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Depurazione di acque di falda da solventi clorurati: biodegradazione cometabolica aerobica di cloroformio in reattore a flusso e decontaminazione di cloroeteni in barriere reattive permeabili con ferro zero valenteVerboschi, Angelo <1982> 28 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Fluid dynamic analysis and modelling of industrial chemical equipmentCoroneo, Mirella <1982> 07 April 2011 (has links)
The research is aimed at contributing to the identification of reliable fully predictive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for the numerical simulation of equipment typically adopted in the chemical and process industries. The apparatuses selected for the investigation, specifically membrane modules, stirred vessels and fluidized beds, were characterized by a different and often complex fluid dynamic behaviour and in some cases the momentum transfer phenomena were coupled with mass transfer or multiphase interactions.
Firs of all, a novel modelling approach based on CFD for the prediction of the gas separation process in membrane modules for hydrogen purification is developed. The reliability of the gas velocity field calculated numerically is assessed by comparison of the predictions with experimental velocity data collected by Particle Image Velocimetry, while the applicability of the model to properly predict the separation process under a wide range of operating conditions is assessed through a strict comparison with permeation experimental data.
Then, the effect of numerical issues on the RANS-based predictions of single phase stirred tanks is analysed. The homogenisation process of a scalar tracer is also investigated and simulation results are compared to original passive tracer homogenisation curves determined with Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence. The capability of a CFD approach based on the solution of RANS equations is also investigated for describing the fluid dynamic characteristics of the dispersion of organics in water.
Finally, an Eulerian-Eulerian fluid-dynamic model is used to simulate mono-disperse suspensions of Geldart A Group particles fluidized by a Newtonian incompressible fluid as well as binary segregating fluidized beds of particles differing in size and density. The results obtained under a number of different operating conditions are compared with literature experimental data and the effect of numerical uncertainties on axial segregation is also discussed.
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Biodegradazione aerobica cometabolica di cloroformio: studio di fattibilità in reattori a biomassa adesaCiavarelli, Roberta <1981> 07 April 2011 (has links)
Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons (CAHs) are widespread wastewater and groundwater contaminants and represent a real danger for human health and environment. This research is related to the biodegradation technologies to treat chlorinated hydrocarbons. In particular the study of this thesis is focused on chloroform cometabolism by a butane-grown aerobic pure culture (Rhodococcus aetherovorans BCP1) in continuous-flow biofilm reactors, which are used for in-situ and on-site treatments. The work was divided in two parts: in the first one an experimental study has been conducted in two packed-bed reactors (PBRs) for a period of 370 days; in the second one a fluid dynamics and kinetic model has been developed in order to simulate the experimental data concerning a previous study made in a 2-m continuous-flow sand-filled reactor. The goals of the first study were to obtain preliminary information on the feasibility of chloroform biodegradation by BCP1 under attached-cell conditions and to evaluate the applicability of the pulsed injection of growth substrate and oxygen to biofilm reactors. The pulsed feeding represents a tool to control the clogging and to ensure a long bioreactive zone. The operational conditions implemented in the PBRs allowed the attainment of a 4-fold increase of the ratio of chloroform degraded to substrate consumed, in comparison with the phase of continuous substrate supply. The second study was aimed at identifying guidelines for optimizing the oxygen/substrate supply schedule, developing a reliable model of chloroform cometabolism in porous media. The tested model led to a suitable interpretation of the experimental data as long as the ratio of CF degraded to butane consumed was ≤ 0.27 mgchloroform /mgbutane. A long-term simulation of the best-performing schedule of pulsed oxygen/substrate supply indicated the attainment of a steady state condition characterized by unsatisfactory bioremediation performances, evidencing the need for a further optimization of the pulsed injection technique.
