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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Česká historiografie přelomu století v dialogu s Evropou (1890-1914) / Czech historiography at the turn of the century in dialogue with Europe (1890-1941)

Bláhová, Kateřina January 2006 (has links)
Dlouhé 19. století (1780-1914) je stoletím zrodu mnoha fenoménů, mimo jiné také moderní vědy. Přineslo obrat v hierarchii hodnot i v sociální stratifikaci. V jeho průběhu došlo k demokratizaci přístupu ke vzdělání i díky školským a vzdělávacím reformám, jejichž počátek tkví v tereziánském a josefínském zákonodárství. Když se na sklonku 18. století postupně z barokního polyhistorismu začínají vydělovat jednotlivé vědní disciplíny, věda a vzdělání se stávají vstupenkou mezi "novou nobilitu". Zvláště v českém prostředí, jež zoufale postrádalo - až na výjimky - českou šlechtickou reprezentaci a disponovalo jen velmi úzkou reprezentací ekonomickou, se vzdělání a vzdělávání stalo cestou k vytvoření národní elity. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Česká dominikánská provincie v raném novověku (1435-1790) / History of the Bohemian Dominican Province in the Early New Age 1435-1790

Zouhar, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
This paper attempts to review the history of the Bohemian Dominican Province, specifically the history and impact of the Dominican Order on the life in the Lands of the Czech Crown at this time. There is a period of decline in prestige of the Order in the 15th and 16"' centuries but it is followed by a period of rebirth of its intellectual potency in the 17th century. The convents of the Dominican Order, as well as many of other Orders, were dissolved by the emperor Joseph II in the 1780s. I also pay close attention to the relationship between the Dominican Order and the Jesuits during the 17th and 18th centuries. The importance of this study for more detailed future research of the history of the Dominican Order is indisputable. I know of no other work dealing with this problem. I use mainly primary sources. The characteristic type of documents is Order chronicles, official documents and some historical works written by the members of the Order in the 17th and 18th century. Many of the documents are filed in the National Archive of the Czech State (Is1 department) and in the General Archive of the Dominican Order in Rome (Italy). Many of them have been unknown up to this time. In conclusion of this introduction I would like sum up that this paper has an ambition to reopen a new research and study of the...

Vytváření "demokratického socialismu". Stranická historiografie 50. a 60. let mezi stalinismem a reformním komunismem / The making of "democratic socialism". Party historiography of 50's and 60's between Stalinism and reform communism

Sommer, Vítězslav January 2011 (has links)
Dissertation: The Making of "Democratic Socialism". Party Historiography of 50's and 60's Between Stalinism and Reform Communism The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the development of the Party historiography in the 50's and 60's. The story of Party historiography starts in the early 50's when it was created as a brand new revolutionary historiography deep rooted in the structure of the Communist party. This new historiographical project had to deal with the history of Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and labour movement. The Party historiography had reflected the changes in the actual policy of Czechoslovak communism. It is possible to distinguish the stalinist, the post-stalinist and the reform communist period of the Party historiography development. In the first half of the 50's Party historiography was a part of Party propaganda. After 1956 Party historians developed the scientific paradigm of Party historiography which contained also obligatory post-stalinist interpretation framework for writing about the Communist party past. In the 60's this historiographical paradigm broke down under the strong criticism, which was led from the reform communist positions. So called Reform historiography of the 60's developed a new historiographical narrative. It was based upon belief in the...

Studium středověkého osídlení v kontextu české historiografie - minulost a perspektiva / History of medieval settlement in the context of the historiography of czech - history and perspecitve

Konůpek, Jan January 2021 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA HISTORICKÉ VĚDY ABSTRAKT DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE 2021 Jan KONŮPEK UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE FILOZOFICKÁ FAKULTA HISTORICKÉ VĚDY ABSTRAKT DISERTAČNÍ PRÁCE JAN KONŮPEK DĚJINY STŘEDOVĚKÉHO OSÍDLENÍ V KONTEXTU ČESKÉ HISTORIOGRAFIE MINULOST A PERSPEKTIVA HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE HISTORIOGRAPHY OF CZECH HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVE Doubrava 2021 prof. PhDr. Zdeněk Beneš, CSc. Abstract: The dissertation thesis intends to affect changes within the studies of medieval settlement in context with Czech historiography. It focuses on the relationship between the character of historiographical discourse and applied methods of research. The subject of relational analysis is both linguistic branches of Bohemian historiography. Changes in the specific field discourse are observed against the background of changes in Bohemian historical culture. Thus, the ways of multiplication of historical knowledge and the connection to the socio-political, cultural and institutional context of the observed issues are also monitored. The work mainly takes into account the territory of the wider historical Cheb region, which is used as a model example of changes in historical questioning depending on changes in historical awareness and social context of the time. Special...

