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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude phénoménologique et modélisation des mécanismes d'oxydation et d'adsorption d'impuretés gazeuses en hélium : application à l'optimisation du système de purification d'un réacteur à caloporteur gaz / Phenomenological studies and modelling of the gaseous impurities oxidation and adsorption mechanisms in helium : application for the purification system optimization in gas cooled nuclear reactors

Legros, Fanny 12 December 2008 (has links)
Parmi les réacteurs de génération IV, le GFR et le VHTR utilisent l'hélium comme caloporteur. Il est nécessaire de contrôler sa qualité chimique. Outre des impuretés radiochimiques et particulaires, il peut contenir H2, CO, CH4, CO2, H2O, O2 et des composés azotés, et doit être purifié en permanence. Au CEA, un pilote permet d'étudier cette purification, réalisée en trois étapes: oxydation de H2 et CO sur CuO, puis deux étapes d'adsorption. L’objectif est de fournir une analyse détaillée des deux premières étapes, en les mettant en œuvre à l'échelle du laboratoire. On montre à l’aide d’une première modélisation que la consommation du lit de CuO est totale, et en régime chimique. Les particules de CuO sont constituées de grains d'environ 200 nm de diamètre. Un deuxième modèle, défini à l'échelle de ces grains, permet de trouver des résultats en accord avec les précédents. Un facteur d'échelle lié à la géométrie entre les constantes cinétiques issues des deux types de modélisation a été mis en évidence. Une compétition entre les réactions d'oxydation du CO et de H2 a été observée. Les énergies d'activation des ces réactions sont de l'ordre de 30 kJ.mol-1. La réaction CO/CuO est favorisée. La simulation numérique du déroulement simultané des deux réactions montre qu'il faut envisager une adsorption préférentielle de CO sur le CuO. Dans le cas de l'étape d'adsorption sur tamis moléculaire de CO2 et H2O, une méthodologie similaire a été mise en œuvre. Les isothermes expérimentales obtenues sont de type Langmuir. Les courbes de percée en sortie d'adsorbeur ont montré que le comportement global du lit était correctement représenté par le modèle retenu / In GEN IV studies on future fission nuclear reactors, two concepts using helium as a coolant have been selected: GFR and VHTR. Among radioactive impurities and dusts, helium can contain H2, CO, CH4, CO2, H2O, O2, as well as nitrogenous species. To optimize the reactor functioning and lifespan, it is necessary to control the coolant chemical composition using a dedicated purification system. A pilot designed at the CEA allows studying this purification system. Its design includes three unit operations: H2 and CO oxidation on CuO, then two adsorption steps. This study aims at providing a detailed analysis of the first and second purification steps, which have both been widely studied experimentally at laboratory scale. A first modelling based on a macroscopic approach was developed to represent the behaviour of the reactor and has shown that the CuO fixed bed conversion is dependent on the chemistry (mass transfer is not an issue) and is complete. The results of the structural analysis of the solids allow considering the CuO as particles made of 200 nm diameter grains. Hence, a new model at grain scale is proposed. It is highlighted that the kinetic constants from these two models are related with a scale factor which depends on geometry. A competition between carbon monoxide and hydrogen oxidation has been shown. Activation energies are around 30 kJ.mol-1. Simulation of the simultaneous oxidations leads to consider CO preferential adsorption. A similar methodology has been applied for CO2 and H2O adsorption. The experimental isotherms showed a Langmuir type adsorption. Using this model, experimental and theoretical results agree

Introductory investigation of the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube as a particle separation device for the PBMR

