Spelling suggestions: "subject:"homeobox genes."" "subject:"homoeobox genes.""
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"Análise da presença de transcritos dos genes HOXA7, HOXC6 e TGIF em carcinomas epidermóides de boca" / Analysis of presence of HOXA7, HOC6 and TGIF transcripts in oral squamous cell carcinoma.Luciana Fasanella Matizonkas Antonio 03 February 2006 (has links)
Os genes homeobox são uma família de genes reguladores que são vitais para vários aspectos do crescimento e diferenciação celular. Recentemente, implicações dos genes HOXA7, HOXC6 e TGIF na gênese e progressão tumoral vêm sendo verificadas. Entretanto, o envolvimento desses genes em carcinomas epidermóides (CE) de boca ainda não foi demonstrado. A possível presença de transcritos dos genes HOXA7, HOXC6 e TGIF em carcinomas epidermóides de boca e em tecidos não tumorais adjacentes (TN) foi analisada. Os transcritos dos genes foram amplificados por RT-PCR e sua localização celular determinada por hibridização in situ (ISH) com sondas de mRNA específicas. A amplificação do HOXA7 foi observada em 70% dos casos sendo 15% apenas nas amostras TN, 45% somente nos CEs e 10% em ambos tecidos. Nenhuma amplificação do HOXC6 foi observada. O TGIF foi amplificado em 80% dos casos, sendo 5% somente nas amostras TN, 20% nos CEs e 55% em ambos tecidos. Análises estatísticas mostraram que não havia diferença significante entre a amplificação do transcrito HOXA7 ou TGIF e o tipo de tecido analisado. Além disso, nenhuma associação entre a amplificação dos transcritos nas amostras CE e os aspectos clínicos foi observada. O sinal de hibridização in situ foi similar para os transcritos HOXA7 e TGIF. Nas amostras TN o sinal da ISH foi intenso no epitélio, ora disperso sendo mais proeminente na camada espinhosa ora mais proeminente nas camadas basais e suprabasais. Nos CEs os transcritos foram localizados por toda neoplasia sendo que o sinal era menor em áreas menos diferenciadas. Esses resultados mostram que o HOXC6 não está envolvido com a carcinogênese oral enquanto que a presença dos transcritos HOXA7 e TGIF principalmente em regiões bem diferenciadas dos carcinomas epidermóides de boca sugere uma participação desses genes nesta neoplasia / Homeobox genes comprise a family of developmental regulators that are vital for several aspects of growth and differentiation. Recently HOXA7, HOXC6 and TGIF genes have been implicated with carcinogenesis and tumoral progression. However their involvement with oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) has not been demonstrated yet. The possible presence of HOXA7, HOXC6 and TGIF transcripts in OSCC and adjacent non-tumoral tissues (NT) was verified. Transcripts were amplified by RT -PCR and its cellular localization was determined by in situ hybridization with specific riboprobes. Amplification of HOXA7 was seen in 70% of cases, 15% only in NT tissues, 45% only in OSCC samples and 10% in both tissues. No amplification of HOXC6 was observed. TGIF was amplified in 80% of cases, 5% only in NT tissues, 20% only in OSCC samples and 55% in both tissues. Statistical analysis showed that there was no significant difference between amplification of HOXA7 or TGIF and the type of tissue analyzed. Moreover, no association between amplification of transcripts in OSSC and clinical aspects was observed. ISH signal was similar for HOXA7 and TGIF transcripts. In NT tissues there was an intense expression in the epithelium, either in basal and suprabasal layers or disperse and more intense in the spinous layer. In OSCC transcripts were locali zed in all tumoral cells, but in poorly differentiated areas the signal was less intense. These results show that HOXC6 was not involved in oral carcinogenesis while the presence of HOXA7 and TGIF transcripts in OSSC, mostly in well differentiated regions, suggests a participation of these genes in OSCC
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Expressão de variantes transcricionais do gene Homeobox TGIF1 em carcinomas epidermóides de boca / Expression of transcript variants of the homeobox gene TGIF1 in oral squamous cell carcinomaTatiana Nayara Libório dos Santos 15 February 2008 (has links)
