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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores que limitan las exportaciones de joyería de plata peruana hacia el Reino Unido en el marco del TLC Perú-UE

Laureano Espichan, Mariela Estefania, Maraví Chiesa, Mayra Alejandra 23 July 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, el Perú es el segundo productor y exportador de plata a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, según las estadísticas oficiales de la Asociación de Exportadores (ADEX, 2018), del total de extracción de materia prima solo el 1% es destinado al sector joyería, un monto significativamente menor si es comparado con el 15% que destina México siendo el principal extractor de plata del mundo. De acuerdo con dicha asociación, al cierre del 2018 las exportaciones peruanas de joyería alcanzaron los 127 millones de dólares, monto mayor en 4.8 % respecto al 2017, siendo el mercado estadounidense el que concentra el 87.2 % del total de los envíos de joyas peruanas al exterior en 2018, según las cifras oficiales del gremio exportador. Dentro de la lista de los principales países destino de nuestras exportaciones de joyería de plata se encuentran México, Austria, Costa Rica, Canadá y Reino Unido. Para entender la importancia e impacto potencial de este sector en la economía de nuestro país, es necesario considerar que la industria joyera genera más de 50 000 puestos de trabajo en el Perú entre directos e indirectos según Domínguez (2018). La presente investigación tiene por finalidad analizar los factores que influyeron en las exportaciones de joyería de plata peruana (NCM 7113110000) hacia el Reino Unido durante los años 2013 – 2018 en el marco del TLC Perú-Unión Europea. El desarrollo de la investigación se presentará en cinco capítulos que contienen información cuantitativa y cualitativa tomada de fuentes confiables del mercado tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. En el primer capítulo se explicarán los antecedentes epistemológicos y el marco teórico. Para empezar, se presentarán conceptos que ayuden a entender el objetivo de estudio de la investigación y posteriormente se analizarán las investigaciones previas existentes. En el segundo capítulo se planteará el problema de la investigación, los objetivos e hipótesis. Asimismo, se mencionará la justificación del tema elegido y también las limitaciones propias de la investigación. Para la presente tesis se ha optado por desarrollar un objetivo general y 5 objetivos específicos. En el tercer capítulo se presentará el marco metodológico ha utilizar para el desarrollo de los objetivos propuestos. Se dará mayor detalle de la selección de la muestra, el instrumento ha utilizar y se definirá el enfoque de la investigación. En el cuarto capítulo se explicará el desarrollo, el análisis de los objetivos y las validaciones de las hipótesis formuladas previamente. Luego, en el capítulo cinco se presentará la discusión de los resultados del estudio por cada objetivo planteado. Finalmente se mencionará las conclusiones de la investigación y las recomendaciones. / Currently, Peru is the second largest producer and exporter of silver worldwide. However, according to official statistics from ADEX (2018), from the total raw material extraction, only 1% is destined for the jewelry sector, a significantly lower amount compared to the 15% that Mexico allocates, being the main silver extractor of the world. According to this association, at the end of 2018, peruvian jewelry exports reached 127 million dollars, an amount 4.8% higher than in 2017, with the US market accounting for 87.2% of the total peruvian jewelry exports in 2018, according to the official figures of the exporting union. Some of the main destination countries for our silver jewelry exports are Mexico, Austria, Costa Rica, Canada and the United Kingdom. To understand the importance and potential impact of this sector in the economy of our country, it is necessary to consider that the jewelry industry generates more than 50,000 jobs in Peru, including direct and indirect jobs, according to Domínguez (2018). The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors that influenced peruvian silver jewelry exports (NCM 7113110000) to the United Kingdom during the years 2013 – 2018, under the Peru-European Union FTA. This investigation is composed by five chapters, which contain quantitative and qualitative information taken from reliable market sources, both national and international. The first chapter will explain the epistemological antecedents and the theoretical framework. First of all, it will present concepts that help understand the objective of the investigation, and then it will analyze previous studies on the matter. The second chapter will develop the research problema, as well as the objectives and hypotheses. Also, it will mention the justification of the chosen subject and the limitations of the study. For this thesis, it has been chosen to develop a general objective and 5 specific objectives. The third chapter will present the methodological framework to be used for the development of the proposed objectives. It will show detailed information of the sample selection and the instrument to be used. Also, it will show the approach of the investigation. The fourth chapter will explain the development and analysis of the objectives, as well as the validations of the hypotheses previously formulated. The fifth chapter will present the discussion of the study results for each objective. Finally, it will mention the conclusions and recomendations of the investigation. / Tesis

Mezinárodní obchod s odpady: Ekosocialistická perspektiva / International trade with waste: Ecosocialist perspective

Trnobranský, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims at providing a viable scheme that understand and describe international waste trade in three stages. It links together theoretical background proposed by (1) ecosocialism, namely work John O'Connor, (2) World system theory and (3) state - capital nexus by van Apeldoorn, in order to provide a structured theoretical base for further research. To illustrate the scheme, there is a case study called Trafigura 2006 at the end of the thesis. Purpose of the case study is to go through three stages of the scheme and suggest an example of motivation, logic, status of actors involved and impacts of international waste trade.

