Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ICAR/01 hidraulica"" "subject:"ICAR/01 hidraulicas""
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Dynamics of coastal aquifers: data-driven forecasting and risk analysisFelisa, Giada <1983> 21 May 2015 (has links)
This work is focused on the study of saltwater intrusion in coastal aquifers, and in particular on the realization of conceptual schemes to evaluate the risk associated with it.
Saltwater intrusion depends on different natural and anthropic factors, both presenting a strong aleatory behaviour, that should be considered for an optimal management of the territory and water resources. Given the uncertainty of problem parameters, the risk associated with salinization needs to be cast in a probabilistic framework. On the basis of a widely adopted sharp interface formulation, key hydrogeological problem parameters are modeled as random variables, and global sensitivity analysis is used to determine their influence on the position of saltwater interface. The analyses presented in this work rely on an efficient model reduction technique, based on Polynomial Chaos Expansion, able to combine the best description of the model without great computational burden.
When the assumptions of classical analytical models are not respected, and this occurs several times in the applications to real cases of study, as in the area analyzed in the present work, one can adopt data-driven techniques, based on the analysis of the data characterizing the system under study. It follows that a model can be defined on the basis of connections between the system state variables, with only a limited number of assumptions about the "physical" behaviour of the system.
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Neural network modelling of the wave-structure interaction processes / Modellazione dei processi di interazione onda - struttura mediante reti neuraliFormentin, Sara Mizar <1987> 21 May 2015 (has links)
This thesis presents a new Artificial Neural Network (ANN) able to predict at once the main parameters representative of the wave-structure interaction processes, i.e. the wave overtopping discharge, the wave transmission coefficient and the wave reflection coefficient. The new ANN has been specifically developed in order to provide managers and scientists with a tool that can be efficiently used for design purposes.
The development of this ANN started with the preparation of a new extended and homogeneous database that collects all the available tests reporting at least one of the three parameters, for a total amount of 16’165 data. The variety of structure types and wave attack conditions in the database includes smooth, rock and armour unit slopes, berm breakwaters, vertical walls, low crested structures, oblique wave attacks.
Some of the existing ANNs were compared and improved, leading to the selection of a final ANN, whose architecture was optimized through an in-depth sensitivity analysis to the training parameters of the ANN. Each of the selected 15 input parameters represents a physical aspect of the wave-structure interaction process, describing the wave attack (wave steepness and obliquity, breaking and shoaling factors), the structure geometry (submergence, straight or non-straight slope, with or without berm or toe, presence or not of a crown wall), or the structure type (smooth or covered by an armour layer, with permeable or impermeable core).
The advanced ANN here proposed provides accurate predictions for all the three parameters, and demonstrates to overcome the limits imposed by the traditional formulae and approach adopted so far by some of the existing ANNs. The possibility to adopt just one model to obtain a handy and accurate evaluation of the overall performance of a coastal or harbor structure represents the most important and exportable result of the work. / Questa tesi presenta una nuova Rete Neurale Artificiale (RNA) per la predizione dei principali parametri rappresentativi del processo di interazione onda-struttura: la portata di tracimazione ondosa e i coefficienti di trasmissione e riflessione ondosa.
Il primo passo ha consistito nella raccolta e organizzazione dei dati disponibili in letteratura. Complessivamente, sono stati assemblati 16'165 dati in unico database omogeneo, includendo una vasta tipologia di opere, fra cui: strutture lisce e impermeabili, strutture permeabili in massi naturali o rivestite di unità artificiali in cemento, opere con e senza nucleo impermeabile, muri a parete verticale, strutture dalla geometria articolata da berme e/o protezioni al piede, strutture a cresta bassa, condizioni di attacco ondoso obliquo.
