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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Žinių ekonomikos branduolių kūrimo Lietuvoje problemos ir perspektyvos / Knowledge Economy cluster establishment’s problems and perspectives in Lithuania

Venckutė, Milda 08 January 2007 (has links)
Korupcija yra labai sena ir aptinkama įvairiose visuomeninio gyvenimo srityse. Tai ypač latentiškas ir sukeliantis daug problemų jį kvalifikuojant nusikaltimas. Pagrindinės problemos susijusios su subjektu, kyšiu ir jo dydžiu, korupcinių veikų atskyrimu nuo kitų nusikaltimų. Itin aktuali problema – kyšio ir dovanos santykis. Šis nusikaltimas padaromas tiek privačiame, tiek viešajame sektoriuje. Korupcinio pobūdžio nusikalstamos veikos sukelia didelę žalą valstybės, jos institucijų, gyventojų interesams. Štai kodėl visuomenė privalo suprasti, kad korupcija nėra “nusikaltimas be aukų”. Šiuo metu korupcija laikoma pasauline problema. Kadangi esame Europos Sąjungos nariai ir mums privaloma jos aqius communautaire, darbe nagrinėjami tiek nacionaliniai baudžiamieji įstatymai, tiek tarptautiniai teisės aktai, liečiantys korupciją. Prieinama išvados, jog nėra įtvirtintos bendros korupcijos sampratos, taip pat skirtingai traktuojama pareigūno sąvoka valstybėse narėse. Praktikoje, bandant patraukti baudžiamojon atsakomybėn už kyšininkavimą, tai gali sukelti problemų. Todėl siūloma įtvirtinti bendrą visiems korupcijos apibrėžimą Europos Sąjungos teisės aktuose. Istorija parodė, kad griežtos bausmės neduoda trokštamų rezultatų, tad rekomenduojama šviesti visuomenę korupcijos prevencijos klausimais. Būtų naudinga, jei Lietuvos Aukščiausiasis Teismas pateiktų korupcinio pobūdžio bylų baudžiamąjį teisinį vertinimą. / Knowledge economy and knowledge economy clusters (high-tech clusters) is one of leading development priority in all countries round the world today. Knowledge Economy clusters implementation in Lithuania allows not only use all possibilities of new Information and Communication and other technologies, but also motivate theirs development and make Lithuania more competitive in the global market. Knowledge Economy cluster is supporting research and development in Lithuania and concurrently promote the Economy growth of the EU. In the work is viewed and analyzed Knowledge Economy clusters establishment problems and perspectives in Lithuania, estimated the theoretical Knowledge Economy cluster dimensions and Knowledge Economy clusters implementation in EU, Finland and Germany Federation. In the first tile of work “Cluster and Knowledge Economy conceptions”, is described theoretical conception and origin of Cluster and Knowledge Economy and systematize practice of implementation of Knowledge Economy clusters and possible effect of Knowledge Economy clusters to economy, which take action in countries round the world. Second tile “Knowledge Economy clusters development and their models in Europe” has two chapters: Knowledge Economy clusters policy in EU” and Knowledge Economy clusters models in several countries”. In this part of the work is measured EU Knowledge Economy clusters policy and examples of Finland and Germany Knowledge Economy clusters models. In the third tile... [to full text]

Politiche per l'innovazione: i distretti tecnologici italiani e i loro contesti innovativi regionali / Innovation Policies: Italian Technological Districts and Their Regional Innovation Contexts

MICELI, VALERIA 27 March 2008 (has links)
Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di valutare i distretti tecnologici italiani. A tal fine sono stati sinteticamente presentati nel primo capitolo alcuni concetti chiave della letteratura economica rilevanti ai fini di questo lavoro. Nel secondo capitolo è stata condotta un'analisi di tipo descrittivo relativamente a tutti i distretti tecnologici approvati dal MIUR alla data del novembre 2007. Nel terzo capitolo si passa ad un'analisi di tipo quantitativo che sulla base di dati provenienti da varie fonti misura: il livello di specializzazione delle varie regioni italiane relativamente all'area tecnologica prescelta per l'implementazione del distretto tecnologico; il livello di performance delle varie regioni relativamente ad una serie di indicatori di attività scientifico-tecnologiche; il livello dell'ambiente economico in termini di tasso di imprenditorialità e di disponibilità di finanziamenti di tipo venture capital. Nel quarto capitolo si procede alla creazione di quattro indicatori sintetici: uno di specializzazione tecnologica; uno di performance scientifico-tecnologica; uno economico-ambientale; l'ultimo riassuntivo dei precedenti. Nel capitolo quarto i dati degli indicatori ottenuti dall'analisi quantitativa vengono combinati con le informazioni riportate nel capitolo secondo utilizzando un'analisi di tipo dicotomico. La visione d'insieme che ne deriva diventa la base per alcune considerazioni di policy sull'implementazione di questo strumento di politica innovativa. / This work analyses a specific policy instrument namely the establishment of technological districts (TD) in Italy. After a selective literature review of the main theoretical concepts used in the research (chapter 1), the work provides a general overview of the Italian TDs approved by MIUR at November 2007 (chapter 2). In the third chapter the work provides a statistical analysis of the regional innovation contexts using a wide set of indicators measuring: levels of regional specialization in the sectors chosen for TDs implementation; science and technology performances; features of the economic environment (entrepreneurship and venture capital funds). In the fourth chapter it is presented a system of four synthetic indices providing information on: 1) regional specializations; 2) scientific-technological performances; 3) economic environment. The fourth synthetic index, being the combination of the previous three, reflects simultaneously all the three dimensions. The analysis of statistical data is complemented, in chapter 4, by an evaluation of the institutional features of the TDs based on the information gathered in chapter 2. This has allowed to bring together the outcomes of chapter 2 and of chapter 3 in order to formulate some policy conclusions.

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