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Modelling of ice throws from wind turbines / Modellering av iskast från vindkraftverkRenström, Joakim January 2015 (has links)
As the wind energy sector expands into areas with colder climate, the problem with ice throw will increase. Due to a rotor diameter of more than 120 meters for a typical modern turbine with an effect of 3.3 MW, the separated ice fragment will get a high initial velocity, and therefore, they will also be thrown a long distance. Ice throw might therefore be a large safety risk for the people, who are staying in surrounding areas to wind turbines. A ballistic ice throw model has been developed to be able to investigate how far the ice fragments can be thrown from a wind turbine. The work was divided into two parts, one sensitivity analysis and one real case study. In the sensitivity analysis, the influence of eight important parameters was investigated. The results from this part show that changes in the parameters initial radius and angle position, and mass and shape of the ice fragments have a significant influence on the throwing distance both lateral and downwind. The wind speed has only a significant influence on the downwind throwing distance, but this is quite large. A maximum throwing distance of 239 meters downwind the wind turbine was achieved with U=20 m/s, r=55 m and θ=45°. While including the lift force, a maximum downwind distance of 350 meter was achieved. However, the uncertainties about the shape of the ice fragment make these results quite uncertain. In the real case study, ice throws were simulated by letting the ice throw model run with modeled meteorological data for a wind farm in northern Sweden. The wind farm consists of 60 wind turbines, and the probability for that an ice fragment will land in a square of 1*1m was calculated around each turbine. To be able to calculate this probability, a Monte Carlo analysis was necessary in which a large number of ice fragments were separated. The result shows a large correlation between the landing positions of the ice fragments and the wind direction. Due to the fact that the wind farm is located in a complex terrain, the shape and density of the probability field vary among different parts of the farm. Especially in the southern part of the wind farm, the probability field will have the highest density and largest extension to the northeast of the turbines due to a prevailing wind direction during ice throw events from southwest. / När vindkraftssektorn expanderar till områden med ett kallare klimat, kommer problemet med nedisade vindkraftverk och iskast att öka. Moderna vindkraftverk kan ha en typisk effekt på 3.3 MW och en rotordiameter på över 120 meter, vilket resulterar i att de ivägkastade isbitarna skulle kunna få en initialhastighet på 90 m/s. Det skulle även resultera i att isbitarna kastas iväg en lång sträcka från kraftverket, vilket i kombination med den höga initialhastigheten skulle kunna bli en stor säkerhetsrisk för de personer som vistas i områdena närmast runt vindkraftverken. En ballisisk iskastmodel utvecklades för att beräkna hur långt från vinkraftverket isbitarna kan kastas. Arbetet delades upp i två delar, en känslighetsanalys och en verklig fallstudie. I känslighetsanalysen undersöktes åtta viktiga parametrars inflytande på iskastet. Resultatet från den visar på att ändringar i parametrarna isbitens massa och form samt seperations positionen på bladet och bladets vinkel hade störst inverkan på kastlängden. En maximal kastlängd nedströms vindkraftverket på 239 meter erhölls för U=20m/s, θ=45° och r=55m. När lyftkraften inkluderades ökade kastlängden nedströms till 350 meter, dock är osäkerheten i isbitarnas form stor, vilket gör dessa resultat osäkra. I den verkliga fallstudien simulerades iskast genom att iskastmodellen kördes med modellerad meteorologisk data från en vindkraftspark i norra Svergie. Vinkraftsparken innehöll 60 turbiner och sannolikheten för att en isbit ska landa i en ruta på 1*1m beräknades runt varje turbin. För att kunna beräkna sannolikheten användes en Monte Carlo analys där ett stort antal isbitar skickades iväg. Resultatet visade på att korrelationen var stor mellan sannolikheten för att en isbit ska landa i en ruta på 1 m² och vindriktningen. Eftersom vindkraftsparken var belägen i ett område med en komplex terräng varierade formen och intensiteten på sannolikhetsområdena mellan olika delar av parken. Speciellt i parkens södra del är sannolikhetsområdet för vindkraftsverken mer utbrett i nordostlig riktning på grund av att sydvästliga vindar är vanligast då iskast förekommer.
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There is a growth of wind power development in icing climates, in which ice accumulation on objects takes place. This leads to specific challenges including ice throw, the detachment of ice from wind turbine blades. The lack of understanding of the ice throw phenomenon among authorities leads to the fact that there is no coherence in the applied ice throw mitigation policies in various countries and regions, which can cause safety- and financial hazards for wind farms in icing climates. This research focusses on ice throw risk mitigation methods and their effect on a wind farms yield. Qualitative research is applied, interviewing six experts in the field of cold climate wind power development. The participants are from academic, public and private research institutions in five countries. The qualitative research focusses on policies that are plausible but non-preferred, as well as preference suggestions from the experts on how to treat the ice throw risks. The non-preferred policies involve shutting down wind farms during icing periods and conditionally allowed operation with applied heating systems. These policy scenarios are applied to a virtual wind farm near Slagnäs, Sweden, in order to indicate the impact on the yield and underline the impact that these policies would have on the turnover of a wind farm in a sever icing climate. The non-preferred policies have a significant impact on the Slagnäs wind farms yield with 2,28% annual yield losses in case of 200 annual icing hours. Apart from the impact on yield, the policies might not reduce the danger of ice throw significantly, as from a standing still turbine, detached ice can still travel a horizontal distance of up to one time the turbine height. Therefore, policies should according to the interviewed experts not focus on limitations, however focus on understanding risks and taking appropriate action for risk mitigation. International guidelines are the best tool to create a deeper understanding of ice throw risk assessments and their limitations, as well as an understanding of risk mitigation methods. In this case, the risk assessment process shall be standardised, however the risk mitigation methods shall be site specific.
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