L’assetto finale della RNA è stato definito mediante il confronto e il miglioramento di alcune delle reti esistenti, e in seguito a un’approfondita analisi di sensitività ai diversi parametri di calibrazione del modello. Ciascuno dei 15 parametri di ingresso della rete è finalizzato alla rappresentazione di un diverso aspetto dell’unico fenomeno dell’interazione onda-struttura, descrivendo la tipologia di attacco ondoso (ripidità e obliquità delle onde, indici di frangimento e di shoaling), la sezione geometrica (sommergenza, caratteristiche del paramento a mare, quali presenza o assenza di berme e protezioni al piede, presenza o meno di muro di coronamento) e il tipo di struttura (liscia, o rivestita di una mantellata di massi artificiali o naturali, con o senza nucleo impermeabile).
La RNA produce stime accurate dei 3 parametri e supera i limiti imposti dalle formule tradizionali presenti in letteratura e dalle RNA esistenti, usualmente ottimizzate per la predizione di uno solo dei parametri. La possibilità di utilizzare un unico modello che fornisca una stima accurata e rapida della risposta idraulica di una struttura di difesa costiera o portuale alla sollecitazione ondosa rappresenta il risultato più importante ed esportabile di tale lavoro.
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Asset management of wastewater networksUgarelli, Rita Maria <1973> 20 May 2008 (has links)
Asset Management (AM) is a set of procedures operable at the strategic-tacticaloperational
level, for the management of the physical asset’s performance, associated
risks and costs within its whole life-cycle. AM combines the engineering, managerial and
informatics points of view. In addition to internal drivers, AM is driven by the demands of
customers (social pull) and regulators (environmental mandates and economic
considerations). AM can follow either a top-down or a bottom-up approach.
Considering rehabilitation planning at the bottom-up level, the main issue would be to
rehabilitate the right pipe at the right time with the right technique. Finding the right pipe
may be possible and practicable, but determining the timeliness of the rehabilitation and
the choice of the techniques adopted to rehabilitate is a bit abstruse. It is a truism that
rehabilitating an asset too early is unwise, just as doing it late may have entailed extra
expenses en route, in addition to the cost of the exercise of rehabilitation per se. One is
confronted with a typical ‘Hamlet-isque dilemma’ – ‘to repair or not to repair’; or put in
another way, ‘to replace or not to replace’. The decision in this case is governed by three
factors, not necessarily interrelated – quality of customer service, costs and budget in the
life cycle of the asset in question.
The goal of replacement planning is to find the juncture in the asset’s life cycle where the
cost of replacement is balanced by the rising maintenance costs and the declining level of
service. System maintenance aims at improving performance and maintaining the asset
in good working condition for as long as possible. Effective planning is used to target
maintenance activities to meet these goals and minimize costly exigencies.
The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a process-model for asset
replacement planning. The aim of the model is to determine the optimal pipe replacement
year by comparing, temporally, the annual operating and maintenance costs of the
existing asset and the annuity of the investment in a new equivalent pipe, at the best
market price. It is proposed that risk cost provide an appropriate framework to decide the
balance between investment for replacing or operational expenditures for maintaining an
The model describes a practical approach to estimate when an asset should be replaced.
A comprehensive list of criteria to be considered is outlined, the main criteria being a visà-
vis between maintenance and replacement expenditures. The costs to maintain the
assets should be described by a cost function related to the asset type, the risks to the
safety of people and property owing to declining condition of asset, and the predicted
frequency of failures. The cost functions reflect the condition of the existing asset at the
time the decision to maintain or replace is taken: age, level of deterioration, risk of failure.
The process model is applied in the wastewater network of Oslo, the capital city of
Norway, and uses available real-world information to forecast life-cycle costs of
maintenance and rehabilitation strategies and support infrastructure management
decisions. The case study provides an insight into the various definitions of ‘asset lifetime’
– service life, economic life and physical life. The results recommend that one common
value for lifetime should not be applied to the all the pipelines in the stock for investment
planning in the long-term period; rather it would be wiser to define different values for
different cohorts of pipelines to reduce the uncertainties associated with generalisations
for simplification.
It is envisaged that more criteria the municipality is able to include, to estimate
maintenance costs for the existing assets, the more precise will the estimation of the
expected service life be. The ability to include social costs enables to compute the asset
life, not only based on its physical characterisation, but also on the sensitivity of network
areas to social impact of failures.
