Spelling suggestions: "subject:"humanrobot interaction"" "subject:"humanoidrobot interaction""
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Integração de sistemas cognitivo e robótico por meio de uma ontologia para modelar a percepção do ambiente / Integration of cognitive and robotic systems through an ontology to model the perception of the environmentAzevedo, Helio 01 August 2018 (has links)
A disseminação do uso de robôs na sociedade moderna é uma realidade. Do começo restrito às operações fabris como pintura e soldagem, até o início de seu uso nas residências, apenas algumas décadas se passaram. A robótica social é uma área de pesquisa que visa desenvolver modelos para que a interação direta de robôs com seres humanos ocorra de forma natural. Um dos fatores que compromete a rápida evolução da robótica social é a dificuldade em integrar sistemas cognitivos e robóticos, principalmente devido ao volume e complexidade da informação produzida por um mundo caótico repleto de dados sensoriais. Além disso, a existência de múltiplas configurações de robôs, com arquiteturas e interfaces distintas, dificulta a verificação e repetibilidade dos experimentos realizados pelos diversos grupos de pesquisa. Esta tese contribui para a evolução da robótica social ao definir uma arquitetura, denominada Cognitive Model Development Environment (CMDE) que simplifica a conexão entre sistemas cognitivos e robóticos. Essa conexão é formalizada com uma ontologia, denominada OntPercept, que modela a percepção do ambiente a partir de informações sensoriais captadas pelos sensores presentes no agente robótico. Nos últimos anos, diversas ontologias foram propostas para aplicações robóticas, mas elas não são genéricas o suficiente para atender completamente às necessidades das áreas de robótica e automação. A formalização oferecida pela OntPercept facilita o desenvolvimento, a reprodução e a comparação de experimentos associados a robótica social. A validação do sistema proposto ocorre com suporte do simulador Robot House Simulator (RHS), que fornece um ambiente onde, o agente robótico e o personagem humano podem interagir socialmente com níveis crescentes de processamento cognitivo. A proposta da CMDE viabiliza a utilização de qualquer sistema cognitivo, em particular, o experimento elaborado para validação desta pesquisa utiliza Soar como arquitetura cognitiva. Em conjunto, os elementos: arquitetura CMDE, ontologia OntPercept e simulador RHS, todos disponibilizados livremente no GitHub, estabelecem um ambiente completo que propiciam o desenvolvimento de experimentos envolvendo sistemas cognitivos dirigidos para a área de robótica social. / The use of robots in modern society is a reality. From the beginning restricted to the manufacturing operations like painting and welding, until the beginning of its use in the residences, only a few decades have passed. Social robotics is an area that aims to develop models so that the direct interaction of robots with humans occurs naturally. One of the factors that compromises the rapid evolution of social robotics is the difficulty in integrating cognitive and robotic systems, mainly due to the volume and complexity of the information produced by a chaotic world full of sensory data. In addition, the existence of multiple configurations of robots, with different architectures and interfaces, makes it difficult to verify and repeat the experiments performed by the different research groups. This research contributes to the evolution of social robotics by defining an architecture, called Cognitive Model Development Environment (CMDE), which simplifies the connection between cognitive and robotic systems. This connection is formalized with an ontology, called OntPercept, which models the perception of the environment from the sensory information captured by the sensors present in the robotic agent. In recent years, several ontologies have been proposed for robotic applications, but they are not generic enough to fully address the needs of robotics and automation. The formalization offered by OntPercept facilitates the development, reproduction and comparison of experiments associated with social robotics. The validation of the proposed system occurs with support of the Robot House Simulator (RHS), which provides an environment where the robotic agent and the human character can interact socially with increasing levels of cognitive processing. All together, the elements: CMDE architecture, OntPercept ontology and RHS simulator, all freely available in GitHub, establish a complete environment that allows the dev
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Human-humanoid collaborative object transportation / Transport collaboratif homme/humanoïdeAgravante, Don Joven 16 December 2015 (has links)
Les robots humanoïdes sont les plus appropriés pour travailler en coopération avec l'homme. En effet, puisque les humains sont naturellement habitués à collaborer entre eux, un robot avec des capacités sensorielles et de locomotion semblables aux leurs, sera le plus adapté. Cette thèse vise à rendre les robot humanoïdes capables d'aider l'homme, afin de concevoir des 'humanoïdes collaboratifs'. On considère ici la tâche de transport collaboratif d'objets. D'abord, on montre comment l'utilisation simultanée de vision et de données haptiques peut améliorer la collaboration. Une stratégie combinant asservissement visuel et commande en admittance est proposée, puis validée dans un scénario de transport collaboratif homme/humanoïde.Ensuite, on présente un algorithme de génération de marche, prenant intrinsèquement en compte la collaboration physique. Cet algorithme peut être spécifié suivant que le robot guide (leader) ou soit guidé (follower) lors de la tâche. Enfin, on montre comment le transport collaboratif d'objets peut être réalisé dans le cadre d'un schéma de commande optimale pour le corps complet. / Humanoid robots provide many advantages when working together with humans to perform various tasks. Since humans in general have alot of experience in physically collaborating with each other, a humanoid with a similar range of motion and sensing has the potential to do the same.This thesis is focused on enabling humanoids that can do such tasks together withhumans: collaborative humanoids. In particular, we use the example where a humanoid and a human collaboratively carry and transport objectstogether. However, there is much to be done in order to achieve this. Here, we first focus on utilizing vision and haptic information together forenabling better collaboration. More specifically the use of vision-based control together with admittance control is tested as a framework forenabling the humanoid to better collaborate by having its own notion of the task. Next, we detail how walking pattern generators can be designedtaking into account physical collaboration. For this, we create leader and follower type walking pattern generators. Finally,the task of collaboratively carrying an object together with a human is broken down and implemented within an optimization-based whole-bodycontrol framework.
