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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinação de Parâmetros de Densidade de Níveis para Núcleos na Camada s-p / Determining levels density parameter for s-d nuclei

Carlin Filho, Nelson 23 March 1983 (has links)
Através do estudo do contínuo de espectros de partículas leves evaporadas por um núcleo composto, determinamos parâmetros de densidade de níveis para núcleos pertencentes à camada s-d. Foram medidas distribuições angulares para os sistemas 16O + 12C (48. 8 e 54.2 MeV), 14N + 12C (46.0 MeV) e 18O + 12C (41.3 MeV), com 5° <= ?LAB <= 80°, obtendo-se espectros referentes aos canais de saída p, d, t e ?. Telescópios do tipo barreira de superfície foram utilizados na deteção das partículas carregadas. A análise foi efetuada em base ao modelo estatístico de Hauser-Feshbach onde o conhecimento da densidade de níveis dos núcleos residuais e, particularmente do parâmetro de densidade de níveis, é fundamental. A restrição do estudo a regiões de energia de excitação onde predomina a contribuição do primeiro decaimento do núcleo composto, permitiu eliminar a ambiguidade dos resultados As vantagens e inconvenientes do método aplicado são discutidos / Level density parameters for s-d nuclei were obtained through the study of the continuum of light particles evaporation spectra, from heavy ion compound reactions, Angular distributions were measured for the 16O + 12C (48. 8 e 54.2 MeV), 14N + 12C (46.0 MeV) and 18O + 12C (41.3 MeV) systems in the .angular interval 5° <= ?LAB <= 80°. Energy spectra of the p, d., t and ? exit channels were obtained. Solid state telescopes were used for the charged particles identification. The analysis of the data has been performed within the framework of the Hauser-Feshbach theory. The importance of the level density parameter has been investigated. The comparison of the experimental data to the theoretical prediction has been done in an excitation energy region in which sequential decay is negligible. The accuracy of the method is discussed.

Estudo sistemático do freamento de íons pesados em sólidos no regime de baixas velocidades / Systematic study of heavy ions stopping in solids at the low velocity regime

Linares, Roberto 27 August 2009 (has links)
A perda de energia de íons na matéria é um tópico importante não apenas devido à sua direta aplicação nas técnicas de análises de materiais mas também na compreensão da interação íon-átomo. O conhecimento preciso do poder de freamento de íons pesados a baixas energias é cada vez mais necessário em ciências dos materiais assim como na física nuclear básica, como por exemplo, no Método da Atenuação do Deslocamento Doppler (DSAM, na sigla em inglês). Nessa técnica, o conhecimento do poder de freamento é utilizado para determinar uma referência temporal para o decaimento nuclear enquanto em recuo em um substrato, tipicamente Au ou Pb. No entanto, o freamento de íons pesados em sólidos é ainda pouco compreendido principalmente com respeito a região de baixas energias devido às dificuldades adicionais que surgem da complicada dependência entre o estado de carga do projétil e sua velocidade instantânea no freador. Como modelos teóricos não são capazes de fornecer fornecer previsões quantitativas confiáveis, os principais modelos utilizados atualmente são de natureza semiempírica. O principal objetivo desse trabalho se concentra na obtenção de novos dados experimentais na região de energia de 100-500 keV/u.m.a., para o freamento de Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni em Au e Ge e de Ti e Cr em Pb. Os dados experimentais com os íons de Ti, V e Cr foram obtidos utilizando a técnica de espalhamento elástico, na qual o feixe primário é espalhado por átomos de um fino alvo ( 100µg/cm²). O feixe primário espalhado produz átomos do alvo com baixas energia em recuo numa determinada direção. Os experimentais com íons de Co e Ni foram obtidos utilizando um arranjo de ToF-E (Time of Flight - Energy ) que permite a medida do freamento ao longo de uma região contínua de energia. Nesta técnica, para a produção de um feixe com ampla distribuição em energia, o feixe primário monoenergético é espalhado por substrato de Au. Os dados experimentais foram comparados com as previsões da Teoria Binária (TB) e Aproximação de Convolução Unitária (ACU) e dos modelos semiempíricos de Ziegler, Biersack e Littmark (ZBL) e de Northcliffe e Schilling (NS). Apesar dos modelos descreverem razoavelvii mente bem os freamentos de Ti, V e Cr em Au, os dados experimentais para o freamento de Ni em Au, por exemplo, chegam a ser 2 vezes maiores que as previsões de ZBL. / The energy loss of ions in materials is an important issue not only because of its direct applications on material analysis techniques, but also for the understanding of the interactions. Accurate knowledge of heavy ion stopping power at low energies is necessary in materials science as well as in basic physics, e. g. in the Doppler Shift Attenuation Method (DSAM). In this technique the knowledge of stopping power is used to determine the timescale for the decaying nuclei while slowing down in a heavy substrate, usually Au or Pb. Nevertheless, the stopping power of solids for heavy ions is still poorly known. Regarding to low energies, this is especially true due to additional difficulties arising from a complicated dependence of the projectile charge state and its istantaneous velocity in the medium. Since theoretical models are unable to produce reliable quantitative predictions, most models currently in use are of semiempirical nature. The main aim of this work is to present new experimental data in the energy range 100-500 keV/u for Ti, V, Cr, Co and Ni ions slowing down in Au and Ge, and Ti and Cr ions slowing down in Pb. Experimental data for Ti, V, Cr ions were obtained using the elastic recoil technique, where a primary beam is scattered by heavy ions from a thin target (100µg/cm²). The scattered primary beam produces recoiling atoms of the target at low energies and at a given direction, where it is placed the stoppers. Experimental data for Co and Ni ions were obtained using a ToF-E apparatus (Time of Flight - Energy detection system) which allows measuring stopping over a continuous energy range. To produce a beam of Co, for instance, with broad energy range its monoenergetic beam is scattered away by a Au substract. Our experimental data were compared to TB and UCA theories and ZBL and NS semiempical models. Although there is an overall agreement between experiment and theory for Ti, V and Cr ions, the experimental stopping power for Ni in Au, for instance, is about 2 times greater than the ZBL prediction.