Kozácký mýtus a jeho role ve formování ruského historického vědomí 19. století / The Cossack Myth and Its Role in Shaping of Russian Historical Consciousness of the 19th Century

Kokuňková, Adriana January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to map the transformation of the image of the Cossacks in the works of key Russian historians of the 19th century and early 20th century. Formulating the topic, the author assumes that the Cossacks played an extremely important role in shaping the concept of Russian history in the 19th century - the era of modern, scientific historical research in the Russian environment. Analysing the Cossack myth, author focuses on the remarkable fact that Russian 19th century and early 20th century historiography with Cossacks its specific leaders (leaders of the Cossack uprisings Kryshtof Kosynsky, Severyn Nalyvaiko, Hetmans Bohdan Khmelnytsky, Ivan Vyhovsky, Petro Doroshenko, Ivan Mazeppa) associates (sometimes quite contradictory) with historical processes and roles (defense of Orthodoxy, driving forces in the formation of the Russian state, an anarchist, dangerous element disrupting state order, personification of desire for free life or opposition to Tsarist autocracy). The greatest attention will be paid to the two hetmans of the Ukrainian Cossacks - Khmelnytsky and Mazeppa. At the end of the thesis, the author defines the models and long-term tendencies of shaping the image of the Cossacks and their historical role with regard to the existence of various historical schools and at...

Gollův styl. Studie k historickému myšlení Jaroslava Golla / The Goll's style. A study to the historical thinking of Jaroslav Goll

Pazderský, Roman January 2013 (has links)
Roman PAZDERSKÝ, The Goll's style. A study to the historical thinking of Jaroslav Goll, diploma thesis, FF UK, Prague 2013 This thesis seeks to expose the theme style of famous Czech historian Jaroslav Goll (1846- 1929). The methodological basis of this work is the concept of style analysis as one of the possible ways to understanding the Goll's historical thinking. Style, understood as the outward projection or reflection of deep contents of historian's historical thinking, leads the author this work to the detailed reflections of real nature of Goll's thought about the history and historiography, which often finds itself in evident collision with the stereotypical image of the Goll's rigid historiographical "positivism". The author wants, on the basis of precise analysis of the Goll's texts (including the surviving notes of his university lectures), to offer a qualified statement especially about non-positivist moments of the Goll's historical thinking, which are in his work represented firstly by the way of Goll's approach to historical themes and secondly by the so-called "symptomatic features of the Goll's historiographical style". All these problems open also a much broader issue on the adequacy of the concept "positivism" as a general designation for the intellectual orientation of the...

Německé dějepisectví v jižních Čechách na přelomu 19. a 20. století / German historiography in South Bohemia in the late 19th and 20th century

KOUBKOVÁ, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with German historiography in South Bohemia in the late 19th and 20th century. The main subjects of the research are four semi-professional regional historians; native German who studied south-bohemian history. The first one was a teacher and city archivist Reinhold Huyer (1850-1928), the second was a governor archivist Karl Köpl (1851-1932), then a Cistercian priest Valentin Schmidt (1863-1927) and a teacher and politician Franz Engelbert Vollgruber (1847-1917). The first chapter discusses the development of German historiography in the Czech lands. Then, the chapter analyses the definition, progression and the representatives of Czech and German regional history, mainly in South Bohemia. The second chapter portrays private and public life of these authors. The third chapter maps their work, whose primal concern was the history of south-bohemian region, their aims, topics they dealt with, their used primal sources and literature, editorial work and their contribution to the knowledge of the local history. The last chapter shows the bibliography of the work of Huyer, Köpl, Schmidt and Vollgruber. The conclusion sums achieved results of the research. After the conclusion, there is a list of used primal sources, literature and appendixes. The thesis is mainly based on the study of personal collection of German historians, their independent publications and regional newspapers, where their most often contribution concerned the local history.

Číst Pekaře. Čtyři interpretační cesty k jednomu textu / Reading Pekař. Four Interpretations of one Text

Fapšo, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Reading Pekař. Four Interpretations of one Text Marek Fapšo Abstract of Final Thesis Following thesis is an empirical contribution to the theory of historiography. It starts with analysis of current situation in the historical sciences, which can be epistemologically called as methodological pluralism. That means, there are many equal but often antagonistic points of view on the past. In the center, the thesis offers four analytical interpretations of Josef Pekař's text Czechs as the Apostles of Barbarism, which was written by this famous Czech historian in 1897. Four analysis are based on four methodological concepts: Émile Durkheim's sociology of religion, Alexandre Koyre's history of science, Roman Ingarden's phenomenology of literature and Walter Benjamin's philosophy of history. This quasi-empirical part is finished and completed by theoretical reflection of the four attempts. It leads to a theory of historiography inspired by philosophy of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The main task of following thesis is to consider relation between chosen method and historical knowledge (of truth).

Divadlo dle Stefana Hulfelda / Theater by Stefan Hulfeld

Kunčarová, Helena January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores the concept of theatricality as developed by the Swiss theatrologist Stefan Hulfeld. The thesis aims at a presentation of Hulfeld's research which is based on examination of historical documents, his particular focus being the theatricality of the 18. century in Solothurn (Switzerland). In this thesis, his theory is compared to other theatricality theories developed by Rudolf Münz and Andreas Kotte. The more general aim of the presented work is to devise a notion of theatricality which is based on historical- theatrological exploration of historical documents.

Obraz Ivana IV. Hrozného ve stalinském Rusku (Historiografie, beletrie, drama) / The Image of Ivan the Terrible in Stalin's Russia (Historiography, fiction, drama)

Lhotáková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the present thesis is to analyze the personality picture of Tsar Ivan the Terrible and his government in Stalin's Russia with regard to the transformation that occurred in spirit of the party ideology. The interpretation of historical facts of Ivan's period in the present work is depicted not only in historiography but also in artistic production, and it aims to express the way professional works, novels, dramas, and films are used for political propaganda. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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