ → Σ0Σ0 → ΛγΛγ → pπ−γpπ+γ. I denna process kan CP-symmetri testas för två sönderfallsprocesser: det elektromagnetiska sönderfallet Σ0 → Λγ och det svaga sönderfallet Λ → pπ−. I denna rapport studerades bara asymmetriparametrarna av Λ → pπ−. Detta arbete har fungerat som validitetskontroll av den nya metoden och pågående analyser på BESIII. Den statistiska precisionen undersöktes med simuleringar: Monte Carlo datamängder skapades och sedan en maximum-log-likelihood-anpassning av datan genomfördes. En viktig komponent i bestämningen av asymmetriparametrarna visade sig vara den relativa fasen, ∆φJ/ψ. Den relativa fasen är en av de parametrar som används för att bestämma relationen mellan de elektriska och magnetiska formfaktorer. ∆φJ/ψ är också relaterad till hyperonens hyperon-antihyperonparets polarisation. I forskningsprojektet visades att ∆φJ/ψ har en stor inverkan på osäkerheterna av hyperon- och antihyperonasymmetriparametrarna. Ett lågt värde av ∆φJ/ψ resulterade i stora osäkerheter och starka korrelationer mellan asymmetriparametrarna. Formalismen är annorlunda för olika processer, vilket också påverkar osäkerheterna. Formalismen som används för Σ0Σ0-processen ger sämre parameterprecision av asymmetriparametern kopplad till sönderfallet Λ → pπ− än formalismen som används för ΛΛ-processen. Därför är ΛΛ-processen en mycket lämpligare process för att testa CP-symmetrin i Λ → pπ− sönderfallet.

First investigation of electromagnetic coupling of the d*(2380) hexaquark

Kay, Stephen John Donald January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents the first measurement of the d*(2380) (hexaquark) electromagnetic coupling, extracted from the deuteron photodisintegration (~γd → d* → ~np) reaction. The experiment was carried out at the Mainzer Microtron (MAMI) facility in the Institut für Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany. A racetrack microtron at the MAMI facility provided a 1557 MeV longitudinally polarised electron beam. This electron beam was directed onto a thin radiator to produce a bremsstrahlung photon beam. Diamond and amorphous (metallic) radiators were used to produce linearly and circularly polarised photons respectively. The produced bremsstrahlung photon beam was energy 'tagged' with a resolution of ~4 MeV over the photon-energy range of 150-1400 MeV using the Glasgow Photon Tagger. The tagged photons were incident on a 10 cm long liquid deuterium target. This target was surrounded by a new nucleon recoil polarimeter apparatus and placed within the Crystal Ball calorimeter at MAMI. An array of PbWO4 and BaF2 detectors (TAPS) was used to provide calorimetry at forward angles. The newly constructed large acceptance recoil polarimeter measures the polarisation of the nucleons in the final state. The combination of this new apparatus with the polarised photon beam facility gives access to a number of single and double polarisation observables. The photon beam asymmetry, Σ, and the double polarisation observable, Cx', were examined in measurements of the reaction d(→γ,→n→p) over a large range of energies with a close to full angular coverage. The observable Cx' is determined for the neutron produced in deuteron photodisintegration for the first time. The new data constrains mechanisms of deuteron photodisintegration and assesses the existence and contribution of the d*(2380) resonance.

Studies of the Decay η→π+π-π0 with WASA-at-COSY

Adlarson, Patrik January 2012 (has links)
In 2008 a large statistics sample of approximately 1·107 η-decays has been collected with the WASA detector at COSY using the pd→3Heη reaction at the beam kinetic energy of 1 GeV. These data are being used to study the not so rare η decays involving charged pions, like η→π+π-π0. This decay proceeds mainly via a strong isospin violating contribution, where the decay width is proportional to the light quark mass difference squared, (md-mu)2. In addition this decay can be used to search for C-violating effects. The analysis is presented and the Dalitz plot parameters with statistical and systematical uncertainties are determined from a sample of 1.33·105 η→π+π-π0 events in the Dalitz plot. The asymmetry parameters with statistical uncertainties are presented which show no evidence of C-violation. / WASA-at-COSY

Measurement of the Dalitz Plot Distribution for η→π+π−π0 with KLOE

Caldeira Balkeståhl, Li January 2015 (has links)
The mechanism of the isospin violating η→π+π−π0 decay is studied in a high precision experiment using a Dalitz plot analysis. The process is sensitive to the difference between up and down quark masses. The measurement provides an important input for the determination of the light quark masses and for the theoretical description of the low energy strong interactions. The measurement was carried out between 2004 and 2005 using the KLOE detector at the DAΦNE e+e− collider located in Frascati, Italy. The data was collected at a center of mass energy corresponding to the φ-meson peak (1019.5 MeV) with an integrated luminosity of 1.6 fb−1. The source of the η-mesons is the radiative decay of the φ-meson: e+e−→φ→ηγ, resulting in the world’s largest data sample of about 4.7·106 η→π+π−π0 decay events. In this thesis, the KLOE Monte Carlo simulation and reconstruction programs are used to optimize the background rejection cuts and to evaluate the signal efficiency. The background contamination in the final data sample is below 1%. The data sample is used to construct the Dalitz plot distribution in the normalized dimensionless variables X and Y. The distribution is parametrized by determining the coefficients of the third order polynomial in the X and Y variables (so called Dalitz plot parameters). The statistical accuracy of the extracted parameters is two times better than any of the previous measurements. In particular the contribution of the X2Y term is found to be different from zero with a significance of approximately 3σ. The systematic effects are studied and found to be of the same size as the statistical uncertainty. The contribution of the terms related to charge conjugation violation (odd powers of the X variable) and the measured charge asymmetries are consistent with zero. The background subtracted and acceptance corrected bin contents of the Dalitz plot distribution are provided to facilitate direct comparison with other experiments and with theoretical calculations.

Search for η’-nucleus bound states from ¹²C(γ, p) reaction with simultaneous detection of decay products / ¹²C(γ, p)反応を用いた崩壊粒子の同時測定によるη’原子核束縛状態の探索

Tomida, Natsuki 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(理学) / 乙第13368号 / 論理博第1572号 / 新制||理||1666(附属図書館) / 京都大学理学研究科 / (主査)教授 永江 知文, 教授 中家 剛, 准教授 成木 恵 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Algebraic and Statistical Approach to Infinite Quantum Systems / 無限量子系への代数的統計的アプローチ

Okamura, Kazuya 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18047号 / 理博第3925号 / 新制||理||1566(附属図書館) / 30905 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科数学・数理解析専攻 / (主査)准教授 小嶋 泉, 教授 岡本 久, 教授 重川 一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Search for the K-pp bound state using the d(γ,K+π-)X reaction at Eγ=1.5-2.4 GeV / 光子エネルギー1.5-2.4 GeVにおけるd(γ, K+π-)X 反応を用いたK-pp束縛状態の探索

Tokiyasu(Okamura), Atsushi 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第18072号 / 理博第3950号 / 新制||理||1569(附属図書館) / 30930 / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 永江 知文, 准教授 成木 恵, 教授 鶴 剛 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

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