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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cílování inflace v ČR / Inflation Targeting in the Czech Republic

Klukavý, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the description of Inflation Targeting regime in the Czech Republic. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part deals with inflation and its targeting and with the economical circumstances that led to the launch of this monetary policy regime in the Czech Republic. The next part concerns the central bank reaction function, transmission channels, evaluation of the inflation target sets and the description of prognostic models that the central bank uses for forecasting. Then main stress is laid on the new structural dynamic model "g3". The last part describes my own inflation prognosis, which is based on the time series analysis.

Cílování inflace v podmínkách nízkých úrokových sazeb / Inflation targeting in circumstances of low interest rates

Vránková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis "Inflation targeting in circumstances of low interest rates" describes the monetary policy of the Czech National Bank with main aim on its current problems. The target of the thesis is to analytically prove the disruption of a section of the transmission mechanism when the repo rate should determine the interest rates on the czech interbank market. This disruption should have been caused by the recent financial crisis.

Comparation of Alterantive Policy Rules in a Structural Model of the Czech Republic / Comparation of Alterantive Policy Rules in a Structural Model of the Czech Republic

Hledík, Tibor January 2003 (has links)
The main goal of this thesis has been a study of alternative policy rules in a small structural model calibrated to capture the Czech economy. After the overview of the historic development of economic theory and structural modeling we have specified a small open economy model that has served as a main technical tool for the analysis. The model represents a framework, where forward-looking model-consistent expectations are formed with respect to the development of the exchange rate and interest rates. Inflation expectations are forward looking too with some nominal rigidities in inflation dynamics. The model's structure is relatively simple. The IS curve captures the dynamics of real GDP, that exhibits real rigidity, motivated by habit formation or investment adjustment costs. In our specification the real GDP is a function of (the deviation of) real XR, real IR and foreign demand (from corresponding equilibrium levels). The Phillips-curve is based on the F-M type wage setting behavior, therefore it enables to consider domestic prices, that are modeled as mark-ups over wages. CPI inflation then consists of domestic, imported and administered inflation, including the effect of any indirect taxes changes. The exchange rate is modeled by the UIP arbitrage condition. Exchange rate expectations are forward-looking, but with some inertia in expectation formation. Interest rates with one year maturity are also modeled as an arbitrage condition on the money market, they are fully model-consistently forward looking. The model is closed by a Taylor-type forward-looking policy rule. The interest rate exhibits some inertia and feeds back from deviation of inflation from target and output from its equilibrium. The specification (parameterization) of the rule is general enough to examine CPI and domestic inflation targeting. The model specification has been followed by empirical work leading towards the implementation of the previously specified model on Czech data. Based on the sources of the Czech Statistical Office, Czech National Bank, Consensus Economics Inc., we first processed the data by executing seasonal adjustment and other transformations necessary for being consistent with the definition of model variables. The database has been created by an automatic MATLAB based routine, therefore the calculations were relatively easy to update. The database being completed, we have set up a Kalman-filter for determining equilibrium values for the real interest rate, exchange rate and output. At the same time through Kalman filtering we identified all model residuals. We paid special attention to the decomposition of the output gap and discussing In order to assess the overall dynamic properties of the model and judge how well the model fits the data, we conducted several exercises. First we decomposed some of the important endogenous variables of the model to shocks to see, whether the identified shocks are in line with our intuition and episodes of the recent Czech economic history. We found, that the shocks are not in contrast with some of the clearly distinguishable episodes. After the shock decomposition we run in-sample simulations to see, how well the model is able to fit the reality two years ahead. We found the overall results quite encouraging. We were able to fit quite well the output gap as well as MP inflation. Domestic inflation has been slightly more inertial in model simulations than in reality, but even in this case the results were acceptable. The model was not able to fit the 2001-2 appreciation of the nominal XR footnote{Understandably it neither forecasted well the fast fall in inflation after the appreciation period.}, which is not a big surprise. The model calibration part of the thesis concludes, that the model fits the data and economic story reasonably well.