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Adapting robot behaviour in smart homes : a different approach using personasDuque Garcia, Ismael January 2017 (has links)
A challenge in Human-Robot Interaction is tailoring the social skills of robot companions to match those expected by individual humans during their rst encounter. Currently, large amounts of user data are needed to con gure robot companions with these skills. This creates the need of running long-term Human-Robot Interaction studies in domestic environments. A new approach using personas is explored to alleviate this arduous data collection task without compromising the level of interaction currently shown by robot companions. The personas technique was created by Alan Cooper in 1999 as a tool to de ne user archetypes of a system in order to reduce the involvement of real users during the development process of a target system. This technique has proven bene cial in Human-Computer Interaction for years. Therefore, similar bene ts could be expected when applying personas to Human-Robot Interaction. Our novel approach de nes personas as the key component of a computational behaviour model used to adapt robot companions to individual user's needs. This approach reduces the amount of user data that must be collected before a Human-Robot Interaction study, by associating new users to pre-de ned personas that adapt the robot behaviours through their integration with the computational behaviour model. At the same time that the current robot social interaction level expected by humans during the rst encounter is preserved. The University of Hertfordshire Robot House provided the naturalistic domestic environment for the investigation. After incorporating a new module, an Activity Recognition System, to increase the overall context-awareness of the system, a computational behaviour model will be de ned through an iterative research process. The initial de nition of the model was evolved after each experiment based on the iii ndings. Two successive studies investigated personas and determined the steps to follow for their integration into the targeted model. The nal model presented was de ned from users' preferences and needs when interacting with a robot companion during activities of daily living at home. The main challenge was identifying the variables that match users to personas in our model. This approach open a new discussion in the Human-Robot Interaction eld to de ne tools that help reduce the amount of user data requiring collection prior to the rst interaction with a robot companion in a domestic environment. We conclude that modelling people's preferences when interacting with robot companions is a challenging approach. Integrating the Human-Computer Interaction technique into a computational behaviour model for Human-Robot Interaction studies was more di cult than anticipated. This investigation shows the advantages and disadvantages of introducing this technique into Human-Robot Interaction, and explores the challenges in de ning a personas-based computational behaviour model. The continuous learning process experienced helps clarify the steps that other researchers in the eld should follow when investigating a similar approach. Some interesting outcomes and trends were also found among users' data, which encourage the belief that the personas technique can be further developed to tackle some of the current di culties highlighted in the Human-Robot Interaction literature.
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Adaptive neural architectures for intuitive robot controlMelidis, Christos January 2017 (has links)
This thesis puts forward a novel way of control for robotic morphologies. Taking inspiration from Behaviour Based robotics and self-organisation principles, we present an interfacing mechanism, capable of adapting both to the user and the robot, while enabling a paradigm of intuitive control for the user. A transparent mechanism is presented, allowing for a seamless integration of control signals and robot behaviours. Instead of the user adapting to the interface and control paradigm, the proposed architecture allows the user to shape the control motifs in their way of preference, moving away from the cases where the user has to read and understand operation manuals or has to learn to operate a specific device. The seminal idea behind the work presented is the coupling of intuitive human behaviours with the dynamics of a machine in order to control and direct the machine dynamics. Starting from a tabula rasa basis, the architectures presented are able to identify control patterns (behaviours) for any given robotic morphology and successfully merge them with control signals from the user, regardless of the input device used. We provide a deep insight in the advantages of behaviour coupling, investigating the proposed system in detail, providing evidence for and quantifying emergent properties of the models proposed. The structural components of the interface are presented and assessed both individually and as a whole, as are inherent properties of the architectures. The proposed system is examined and tested both in vitro and in vivo, and is shown to work even in cases of complicated environments, as well as, complicated robotic morphologies. As a whole, this paradigm of control is found to highlight the potential for a change in the paradigm of robotic control, and a new level in the taxonomy of human in the loop systems.
