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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos istorikų bendrija 1918−1940 metais / The Community of historians in Lithuania during 1918-1940

Selenis, Valdas 02 December 2008 (has links)
1918–1940 m. Lietuvos Respublikos nepriklausomybės laikotarpis sietinas su nacionalinio Lietuvos istorijos mokslo institucionalizacijos proceso pradžia. Šios disertacijos tyrimo objektas − nepriklausomos Lietuvos istorikų bendrija ir istorijos mokslo profesionalizacijos pradžia. Pagrindinė nagrinėjama problema – žmonės sudarę aptariamojo laikotarpio istorikų bendriją, kurie modernios nacionalinės istoriografijos formavimosi pradžioje ėmėsi istorijos tyrimų. Keliamas klausimas kas juos siejo ar skyrė. Disertacijos tikslas - išanalizuoti 1918–1940 m. Lietuvos istorikų bendrijos sudėtį ir profesionalizacijos ypatybes. Keliami uždaviniai ištirti istorikų: specialybės išsilavinimą, kvalifikacijos kėlimo aplinkybes, atskleisti socialinių kolektyvinės biografijos aspektų (teritorinės ir socialinės kilmės, etninės ir konfesinės priklausomybės, lyties ir šeimos faktoriaus) poveikį istorikų profesionalizacijai, amžiaus grupes ir kartų santykių problemas, ideologines pažiūras ir konkurencinę kovą ,,istorikų lauke‘‘, profesinę struktūrą – darbą, veiklą ir narystę istorijos mokslo institucijose ir istorikų pragyvenimo šaltinius. Tyrime nepriklausomos Lietuvos istorikų bendriją sudaro 52 asmenys. Šio darbo naujumas ryškiausiai matosi mėginant pasirinkus atrankos kriterijų, nustatyti profesionalių nepriklausomos Lietuvos istorikų skaičių, socialinę bendrijos struktūrą išskiriant jų grupes bei apibrėžiant šios bendrijos ,,ribas“. Istorikų ,,bendrijų” studijos praplečia istoriografijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Period of the Independence of the Republic of Lithuania in 1918–1940 is associated with the beginning of the process of institutionalization of national Lithuanian historical science. The object of this dissertation is the community of historians of the independent Lithuania during 1918–1940 and the beginning of its professionalization. The main problem analyzed in this dissertation is the group of people who composed the community of historians. The main aim is to reveal the composition of the community of historians of 1918−1940 Lithuania and the features of its professionalization. The author sets the following tasks to be explored: education of historians, conditions for the obtaining of qualification, social aspects of collective biography (territorial and social origin, ethnical and confessional dependence, factor of gender) and its influence on the professionalization of historians, age groups and the problems of intercourse between the generations of historians, ideological creeds and competition inside the historical field, professional structure – work, activity and membership of historians in the scientific organizations and means of their subsistence. According to the following criterions of selection − how many historians had lived and worked in 1918–1940 Lithuania, gained the education as historians and published their works on the subject of history, the community of historians consists of 52 persons.12 (23 %) of them had the lectureship in Vytautas Magnus... [to full text]

Profesor Václav Vojtíšek: archivářem od monarchie po socialismus / Professor Václav Vojtíšek: archivist from monarchy to socialism

Vaško, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with archivist and collage professor Václav Vojtíšek. It's structured chronologically with few thematic areas and was written mainly by positivistic method. Thesis draws from large base of archive resources and published materials. The goal of this thesis is to map Vojtíšek's academical and archivistic career during several regimes. It's not only concentrating on his professional career, but also depicts biographical themes. Key words Václav Vojtíšek, history of science, archivistic, Auxiliary Historical Science, Charles University, Czechoslovak science and art academy.

L'épistémologie contemporaine de la Théorie de l'évolution dans l'enseignement secondaire français : état des lieux et conséquences didactiques / A philosophical analysis of Evolutionary Theory in French Secondary Education : the present state of the field and its implications for the teaching of the life sciences

Paulin, Fabienne 27 November 2015 (has links)
Les sciences de l'évolution investissent deux champs scientifiques complémentaires : celui des sciences historiques quand l'objectif est la reconstitution de l'histoire du vivant, et celui des sciences fonctionnalistes quand les objets d'étude sont les mécanismes de l'évolution. La position centrale du cadre évolutif dans les sciences du vivant fait de l'évolution un objet d'enseignement incontournable dont l'importance est rappelée dans l'ensemble des textes officiels du secondaire. Cependant, de nombreux travaux en didactique des SVT relèvent des difficultés de natures différentes dans son enseignement. Nous avons fait l'hypothèse que certains problèmes recensés ont pour origine, d'une part, un positionnement épistémologique insuffisamment défini dans les programmes scolaires et, d'autre part, une prise en compte partielle de l'épistémologie des sciences de l'évolution par les enseignants dans leur enseignement. La première partie de cette thèse propose donc une analyse épistémologique détaillée de ce champ de recherche complétée par une étude des conceptions épistémologiques des chercheurs de différents domaines de l'évolution. Le cadre ainsi défini est utilisé pour caractériser les choix programmatiques institutionnels ainsi que les conceptions des enseignants et leurs propositions d'enseignement. La mise en perspective des résultats aboutit au constat que les sciences historiques, et l'épistémologie qu'elles mobilisent, sont un « impensé » de l'enseignement de l'évolution ce qui éclaire certains points de tension de cet enseignement et ouvre plus globalement la réflexion sur les liens nécessaires entre l'épistémologie et la didactique des sciences / The science of evolution englobes two complementary scientific fields. First, there is the historical science that aims to reconstitute the history of life on earth. Then there is the ‘functional’ domain that aims to elucidate the mechanisms of evolution. The centrality of the concept of evolution in the life sciences makes it an indispensable subject in the school curriculum and its importance is underlined in all the official texts concerning the life sciences in French secondary education. Nevertheless, numerous studies in the didactics of the life sciences have highlighted different problems with the teaching of evolution. We propose the hypothesis that certain of these problems are due, on one hand, to the lack of clarity in the philosophy of evolution in the official school program and, on the other hand, to teachers’ limited engagement with the philosophical issues in evolution when they teach the subject. The first part of this thesis offers a detailed philosophical analysis of the field of evolution in which we pay close attention to the philosophical conceptions of the researchers in different areas of the field. The analytical grid that we develop based on this research is then used to classify the institutional choice of programs as well as the concepts of teachers and their approach to teaching evolution. The examination of our results leads to the conclusion that the historical science and the associated philosophical concepts exercise an implicit influence on the teaching of evolution. This result explains certain tensions that exist in the teaching of evolution and allows us to engage a wider reflection on the need to integrate this kind of philosophical analysis into studies in science education

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