O regime de metas inflacionárias e sua adequação ao caso brasileiro: os custos de manutenção do regime / Inflation targeting and its adequacy to the brazilian case: the costs of maintenance of the regimen

Biondi, Roberta Loboda 19 May 2006 (has links)
O regime de metas de inflação é uma estratégia de política monetária utilizada por inúmeros países desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento que tem por objetivo ancorar as expectativas dos agentes econômicos quanto ao comportamento futuro da taxa de inflação. De acordo com a literatura sobre o tema, o regime de metas inflacionárias além de provocar efeitos positivos sobre a taxa de inflação das economias que o adotam, tende também a provocar melhoras sobre o comportamento do produto. O objetivo desta dissertação é analisar empiricamente os impactos da adoção do sistema de metas de inflação para a taxa de inflação e crescimento real do produto dos países, diferenciando os impactos entre os países desenvolvidos e os em desenvolvimento. Utilizando o grupo de países que adotam metas de inflação como o grupo de tratamento e os países que não adotam como grupo de controle, dois procedimentos metodológicos foram realizados: estimação por diferenças em diferenças e análise em painel. Os resultados da estimação por diferenças em diferenças não se mostraram robustos e assim a análise em painel foi realizada. Os resultados demonstram que a adoção do sistema de metas inflacionárias produz impactos significativos para a inflação e crescimento do produto dos países que o adotam. Para o caso dos países desenvolvidos a adoção do sistema de metas tende a elevar a taxa média de inflação assim como o crescimento do produto. Para os países em desenvolvimento, aqueles que adotam o regime tendem a apresentar médias de inflação e do crescimento do produto significativamente menores que os países que não adotam. Concluí-se que para os países em desenvolvimento existe um custo de manutenção do sistema de metas de inflação em termos de queda do crescimento do produto. Esse custo estaria relacionado à maior dificuldade enfrentada por tais países na construção de credibilidade, fazendo com que os mesmos sigam políticas monetárias restritivas e definam um desenho rígido para o regime de metas de inflação. / Inflation targeting is a monetary policy strategy used by several developed and developing countries which aims to link together the economic actors? expectation related to the future behaviour of the inflation rate. According to specialized literature, inflation targeting tends to bring an improvement over product behaviour, besides bringing positive effects over inflation rates of those countries that make use of it. The focal point of this dissertation is to empirically analyse the impacts caused by the adoption of inflation targeting system on countries? inflation rate and real GDP growth, distinguishing effects on developed countries from those on developing ones. Defining the group made of countries that do use inflation targeting as treatment group and the group made of countries that do no use it as control group, two methodological procedures were accomplished: differences-in-differences estimation and panel data analysis. As the results of differences-in-differences estimator did not seem robust, panel analysis was also consummated. These results showed that inflation targeting adoption causes significative impacts on inflation rate and GDP growth in countries that adopt it. In developed countries, the adoption of such monetary policy strategy tends to increase the mean inflation rate, which also occurs with the GDP growth. In the other hand, developing countries that adopted inflation targeting tend to present mean inflation rate and GDP growth substantially lower than developing countries that do not make use of it. Though, it is possible to conclude that exists a maintenance cost of inflation targeting system for developing countries regarding the loss in GDP growth. This cost could be related to the greater difficulty that these countries face when forming credibility, which forces them to follow restrictive monetary policies and also to define an strict outline for inflation targeting.

Quem atinge as metas? Determinantes do sucesso das metas de inflação / Who hits the targets?