An Examination of the Impact of Economics Variables and Cultural Values on Iranian Business Organisations

Yasin, Mahmoud M., Alavi, Jafar, Zimmerer, Thomas W. 01 March 2002 (has links)
Offers a rare insight into the dynamics, realities and potential of the Iranian business community. Uses a sample of 40 Iranian executives to empirically study the impact of the economic constraints and the values of executives on the performance of Iranian business organisations. Emphasizes the implications of this study to Iranian business organisations and their current and potential trading partners during this period of proposed economic change in Iran.

The role of law in deepening regional integration in Southern Africa - a comparative analysis of SADC and COMESA

Nyirongo, Raisa January 2017 (has links)
Regional integration is not a new phenomenon in Africa. It can be traced back to the creation of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) in 1917, which was the world's first customs union. Upon gaining independence, states formed the Organization of African Unity (OAU). At that time, Heads of States viewed regional integration as a protectionist measure against colonialism and as a way of forming a self-sustaining continent. However, the additional challenges facing Africa over time prompted various initiatives by Heads of States which were aimed at deepening integration on the continent. Notable actions include the signing of the Abuja Treaty, which established the African Economic Community (AEC), and the replacement of the OAU by the African Union (AU). Further, the continent experienced an increase in the number of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and there are now fourteen RECs. Despite the steps taken to further integration, the success of such regional integration on the continent has been minimal and Africa has become even more marginalized on the global market. This lack in progression can be attributed to challenges such as inadequate resources, overlapping memberships in multiple RECs and duplicated programmes and efforts. Another challenge that is not readily recognized is the lack of attention to the role of law in economic integration. RECs have largely focused on the economic and political aspects of regional integration but have given minimal attention to the necessity of a strong legal foundation. RECs develop community law and these laws should be enforceable within Member States. However, due to the weak legal systems of RECs in Africa that do not make community law supreme, enforceability of this law has proven challenging. Comparatively, other RECs such as the European Union, have achieved deeper levels of integration and this can partly be attributed to the strong legal systems that have been developed. It is on the basis of this challenge that this study is conducted. The study aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the weaknesses of existing legal systems of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The study further analyses the manner in which other RECs, such as the European Union and the Economic Community of West African States, have successfully integrated through law, with the aim of identifying solutions for the existing weaknesses in Southern Africa.

The Impact of Import Competition from China on the Skill-Bias of Manufacturing Employment across South African Regions between 2001 and 2011

Matumba, Diana Mukovhe 23 April 2020 (has links)
South Africa and China established their first official diplomatic ties in 1998. A decade later in 2008 China had become South Africa’s largest bilateral trade partner which presents both complementary and competitive outcomes for the South African labour market. This study explores the competitive outcomes, particularly the impact that China has had on the skill bias of manufacturing employment within South Africa’s local municipalities between 2001 and 2011. The study follows on from two theories of trade: the Heckscher-Ohlin theory with its Stopler-Samuelson theorem, and specific factor theories. The identification method employed in this study was developed by Autor, Dorn and Hansen (2013) and seeks to exploit variation across South African municipalities which stems from initial differences in industry specialisation and instrumenting for South African imports using changes in Chinese imports by other low- and middle-income countries. The data used in the current study is from the UN Comtrade as well as South African population census data from 1996, 2001 and 2011. This study makes two main contributions to the literature by looking at the impact that import competition has on manufacturing employment in local labour markets, and how this impact varies by skill set and gender. The main finding of the study was that Chinese import exposure was biased against low-skilled workers as it resulted loss of employment for the low-skilled workers, and had a minimal effect on the employment of high-skilled workers.

Dopady netarifních opatření na obchod čínským čajem / The Impacts of Non-Tariff Measures on China's Tea Exports

Liu, Ling January 2021 (has links)
Tea is China's traditional export-earning agricultural product. For a long time, China's tea exports have occupied an extremely important position in the international market. With the further opening of the international agricultural product market and the increasingly fierce competition in the international tea market, China's tea exports are increasingly being affected by technical barriers.The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze which factors are affecting Chinese green tea exports. In addition, there is a focus on the trade status of Chinese green tea in the EU market, Japan and the United States. To achieve this objective, this paper adopts a modern approach to gravity models, i.e. an approach which uses specifications based on micro-foundations. Specifically, The paper uses a specification which explicitly takes into account the nature of multilateral trade resistance (MTR). More specifically, estimators based on traditional panel methods (combined with the recommended structures of dummies) and Silva-Tenreyro's (2006) PPML estimator (also combined with dummies). The results show that the maximum residue limits(MRL) of pesticides in importing countries have significantly impacted the export of Chinese tea. The cultural effects such as the Language similarity have a positive...

La participation des états au commerce international : les contrats gouvernementaux en droit comparé et en droit international

Desgagné, Richard. January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

The removal of technical barriers to trade in the WTO era : a cause of gains and losses of power among national actors

Hollard, Julie. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Liberalism and nationalism in the world trade market

Lin, Zeng, 1953- January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Industries culturelles et commerce international : de l'exception à la diversité culturelle

Michel, Guillaume. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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