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The problem of insider trading and proposals for its regulation in Australia, based on the experience of the U.S. and Canada /Lutterus, Mai. January 1971 (has links)
No description available.
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Insider trading in the United States, Canada and the United KingdomLindenfield, Susannah. January 2000 (has links)
This thesis is a critical analysis of the law relating to insider trading in three common law countries. Chapter One, addresses the merits and demerits of the regulation of insider trading and presents a review of the academic literature relating to this field. In Chapters Two, Three and Four, the law of insider trading in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom is analysed and discussed on a comparative basis. Each of these chapters is in two sections. The first section describes the regulatory system and institutions, and the second section discusses the regulation of insider trading, highlighting the critical elements of this type of regulation, such as the definition of an 'insider' and the scope of 'inside information'. It concludes with a broad discussion of the differing approaches of these countries to insider trading.
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Insider trading in the United States, Canada and the United KingdomLindenfield, Susannah. January 2000 (has links)
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The problem of insider trading and proposals for its regulation in Australia, based on the experience of the U.S. and Canada /Lutterus, Mai. January 1971 (has links)
No description available.
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Insider trading in the United States, Canada and the United KingdomLindenfield, Susannah. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Is 'Not-Trading' Informative? Evidence from Corporate Insiders' PortfoliosDeVault, Luke January 2016 (has links)
Some corporate insiders hold insider equity holdings in multiple companies (portfolio insiders). I hypothesize that information can be garnered not only from their trades (e.g., an insider sale of firm A on day t), but from their not-traded securities (e.g. the insider's decision not to sell firms B and C on day t). Specifically, an insider's decision not to sell (purchase) security B at the time of the sale (purchase) of security A, is a positive (negative) signal for security B, the not-sold (not-bought) security. The paper presents three major empirical findings. First, portfolio insider not-sold securities following a sale earn large risk-adjusted returns outperforming the not-purchased securities following a purchase. Second, portfolio insiders' purchases are more informative than single-firm insiders' purchases. Finally, the results suggest that abnormal returns associated with insider purchases result from markets reacting to the revelation of the insider purchase while abnormal returns associated with not-sold securities appear to result from insiders delaying sales prior to positive firm-specific events.
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Kan oinformerade investerare imitera insiders?Rosén, Stefan, Peters, Christian January 2008 (has links)
<p>Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är den traditionella teorin om marknadseffektivitet som ställs mot tidigare forskning, främst amerikansk, och den moderna beteenderelaterande finansiella teorin. Bland annat diskuteras studier av Jaffe, J., Finnerty, J., Fama, E. samt Lakonishok & Lee. Den teoretiska referensramen ligger till grund för författarnas egna hypoteser som testas med hjälp av statistiska analysmetoder. Strävan har varit att utifrån resultaten antingen kunna stärka eller försvaga tilliten till tidigare forskning vars slutsatser varit att det är möjligt att skapa överavkastning genom att imitera insiderhandeln. En tilläggande hypotes blev att en större insynshandel bör innehålla mer information om framtiden än en mindre transaktion och genom detta även skapa en högre avkastning.</p><p>En kvantitativ metod användes för att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt för privata investerare, utan insyn i företagen, att skapa en överavkastning genom att följa insiderhandeln.</p><p>Undersökningen gav inget enhetligt resultat vilket försvårar möjligheterna för att dra generella slutsatser. De signifikanta resultat som erhölls pekade dock i motsatt riktning i jämförelse med tidigare forskning. Studien tycks dock starkast peka på de risker som finns med att imitera insynspersoner.</p>
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Former Insiders' TradingJohannesson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
Using detailed and unique data from Sweden, I show that former insiders trade profitably in the shares of companies with which they used to be affiliated. A trading strategy mimicking former insiders’ trading behavior yields abnormal returns of 7.6% per year. These returns are primarily driven by post-separation purchases rather than by sales. They do not reflect general stock-picking skills: former insiders earn significantly lower abnormal returns when trading in companies with which they have no affiliation. I show that former insiders’ informational advantage diminishes over time, but less so if they have ties to current insiders. The importance of such ties increases in the presence of value-relevant information. My results are consistent with former insiders benefiting from both a retained informational advantage and from inside information obtained post-separation when trading in inside stock.
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Insider trading law in China: regulations of insider trading in China and proposals for reformHuang, Hui, Law, Faculty of Law, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
The purposes of this thesis are threefold: (1) to investigate the incidence of insider trading in China; (2) to critically examine the regulation of insider trading in China within the Chinese context; and (3) to set out reform proposals. At present, insider trading is a very serious issue in China as it presents a major obstacle to the development of China???s securities market. This thesis is therefore of both theoretical and practical significance. Based on both theoretical arguments and empirical findings, this thesis investigates the extent of insider trading in China, explains why insider trading occurs in China, and examines the harmful and allegedly beneficial effects of insider trading. Insider trading is found to be widespread and widely considered to be harmful in China. This accounts for the fact that China has shown a great willingness to follow the international trend to regulate insider trading. Indeed, with the benefit of overseas experience, China has made a remarkable achievement in establishing its insider trading regulatory regime within a relatively short period of time. Despite this, there are a number of major problems with this regulatory regime, mainly due to the adoption of foreign ideas without due criticism. This is illustrated by various loopholes found in the definition of what is an ???insider???, which are related to confusion over underlying theories of insider trading liability. The thesis conducts an indepth analysis of these theories on a comparative law basis, recommending that the equality of access theory and the Australian ???information connection??? only approach are better suited to China. The thesis also examines other basic elements of insider trading, including the concept of materiality, the issue of when information becomes public, and the subjective elements of insider trading. Furthermore, a detailed discussion is carried out concerning the issue of private civil liability for insider trading. It is submitted that the combination of the nondisclosure-period-traders approach and well-designed damage caps can best ensure that private actions serve as a necessary and appropriate force in the enforcement of insider trading law.
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Kan oinformerade investerare imitera insiders?Rosén, Stefan, Peters, Christian January 2008 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för uppsatsen är den traditionella teorin om marknadseffektivitet som ställs mot tidigare forskning, främst amerikansk, och den moderna beteenderelaterande finansiella teorin. Bland annat diskuteras studier av Jaffe, J., Finnerty, J., Fama, E. samt Lakonishok & Lee. Den teoretiska referensramen ligger till grund för författarnas egna hypoteser som testas med hjälp av statistiska analysmetoder. Strävan har varit att utifrån resultaten antingen kunna stärka eller försvaga tilliten till tidigare forskning vars slutsatser varit att det är möjligt att skapa överavkastning genom att imitera insiderhandeln. En tilläggande hypotes blev att en större insynshandel bör innehålla mer information om framtiden än en mindre transaktion och genom detta även skapa en högre avkastning. En kvantitativ metod användes för att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt för privata investerare, utan insyn i företagen, att skapa en överavkastning genom att följa insiderhandeln. Undersökningen gav inget enhetligt resultat vilket försvårar möjligheterna för att dra generella slutsatser. De signifikanta resultat som erhölls pekade dock i motsatt riktning i jämförelse med tidigare forskning. Studien tycks dock starkast peka på de risker som finns med att imitera insynspersoner.
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