The type of economic analysis is very sensitive to model parameters that are difficult to
determine accurately. The main value of this approach is the effort to demonstrate that it
is possible to include, in decision-making, factors as the cost of the risk associated with a
decline in level of performance, the level of this deterioration and the asset’s depreciation
rate, without looking at age as the sole criterion for making decisions regarding
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Campo di moto, trasporto solido e morfologia fluviale in alveo alluvionale: misure di campo con strumentazione acustica e modellazioni numeriche quasi 3DGuerrero, Massimo <1972> 20 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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La gestione aziendale del servizio idrico integrato: dal modello organizzativo alla valutazione della performanceForastieri, Gianluca <1970> 20 May 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Two fluid numerical model for coastal applicationsGaeta, Maria Gabriella <1981> 19 May 2009 (has links)
Wave breaking is an important coastal process, influencing hydro-morphodynamic processes such as turbulence generation and wave energy dissipation, run-up on the beach and overtopping of coastal defence structures.
During breaking, waves are complex mixtures of air and water (“white water”) whose properties affect velocity and pressure fields in the vicinity of the free surface and, depending on the breaker characteristics, different mechanisms for air entrainment are usually observed.
Several laboratory experiments have been performed to investigate the role of air bubbles in the wave breaking process (Chanson & Cummings, 1994, among others) and in wave loading on vertical wall (Oumeraci et al., 2001; Peregrine et al., 2006, among others), showing that the air phase is not negligible since the turbulent energy dissipation involves air-water mixture.
The recent advancement of numerical models has given valuable insights in the knowledge of wave transformation and interaction with coastal structures. Among these models, some solve the RANS equations coupled with a free-surface tracking algorithm and describe velocity, pressure, turbulence and vorticity fields (Lara et al. 2006 a-b, Clementi et al., 2007).
The single-phase numerical model, in which the constitutive equations are solved only for the liquid phase, neglects effects induced by air movement and trapped air bubbles in water. Numerical approximations at the free surface may induce errors in predicting breaking point and wave height and moreover, entrapped air bubbles and water splash in air are not properly represented.
The aim of the present thesis is to develop a new two-phase model called COBRAS2 (stands for Cornell Breaking waves And Structures 2 phases), that is the enhancement of the single-phase code COBRAS0, originally developed at Cornell University (Lin & Liu, 1998).
In the first part of the work, both fluids are considered as incompressible, while the second part will treat air compressibility modelling.
The mathematical formulation and the numerical resolution of the governing equations of COBRAS2 are derived and some model-experiment comparisons are shown. In particular, validation tests are performed in order to prove model stability and accuracy.
The simulation of the rising of a large air bubble in an otherwise quiescent water pool reveals the model capability to reproduce the process physics in a realistic way. Analytical solutions for stationary and internal waves are compared with corresponding numerical results, in order to test processes involving wide range of density difference. Waves induced by dam-break in different scenarios (on dry and wet beds, as well as on a ramp) are studied, focusing on the role of air as the medium in which the water wave propagates and on the numerical representation of bubble dynamics.
Simulations of solitary and regular waves, characterized by both spilling and plunging breakers, are analyzed with comparisons with experimental data and other numerical model in order to investigate air influence on wave breaking mechanisms and underline model capability and accuracy.
Finally, modelling of air compressibility is included in the new developed model and is validated, revealing an accurate reproduction of processes. Some preliminary tests on wave impact on vertical walls are performed: since air flow modelling allows to have a more realistic reproduction of breaking wave propagation, the dependence of wave breaker shapes and aeration characteristics on impact pressure values is studied and, on the basis of a qualitative comparison with experimental observations, the numerical simulations achieve good results.
