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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of variance in measurement of hectolitre mass of wheat and maize, using equipment from different grain producing and exporting countries

Engelbrecht, Mandy L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Msc Food Sc (Food Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / South Africa as well as other grain producing and exporting countries’ grading systems strongly relies on hectolitre mass (HLM) as a guide to grain quality. It is known that these countries use either one of two types of HLM equipment. These devices consist of either a funnel or a cylindrical device (chondrometer) with a measuring cylinder of known volume underneath which is then filled with grain in a controlled manner. Subsequently the HLM devices from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, South Africa, the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States of America (USA) were compared using impurity free mixed wheat, single South African cultivars as well as maize samples. Very little variation in HLM measurements within the HLM devices was observed with intra-class correlation (ICC) agreement values close to one. Comparing the actual HLM values obtained with the respective devices showed that the results obtained with the Australian device was significantly (P < 0.05) higher, and those obtained with the South African devices significantly (P < 0.05) lower compared to the other devices. As would be expected the devices showed better overall ICC agreement when the HLM tests were performed with the single cultivar samples (ICC agreement = 0.762) as opposed to the mixed wheat samples (ICC agreement = 0.523). However, the HLM values obtained with all the devices correlated well with each other (ICC consistency >0.90) indicating that correction factors can therefore be developed to convert the HLM results between devices. When ten South African devices were compared statistical differences were observed, but the overall ICC agreement (0.975) and consistency (0.993) values indicated that the differences would not be significant in practice. Hectolitre mass determinations performed on samples prior to and after impurities have been removed revealed that the removal of impurities resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) increase in HLM. The effect of operator was shown to be significant (P < 0.05) when operators with three levels of competency, i.e. skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled, were investigated. The effect of wet and dry cycles on the HLM measurements was investigated and the results showed that wetting and drying could change the integrity of the wheat. Moisture correction factors cannot be applied to convert the HLM values of grain that underwent moisture changes as different samples responded differently to the moisture treatments. Comparing the respective devices with mixed maize samples (impurities not removed) very little variation in HLM measurements within each device was observed. The comparison of the devices revealed that the HLM measurements obtained with the Australian and French devices were significantly (P < 0.05) higher and that obtained from the Canadian device significantly (P < 0.05) lower compared to those obtained with the other devices. Again it was shown that the devices correlate well (ICC consistency > 0.97) and that correction factors can be applied to convert HLM results between devices. An alternative to the use of correction factors could be the replacement of the South African device with the German device for both wheat and maize. The removal of impurities from the maize samples significantly (P < 0.05) increased the HLM values. Therefore, it is likely that correction factors can be used to convert HLM values of maize samples before and after removal of impurities.

