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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hysteresis in Unemployment¡GThe Empirical Evidences of the frequent trading Countries with Taiwan

Chen, Bo-han 25 June 2012 (has links)
¡@¡@This paper uses the unemployment rate in quarterly data from 1987 to 2011, empirical exploration whether unemployment rate of with Taiwan¡¦s frequent trading countries has a hysteresis effect, as government policy on the basis. ¡@¡@In general circumstances, there are different results by using traditional unit root tests (ADF, PP, KPSS, the DF-of GLS and NP). And the possible reasons are getting the lower power of individual series because of the small simples and without considering about the structural break results in the series with problem of type I error. Therefore, in order to solve the problem, Kyung So, Im, Junsoo Lee, and the Margie Tieslau (2010) constructed an unit root test of panel data which needs to consider the structural break of level and trend. Moreover, the correlation between the inter-individual series by using the cross-sectionally augmented (CA) method from Pesaran (2007) also needs to be considered. ¡@¡@As the results of panel data unit root tests, series of unemployment rate do not reject the null hypothesis, that is, with hysteresis effect which breaks natural unemployment rate continuously. In this case, the government must set up policies to intervene to recover the unemployment rate.

Method development for affinity capillary electrophoresis of ß2-glycoprotein I and biological ligands

Bohlin, Maria E. January 2011 (has links)
The final goal of this study is to establish a microscale analysis method that allows solution phase characterization of interactions between β2-glycoprotein I (β2gpI) and some of its ligands. Human β2gpI is a phospholipid- and heparin-binding plasma glycoprotein. The physiological role of the protein in normal blood coagulation is not entirely known, nor is its role in autoimmune diseases characterized by blood clotting disturbances (thrombosis). Quantitative binding data of β2gpI interactions with some of its ligands may help elucidating the mechanisms behind these diseases and in the development of new approaches for diagnostics, prevention, and therapy. In this thesis, capillary electrophoresis (CE) was used as methodological platform for the interaction studies. The analysis of peptides and proteins by CE is desirable due to low sample consumption, possibilities for non-denaturing and highly effective separations. The first objective of this thesis was to find an approach to prevent charge dependent adsorption of β2gpI to the inner surface of the capillaries. Analyte adsorption at the negatively charged inner surface of fused silica capillaries is detrimental to interaction analyses. This phenomenon is especially pronounced in the analysis of basic proteins and proteins containing exposed positively charged domains, such as β2gpI. A new strategy to suppress these solute-wall interactions was devised, investigated and optimized. This strategy exploits the pH hysteresis behavior of fused silica surfaces, by simply performing an acidic pretreatment of the capillary. The results in this thesis show that the acidic pretreatment efficiently prevents protein adsorption. / <p>Papper 4 Estimation of the amount of β<sub>2</sub>-glycoprotein I adsorbed at the inner surface of fused silica capillaries after acidic, neutral and alkaline pretreatment ingick som manuskript i avhandlingen, nu publicerad.</p>

Analyses and application of piezoelectric actuator in decoupled vibratory feeding

Hu, Zhaoli 22 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.


孫立政, Sun, Li-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
Phan (2003)等人的研究首先採用網路結構的觀點,來進行在獨占市場下的消費行為分析。本文延伸Phan等人的研究,採用多樣性的不同網路結構,特別是以「無標度網路」(scale-free)作為市場背後的網路結構,藉此來探討網路對於市場需求行為的影響。同時,為了有效地進行量化分析,我們建立了一些數學公式,以便能夠精準地比較不同網路對於需求面的影響程度,其中包含了消費者剩餘、雪崩效果和磁滯效果等。在實驗結果中,我們發現網路結構的確會影響到消費行為的表現,並且當市場規模變大時,仍存在著一些因網路不同而有的差異性。 / The economic implications of network topologies are studied via a monopolist's model of market networks originally proposed by Phan, et al. (2003). By embedding the market into a larger collection of network topologies, in particular, a class of scale-free networks, we extend the early analysis built upon a class of ring networks. To facilitate the study of the impacts of network topologies upon market demand, various measures concerning social welfare (the consumer's surplus), the avalanche effect, and the hysteresis effect, are formally established. Comparisons based on these measures show that network topologies matter, and their implied differences will remain even when the network size becomes large.