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Analisi di rischio esondazioni: effetti della subsidenza dovuta al sovrasfruttamento degli acquiferi nella conoide del fiume RenoPinelli, Marco <1978> 19 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Model reduction of stochastic groundwater flow and transport processesCiriello, Valentina <1983> 31 May 2013 (has links)
This work presents a comprehensive methodology for the reduction of analytical or numerical stochastic models characterized by uncertain input parameters or boundary conditions. The technique, based on the Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) theory, represents a versatile solution to solve direct or inverse problems related to propagation of uncertainty. The potentiality of the methodology is assessed investigating different applicative contexts related to groundwater flow and transport scenarios, such as global sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and model calibration. This is achieved by implementing a numerical code, developed in the MATLAB environment, presented here in its main features and tested with literature examples. The procedure has been conceived under flexibility and efficiency criteria in order to ensure its adaptability to different fields of engineering; it has been applied to different case studies related to flow and transport in porous media. Each application is associated with innovative elements such as (i) new analytical formulations describing motion and displacement of non-Newtonian fluids in porous media, (ii) application of global sensitivity analysis to a high-complexity numerical model inspired by a real case of risk of radionuclide migration in the subsurface environment, and (iii) development of a novel sensitivity-based strategy for parameter calibration and experiment design in laboratory scale tracer transport.
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Hydrodynamic induced by an array of wave energy converters. Experimental and numerical analysisAngelelli, Elisa <1985> 19 May 2014 (has links)
The thesis analyses the hydrodynamic induced by an array of Wave energy Converters (WECs), under an experimental and numerical point of view. WECs can be considered an innovative solution able to contribute to the green energy supply and –at the same time– to protect the rear coastal area under marine spatial planning considerations. This research activity essentially rises due to this combined concept.
The WEC under exam is a floating device belonging to the Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) class.
Experimental data were performed at Aalborg University in different scales and layouts, and the performance of the models was analysed under a variety of irregular wave attacks.
The numerical simulations performed with the codes MIKE 21 BW and ANSYS-AQWA. Experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical parameters and/or to directly been compared to numerical results, in order to extend the experimental database.
Results of the research activity are summarized in terms of device performance and guidelines for a future wave farm installation. The device length should be “tuned” based on the local climate conditions. The wave transmission behind the devices is pretty high, suggesting that the tested layout should be considered as a module of a wave farm installation. Indications on the minimum inter-distance among the devices are provided. Furthermore, a CALM mooring system leads to lower wave transmission and also larger power production than a spread mooring. The two numerical codes have different potentialities. The hydrodynamics around single and multiple devices is obtained with MIKE 21 BW, while wave loads and motions for a single moored device are derived from ANSYS-AQWA.
Combining the experimental and numerical it is suggested –for both coastal protection and energy production– to adopt a staggered layout, which will maximise the devices density and minimize the marine space required for the installation.
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A Web GIS Decision Support System For Coastal Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning / Un Sistema WEB-GIS a Supporto delle Decisioni per la Valutazione del Rischio Costiero e la Pianificazione delle Misure di MitigazioneBagli, Stefano <1971> 21 May 2015 (has links)
Coastal flooding poses serious threats to coastal areas around the world, billions of dollars in damage to property and infrastructure, and threatens the lives of millions of people. Therefore, disaster management and risk assessment aims at detecting vulnerability and capacities in order to reduce coastal flood disaster risk. In particular, non-specialized researchers, emergency management personnel, and land use planners require an accurate, inexpensive method to determine and map risk associated with storm surge events and long-term sea level rise associated with climate change.
This study contributes to the spatially evaluation and mapping of social-economic-environmental vulnerability and risk at sub-national scale through the development of appropriate tools and methods successfully embedded in a Web-GIS Decision Support System.
A new set of raster-based models were studied and developed in order to be easily implemented in the Web-GIS framework with the purpose to quickly assess and map flood hazards characteristics, damage and vulnerability in a Multi-criteria approach.
The Web-GIS DSS is developed recurring to open source software and programming language and its main peculiarity is to be available and usable by coastal managers and land use planners without requiring high scientific background in hydraulic engineering.
The effectiveness of the system in the coastal risk assessment is evaluated trough its application to a real case study.
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