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Produzione di bioidrogeno in dark fermentation da scarti dell'industria agroalimentale mediante l'impiego di batteri ipertermofili / Bio-hydrogen production by dark fermentation using hyperthermophilic bacteria on agroindustrial by-productsAlberini, Andrea <1983> 17 May 2013 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato ha come argomento la produzione d’idrogeno per via fermentativa sfruttando il metabolismo anaerobico di particolari batteri estremofili del genere Thermotoga. In questo lavoro, svolto in seno al progetto Bio-Hydro, sfruttando reattori batch da 116 mL, è stato selezionato il ceppo migliore di Thermotoga fra i quatto ceppi testati: T. neapolitana. Una volta individuato il candidato batterico migliore è stato individuato il valore ottimale di pH (8.5 a t.amb) per la produzione d’idrogeno. Un intenso lavoro è stato svolto sul medium di coltura permettendone la minimizzazione e rendendolo così economicamente sostenibile per il suo utilizzo nel reattore da 19L; in questo caso il glucosio è stato completamente sostituito con due sottoprodotti agroindustriali individuati in precedenza, il melasso di barbabietola e il siero di latte. Sono stati poi eliminati i gravosi micronutrienti e le vitamine. È stata sfruttata la capacità di T. neapolitana di produrre biofilm e sono stati testati 4 diversi supporti in vetro sinterizzato e ceramici, tali test hanno permesso di individuare Biomax come supporto migliore. Sono stati svolti studi sul metabolismo di T. neapolitana volti ad individuare le concentrazioni inibenti di ogni substrato testato, l’inibizione da prodotto (idrogeno) e l’inibizione da ossigeno. Tutte queste prove hanno dato le conoscenze di base per la conduzione di esperienze su reattore da 19L. L’innovativo reattore di tipo SPCSTR è stato interamente studiato, progettato e costruito presso il DICMA. dell’Università di Bologna. La conduzione di esperienze batch su SPCSTR ha dato la possibilità di verificare il funzionamento del nuovo tipo d’impianto. Presso il Wageningen UR (NL), è stata svolta la selezione del miglior ceppo di Caldicellulosisruptor fra 3 testati e del miglior supporto per la produzione d’idrogeno; è stato poi costruito testato e condotto in continuo l’innovativo reattore CMTB. / This PhD thesis has its subject in the production of bio-hydrogen by dark-fermentation, basing on an anaerobic metabolism of a particular extremophile bacteria of the genus Thermotoga. In this work, carried out within the project Bio-Hydro, using 116mL flasks, the best strain T. neapolitana was selected among four strains tested:. Once the bacterial best candidate has been identified, the optimal value of pH (8.5 at room temperature) for the production of hydrogen has been found. An intense work has been done on the culture medium allowing its minimization making it cost effective for its use in the 19L reactor. In this case glucose was completely replaced with two agro-industrial by-products, the sugar beet molasses and the milk whey. Then micronutrients and vitamins were eliminated. It has been exploited the ability of T. neapolitana to produce biofilm: four different supports were tested. Such tests have allowed to identify Biomax as the best support. Studies have been made on the metabolism of T. neapolitana aimed to identify the inhibitory concentrations of each substrate tested. Also the inhibition by hydrogen and oxygen were investigated. All these tests have given the basic knowledge for the experiments on the 19L reactor. The innovative reactor SPCSTR was entirely designed, developed and built at DICMA: University of Bologna. Batch experiments conducted in SPCSTR gave the opportunity to test this new kind of reactor. At the UR Wageningen (NL), the selection of the best strain among three Caldicellulosisruptor tested was carried out and the best support for the hydrogen production was selected. An innovative reactor CMTB was constructed and tested and continuous experiment was done.
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Biohydrogen production from food industry waste by suspended and immobilized thermophylic bacteria / produzione di bioidrogenio da rifiuti della industria alimentare con biomassa sospesa e adesa utizzando batteri thermofiliDe Sousa Mendes, Jocélia <1983> 09 April 2013 (has links)
This work describes hydrogen production by anaerobic digestion of glucose, molasses and milk whey by 4 thermophilic Thermotoga strains. In the attached-cell tests, the biofilm support characterized by the highest specific surface resulted in the best H2 rate. All the Thermotoga strains examined (T. neapolitana, T. maritima, T. naphtophila, T. petrophila) could produce H2 from glucose, molasses and milk whey, both in suspended- and attached-cell tests. With all the three substrates, the best performances were obtained with T. neapolitana. Some tests were conducted out to select the optimal carrier for the attached-cell conditions. 4 types of carrier were tested: 3 sintered glass carriers and a ceramic one; the chosen carrier was Biomax. / Questo lavoro descrive la produzione di idrogeno per digestione anaerobica di siero di latte, glucosio e melasso utilizzando 4 ceppi Thermotoga termofili. Tutte i 4 ceppi di Thermotoga testati (T. neapolitana, T. maritima, T. naphtophila, T. petrophila) sono stati in grado di produrre H2 dal siero di latte, glucosio e melasso, sia in prove con biomassa sospese che adesa. Con tutti i tre substrati, le migliori prestazioni sono state ottenute con T. neapolitana. Sono state condotte alcuni test per selezionare il supporto ottimale per le condizioni con biomassa adesa. Sono stati testati 4 tipi di supporti, 3 in vetro sinterizzato e uno in materiale ceramico; il supporto scelto è stato Biomax.
