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Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Implementation of the information systemBerešík, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the analysis of the information system of a selected company, its assessment and design of a new alternative system based on the company’s strategy. The thesis first summarizes the theoretical background, key to its processing. A survey of the current state of the company is also carried out, on the basis of which the requirements for the information system are developed. Part of the thesis is the selection of an information system based on requirements, its implementation and evaluation of expected benefits.
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Výběr a implementace systému pro řízení softwarového vývoje / Implementation of a system for software development managementBárteček, Bronislav January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the current state of company. Subsequently, based on the obtained data, it designs and implements a software development management system. The diploma thesis describes the theoretical basis of the work, the requirements of the company. When choosing a system, it takes into account the individual needs of the selected company. Part of the diploma thesis is a description of the implementation and deployment of the system in the company together with the time analysis.
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Návrh, tvorba a implementace softwarové aplikace ve firemním prostředí / Design, Creation and Implementation of Software Applications in the Corporate EnvironmentHerodková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
The goal of diploma thesis is to design and implement a software application which will robotize in certain level chosen process inside the collection agency. Application is designed to pair automatically without human help electronic messages, write information about electronic message to the case in information system and result of pairing into log file. Application is programmed in C# with usage of T-SQL procedure.
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Návrh projektu a aplikace metodiky projektového managementu v podniku / Project Proposal and The Application of the Project Management Methods in the CompanyŠablatúrová, Bibiána January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the project solution of the selection and implementation of a new information system of the company META-GAS, spol. s r.o. It specifies the basic theoretical knowledge of project management, that are further used in all parts of the work. Based on the results of analyzes of the external, internal and competitive environment a project plan and the benefits of the solution design are prepared.
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Výběr informačního systému pro firmu VAMCORP GROUP, spol. s r.o. / Selecting an information System for the Company VAMCORP GROUP, spol. s r.o.Rychtecký, Michal January 2021 (has links)
Subject matter of this diploma thesis is selection of a suitable information system which purpose will be to improve processes and competitiveness of a company VAMCORP GROUP, spol. s.r.o. The thesis will analyze business requirements which need to be met by specific information system and compare possibilities for its acquisition. Each information system will be described. Based on attributes set by observed company the most suitable one will be selected. An implementation procedure will be proposed for the selected information system, including a risk analysis related to its implementation and the operation itself. The number of risks will be reduced by propounding befitting measures. Appropriate measures to minimize them will be proposed for individual risks. Subsequently, costs associated with the implementation and operation of selected information system will be quantified. In conclusion will be summarized the content of the thesis accompanied by enumeration of benefits which will be brought by selected information system to observed company.
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Propuesta de un Sistema de Información para la Ejecución de Encargos de Inspección de una Entidad Pública / Proposal of an Information System for the Execution of Inspection Orders of a Public EntityChayan Silvestre, Alan Ricardo, Díaz Castillo, Jorge Renato 12 August 2020 (has links)
El uso de la tecnología en la administración pública permite mejorar significativamente los servicios que el Estado proporciona a la ciudadanía. En ese ámbito, el presente proyecto consiste en diseñar la arquitectura de un Sistema de Información para la Gerencia de Supervisión y Fiscalización (GSF) del Indecopi. La propuesta se basa en un sistema web para la gestión administrativa del proceso de Ejecución de Encargos de Inspección y una aplicación móvil para la ejecución de encargos de inspección (trabajo de campo). De manera integral, la propuesta tiene como objetivo reducir en un 20% el tiempo promedio de atención de los encargos de inspección (de 10 a 8 días hábiles) delegados por los Órganos Resolutivos o Secretarías Técnicas del Indecopi a la GSF.
La primera fase se orienta al análisis de la organización y el proceso aplicando los marcos de trabajo de Zachman y TOGAF, para conocer la situación actual (AS-IS) del proceso de Ejecución de Encargos de Inspección y poder analizar la situación problemática. Luego, se identifican las brechas tecnológicas para posteriormente definir la propuesta de solución.
La segunda fase comprende el diseño de la propuesta tecnológica, en la cual se identifican los requerimientos de software y los respectivos drivers arquitectónicos. Además, se establecen los estilos y conceptos arquitectónicos que serán considerados en el diseño de la arquitectura de software. Finalmente, se utilizarán los diagramas del Modelo C4 para describir y comunicar la arquitectura a los interesados del proyecto. / The use of technology in public administration significantly improve the services that the State provides to citizens. In this field, this project consists of designing the architecture of an Information System for the Gerencia de Supervisión y Fiscalización (GSF) of Indecopi. The proposal is based on a web system for the administrative management of the Inspection Order Execution process and a mobile application for the execution of inspection orders (field work). In a comprehensive manner, the objective of the proposal is to reduce by 20% the average service time of inspection orders (from 10 to 8 business days), delegated by the Resolutory Bodies or the Technical Secretary of Indecopi to the GSF.
The first phase is oriented to the analysis of the organization and the process applying the frameworks of Zachman and TOGAF, to know the current situation (AS-IS) of the process of Execution of Inspection Orders and to be able to analyze the problematic situation. Then the technological gaps are identified to later define the solution proposal.
The second phase comprises the design of the technological proposal, in which the software requirements and the respective architectural drivers are identified. In addition, the architectural styles and concepts that will be considered in the design of the software architecture are established. Finally, the C4 model diagrams will be used to describe and communicate the architecture to project stakeholders. / Tesis
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Informační systém multikina / Multicinema information systemBaxa, Radek January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with information system for multicinema. In general, it is about project and largely realization software which can manage relevant information in multicinema organization. The first part is introduction and study of programming platform for construct information systems. In general they are PHP, DOT NET and J2EE. There is also description of related technologies for remote desktop and web clients too. The second part is about analysis. The most important chapters contain determination requirements and database schema for persistent storage data. At the end of this part analysis class diagram is mentioned too. The third part is about projection and about software realization using J2EE technologies EJB, JSP and so on. Selected segments of the system are described using UML diagrams. The appendix contains index to abbreviations. Main addition is compact disk containing complete documentation and created software (source codes, binaries).
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Studie nákupu ve výrobní organizaci / The Study of Inventory Management in Manufacturing CompanyGajda, Lukáš January 2007 (has links)
The master's thesis analyses the present state of inventory management in VSM Production, Ltd. It identifies the problems concerning the provision of the continuous flows of material for the manufacturing of Pfaff sewing machines with a view to achieve the advancement of the efficiency and economy of the provision of this procedure. The improvement suggestions are directed at several spheres: the differentiated inventory management, the optimizing of order process, the overabundant inventory and the information system of inventory management.
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Zhodnocení zavedení nového informačního systému pro zajištění firemních procesů / Evaluation of introducing the new information system for the corporate processes operatingČápek, David January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation assesses a new installed operation system in regard to guarantee firm processes of a company. The aim is to find an optimum result of them and to eliminate possible lacks of the complicated firm processes. To the established lacks, possible solution of their elimination has been suggested.
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Návrh značení zboží v obchodní organizaci / The Study of Brand Goods in the Trade OrganizationStárek, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is implementation of the barcode system for tracking goods to a specific business organization. Based on ascertained knowledge, the specific request for installation of the barcode is presented to firms dealing with this subject. Submitted proposals are subsequently evaluated. Then the proposal is selected which meets the company´s demands in the best way. Further, the procedure is suggested for marking goods with the barcode, possible manipulation with the marked goods and interconnection of used data with the company´s information system.
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