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Evaluation of Multi-sensory Feedback in Virtual and Real Remote Environments in a USAR Robot Teleoperation Scenariode Barros, Paulo 26 April 2014 (has links)
The area of Human-Robot Interaction deals with problems not only related to robots interacting with humans, but also with problems related to humans interacting and controlling robots. This dissertation focuses on the latter and evaluates multi-sensory (vision, hearing, touch, smell) feedback interfaces as a means to improve robot-operator cognition and performance. A set of four empirical studies using both simulated and real robotic systems evaluated a set of multi-sensory feedback interfaces with various levels of complexity. The task scenario for the robot in these studies involved the search for victims in a debris-filled environment after a fictitious catastrophic event (e.g., earthquake) took place. The results show that, if well-designed, multi-sensory feedback interfaces can indeed improve the robot operator data perception and performance. Improvements in operator performance were detected for navigation and search tasks despite minor increases in workload. In fact, some of the multi-sensory interfaces evaluated even led to a reduction in workload. The results also point out that redundant feedback is not always beneficial to the operator. While introducing the concept of operator omni-directional perception, that is, the operator’s capability of perceiving data or events coming from all senses and in all directions, this work explains that feedback redundancy is only beneficial when it enhances the operator omni-directional perception of data relevant to the task at hand. Last, the comprehensive methodology employed and refined over the course of the four studies is suggested as a starting point for the design of future HRI user studies. In summary, this work sheds some light on the benefits and challenges multi-sensory feedback interfaces bring, specifically on teleoperated robotics. It adds to our current understanding of these kinds of interfaces and provides a few insights to assist the continuation of research in the area.
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Robots that say 'no' : acquisition of linguistic behaviour in interaction games with humansFörster, Frank January 2013 (has links)
Negation is a part of language that humans engage in pretty much from the onset of speech. Negation appears at first glance to be harder to grasp than object or action labels, yet this thesis explores how this family of ‘concepts’ could be acquired in a meaningful way by a humanoid robot based solely on the unconstrained dialogue with a human conversation partner. The earliest forms of negation appear to be linked to the affective or motivational state of the speaker. Therefore we developed a behavioural architecture which contains a motivational system. This motivational system feeds its state simultaneously to other subsystems for the purpose of symbol-grounding but also leads to the expression of the robot’s motivational state via a facial display of emotions and motivationally congruent body behaviours. In order to achieve the grounding of negative words we will examine two different mechanisms which provide an alternative to the established grounding via ostension with or without joint attention. Two large experiments were conducted to test these two mechanisms. One of these mechanisms is so called negative intent interpretation, the other one is a combination of physical and linguistic prohibition. Both mechanisms have been described in the literature on early child language development but have never been used in human-robot-interaction for the purpose of symbol grounding. As we will show, both mechanisms may operate simultaneously and we can exclude none of them as potential ontogenetic origin of negation.
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Human Activity Recognition and Control of Wearable RobotsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Wearable robotics has gained huge popularity in recent years due to its wide applications in rehabilitation, military, and industrial fields. The weakness of the skeletal muscles in the aging population and neurological injuries such as stroke and spinal cord injuries seriously limit the abilities of these individuals to perform daily activities. Therefore, there is an increasing attention in the development of wearable robots to assist the elderly and patients with disabilities for motion assistance and rehabilitation. In military and industrial sectors, wearable robots can increase the productivity of workers and soldiers. It is important for the wearable robots to maintain smooth interaction with the user while evolving in complex environments with minimum effort from the user. Therefore, the recognition of the user's activities such as walking or jogging in real time becomes essential to provide appropriate assistance based on the activity.
This dissertation proposes two real-time human activity recognition algorithms intelligent fuzzy inference (IFI) algorithm and Amplitude omega ($A \omega$) algorithm to identify the human activities, i.e., stationary and locomotion activities. The IFI algorithm uses knee angle and ground contact forces (GCFs) measurements from four inertial measurement units (IMUs) and a pair of smart shoes. Whereas, the $A \omega$ algorithm is based on thigh angle measurements from a single IMU.
