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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hemming Gadh en statsman och prelat från Sturetiden; biografisk studie.

Carlsson, Gottfrid, January 1900 (has links)
Akademisk afhandling-Upsala. / "Källor och litteratur": p. [xi]-xx.

Hemming Gadhs språk. I-II

Gustafson, Seth. January 1950 (has links)
Akademisk avhandling--Lund. / Extra t.p. with thesis statement, inserted. Bibliography: p. [128]-133 of 2d group.

Pliabilité des tôles en alliages d'aluminium pour la carrosserie automobile analyse des mécanismes d'endommagement / Bendability of aluminum alloy automotive sheets characterization of damage mechanisms

Mattei, Laurent 22 February 2011 (has links)
Les alliages d’aluminium de la série 5xxx et 6xxx sont des matériaux de choix pour la carrosserie automobile. Le panneau extérieur est généralement en alliage 6xxx et le panneau intérieur en 5xxx. Les deux sont assemblés par sertissage. Le sertissage consiste à replier la tôle extérieure sur la tôle de renfort. Ce procédé peut conduire à des états de surfaces insatisfaisants pour la tôle externe. Ce travail porte sur la caractérisation de la pliabilité des alliages 6xxx. L’influence du taux de manganèse et du temps de traitement thermique de Bake Hardening a été examinée.Les mécanismes d’endommagement d’alliages d’aluminium 6xxx durant l’essai de pliage ont été déterminés expérimentalement et par éléments finis. Les alliages d’aluminium s’endommagent par la formation de bandes de localisation de la déformation à travers l’épaisseur de la tôle. Ces bandes de localisation entraînent la formation d’une ondulation de surface en peau externe, de striction puis fissuration des grains. Les travaux suivants ont été effectués :• quantification expérimentale de la localisation basée sur des observations EBSD,• étude de la localisation de la déformation par un modèle mécanique basée sur la microstructure,• étude de la striction de grains par plasticité cristalline.Les conclusions suivantes ont été tirées :• la texture initiale, de type aléatoire, permet d’expliquer l’initiation de la localisation de la déformation,• la répartition spatiale de la dureté et le taux d’écrouissage en grande déformation sont les paramètres principaux contrôlant la localisation de la déformation,• l’interaction entre premiers grains voisins est responsable de la striction des grains de la peau externe. / The need for weight reduction in the automotive industry has led to the development of aluminum alloys for body panels on a number of mass-produced vehicles. 6xxx series alloys are selected for outer panels. These panels are often joined to inner panels by hemming. A poor surface aspect after hemming may be observed on the outer panel. In present work, the influence of manganese content and of bake hardening time on the bendability of 6xxx series alloy sheets has been analyzed. Damage mechanisms during bending of 6xxx aluminum sheets have been characterized experimentally and simulated by a mechanical model. Damage is controlled by the development of through thickness strain localization. The localization leads to the development of surface instabilities, splitting of the outermost grains and then crack propagation. The following works have been done:• strain localization has been characterized by EBSD observations,• study of strain localization by mechanical model based on microstructure,• study of grains splitting by crystal plasticity.The following results have been concluded:• the random texture allows to explain the strain localization,• spatial variation of the yield stress and overall strain hardening are the most influence material parameters which control the strain localization,• interaction between first neighbour grains controls grain splitting.

Evaluation of potential for metal/polymer/metal sandwich material as outer panels for trucks

Wendel, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Reducing the weight of the truck vehicle conveys more cargo to be carried by thetrailer. This has a significant impact on the efficiency of the transport lowering both the total cost of cargo moved and the total carbon dioxide emitted. Half of the body in-white weight of a truck is comprised out of panels made out of thin mild forming steel which cannot be made thinner to reduce weight due to the lowered stiffness it would entail. Sandwich materials have a high stiffness to weight ratio and would for the same panel thickness as regular forming steel have a comparable bending stiffness but lowered weight. This master thesis is intended to be a preliminary study for Scania CV AB on sandwich materials and its potential use as lightweight panels in their trucks. With the intention of investigating whether a commercial sandwich material is capable of filling the role as outer panels of a truck, comparative tests regarding significant matters such as forming and painting was made on identically manufactured demonstrators comparing a sandwich material and a regular forming steel material. The tests identified weaknesses in the current manufacturing process for parts of a sandwich material. Such limitations are problems with painting and joining due to isolated cover sheets, forming problems revealing sink marks likely due to different spring back of the material and hemming flaws due to inadequately optimized hemming technique and anisotropy. Now that more knowledge of sandwich materials has been gained, counter measures for these findings can be made in order to take another step towards lowering the weight of the truck and a more efficient way of transporting goods. / Genom att minska vikten på lastbilen frigörs mer last att bäras av släpvagnen. Detta har en betydande inverkan på effektiviteten hos transporten som sänker både den totala kostnaden för transporterad last och de totala koldioxidutsläppen. Hälften aven lastbils rena karossvikt består av paneler gjorda av tunt mjukt formningsstål vilke tinte kan bli tunnare för att minska vikten på grund av den sänkta styvheten som detskulle medföra. Sandwichmaterial har en hög styvhet till viktförhållande och skulle församma paneltjocklek som vanligt formningsstål ha en jämförbar böjstyvhet men sänkt vikt. Denna uppsats är avsedd att vara en preliminär studie för Scania CV AB om sandwichmaterial och dess potentiella användning av lättvitkspaneler i lastbilar.Med avsikt att undersöka huruvida ett kommersiellt sandwichmaterial kan fylla rollen som lastbilens ytterpaneler utfördes jämförande tester med avseende på signifikanta frågor såsom formning och målning på identiskt tillverkade demonstratorer som jämförde ett sandwichmaterial och ett vanligt formningsstål. Testerna identifierade svagheter med materialet samt hur processen behöver anpassas för att kunna använda sandwichmaterialet i rådande tillverkningsprocess. Identifierade problem var bland annat problem med målning och sammanfogning på grund av isolerade ytterskickt i sandwichmaterialet, problem med formning som gav upphov till limdragningar som troligen beror på materialets olika återfjädring samt falsningsfel på grund av otillräckligt optimerad falsteknik och anisotropi. Nu när mer kunskap om sandwichmaterial erhållits kan motåtgärder för de funna resultaten undersökas för att ta ytterligare ett steg mot att sänka lastbilens vikt och därmed få ett effektivare transportmedel.

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