Brochado, Acauã 02 December 2009 (has links)
O sistema de metas de inflação é considerado por muitos o regime monetário mais moderno em prática no mundo, um dos pilares fundamentais da política macroeconômica atual. Muitos estudos foram feitos sobre esse sistema, mas até o momento faltavam pesquisas empíricas sobre uma questão chave: quais são os determinantes do sucesso do sistema de metas de inflação? Mais especificamente, será que um país com dívida menor, superávit fiscal maior e mais aberto ao comércio exterior tem mais chances de ser bem sucedido sob o regime de metas? Este trabalho procura responder empiricamente a essa questão analisando quais variáveis macroeconômicas fazem com que esse regime funcione melhor em determinado país, ou seja, o que afeta a chance de que a inflação se mantenha próxima à meta. A análise econométrica é feita a partir de um painel de dados de diversas variáveis. Entre outras, o painel contém a situação fiscal do governo, o nível de abertura comercial e o estoque de reservas internacionais, para os diversos países que utilizam ou utilizaram esse regime, durante o período de adoção. Os cálculos mostram que nenhuma dessas variáveis apresentou significância estatística na determinação do sucesso do regime. / Inflation targeting is considered by many as the most modern monetary regime in practice in the world, one of the fundamentals of todays macroeconomic policy. Many empirical works have been done on this theme, but, until now, am important question remained unanswered: what are the determinants of the inflation targeting regime success? More precisely, will a country with lower debt, higher fiscal surplus, and a more open economy have better chances in being successful under IT? This paper tries to empirically answer this analyzing which macroeconomic variables help the regime functioning in a given country, that is, what affects the chances that inflation keeps on track. The econometric analysis is made with a panel data approach. Among others, the panel contains the government fiscal situation, the level of commercial openness, and the international reserves stock, for the various countries that are, or were for some time, under inflation targeting, during the period of adoption. The calculations show that these variables are not statistically significant in the determination of the regime success.

Como os países definem as metas para a inflação? Evidências em painel / How do countries set their inflation targets? Panel evidence

Vieira, Ana Paula Alves 30 May 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa como a meta para a inflação é definida pelos países adeptos deste regime monetário. Pretende-se investigar se os fundamentos macroeconômicos determinam as metas, isto posto, existiria uma evidência de que os países adotam uma estratégia gradualista de política monetária. Neste estudo, os fundamentos são medidos pela inflação, dívida bruta como proporção do PIB (estoque e fluxo) e taxa de crescimento do PIB real. Usando dados em painel desbalanceado e dados cross-section estima-se os determinantes das metas para a inflação para países avançados e emergentes via Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários, Efeito Fixo e Efeito Aleatório. Verifica-se que um nível de preços estável está associado a uma meta mais ambiciosa, assim como a adoção de bandas de tolerância contribui para uma meta mais baixa. Outros resultados sugerem que não se pode afirmar que uma política fiscal sustentável é importante para os formuladores das metas e que países emergentes, cujos fundamentos macroeconômicos, em geral, são piores comparados aos de países avançados, apresentam uma meta mais alta para a inflação. Além disto, verifica-se que um crescimento elevado e robusto está associado a uma meta mais baixa. Sendo assim, existem evidências de que os países adeptos do regime de metas adotam uma estratégia gradualista de política monetária. / This article analyzes how inflation target is set by inflation targeters. The aim is to investigate if the macroeconomic fundamentals determine the targets, that is, there would be evidence that countries adopt a gradualist monetary policy strategy. In this study, the fundamentals are measured by inflation, gross debt as a percentage of GDP (stock and flow) and real GDP growth rate. Using unbalanced panel data and cross-section data, the determinants of inflation targets for advanced and emerging countries are estimated using Ordinary Least Squares, Fixed Effect and Random Effect. It is found that a stable price level is associated with a more ambitious target, as the adoption of tolerance bands contribute to a lower target. Other results suggest that a sustainable fiscal policy can not be said to be important for policymaker and that emerging countries, whose macroeconomic fundamentals are generally worse than those of advanced countries, have a higher inflation target. In addition, it is found that more robust growth is associated with a lower target. Therefore, there are evidences that inflation targeters adopt a gradualist monetary policy strategy.

Para além da inadequabilidade do regime monetário de metas de inflação no Brasil : evidências acerca da relação entre dinâmica de preços e produtividade na indústria de transformação

