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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Double spin resonance of electrons in snake states

Saraiva, Pedro V. January 2010 (has links)
Two-dimensional electron gases (2DEG) located at GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As heterojunctions are modulated by a periodic magnetic field generated by a magnetic grating fabricated at the surface of the heterostructure and are irradiated by microwaves. The devices were investigated for the detection of excitations of both paramagnetic and ferromagnetic spins in the magnetoresistance. Electron spin antiresonance was electrically detected, where spin flips are propelled by two transitions: one activated by snake orbit oscillations in the slanted magnetic field, the other by the microwaves. The double resonance forms a dark state which blocks spin flips, decreases Overhauser shift and freezes snake orbit drift, therefore changing the conduction in the 2DEG. The antiresonance is quantitatively described in the coherent population trapping framework. Collective and localised spin wave modes in dysprosium and cobalt gratings were detected as well in the 2DEG. Such effects were investigated as a function of microwave power, temperature, tilt angle of the applied magnetic field, and by varying the structural and material parameters to change the strength of dipolar interactions. The data reveal two types of spin waves. Dipolar magnetisation waves propagate across the grating through the magnetostatic interaction between stripes. An analytical expression of their dispersion curve was derived and a good fit of the ferromagnetic resonance broadening was obtained. The second type are dipolar edge spin waves which manifest through a series of sharp resonances at lower magnetic field. These waves are confined near the pole surfaces in spin wave ”wells”. The eigenfrequencies of the quantised modes were calculated and a qualitative explanation of the low field resonances was obtained. The experiments show that photovoltage measurements in hybrid semiconductor-ferromagnetic structures provide a sensitive and non-invasive tool for probing the spin waves of small magnets

Deflection of Ag-atoms in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

Kheswa, Bonginkosi Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the current design of the high temperature gas cooled reactor, a small fraction of coated fuel particles will be defective. Hence, 110Ag may be released from the fuel spheres into the coolant gas (helium) and plate out on the cooler surfaces of the main power system. This poses a radiation risk to operating personnel as well as general public. The objectives of this thesis were to design and construct an apparatus in which silver-109 atoms may be produced and deflected in an inhomogeneous and homogeneous magnetic field, compare experimental and theoretical results, and make a recommendation based on the findings of this thesis to the idea of removing silver-110 atoms from the helium fluid by deflecting them with an inhomogeneous magnetic field onto target plates situated on the inner perimeter of a helium pipe. The experimental results for the deflection of the collimated Ag- atoms with the round-hole collimators showed a deflection of 1.77° and 2.05° of the Ag- atoms due to an inhomogeneous magnetic field when the target plate was positioned 13 and 30 mm away from the magnet, respectively. These values were considerably greater than 0.01° and 0.02° that were calculated for the average velocity of atoms, v = 500 m/s. The case where Ag- atoms were collimated with a pair of slits and the target plate positioned 13mm away from the magnet showed the following: An inhomogeneous magnetic field changes the rectangular shape of the beam to a roughly elliptical shape. The beam of Ag- atoms was not split into two separate beams. This was caused by the beam of Ag- atoms consisting of atoms travelling at different speeds. The maximum deflection of Ag- atoms was 1.16° in the z direction and 1.12° in the x direction. These values were also significantly greater than 0.01 mm calculated at v = 500 m/s. This huge difference between the theoretical and experimental results raised a conclusion that the size of each Ag deposit depended mostly on the exposure time that was given to it. It was noticed that the beam of Ag- atoms was not split into two separate beams, in both cases. The conclusion was that the technique of removing Ag- atoms from the helium stream by means of an inhomogeneous magnetic field may not be effective. This is due to the inability of the inhomogeneous magnetic field to split the beam of Ag- atoms into two separate beams in a vacuum of ~10-5 mbar. It would be even more difficult for an inhomogeneous magnetic field to split the beam of Ag- atoms in helium, due to the Ag- atoms having a shorter mean free path in helium compared to a vacuum. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die huidige ontwerp van die hoë temperatuur gas afgekoelde reaktor, is 'n klein fraksie van omhulde brandstof deeltjies foutief. 110Ag kan dus vrygestel word vanaf die brandstof sfere in die verkoelingsgas (helium) wat dan op die koeler oppervlaktes van die hoofkragstelsel presipiteer. Hierdie 110Ag deeltjies hou 'n bestraling risiko vir die bedryfpersoneel sowel as vir die algemene publiek in. Die doelwitte van hierdie verhandeling is eerstens om 'n apparaat te ontwerp en konstrueer wat silwer-109 atome produseer en nie-homogene en homogene magnetiese velde deflekteer,. Tweedens om die eksperimentele en teoretiese resultate met mekaar te vergelyk. Derdens om 'n aanbeveling te maak gebasseer op die bevindinge van hierdie verhandeling rakende die verwydering van silwer-110 atome uit die helium vloeistof deur hulle met 'n nie-homogene magneetveld te deflekteer op die teikenplate binne-in 'n helium pyp. Die eksperimentele resultate vir die defleksie van die gekollimeerde Ag-atome met die ronde gat kollimators toon ‘n defleksie van 1.77° en 2.05° van die Ag-atome as gevolg van ‘n nie-homogene magneetveld wanneer die teikenplaat 13mm en 30mm, onderskeidelik, vanaf die magneet geposisioneer is. Hierdie waardes is aansienlik groter as die teoretiese defleksies van 0.01° en 0.02o wat bereken is vir ‘n gemiddelde snelheid van 500 m/s vir die atome. Die geval waar Ag-atome met 'n paar splete gekollimeer is en die teikenplaat 13 mm weg van magneet geposisioneer is, is die volgende resultate verkry: 'n nie-homogene magneetveld verander die reghoekige vorm van die bondel na 'n rowwe elliptiese vorm. Die bondel Ag-atome is nie volkome twee afsonderlike bundels verdeel nie. Dit is omdat die bondel van Ag-atome bestaan uit atome wat teen verskillende snelhede beweeg. Die maksimum defleksie van Ag-atome is 1.16° in die z-rigting en 1.12° in die x-rigting. Hierdie waardes is ook aansienlik groter as 0.01° bereken teen 500 m/s. Hierdie groot verskil tussen die teoretiese en eksperimentele resultate dui daarop dat die grootte van elke Ag neerslag grootliks afhanklik is van die blootstellingstyd wat daaraan gegee is. Daar is vasgestel dat die straal van Ag-atome in beide gevalle nie in twee afsonderlike bondels verdeel nie. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die tegniek van die verwydering van Ag-atome uit die helium stroom deur middel van 'n nie-homogene magneetveld nie effektief is nie. Dit is te wyte aan die onvermoë van die nie-homogene magneetveld om die bondel Ag-atome te verdeel in twee afsonderlike bondels in 'n vakuum van ~ 10-5 mbar. Dit sou selfs nog moeiliker vir 'n nie-homogene magnetiese veld wees om die bundel Ag-atome in helium te verdeel, weens die korter gemiddelde beskikbare pad van Ag-atome in helium wanneer dit met 'n vakuum vergelyk word.