Procura por Condensados Quirais Desorientados em 11,6 AGeV Au + Pb / Search for disoriented chiral condensate at 11.6 AGeV Au + Pb

Fachini, Patrícia 03 November 1998 (has links)
A procura pela produção de condensados quirais desorientados (DCC) nas colisões centrais relativísticas entre Au + Pb a 11,6 GeV /c por nucleon na experiência E864 do AGS (Altemating Gradient Synchrotron) é apresentada neste trabalho. Evidências de eventos onde DCC\'s possivelmente foram formados são procuradas a partir do número de píons carregados e gamas (provenientes do decaimento de 1r°\'s) produzidos em cada interação, utilizando o formalismo de variáveis robustas introduzido pela colaboração MiniMax [37]. Neste trabalho, a procura por DCC\'s é realizada em dois procedimentos distintos. No primeiro, o número de gamas produzidos em cada interação a partir do decaimento de r°\'s é obtido de um detetor de Cherenkov de vidro de chumbo colocado próximo ao alvo e cobrindo ângulos traseiros. O número de píons carregados é obtido pelo detetor de multiplicidade da experiência. Nenhuma evidência clara da produção de DCC\'s é distinguida numa amostra de 4.810.923 eventos. No segundo procedimento, o espectrômetro completo da experiência E864 é utilizado. O número de píons carregados é fornecido por três planos de hodoscópios cintiladores e duas estações de tubos com gás ionizante. O número de gamas é obtido do calorímetro de fibras cintiladoras e chumbo localizado no final do espectrômetro. Nenhuma evidência clara da produção de DCC\'s pode ser distinguida em uma amostra de 1.944.401 eventos. A partir de um modelo de DCC simples, a sensibilidade da procura por DCC\'s dentro de 90% de nível de confiança é obtida para os dois procedimentos. / The search for the production of disoriented chiral condensates (DCC) in central relativistic Au + Pb collisions at 11.6 GeV /c per nucleon at the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron {AGS) is presented in this work. The search is conducted with the open geometry experiment E864. The signatures of events where a DCC was possibly formed are searched from the number of charged pions and gammas (from the decay of the °\'s) produced in each interaction, and using the robust observable formalism introduced by the MiniMax collaboration [37]. In this work, the DCC search is performed using two different approaches. In the first, the number of gammas produced in each interaction from the decay of the 7 °\'S is obtained from a lead glass Cherenkov detector placed dose to the target and covering back angles. The number of charged pions is obtained from the multiplicity counter of the experiment. No clear evidence for DCC production can be distinguished in a sample of 4.810.923 events. In the second approach, the full E864 spectrometer is used. The number of charged pions is provided by three planes of scintillator hodoscopes and two arrays of straw tubes. The number of gammas is obtained from the lead-scintillating fiber calorimeter located at the end of the spectrometer. No clear evidence for DCC production can be distinguished in a sample of 1.944.401 events. Using a simple DCC model, the 90% C.L. sensitivity of the DCC search is obtained for both approaches.