Piper, Denise January 2018 (has links)
A presente tese embasa-se na concepção de que a obtenção e a manutenção da estabilidade de preços na economia brasileira dependem não apenas da adoção de medidas pontuais de curto prazo, como também da contemplação da inflação, ao lado do crescimento econômico, como objetivos correlacionados no contexto de um projeto de desenvolvimento atinente a um horizonte ampliado de tempo. Em termos de políticas conjunturais de controles de preços, evidencia-se que, dado a inflação brasileira não consubstanciar-se em um fenômeno precipuamente de demanda, outras medidas, que não a mera elevação da taxa básica de juros, revelam-se necessárias; ademais, clarifica-se que aumentos nos juros, por seus significativos impactos contracionistas sobre a atividade econômica, comprometem a própria estabilidade futura de preços, consistindo, portanto, em uma conduta anti-inflacionária deveras ineficiente. No que tange ao longo prazo, argumenta-se que a inflação brasileira apresenta especificidades que a tornam variável dependente do processo de desenvolvimento econômico, social e institucional do País. Em assim sendo, entende-se que a dinâmica inflacionária brasileira vincula-se significativamente ao comportamento de determinados atributos intrínsecos ao setor produtivo nacional. Evidências empíricas obtidas neste trabalho a partir da estimação de um modelo SVAR concernente ao período que se segue a dezembro de 2009 mostram a existência de uma relação negativa entre inflação e produtividade na indústria de transformação, revelando-se tal relação, entretanto, inelástica, o que esclarece que o empresariado brasileiro tende a converter a maior parte dos ganhos de produtividade em expansões de mark-up, em vez de repassá-los primordialmente aos preços. Assim, constata-se que os problemas inflacionários enfrentados pela economia brasileira se mostram deveras complexos, e que sua resolução não depende apenas de vontade política. Desse modo, salta aos olhos a ineficiência do simplismo inerente ao Regime de Metas de Inflação no que tange à persecução da estabilidade de preços no Brasil. / The present thesis is based on the idea that obtaining and maintaining price stability in the Brazilian economy depends not only on the adoption of short-term measures, but also on the contemplation of inflation, alongside economic growth, as correlated objectives in the context of a development project related to an extended horizon of time. In terms of the cyclical policies of price control, it is evident that, given that Brazilian inflation is not mainly consubstantiated in a demand phenomenon, alternative measures, other than the mere increase of the benchmark interest rate, are necessary; in addition, it is clarified that increases in interest rates, due to their significant contractionary impacts on economic activity, jeopardize the future price stability, thus constituting an inefficient anti-inflationary behavior. With regard to the long-term, it is argued that Brazilian inflation shows specificities that make it a variable dependent of the economic, social and institutional development process of the Country. Accordingly, it is understood that the Brazilian inflationary dynamics is significantly linked to behavior of certain attributes intrinsic to the national productive sector. Empirical evidence obtained in this work from the estimation of a SVAR model concerning to the period after December 2009 shows the existence of a negative relationship between inflation and productivity in the manufacturing industry, revealing this relationship, however, inelastic, what clarifies that Brazilian businessmen tend to convert most of their productivity gains into mark-up expansions, instead of passing them along primarily to prices. So, it can be seen that the inflationary problems faced by the Brazilian economy are very complex, and that their resolution depends not only on political will. Therefore, the inefficiency of the simplicity inherent to the Inflation Targeting Regime in relation to the pursuit of price stability in Brazil is quite clear.

Inflation targeting, South Africa and the Great Recession: An alternative perspective

Bestenbier, Liansky January 2017 (has links)
Magister Commercii - MCom (Economics) / Described by Mohr (2008:1) as "one of the most hotly debated economic issues in South Africa", the inflation rate is underpinned by its impact on the average South African. A rapid increase in the cost of goods and services could have devastating consequences on the both the growth and development of the country, making it an imperative to effectively manage a change in general prices. The SARB applies an Inflation Targeting (IT) framework to manage the inflation rate and the thesis will interrogate the applicability of this framework within a low growth environment. More specifically, the thesis will ask whether it is prudent to increase the interest rate in a low growth environment. The thesis will employ a mixed research method, namely, a qualitative and quantitative method. However, the qualitative method will be the primary research method and the conclusions derived thereof will be tested within a qualitative model. The qualitative method will take the form of historical narrative which is designed to investigate the behaviour of the inflation rate at a micro level. The choice of this qualitative historical narrative derives from the inconclusive nature of the existing empirical quantitative studies and the resulting lack of a consensus on the effectiveness of the IT framework. This lack of consensus necessitated the use of a different approach to interrogate the IT framework hence the application of the qualitative historical narrative. The narrative will be primarily derived from the economic reports and data of the main authority on South Africa's monetary policy, the South Africa Reserve Bank (SARB). The narrative will also utilise the economic reports and data from reputable sources such as Statistics South Africa, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the European Central Bank (ECB), the US Federal Reserve System, and the People's Bank of China (PBC).