Genes da família homeobox têm sido alvo de intensas pesquisas científicas relacionadas ao câncer. Recentemente, mostramos que o gene homeobox TGIF1 está expresso no carcinoma epidermóide de boca na sua forma genérica. Porém, não foi feita uma discriminação entre quais variantes transcricionais, ou subtipos, do TGIF1 estariam expressas. Neste estudo, propusemo-nos a verificar diferenças na freqüência de expressão das variantes transcricionais do TGIF1 em carcinomas epidermóides de boca (CEB) em relação a tecidos morfologicamente não tumorais (TN), avaliar possíveis associações entre essas variantes nos pacientes portadores de CEB e relacionar o grau de expressão dessas variantes com aspectos clínicos, histológicos e com a sobrevida dos pacientes. Adicionalmente, procuramos analisar a expressão da proteína do TGIF1. Foram analisadas 48 amostras congeladas de CEB e 12 de TN. O RNA total de cada amostra foi extraído utilizando-se solução de TRizol®. Os transcritos do TGIF1 foram amplificados por RT-PCR para cada caso de CEB e TN utilizando-se inicialmente um par de iniciadores genéricos para todas as suas variantes. Após essa triagem, os casos positivos foram amplificados utilizando-se pares de iniciadores específicos para cada variante. Não houve diferença estatística entre a freqüência de expressão das variantes do TGIF1 nos grupos CEB e TN, porém as variantes 4 e 8 foram as que apresentaram p-valores menores. Dentro do grupo de CEB, houve associação significativa entre algumas variantes entre si (sete dos vinte e um cruzamentos), de forma que as variantes 1 e 4 foram as que mais tiverem associação com outras variantes. Dessa forma, optamos por prosseguir o estudo utilizando somente as variantes 1, 4 e 8. Não houve correlação entre a expressão das variantes selecionadas e variáveis clinicas e histológicas propostas. Em relação à sobrevida, a expressão das variantes 1 e 8 mostraram correlação univariada com o desfecho óbito, de maneira que o grupo de indivíduos que mais expressou ambas as variantes foi o que apresentou menor risco de óbito. Através da análise multivariada das variantes 1 e 8 e aspectos clínicos e histológicos, somente o tamanho da lesão e a invasão vascular sanguínea tiveram significado estatístico. A expressão protéica do TGIF1 foi analisada em 46 amostras parafinadas considerando-se a diferenciação celular, a graduação imunoistoquímica e o compartimento celular. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as variantes do TGIF1 estão expressas diferentemente no grupo dos pacientes com CEB e sugerese que a expressão das variantes 1 e 8 estejam relacionadas, de maneira semelhante, a um menor risco de óbito para pacientes portadores de CEB. Adicionalmente, sugere-se que o tamanho da lesão e a invasão vascular sanguinea representem fatores de risco relevantes para o óbito de pacientes portadores de CEB. Sugere-se também que a expressão simultânea da proteína do TGIF1 tanto no núcleo quanto no citoplasma da célula esteja correlacionada a lesões pobremente diferenciadas. / Genes of the homeobox family have been the subject of intense scientific research related to cancer. Recently, we show that this gene is expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma in its generic form. However, it was not made a discrimination between which transcript variants, or subtypes\", of TGIF1 were expressed. In this study, we aim to verify differences in the expression of the eight transcript variants described for the homeobox gene TGIF1 in oral squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC) related with morphologically non-tumoral tissues (NT), evaluate possible associations between these variants in patients with OSCC and relate the degree of expression of these variants with clinical, histological and survival aspects of patients. Additionally, we analyzed the expression of TGIF1 protein. It was analyzed 48 frozen samples of OSCC and 12 of NT. The total RNA from each sample was extracted using TRizol solution. TGIF1 transcripts were first amplified by RT-PCR for each case of OSCC and NT using a generic pair of primers. After these screening, the positive cases were amplified using specific pair of primers for each variant. There was no statistical difference between the frequency of expression of TGIF1 transcript variants in OSSC and NT groups, but the variants 4 and 8 had the lowest p-values. Within the OSCC group, there was a significant association between some variants among themselves (seven of the twenty-one associations), in a way that the variants 1 and 4 were the ones that had