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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odtok ze sněhu při událostech deště na sníh v povodí Ptačího potoka vypočtený pomocí stabilních izotopů ve vodě / Snowmelt runoff during rain-on-snow events in the Ptačí brook basin calculated using stable water isotopes

Valdhansová, Klára January 2020 (has links)
Rain-on-snow events represent one of the basic mechanisms causing floods. Rain falling on the snow cover causes enhanced melting and the resulting runoff often exceeds the runoff caused by rain. During the winter seasons 2018 and 2019, water samples from the stream, snowpack and precipitation were repeatedly taken in the the Ptačí Brook catchment in the Šumava mountains, and the concentrations of 2 H and 18 O were measured in the laboratory. Based on the observed isotope ratios 18 O/16 O and 2 H/1 H in combination with other variables measured in the catchment, the two ROS events from 2019 were reconstructed. The ratio of heavy isotopes increased in the snowpack due to ROS events. Using the end member mixing equation, a hydrograph separation was performed for both investigated events. For the first event, it was not possible to clearly separate groundwater from rainfall, and thus the range of snow in the total runoff was determined by its separation from rainfall and subsequent separation from groundwater. The second event examined was separated directly into three components: rainfall, groundwater and snow. According to the analyses, the total runoff during ROS events in both cases was mostly formed by event water (a combination of rainfall and melt water). The melting water from the snow cover...

Dynamique de transfert des pesticides en périodes de crue sur les bassins versants agricoles gascons / Transfer dynamic of pesticides during storm runoff events in Gascon agricultural watersheds

Taghavi, Lobat 28 September 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude des mécanismes et des bilans de transfert des pesticides vers les cours d’eau sur deux bassins versants agricoles emboités, de tailles différentes en Gascogne (Sud Ouest de la France) : la Save à Larra (1110 km2).et le Montoussé (3,28 km2) à Auradé. Dans cette région, les pratiques d’une agriculture intensive conduisent à des risques importants pour les ressources en eau, notamment pendant les périodes de crue. C’est pour cela que nous avons porté une attention particulière dans cette étude à ces événements au cours desquels une grande quantité de contaminants sont transportés par les cours d’eau. Quatorze molécules de pesticides (herbicides et fongicides) largement utilisées sur ces bassins versants ont été étudiées grâce à un échantillonnage intensif, notamment en périodes de crue, durant deux années hydrologiques (2007/2008 et 2008/2009). La majorité des molécules étudiées présentent des concentrations qui dépassent les limites autorisées par l’Union Européenne pour l’eau potable (0.1 μg.L-1 pour chaque molécule et 0.5 μg.L-1 pour l’ensemble des molécules), notamment en périodes de crue. L’analyse des hystérésis mises en évidence sur les relations entre les concentrations (pesticides, MES, COD, POC) et les débits du cours d’eau permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de transfert des pesticides et de leurs paramètres de contrôle. Ces hystérésis montrent pour un même débit des concentrations différentes en montée et en descente de crue ; elles peuvent être dextres (sens des aiguilles d’une montre) ou senestres (sens inverse) suivant l’origine des molécules et l’écoulement responsable de leur transfert des sols vers les eaux. C’est pourquoi nous avons procédé dans cette étude à une séparation des différentes composantes (ruissellement superficiel, écoulement hypodermique, écoulement de nappe) de l’écoulement fluvial pour mieux comprendre la dynamique de transferts des pesticides et de leurs paramètres de contrôle. On peut ainsi mettre en évidence des relations positives entre MES, COD, COP ou certaines molécules de pesticides et les débits des écoulements de surface (ruissellement superficiel ou écoulement hypodermique suivant les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des molécules). Les calculs de flux des différents pesticides exportés par les cours d’eau montrent que 60 à 90% (suivant les molécules) des transports annuels se font durant les épisodes de crue. Les flux spécifiques (masse exportée par unité de surface) calculés sont plus importants sur le bassin versant de la Save que sur celui du Montoussé et les relations flux spécifiques-débits mettent en évidence des concentrations plus élévées sur la Save où l’utilisation des pesticides est globalement plus importante que sur le Montoussé où les pratiques sont raisonnées. L’analyse des pesticides dans l’eau filtrée et non filtrée nous a permis d’estimer la distribution de chaque molécule entre les phases particulaires et dissoutes (Kd). De plus, les valeurs de flux calculés pour chaque crue nous ont permis d’estimer un Kd moyen pour chaque molécule. Ces valeurs de Kd présentent une très bonne relation avec les valeurs de Kow (coefficient de partage octanol-eau) extraites de la littérature. De même, les pourcentages calculés de chaque pesticide exporté sous forme particulaire sont aussi très bien corrélés au Kow de chaque molécule. / The mechanisms of pesticides transport to stream flow were studied in two agricultural nested catchments of different size in Gascogne region (South West of France): the Save river basin at Larra (1110 km2) and the Montoussé experimental watershed at Auradé (3.28 km2). The intensive agricultural practices used in this region lead to an important risk for water resources by pesticides, especially during storm events. This is why we have paid special attention on storm events when a large quantity of contaminant was transported during hydrological periods. Fourteen molecules of pesticides (herbicides and fungicides) were investigated during the study period. Both of these groups are widely used for agricultural purposed in these catchments. The results achieved over the two years monitoring (2007-2009) enable us to emphasize the principal processes, implied in pesticide transfer on these agricultural catchments. The majority of compounds are detected during storm runoff events. And, the average concentrations of some pesticides are exceeded at the authorization limit of the European Union for pesticide concentrations in drinking water (0.1 µg.L-1 for individual pesticides and 0.5 µg.L-1 for total pesticides). To better understand the mechanisms of pesticide transport hysteresis, patterns on the concentration-discharge relationship (result of different concentration of pesticides in rising and falling limb of storm) were studied. However, clockwise or anticlockwise hysteresis patterns could be observed for some molecules of pesticide and their controlling factors such as dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and total suspended matters (TSM) according to their transfer dynamic in the catchment. We proceeded with hydrograph separation of the main stormflow components (surface runoff, subsurface flow and groundwater) so that the main pesticide routing could be traced for its soil-river transfers. We also came to the conclusion that there is a positive relationship between riverine TSM, DOC and pesticide, concentrations and the discharges of surface or subsurface runoffs according to pesticide properties. Pesticide flux calculation shows between 60 to 90% of the molecule transport takes place during storm periods. Specific flux calculation also demonstrated the higher flux value in Save catchment than in Aurade with higher pesticide concentration for a given specific discharge. The latter result may be due to the more consumption of pesticide in Save catchment. The analyses of pesticides both in filtered and unfiltered water enabled us to estimate the distribution of pesticides into particulate and dissolved phases. Moreover, the pesticide flux values allow calculating average partition coefficients kd between dissolved and particulate fractions which present good relationship with Kow values (octanol-water) extracted from literature. The percentage of each pesticide transported as particulate forms is also well correlated to Kow.