Studium produkce jetů v experimentu ALICE na urychlovači LHC / Studium produkce jetů v experimentu ALICE na urychlovači LHC

Kučera, Vít January 2012 (has links)
Title: Study of jet production with the ALICE experiment at the LHC Author: Vít Kučera Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics Supervisor: RNDr. Jana Bielčíková, Ph.D., Nuclear Physics Institute of the ASCR, v.v.i. Abstract: The theory of strong interaction, quantum chromodynamics, predicts a phase transition between hadronic matter and the quark-gluon plasma where quarks and gluons are deconfined. This state of matter is expected to be created in ultra-relativistic collisions of heavy ions. Jets from partons which interact with the strongly interacting matter created in heavy-ion collisions can be used as probes to study this medium. The ALICE experiment installed at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN enables using jets to study medium in heavy-ion collisions. An analysis of data measured with the ALICE experiment in 2010 in the lead nuclei collisions at energy √ sNN = 2.76 TeV is presented in the thesis. The results of this analysis are presented in a study of jets reconstructed with the kt and anti-kt algorithms. The study includes an analysis of tracks, an analysis of background and focuses on an analysis of inclusive jet spectra. Various aspects of jet spectra are studied including modification of jets in the central collisions expressed by the ratio RCP. Also a summary of author's...

Produção de fragmentos ricos em nêutrons através da fragmentação do 28Si com momento de Plab=14.6 GeV/c por nucleon / Production of neutron-rich fragments through fragmentation of 28Si with momentum of Plab = 14.6 GeV / c per nucleon

Silva, Nelson Canzian da 11 April 1994 (has links)
Foi investigada a produção de isótopos ricos em nêutrons a partir do decaimento de projéteis de \'ANTPOT.28 Si\' com momento de \'P IND.lab\'= 14.6 GeV/c por nucleon seguindo a excitação eletromagnética por alvos de Al, Cu, Sn e Pb. A busca foi feita selecionando fragmentos ricos em nêutrons (\'ANTPOT.6 He\', \'ANTPOT.8 He\',\'ANTPOT.8 Li\', \'ANTPOT.9 Li\', \'ANTPOT.10 Be\', \'ANTPOT.11 Be\' e \'ANTPOT.13 B\') detectados no espectrômetro do Experimento 814 do AGS de Brookhaven. Foi estabelecido um limite superior de 54 ub (a um Nível de Confiança de 95%) para a seção de choque de dissociação eletromagnética para um único canal, baseado num conjunto com ~3x \'10 POT.7\' partículas de feixe. Foram medidas seções de choque de produção de isótopos ricos em nêutrons por fragmentação nuclear e obtidas as distribuições de energia transversal e energia a zero graus associadas à produção destes fragmentos. As distribuições de momento transversal para o \'ANTPOT.6 He\' e para o \'ANTPOT.9 Li\' foram medidas experimentalmente e os resultados comparados ao modelo estatístico de Goldhaber para a fragmentação. A comparação fornece um valor médio de 229±9 MeV/c para o momento de Fermi do projétil. / The production of neutron-rich isotopes from the decay of 28Si projectile at Plab = 14.6 GeV/c per nucleon following the electromagnetic excitation by Al, Cu, Sn and Pb targets was investigated. The search was made triggering on neutron-rich ions (6He, 8He, 8Li, 9Li, 10Be, 11Be and 13B) detected in the BNL-AGS-E814 spectrometer. An upper limit of 54 ub (at the Confidence Level of 95%) for the electromagnetic dissociation cross-section for an individual channel is set, based on a data sample of ~ 3 x 107 beam particles. Inclusive cross section for the nuclear fragmentation production of those isotopes were measured and forward and transverse energy distribuitions were determined. From a comparison of the experimental momentum distributions for 6He and 9Li with the Goldhaber statistical fragmentation model an average value of 229±9 MeV/c for the Fermi momentum of the 28Si projectile was obtained.