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Studio di modelli matematici per la verifica e la progettazione di impianti di digestione anaerobica su scala di laboratorio e industriale / Mathematical modelling of Anaerobic Digestion plants on bench and industrial scaleBucchi, Giacomo <1986> 13 April 2015 (has links)
Il lavoro di Dottorato si è incentrato con successo sullo studio della possibilità di applicare il modello ADM1 per la descrizione e verifica di impianti industriali di digestione anaerobica. Dai dati sperimentali il modello e l'implementazione in software di analisi numerica si sono rivelati strumenti efficaci. Il software sviluppato è stato utilizzato come strumento di progettazione di impianti alimentati con biomasse innovative, analizzate con metodiche biochimiche (BMP) in scala di laboratorio. Lo studio è stato corredato con lo studio di fattibilità di un impianto reale con verifica di ottimo economico. / This work of thesis succesfully studied the feasibility of ADM1 application to Anaerobic Digestion industrial biogas plant description. The model and its implementation in numerical analysis software is an efficient tool. The software was applied to new substrates tested in bench scale tests (BMP tests) to design innovative AD bioreactors on industrial scale. This study also features the feasibility study of an existing industrial biogas plant, completed with the economic study (business plan).
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Quantificazione del rischio occupazionale: Indicatori, indici e metodologia fuzzy / Occupational risk assessment: Key Performance Indicators, indexes and Fuzzy methodologySaracino, Ada <1985> 27 May 2014 (has links)
La tesi affronta il concetto di esposizione al rischio occupazionale e il suo scopo è quello di indagare l’ambiente di lavoro e il comportamento dei lavoratori, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il tasso di incidenza degli infortuni sul lavoro ed eseguire la riduzione dei rischi. In primo luogo, è proposta una nuova metodologia denominata MIMOSA (Methodology for the Implementation and Monitoring of Occupational SAfety), che quantifica il livello di "salute e sicurezza" di una qualsiasi impresa. Al fine di raggiungere l’obiettivo si è reso necessario un approccio multidisciplinare in cui concetti d’ingegneria e di psicologia sono stati combinati per sviluppare una metodologia di previsione degli incidenti e di miglioramento della sicurezza sul lavoro.
I risultati della sperimentazione di MIMOSA hanno spinto all'uso della Logica Fuzzy nel settore della sicurezza occupazionale per migliorare la metodologia stessa e per superare i problemi riscontrati nell’incertezza della raccolta dei dati. La letteratura mostra che i fattori umani, la percezione del rischio e il comportamento dei lavoratori in relazione al rischio percepito, hanno un ruolo molto importante nella comparsa degli incidenti. Questa considerazione ha portato ad un nuovo approccio e ad una seconda metodologia che consiste nella prevenzione di incidenti, non solo sulla base dell'analisi delle loro dinamiche passate. Infatti la metodologia considera la valutazione di un indice basato sui comportamenti proattivi dei lavoratori e sui danni potenziali degli eventi incidentali evitati. L'innovazione consiste nell'applicazione della Logica Fuzzy per tener conto dell’"indeterminatezza" del comportamento umano e del suo linguaggio naturale. In particolare l’applicazione è incentrata sulla proattività dei lavoratori e si prefigge di impedire l'evento "infortunio", grazie alla generazione di una sorta d’indicatore di anticipo. Questa procedura è stata testata su un’azienda petrolchimica italiana. / The thesis deals with the topic of occupational risk exposure and its purpose is to investigate the workplace and the workers behaviors with the aim to reduce the rate of occurrence of occupational accidents thus achieving also risk reduction.
First, a new methodology, named MIMOSA (Methodology for the Implementation and Monitoring of Occupational SAfety), which quantifies the “health and safety”, is proposed. In order to achieve this goal a multidisciplinary approach was required and thus in this study engineering and psychology were combined to develop a predictive methodology for the improvement of the assessment of occupational safety. The results of MIMOSA experimentation led to the use of Fuzzy Logic in the field of occupational safety because this mathematical method has the capability both to improve the Mimosa methodology and to overcome the problems related to the uncertainty present in the collected data.