This dissertation also attempts to address the problem of online tuning of virtual impedance for an assistive robot based on real-time gait and activity measurement data to personalize the assistance for different users. An automatic impedance tuning (AIT) approach is presented for a knee assistive device (KAD) in which the IFI algorithm is used for real-time activity measurements. This dissertation also proposes an adaptive oscillator method known as amplitude omega adaptive oscillator ($A\omega AO$) method for HeSA (hip exoskeleton for superior augmentation) to provide bilateral hip assistance during human locomotion activities. The $A \omega$ algorithm is integrated into the adaptive oscillator method to make the approach robust for different locomotion activities. Experiments are performed on healthy subjects to validate the efficacy of the human activities recognition algorithms and control strategies proposed in this dissertation. Both the activity recognition algorithms exhibited higher classification accuracy with less update time. The results of AIT demonstrated that the KAD assistive torque was smoother and EMG signal of Vastus Medialis is reduced, compared to constant impedance and finite state machine approaches. The $A\omega AO$ method showed real-time learning of the locomotion activities signals for three healthy subjects while wearing HeSA. To understand the influence of the assistive devices on the inherent dynamic gait stability of the human, stability analysis is performed. For this, the stability metrics derived from dynamical systems theory are used to evaluate unilateral knee assistance applied to the healthy participants. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Aerospace Engineering 2018
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Safe human-robot interaction based on multi-sensor fusion and dexterous manipulation planningCorrales Ramón, Juan Antonio 21 July 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents several new techniques for developing safe and flexible human-robot interaction tasks where human operators cooperate with robotic manipulators. The contributions of this thesis are divided in two fields: the development of safety strategies which modify the normal behavior of the robotic manipulator when the human operator is near the robot and the development of dexterous manipulation tasks for in-hand manipulation of objects with a multi-fingered robotic hand installed at the end-effector of a robotic manipulator. / Valencian Government by the research project "Infraestructura 05/053". Spanish Ministry of Education and Science by the pre-doctoral grant AP2005-1458 and the research projects DPI2005-06222 and DPI2008-02647, which constitute the research framework of this thesis.
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Multi-Robot Coordination and Scheduling for Deactivation & DecommissioningZanlongo, Sebastian A. 02 November 2018 (has links)
Large quantities of high-level radioactive waste were generated during WWII. This waste is being stored in facilities such as double-shell tanks in Washington, and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant in New Mexico. Due to the dangerous nature of radioactive waste, these facilities must undergo periodic inspections to ensure that leaks are detected quickly. In this work, we provide a set of methodologies to aid in the monitoring and inspection of these hazardous facilities. This allows inspection of dangerous regions without a human operator, and for the inspection of locations where a person would not be physically able to enter.
First, we describe a robot equipped with sensors which uses a modified A* path-planning algorithm to navigate in a complex environment with a tether constraint. This is then augmented with an adaptive informative path planning approach that uses the assimilated sensor data within a Gaussian Process distribution model. The model's predictive outputs are used to adaptively plan the robot's path, to quickly map and localize areas from an unknown field of interest. The work was validated in extensive simulation testing and early hardware tests.
Next, we focused on how to assign tasks to a heterogeneous set of robots. Task assignment is done in a manner which allows for task-robot dependencies, prioritization of tasks, collision checking, and more realistic travel estimates among other improvements from the state-of-the-art. Simulation testing of this work shows an increase in the number of tasks which are completed ahead of a deadline.
Finally, we consider the case where robots are not able to complete planned tasks fully autonomously and require operator assistance during parts of their planned trajectory. We present a sampling-based methodology for allocating operator attention across multiple robots, or across different parts of a more sophisticated robot. This allows few operators to oversee large numbers of robots, allowing for a more scalable robotic infrastructure. This work was tested in simulation for both multi-robot deployment, and high degree-of-freedom robots, and was also tested in multi-robot hardware deployments.
The work here can allow robots to carry out complex tasks, autonomously or with operator assistance. Altogether, these three components provide a comprehensive approach towards robotic deployment within the deactivation and decommissioning tasks faced by the Department of Energy.
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Development Of Electrical And Control System Of An Unmanned Ground Vehicle For Force Feedback TeleoperationHacinecipoglu, Akif 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Teleoperation of an unmanned vehicle is a challenging task for human operators especially when the vehicle is out of line of sight. Improperly designed and applied display interfaces directly affect the operation performance negatively and even can result in catastrophic failures. If these teleoperation missions are human-critical then it becomes more important to improve the operator performance by decreasing workload, managing stress and improving situational awareness. This research aims to develop electrical and control system of an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) using an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) and validate the development with investigation of the effects of force feedback devices on the teleoperation performance. After development, teleoperation tests are performed to verify that force feedback generated from the dynamic obstacle information of the environment improves teleoperation performance. Results confirm this statement and the developed UGV is verified for future research studies. Development of UGV, algorithms and real system tests are included in this thesis.
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