Porovnání vybraných metod výpočtu základního odtoku na malém povodí a zhodnocení vlivu základního odtoku na koncentrace fosforu v celkovém odtoku. / Comparison of selected methods of calculating baseflow in a small basin and evaluate influnence of baseflow to concentrations of phosphorus in total runoff.

ŠVARCOVÁ, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the methods of separation of baseflow and comparing of these metods. It is analyzing concentrations of total phosphorus in the total runoff and influence of baseflow to concentrations of phosphorus in total runoff. The studied area is subcatchment P52 in the catchment Kopaninský flow. Subcatchments P52 is small (64,93 hectares), drained agro-forestry catchment in Českomoravská vrchovina (Czech-Moravian highlands), with a large proportion of forest area (64% forest and 31% of arable land). Studied the period is hydrological period 2009 - 2011. To obtain the necessary results are used daily flow, daily concentrations, daily precipitation of rain gauge station Velký Rybník and monthly precipitation from rain gauge stations of the ČHMŮ (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute) in Humpolec. For the separation of the baseflow and comparison of methods were selected five methods: - method of digital filter according to Chapman (1999), - method UKIH designed by Institute of hydrology (1980), - method RDF proposed by LINE AND Hollick (1979), - method FUKIH proposed by AKOSY AT. AL. (2009) and - method of Kille (1970). All methods are simple to perform and not challenging to input data. When comparing methods, the main problem is that, the results obtained by different methods are very different. Another point of this work is to evaluate the concentrations of total phosphorus in the tatal runoff. Here is analyzed series of daily concentrations of total phosphorus and monthly and annual average concentrations. Low and high concentrations are compared with the values ??of precipitation and clinks are searched between these values. The main problem is that, the concentration of phosphorus are not dependent only on precipitation. The last point is solution of influnence of baseflow to the amount of total phosphorus in the runoff. Here is used the procedure which described BYSTŘICKÝ in its work (2012). There are determined values concentrations typical of baseflow, for direct runoff and total runoff. Groups of values ??are mutually tested and compared. The results show that, the baseflow is negligible contributor of phosphorus to the total runoff, but to achieve more accurate results would be needed to analyse a longer time period (eg 10 years) and compare the results with several different river basins.

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