Burger, Anja 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR) is a Generation IV graphite-moderated helium cooled nuclear reactor which is being developed in South Africa. The PBMR design is based on the German Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchreaktor (AVR). The AVR was decommissioned in December 1988 due to operational and safety problems. The PBMR project has put a lot of emphasis on safety and therefore all safety issues relating to the AVR have to be addressed before this technology can be implemented. After the decommissioning of the AVR plant, technicians found radioactive isotopes of cesium 55Cs137, 55Cs134, silver 44Ag110 and strontium 38Sr90 as well as graphite dust in the primary coolant loop of the reactor. These isotopes as well as the graphite dust have to be removed from the helium coolant stream because it can be potentially harmful to equipment, personnel and the general public. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to investigate a separation method for removing the graphite dust (and with it the radioactive isotopes) from the helium coolant stream and also test this method under different operating conditions and geometrical configurations to determine its dust separation efficacy. The device chosen to investigate is the Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube. The Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube (RHVT) is a simple device having no moving parts that produces a hot and cold air stream simultaneously at its two ends from a compressed air source. The vortex generated by the vortex generator located at the inlet of the RHVT causes strongly rotating flows similar in speed to that of a gas centrifuge. The gas centrifuge is used for isotope separation. The RHVT, in theory, can therefore be implemented to separate the graphite/silver isotopes from the helium coolant with the added benefit of either cooling or heating the coolant and was thus selected as the separation technique to be tested experimentally. The dust separation efficiency of the RHVT was tested experimentally using different grades of graphite dust, different fluids, various inlet volumetric flow rates and volume fractions and different RHVT geometries. The experimental results showed that the RHVT has a dust separation efficiency of more than 85 %. A regression analysis was also done with the experimental data to obtain a correlation between the different operating conditions (such as volumetric flow rate) and the dust separation efficiency that can be used to predict the dust efficiency under different operating and geometric conditions (such as the PBMR environment). An analytical model is also presented to describe the ‘temperature separation’ phenomenon in the RHVT, using basic thermo-physical principals to gain a better understanding of how the RHVT works. A CFD analysis was also attempted to supplement the analytical analysis but the solution did not converge and therefore only the preliminary results of the analysis are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die “Pebble Bed Modular Reactor” (PBMR) is `n vierde generasie grafiet gemodereede en helium verkoelde reaktor wat in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel word. Die PBMR ontwerp is gebaseer op the Duitse Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchreaktor (AVR) wat buite werking gestel is in Desember 1988 as gevolg van operasionele en veiligheidsprobleme. Die PBMR projek lê baie klem op veiligheid en daarom moet alle veiligheidskwessies van die AVR eers aangespreek word voor die tegnologie geimplementeer kan word. Nadat die AVR buite werking gestel is, het AVR tegnisie radioaktiewe isotope van cesium 55Cs137, 55Cs134, silwer 44Ag110 en strontium 38Sr90 asook grafiet stof in die primêre stroomkring van die reaktor gevind. Hierdie isotope sowel as die grafiet stof moet uit die helium verkoelingsmiddel in die primere stroomkring van die reaktor verwyder word aangesien dit dalk skadelik kan wees vir toerusting, personeel en die publiek. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie tesis is dus om `n skeidingstekniek te ondersoek wat die stof (en dus ook die radioaktiewe isotope) uit die helium verkoelingsmiddel kan verwyder. Hierdie tegniek moet dan getoets word onder verskillende operasionele en geometriese toestande om die skeidingsbenuttingsgraad te bepaal. Die toestel wat gekies is om ondersoek te word is die “Ranque-Hilsch Vortex Tube”. Die “Ranque-Hisch Vortex Tube” (RHVT) is a eenvoudige uitvindsel wat geen bewegende parte bevat nie en wat warm en koue lug gelyktydig produseer vanaf `n saamgepersde lugbron. ‘n Baie sterk roteerende vloei word gegenereer in die RHVT wat dieselfde snelhede bereik as die lug in `n gas-sentrifugeerder. Die gas- sentrifugeerder word gebruik as `n isotoopskeidingsapparaat. In teorie kan die RHVT dus ook gebruik word om partikels te skei as gevolg van die sterk roteerende vloei, met die voordeel dat dit ook die lug kan verhit en verkoel. As gevolg van hierde redes is die RHVT gekies as die skeidingstegniek om te ondersoek en dus experimenteel te toets. Die benuttingsgraad van die RHVT se vermoë om die grafiet stof van die lug te skei was gevolglik eksperimenteel getoets deur gebruik te maak van verskillende gehaltes grafiet stof, verskillende vloeistowwe (lug of helium), verskillende inlaat volumevloeitempos en volume fraksies en RHVT geometrieë. Die experimentele resultate het getoon dat die RHVT `n benuttingsgraad van meer as 85 % het. `n Regressie analise was ook gedoen met die eksperimentele data om `n korrelasie tussen die verskillende opersionele toestande (soos volumevloeitempo) en die stof skeiding benuttingsgraad te kry. Hierdie korrelasie kan dan gebruik word om die stofskeidingsbenuttingsgraad onder ander operasionele en geometriese omstandighede, soos die PBMR omgewing, te voorspel. `n Analitiese model word ook voorgestel om die “temperatuur-skeidings” meganisme in die RHVT te verduidelik, met die hulp van basiese termo-fisiese beginsels, om beter te verstaan hoe dit werk. Daar was ook gepoog om `n CFD analise te doen wat die analitiese model kon aanvul, maar die numeriese oplossing het nie gekonvergeer nie en dus word net die voorlopige resultate van dié analise bespreek.

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