most association with other variants. Thus, we chose to continue the study using only variants 1, 4 and 8. There was no correlation between the expression of the selected variants with the clinical and histological aspects. Regarding survival, the expression of variants 1 and 8 showed statistical correlation with the outcome death, in a way that the group of patients that most expressed both variants was that one with the lower risk of death. By multivariate analysis of variants 1 and 8 and clinical and histological aspects, only the size of the lesion and vascular invasion blood were statistically significant. The protein expression of TGIF1 was analyzed in 46 paraffin-embedded tissues considering the cell differentiation, the immunohistochemistry graduation and the cell compartment. The results showed that the variants of TGIF1 are differently expressed in the OSCC group of patients and it is suggested that the expression of variants 1 and 8 may be related, in a similar way, to a lower risk of death for patients with OSCC. Additionally, it is suggested that the size of the lesion and the vascular invasion of blood represent relevant risk factors for death in patients with OSCC. It is also suggested that the simultaneous expression of TGIF1 protein not only in the nucleus but also in the cytoplasm of the cell is correlated with the poorly differentiated lesions of OSCC.
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Evolutionary study of the Hox gene family with matrix-based bioinformatics approachesThomas-Chollier, Morgane 27 June 2008 (has links)
Hox transcription factors are extensively investigated in diverse fields of molecular and evolutionary biology. Hox genes belong to the family of homeobox transcription factors characterised by a 60 amino acids region called homeodomain. These genes are evolutionary conserved and play crucial roles in the development of animals. In particular, they are involved in the specification of segmental identity, and in the tetrapod limb differentiation. In vertebrates, this family of genes can be divided into 14 groups of homology. Common methods to classify Hox proteins focus on the homeodomain. Classification is however hampered by the high conservation of this short domain. Since phylogenetic tree reconstruction is time-consuming, it is not suitable to classify the growing number of Hox sequences. The first goal of this thesis is therefore to design an automated approach to classify vertebrate Hox proteins in their groups of homology. This approach classifies Hox proteins on the basis of their scores for a combination of protein generalised profiles. The resulting program, HoxPred, combines predictive accuracy and time efficiency. We used this program to detect and classify Hox genes in several teleost fish genomes. In particular, it allowed us to clarify the evolutionary history of the HoxC1a genes in teleosts. Overall, HoxPred could efficiently contribute to the bioinformatics toolbox commonly used to annotate vertebrate Hox sequences. This program was then evaluated in non-vertebrate species. Although not intended for the classification of Hox proteins in distantly related species, HoxPred showed a high accuracy in bilaterians. It has also given insights into the evolutionary relationships between bilaterian posterior Hox genes, which are notoriously difficult to classify with phylogenetic trees.<p><p>As transcription factors, Hox proteins regulate target genes by specifically binding DNA on cis-regulatory elements. Only a few of these target genes have been identified so far. The second goal of this work was to evaluate whether it is possible to apply computational approaches to detect Hox cis-regulatory elements in genomic sequences. Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT) is a suite of bioinformatics tools dedicated to the detection of cis-regulatory elements in genomes. We participated to the development of matrix-based pattern matching approaches in RSAT. After having performed a statistical validation of the pattern-matching scores, we focused on a study case based on the vertebrate HoxB1 protein, which binds DNA with its cofactors Pbx and Meis. This study aimed at predicting combinations of cis-regulatory elements for these three transcription factors. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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