Assessment of hectolitre mass (HLM) equipment and HLM measurements of oats

Emvula, Sakeus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Hectolitre mass (HLM) measurements allow rapid and accurate determination of grain density. HLM devices from different countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America [USA]) have been investigated for their effect on the HLM measurements of oats. In addition, the potential of near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging has been evaluated to distinguish between oat samples with different HLM values. Comparing HLM measurements obtained from the respective devices, the USA and the South African devices resulted in significantly (P<0.05) lower HLM values compared to the other devices where as the German device resulted in higher values (P<0.05) than the other devices. HLM values from all the devices were highly correlated with intra-class correlation (ICC) consistency values of at least 0.90. These high correlations would allow direct replacement of the South African device with any of the other devices. The equipment selected as replacement should ideally be calibrated according to the ISO 7971-3 standard (i.e. the device currently used in Germany). HLM values significantly (P<0.05) increased when oat samples were rubbed before measurements were made, indicating the importance of continuation of this sample preparation step. The investigation on the effect of the operator on HLM determinations showed that the unskilled operator measured HLM values significantly different to those obtained by the skilled operator. This emphasises the importance of training in spite of HLM measurements being a simple procedure. A poor correlation (r = 0.18) was found between protein content and HLM values of oat samples. Moisture content significantly affected the HLM values of oats and results clearly showed a decrease in HLM values with increasing moisture content. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs revealed that the starch granules became swollen and that they increased in size with an increase in moisture content, resulting in a decrease in HLM. NIR hyperspectral imaging offers the testing of individual grains non-destructively. This is often required by plant breeders because they subsequently need to plant selected grains. NIR offers this option to plant breeders. NIR hyperspectral imaging, which combines NIR spectroscopy with digital imaging, was used to distinguish between six oat samples with varying HLM values. NIR spectroscopic differences were observed between the images of the two samples with the highest and lowest HLM values (60.2 and 49.35 kg.hL-1). Less distinct differences were observed in the NIR hyperspectral images of two samples differing by less than 2.0 kg.hL-1. Although mixed oat samples were used, these preliminary results established the possible use of NIR hyperspectral imaging in evaluating oat samples from breeding trials. The use of this technique could also be extended to evaluation of other quality characteristics of oats. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hektolitermassa- (HLM-)metings maak snelle en akkurate bepaling van korreldigtheid moontlik. HLM-toestelle van verskillende lande (Australië, Kanada, Frankryk, Duitsland, Suid-Afrika, die Verenigde Koninkryk en die Verenigde State van Amerika) is ondersoek vir hulle uitwerking op die HLM-metings van hawer. Daarby is die potensiaal van nabyinfrarooi- (NIR-)hiperspektrale beelding geëvalueer om tussen hawermonsters met verskillende HLM-waardes te onderskei. Tydens vergelyking van HLM-metings verkry van die onderskeie toestelle, het die Amerikaanse en die Suid-Afrikaanse toestelle beduidend (P<0.05) laer HLM-waardes opgelewer in vergelyking met die ander toestelle terwyl die Duitse toestel hoër waardes (P<0.05) as die ander toestelle getoon het. Daar was hoë korrelasies tussen die HLM waardes verkry van die apparate met intraklaskorrelasie (IKK) konsekwentheidwaardes van ten minste 0.90. Hierdie hoë korrelasies sou direkte vervanging van die Suid-Afrikaanse toestel met enige van die ander toestelle moontlik maak. Die toerusting gekies as vervanging sou ideaal gesproke in ooreenstemming met die ISO 7971-3 standaard gekalibreer kon word (bv. die toestel wat tans in Duitsland gebruik word). HLM-waardes het beduidend (P<0.05) verhoog toe hawermonsters gevryf is voor metings gemaak is, wat dui op die belang van verlengde gebruik van hierdie stap tydens die voorbereiding van monsters. Die ondersoek na die uitwerking van die operateur op HLM-bepalings het getoon dat die onervare operateur HLM-waardes beduidend verskillend gemeet het teenoor dié verkry deur die ervare operateur. Dit beklemtoon die belang van opleiding ten spyte daarvan dat HLM-metings ’n eenvoudige prosedure is. ’n Swak korrelasie (r = 0.18) is aangetref tussen proteïeninhoud en HLM-waardes van hawermonsters. Voginhoud het die HLM-waardes van hawer beduidend beïnvloed en resultate het duidelik ’n styging in HLM-waardes met verhoging van die voginhoud getoon. Aftaselektronmikroskoop- (AEM-)mikrobeelde het aangedui dat die styselgranules swel en in grootte toeneem met verhoging van die voginhoud, wat aanleiding gee tot ’n verlaging in HLM. NIR-hiperspektrale beelding maak die toets van individuele korrels op niedestruktiewe wyse moontlik. Dit word dikwels deur plantkwekers vereis aangesien hulle na toetsing uitgesoekte korrels moet plant. Nabyinfrarooi bied hierdie opsie aan plantkwekers. NIR-hiperspektrale beelding, wat NIRspektroskopie met digitale beelding kombineer, is gebruik om te onderskei tussen ses hawermonsters met wisselende HLM-waardes. NIR-spektroskopiese verskille tussen die beelde van die twee monsters met die hoogste en laagste HLM-waardes (60.2 en 49.35 kg.hL-1) is waargeneem. Minder duidelike verskille is in die NIR-hiperspektrale beelde van twee monsters wat met minder as 2.0 kg.hL-1 verskil het, waargeneem. Alhoewel gemengde hawermonsters gebruik is, het hierdie voorlopige resultate die moontlike gebruik van NIR-hiperspektrale beelding by die evaluering van hawermonsters van kweekproewe vasgestel. Die gebruik van hierdie tegniek sou ook uitgebrei kon word tot die evaluering van ander kwaliteitseienskappe van hawer.

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