Desenvolvimento e Aplicação de um Novo Tipo de Detector, \'Silicon Drift Detector\', para o Projeto STAR / Development Application New Type Detector \"Silicon Drift Detector\" STAR project

Takahashi, Jun 18 September 1998 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é descrito o desenvolvimento completo de um detector tipo \"Silicon Drift Detector\" para uso no projeto STAR/SVT, um experimento do acelerador de íons pesados relativísticos- RHIC. O \"Silicon Drift detector\" é um novo tipo de detector, que além da medida de energia depositada, fornece a posição de incidência de uma partícula, combinando as melhores características de detectores semicondutores com as de uma câmara de arrasto. O desempenho e a caracterização destes detectores são apresentados através de resultados de testes em laboratório e também da aplicação dos mesmos no experimento E896 do acelerador AGS de Brookhaven. Obtivemos um detector de 6.3 cm por 6.3 cm, com uma resolução espacial de 25 um. / Silicon Drift detector is a novel position sensing device, state of the art in detector technology, which combines the best features of gas drift chambers with the advantages of a semiconductor detector. In this thesis, I describe the design, development and conclusion of a large area linear Silicon drift detector, developed for the use in the heavy-ion ST AR experiment of the Relativistic Heavy lon Collider (RHIC). Detector characteristics and performance are shown through the results from laboratory tests and their application in experiment E896 at the AGS in Brookhaven.

Estudo da multiplicidade de partículas carregadas em colisões centrais Pb+Pb a SNN = 2.76 TeV no experimento ATLAS / Study of central collision charged particle multiplicity in Pb-Pb collisions at SNN=2,76 TeV on atlas experiment

Navarro, Jose Luis La Rosa 07 November 2012 (has links)
Dentre os observáveis globais que permitem caracterizar a colisão entre íons pesados relativísticos, a multiplicidade de partículas é uma das variáveis mais fundamentais, diretamente ligada à densidade de energia da colisão. Serão apresentados resultados do estudo de multiplicidade de partículas carregadas para colisões centrais entre íons de chumbo a energias de 2.76 TeV (energia no centro de massa) utilizando o detector ATLAS no Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A multiplicidade na produção de partículas carregadas é medida utilizando dois métodos diferentes entre o intervalo de pseudorapidez || < 2.5 empregando o sistema de detectores semicondutores centrais de trajetórias do ATLAS. A seleção de eventos é crucial para esta análise e é aplicada a dados obtidos através de um trigger de minimum bias, impondo-se a coincidência entre o sinal do calorímetro de zero grau (ZDC) (|| > 8.3) e a coincidência entre o sinal do Minimum Bias Trigger Scintilator (MBTS) (2.1< || <3.8), de forma a remover da amostra de dados os eventos decorrentes da dissociação eletromagnética. Neste trabalho, eventos produzidos pelo gerador de eventos HIJING também foram analisados e os dados simulados reconstruídos utilizando-se os mesmos algoritmos empregados na análise dos dados reais. A multiplicidade e a densidade inclusiva de partículas foram medidas para as colisões mais centrais e estão em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos por outros experimentos. / From the global observables that allows the characterization of the heavy ion collisions at relativistic energies, the particle multiplicity is one of the most fundamental observables, directly related to the energy density of the collision. There will be presented results about the study of central collision charged particle multiplicity in Pb - Pb collisions at the 2.76 TeV center of mass energy using the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The particle multiplicity is measured using two different methods in the || < 2:5 rapidity interval, deploying the ATLAS inner tracker semiconductor system. The event selection plays a crucial role in this analysis and is applied on data acquired using a minimum bias trigger. Imposing the condition of coincidence between the two Zero Degree Calorimeters (ZDC) arms (|| > 8.3) and the coincidence of the Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillator (MBTS) detector (2.1 < || <3.8) the electromagnetic dissociation events are removed from the sample. For this work, events produced by the HIJING event generator were also analyzed and the simulated data was reconstructed using the same algorithms used on data. The multiplicities and inclusive particle density measured for most central collisions are in good agreement with the ones measured by other experiments.

Nanopatterning by Swift Heavy Ions

Skupinski, Marek January 2006 (has links)
<p>Today, the dominating way of patterning nanosystems is by irradiation-based lithography (e-beam, DUV, EUV, and ions). Compared to the other irradiations, ion tracks created by swift heavy ions in matter give the highest contrast, and its inelastic scattering facilitate minute widening and high aspect ratios (up to several thousands). Combining this with high resolution masks it may have potential as lithography technology for nanotechnology. Even if this ‘ion track lithography’ would not give a higher resolution than the others, it still can pattern otherwise irradiation insensitive materials, and enabling direct lithographic patterning of relevant material properties without further processing. In this thesis ion tracks in thin films of polyimide, amorphous SiO<sub>2</sub> and crystalline TiO<sub>2</sub> were made. Nanopores were used as templates for electrodeposition of nanowires.</p><p>In lithography patterns are defined by masks. To write a nanopattern onto masks e-beam lithography is used. It is time-consuming since the pattern is written serially, point by point. An alternative approach is to use self-assembled patterns. In these first demonstrations of ion track lithography for micro and nanopatterning, self-assembly masks of silica microspheres and porous alumina membranes (PAM) have been used. </p><p>For pattern transfer, different heavy ions were used with energies of several MeV at different fluences. The patterns were transferred to SiO<sub>2</sub> and TiO<sub>2</sub>. From an ordered PAM with pores of 70 nm in diameter and 100 nm inter-pore distances, the transferred, ordered patterns had 355 nm deep pores of 77 nm diameter for SiO<sub>2 </sub>and 70 nm in diameter and 1,100 nm deep for TiO<sub>2</sub>. The TiO<sub>2</sub> substrate was also irradiated through ordered silica microspheres, yielding different patterns depending on the configuration of the silica ball layers. </p><p>Finally, swift heavy ion irradiation with high fluence (above 10<sup>15</sup>/cm<sup>2</sup>) was assisting carbon nanopillars deposition in a PAM used as template. </p>