Etude des composants passifs pour l'électronique de puissance à "haute température" : application au filtre CEM d'entrée / Passive components for high temperature power electronics : application to the EMI input filter

Robutel, Rémi 17 November 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit sont dédiés à l'étude des composants passifs pour l'électronique de puissance à haute température. Des condensateurs et des matériaux magnétiques sont sélectionnés et caractérisés jusqu'à environ 250°C. Les caractéristiques électriques et électromagnétiques montrent, pour certains de ces composants et matériaux, des dépendances significatives en fonction de la température, mais également des non-linéarités et des phénomènes d'hystérésis. Les caractérisations sont ensuite exploitées pour la conception d'un filtre CEM d'entrée d'un onduleur de tension de 2kW. Une démarche et des considérations liées au dimensionnement d'un filtre sont détaillées. Un démonstrateur de filtre CEM est testé en charge et à haute température (200°C). Les résultats montrent une dépendance relativement faible des perturbations conduites entre 150kHz et 30MHz en fonction de la température (environ +6dBµA entre 25°C et 200°C selon la norme DO-160F). Le fonctionnement à haute température de composants passifs au sein d'un filtre CEM pour l'électronique de puissance a été démontré. En complément du filtre à composant discret et pour répondre aux besoins d'atténuation à haute fréquence qui seront accrus pour les convertisseurs à base de semi-conducteurs à grand gap (SiC et GaN) qui commutent plus rapidement que des interrupteurs de type IGBT en Si, nous avons proposé l'intégration de condensateurs de mode commun au sein d'un module de puissance. Les résultats simulés et expérimentaux ont montré une réduction des perturbations conduites grâce à l'intégration de ces condensateurs. Cette solution, compatible avec un fonctionnement à haute température, est positionnée comme une solution alternative à un filtre d'entrée complexe (multi-niveaux) et s'inscrit dans la tendance actuelle des IPEM (Intelligent/Integrated Power Electronics Module) qui recherche l'intégration de fonctions dans le module de puissance. L'ensemble de ces travaux souligne par ailleurs l'importance du packaging pour l'électronique de puissance à haute température. / The study, which is described in this dissertation, is dedicated to passive components in order to be integrated into high temperature power electronic converters. Capacitors and magnetic materials are selected and characterized up to 250°C. Electrical and electromagnetic characteristics are measured. Some components show a significant temperature deviation, but also a non-linear behavior with a hysteresis phenomenon. Based on these characteristics, a high temperature EMI filter for a 2kW voltage inverter is designed. The design procedure and some practical considerations are discussed. Then, the experimental results from the prototype at 200°C under full load conditions are given. The variation of the conducted emissions, from 150kHz and 30MHz, with the temperature is low (about +6dBµA between 25°C and 200°C into a DO-160F setup). The feasibility of a working EMI filter for high temperature power electronics is demonstrated. To meet the high frequency EMI requirements, with wide-band gap semi-conductors devices which are faster than Si IGBT, a solution based on integrated common mode capacitors into the power module is proposed. With this solution, operation at high temperature is also doable. Experimental results show a reduction of the conducted emissions thanks to these integrated capacitors. We consider this solution as an alternative against an increased complexity of the EMI input filter. It follows the present trends toward the integration of functions into a power module, close to the power switches. Moreover, packaging issues are highlighted and remains as a major limitation for high temperature power electronics.

Transfert de masse en milieux poreux : modélisation, analyse de sensibilité et estimation de paramètres appliquées à deux études de cas / Mass transfer in porous media : modelling, sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation applied to two remediation facilities

Moezzibadi, Mohammad 28 September 2018 (has links)
Des analyses de sensibilité et des estimations de paramètres sont étudiées sur deux études de cas de transfert de masse en milieu poreux. La première partie est consacrée à la sensibilité des écoulements souterrains dans une modélisation des échanges drain-aquifère pour mettre en évidence les différences entre les deux méthodes de discrétisation mises en œuvre. La seconde partie est dédiée à la modélisation de l’écoulement en milieu poreux variablement saturé dans une zone humide artificielle, au calage des paramètres du modèle de van Genuchten-Mualem et à l’évaluation de son efficacité à reproduire des données piézométriques collectées sur le site de l’Ostwaldergraben. La variabilité temporelle des paramètres hydrodynamiques, incluant l’effet d’hystérésis, montre que ceux de la couche active du filtre changent au cours du temps. Ces deux études sont conduites à l’aide de la différenciation automatique. / Sensitivity analyses and parameter estimation are applied to mass transfer in porous media for two remediation facilities. The first part is devoted to the sensitivity analysis of groundwater flows in a modeling of drain-aquifer exchanges to highlight the differences between the two implemented methods of discretization. The second part is dedicated to the modeling of the flow in a variably saturated porous medium in a stormwater constructed wetland, to the calibration of van Genuchten-Mualem parameters and to the evaluation of its efficiency in the reproduction of piezometric data collected on the Ostwaldergraben site. The temporal variability of the hydrodynamic parameters, including the hysteresis effect, shows that the characteristics of the filter layer alters along time. Both studies are carried using automatic differentiation.

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