The literature shows that human factors, risk perception and workers behavior in relation to the perceived risk, play a very important role in injury occurrence. This consideration led to a new approach and a second fuzzy-based methodology is proposed, which consists in an effective prevention of accidents not only on the basis of the analysis of their past dynamics. Indeed the methodology considers the evaluation of an index, a rewarding index not necessarily related to monetary incentive, on the basis of proactive behavior of workers and of potential damages of accidental events that have been avoided. The innovation also consists in the application of a fuzzy logic tool in order to take into account the typical “vagueness” of human behavior and of its natural language. In particular since this application is focused on workers' proactivity, it has the aim of preventing the event "injury", thus the generated index is a kind of leading indicator.
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Development of advanced tools and methods for the assessment and management of risk due to atypical major accident scenariosPaltrinieri, Nicola <1983> 01 June 2012 (has links)
Proper hazard identification has become progressively more difficult to achieve, as witnessed by several major accidents that took place in Europe, such as the Ammonium Nitrate explosion at Toulouse (2001) and the vapour cloud explosion at Buncefield (2005), whose accident scenarios were not considered by their site safety case. Furthermore, the rapid renewal in the industrial technology has brought about the need to upgrade hazard identification methodologies. Accident scenarios of emerging technologies, which are not still properly identified, may remain unidentified until they take place for the first time. The consideration of atypical scenarios deviating from normal expectations of unwanted events or worst case reference scenarios is thus extremely challenging. A specific method named Dynamic Procedure for Atypical Scenarios Identification (DyPASI) was developed as a complementary tool to bow-tie identification techniques. The main aim of the methodology is to provide an easier but comprehensive hazard identification of the industrial process analysed, by systematizing information from early signals of risk related to past events, near misses and inherent studies. DyPASI was validated on the two examples of new and emerging technologies: Liquefied Natural Gas regasification and Carbon Capture and Storage. The study broadened the knowledge on the related emerging risks and, at the same time, demonstrated that DyPASI is a valuable tool to obtain a complete and updated overview of potential hazards. Moreover, in order to tackle underlying accident causes of atypical events, three methods for the development of early warning indicators were assessed: the Resilience-based Early Warning Indicator (REWI) method, the Dual Assurance method and the Emerging Risk Key Performance Indicator method. REWI was found to be the most complementary and effective of the three, demonstrating that its synergy with DyPASI would be an adequate strategy to improve hazard identification methodologies towards the capture of atypical accident scenarios.
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Metodi per l'analisi della sostenibilià: valutazione di filiere energetiche per la valorizzazione di biomasse - Methods for sustainability assessment: analysis of energy supply chains for biomass valorisationCordella, Mauro <1981> 28 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Studio della presenza di policlorofenoli e policloroanisoli nel sughero per uso enologico / Study of Presence of Chlorophenols and Chloroanisoles in Cork for Oenological UseMAGGI, LUANA 23 February 2007 (has links)
Attualmente il gusto di tappo è uno dei problemi più gravi per il settore enologico e sugheriero. I principali composti responsabili di questo difetto sono i policloroanisoli, tra cui in particolare il 2,4,6-tricloroanisolo (TCA),che si formano dai corrispondenti precursori fenolici. La ricerca ha preso in esame vari aspetti:-studio dell'impatto sensoriale del TCA in diversi tipi di vino;-ottimizzazione di metodi di estrazione e analisi di policlorofenoli e policloroanisoli nel sughero e nel vino;-studio della microflora presente nel sughero in base alla capacità di degradare i policlorofenoli. I risultati hanno mostrato che l'uso di un unico valore soglia per la percezione del TCA nei vini non sembra idoneo; i metodi messi a punto sono risultati adeguati per la determinazione di clorofenoli e cloroanisoli; i microrganismi hanno presentato una capacità di produrre TCA differente a seconda del ceppo utilizzato. / Today cork taint is one of most serious problems for wine and cork industries. The primary compounds considered responsible for this defect are chloroanisoles, especially 2,4,6-trichloroanisole (TCA), that are produced from their phenolic precursors. The PhD work was carried out studying different aspects of this subject: -effect of wine style on the perception of TCA;-optimization of extraction and analysis methods to determine chlorophenols and chloroanisoles in wine and cork; biodegradation ability of mould isolated from cork to produce TCA from TCP. The results showed that the use of generic threshold values for all wines does not seem to be accurate enough; methods optimized are adequate to detect chlorophenols and chloroanisoles; micro-organisms tested can produce TCA from TCP.
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