Nanopatterning by Swift Heavy Ions

Skupinski, Marek January 2006 (has links)
Today, the dominating way of patterning nanosystems is by irradiation-based lithography (e-beam, DUV, EUV, and ions). Compared to the other irradiations, ion tracks created by swift heavy ions in matter give the highest contrast, and its inelastic scattering facilitate minute widening and high aspect ratios (up to several thousands). Combining this with high resolution masks it may have potential as lithography technology for nanotechnology. Even if this ‘ion track lithography’ would not give a higher resolution than the others, it still can pattern otherwise irradiation insensitive materials, and enabling direct lithographic patterning of relevant material properties without further processing. In this thesis ion tracks in thin films of polyimide, amorphous SiO2 and crystalline TiO2 were made. Nanopores were used as templates for electrodeposition of nanowires. In lithography patterns are defined by masks. To write a nanopattern onto masks e-beam lithography is used. It is time-consuming since the pattern is written serially, point by point. An alternative approach is to use self-assembled patterns. In these first demonstrations of ion track lithography for micro and nanopatterning, self-assembly masks of silica microspheres and porous alumina membranes (PAM) have been used. For pattern transfer, different heavy ions were used with energies of several MeV at different fluences. The patterns were transferred to SiO2 and TiO2. From an ordered PAM with pores of 70 nm in diameter and 100 nm inter-pore distances, the transferred, ordered patterns had 355 nm deep pores of 77 nm diameter for SiO2 and 70 nm in diameter and 1,100 nm deep for TiO2. The TiO2 substrate was also irradiated through ordered silica microspheres, yielding different patterns depending on the configuration of the silica ball layers. Finally, swift heavy ion irradiation with high fluence (above 1015/cm2) was assisting carbon nanopillars deposition in a PAM used as template.

A study of damage clusters produced by heavy-ion irradiation of nickel and its alloys

Robinson, Thomas Martin January 1978 (has links)
The damage clusters produced by low dose, 80 keV Ni<sup>+</sup> and W<sup>+</sup> heavy-ion bombardment of pure nickel; of two nichrome alloys (with 8% and 17%Cr); and of a ternary alloy and 321 stainless steel which have the same base composition (Fe/Ni10%/Cr17%) have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. In all cases where the defects could be identified with confidence they were found to be vacancy in nature. Most of the defects were identified as Frank loops, some of which had partially dissociated. The number of loops that were identified as dissociated and the average degree of dissociation were dependent on the stacking fault energy γ, being greater in the low-γ ternary alloy and the stainless steel than in the high-γ nickel and nichrome alloys. In the high-y materials a small proportion (< 5%) of perfect loops was also observed. Defect yield values were between a factor of 2 and 5 higher for W<sup>+</sup> ion bombardment than for the corresponding Ni<sup>+</sup> ion irradiations, but the effect on the mean defect size and cascade efficiency was much less pronounced. In the case of the Ni<sup>+</sup> ion bombardment, the defect yields in the two nichrome alloys were lower than in pure Ni. No such effect was observed for the W<sup>+</sup> ion irradiations, when defect yield and cascade efficiency values very similar to those of pure nickel were obtained. The defect yield in the W<sup>+</sup> ion irradiated ternary alloy was considerbly smaller than in the nichrome alloys and there was a further major decrease in the stainless steel. These reductions in defect yields were not accompanied by a change in the mean defect size nor in the distribution of the defect sizes which were very similar in all the materials for irradiation by a given ion species. The defect yield in W<sup>+</sup> ion irradiated Ni remained constant with increasing irradiation temperature up to ~450°C and then decreased sharply at higher irradiation temperatures. The defect yield in W<sup>+</sup> ion irradiated Ni/Cr17% remained constant up to at least 500°C. Possible physical explanations for these results are discussed.

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