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Process oriented information management in constructionLindfors, Christian January 2003 (has links)
The construction industry is often accused of beingfragmented and inefficient in nature due to the lack ofcontinuity and repetitive behaviour in projects. For many yearsinformation technology has been put forward as a solution. But,despite the potentials, little gains have been harvested by thedevelopment of computerised information systems (IS). Theoverall aim of this research is to determine if a moreaccessible and clearly described housing development processcould be enabled by an information system, which in itself,could improve both individual and project (group) performance.Two research questions are being put forward; first, will aprocess-oriented IS positively impact on the performance ofproject managers and in particular on the performance ofproject groups? Second, how important is a process-orientedinformation management process for the success of the IS? Toanswer these questions an action research approach with largeinfluences of survey research has been adopted. The researchconsists of two phases; a process orientation within a largeSwedish housing development company and a survey of projectmanagers¡¦ attitudes towards a new process-orientedIS also including a study of dependencies found among variablesof information system success (ISS). To enable a verificationof the success of the IS an assessment instrument - hypothesismodel - for evaluating ISS was developed. The assessmentinstrument was built on DeLone and McLean's (1992) ISS modeland extended to include measures of information managementprocess quality (process quality). The hypothesis model wasthen tested empirically with a questionnaire survey. Astatistical test was also performed to test the hypothesisedrelationships of the augmented ISS model. In summarising thefindings of the data analysis, it is evident that the new ISreceived unexpected support from the respondents. The findingsalso indicate that the collected and analysed data show supportfor numerous of the hypothesised relationships of ISS.Conclusions are drawn that confirm the presence of a processquality measure for assessing ISS. From a practitioner'sperspective, this research suggests a course of action forprocess oriented organisational development. It also indicatesbeneficiary useof a process focus in IS development. KEYWORDS:Process orientation, information system,information system success, information management, projectmanagement / <p>NR 20140805</p>
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Posouzen informaÄnho syst©mu firmy a nvrh zmÄn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationKÄÄik, Luk January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis evaluates information system of Medeko Cast s.r.o., which deals with production and sale of alloys, casts and semifinished products. Based on the results of these analyzes, it suggests suitable modifications to resolve current state of the system, which should lead to an acceleration of processes, increases effectivity of a work and to overall improvement.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationHorný, Miloš January 2019 (has links)
This diploma project is about the assessment of the information system of the Slovak football association using appropriate methods and evaluating outputs as proposal of solution for more effective information system in organisation. Diplopma thesis values current situation of information system and sets conditions for optimised solution focused on overall improvements in effectivity and functions of information system.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal of ICT ModificationŠtrba, Matej January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the information system of the company SAbis Logistics s.r.o. The current system is analyzed using various analyzes and based on the results of the analyzes, changes to the information system are proposed, which should lead to streamlining the company's processes.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Company Information System Analysis and Change ProposalFikáčková, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed at company information systems. It contains an analysis of the current state of the information system in the logistic company. Based on the analysis there's a proposal for possible changes prepared, offering the right future direction of the company, which may lead to strenghtening of the company position on the market.
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Analýza informačního systému firmy ELMO, spol. s r.o. a návrh změn / Analysis of ELMO, spol. s r.o. Information System and Proposed AmendmentsParimucha, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis focuses on a comprehensive analysis of the information system in the company ELMO. The knowledge gained has been used for specific proposals for improvement in selected areas of the information system. This work may also serve as an initial step in the development of the corporate information strategy.
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Zhodnocení a návrh změn informačního systému firmy Vema, a.s. / Assessing the Information System at Vema, SpA and Design Its ChangesJenyš, David January 2011 (has links)
My master‘s thesis is focused on the overall analysis of the information system in the company Vema, Ltd. The information that I have in this company collect, I became used to the overall analysis of these systems, resulting in proposals for change and improvement of information resources. I would be delighted if this work served as the basis for change and improve the company's information system, which would contribute to increased work efficiency and eliminate inefficiency.
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Posouzení informačního systému firmy a návrh změn / Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT ModificationČerný, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on an information system and management assessment of a company. This review is written up on the basis of analysis of the efficiency and the equitability of an individual information system's dimensions. Results of these analysis were later determined as a foundations for a practical part of the thesis which is focused on a suppression of identified issues of the information system and its management and on an enforcement of these improvements in the company.
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Výdejní část stravovacího informačního systému / Service Point Part of the Caterng Information SystemJonszta, Václav January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is about making catering information system. "Only" service point part has been realized, because of huge size of whole system. This WinForm application is based on internal 3-layer architecture. From outer perspective, there are only two layers - client one and server one. Besides customizing bill of fare, service point part also provides efficient work with touch screens, which are used for food output. Strong emphasis lay on implemented user interface, stability and also solving problems like offline functionality
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Informační systémy ve zdravotnických zařízeních / Healthcare information systemsPotančok, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on information systems in the field of hospital and nursing-care bed management and contactless vital signals monitoring. The aim of this thesis is to provide the basic overview of information systems used in health care facilities, to introduce both the LINis and Vitalmonitor systems, to analyse the effectiveness of their implementation as well as to prepare their financing models. The introductory section defines the area of health information systems. It covers the whole system spectrum from the strategic to the less important ones. This definition determines the environment for the new systems. The analysis of the largest suppliers within the Czech Republic is also included in this section. The second part deals with the LINis system and Vitalmonitor system, their basic functionality, structure and integration. The most important is the third section which contains the analysis of the effects resulting from the standard information system extension. The Effects of the LINis system and Vitalmonitor system are assessed according to the level of patient care, staff performance, value added for different types of medical facilities and financing models.
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