Repasse cambial reverso: uma avaliação sobre a relação entre taxa de câmbio e IPCA no Brasil (1999-2007) / "Reverse" exchange rate pass-through: an evaluation of the relationship between exchange rate and IPCA in Brazil (1999-2007)

Gabriel Coelho Squeff 18 February 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação discute o repasse cambial para o IPCA na economia brasileira durante o período compreendido entre janeiro de 1999 e dezembro de 2007. A ampla maioria dos trabalhos que versam sobre este tema aborda a redução do repasse após a adoção do regime de metas de inflação e/ou tem como único foco o impacto das desvalorizações cambiais no aumento dos índices de preços. Este trabalho, por outro lado, aborda de maneira explícita o papel da valorização do Real sobre a variação do IPCA no período recente, configurando o que denominamos de repasse cambial reverso. Para tanto, estimamos o repasse cambial por meio de um modelo de vetores auto-regressivos tanto para o referido período (1999-2007), quanto para outros dois recortes temporais: entre janeiro de 1999 e junho 2003 (amostra 1), período no qual se verifica uma tendência de desvalorização cambial e aumento de preços; e de julho de 2003 a dezembro de 2007 (amostra 2), período caracterizado pelo processo inverso, de valorização da taxa de câmbio e de cumprimento das metas de inflação na maioria dos anos. Os principais resultados foram: (i) no longo prazo os coeficientes de repasse cambial para o IPCA para as duas amostras foram superiores àqueles verificados para o período completo; e (ii) o repasse estimado para a amostra 2 foi bem elevado, ainda que inferior àquele obtido para a amostra 1. Estes resultados reforçam o argumento de que a taxa de câmbio desempenhou um papel proeminente no controle da inflação no período 2003-2007. / The present dissertation discusses the exchange rate pass-through to the headline inflation index, i.e. extensive national consumer price index (IPCA) in the Brazilian economy between January 1999 and December 2007. The vast majority of works dealing with this issue addresses the reduction of the pass-through after the adoption of the inflation targeting regime and / or focuses on the impact of exchange rate devaluation over the price index. This work, alternatively, discusses the role of the Brazilian currency appreciation in the recent period, resulting in what was labeled as reverse exchange rate pass-through. Thus, we have used a model of auto-regressive vectors to estimate the exchange rate pass-through for the full period (1999-2007), and for two other periods: between January 1999 and June 2003 (sample 1), during which there was a tendency for devaluation and increase in domestic prices, and from July 2003 to December 2007 (sample 2), that was a period characterized by the reverse process, that is exchange rate appreciation and in the most cases the achieving of the inflation targets. The main results were: (i) in the long run the exchange rate pass-through coefficients to IPCA of the two samples were higher than those observed for the full period, and (ii) the pass-through estimated for the sample 2 was very high, despite the fact that it was lower than that obtained for the sample 1. Those results reinforce the argument that the exchange rate played a prominent role in controlling inflation in the period 2003-2007.

Transmisní mechanismy monetární politiky na Ukrajině na cestě do zavedení režimu targetovani inflace / Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Ukraine on its Way to Inflation Targeting Regime Implementation

Shepel, Nataliia January 2012 (has links)
This thesis investigates the role of the exchange rate and interest rate channels in the monetary transmission mechanism in Ukraine. The responses on the domes- tic as well as Russian economy shocks are estimated using the Vector Autoregression Model with block-exogeneity restriction. Monetary transmission did not prove to be strongly effective via neither of the estimated channels, although the exchange rate channel demonstrates the results which are more in line with the economic theory. In addition, the exchange rate channel shows the higher and more significant pass through. Further, we estimate the importance of the shocks of both home and for- eign economies for the domestic variables deviations using variance decomposition technique. The relevance of the Russian shocks in fluctuations of home variables is found out. The current estimation of the transmission mechanism is relevant due to the planned inflation targeting regime implementation in Ukraine which requires understanding of that processes in the economy. 1

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