Permanent Magnet Design And Image Reconstruction Algorithm For Magnetic Resonance Imaging In Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields

Yigitler, Huseyin 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Recently, the use of permanent magnets as magnetic field sources in biomedical applications has become widespread. However, usage of permanent magnets in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is limited due to their inhomogeneous magnetic field distributions. In this thesis, shape and geometry optimization of a magnet is performed. Moreover, placement of more than one magnet is optimized to obtain desired magnetic field distribution in specific region of space. However, obtained magnetic field distribution can not be used in the conventional MRI image reconstruction techniques. Consequently, an image reconstruction technique for MRI in inhomogeneous magnetic fields is developed. Apart from these, since any reconstruction technique requires signal data, an MRI simulator in inhomogeneous magnetic fields is constructed as a part of this thesis. Obtained results show that the theory developed in this thesis is valid. Consequently, new MRI devices that have permanent magnets as magnetic field sources can be constructed in the future.

Spins in heterogeneous landscapes: Consequences for transport and imaging

Bhallamudi, Vidya Praveen 28 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Zeeman Deceleration of Supersonic Beam trapping of Paramagnetic Atoms in a Traveling Magnetic Wave / Décélération Zeeman de Jets Supersoniques piégeage d’Atomes Paramagnétiques dans une Onde Magnétique Progressive

Bera, Manabendra Nath 28 March 2011 (has links)
Le développement de différentes techniques pour contrôler les degrés de liberté internes et externes des molécules et pour produire (ultra-) froide, piège des moléculaire ensembles ouvrir des voies différentes à la physique et la chimie dans le régime de basse température. Il s'agit notamment de nombreux territoires en physique comme, phases quantiques de la matière, traitement de l'information quantique, les froides collisions moléculaires, les chimies froides et aussi de divers tests de haute précision pour la physique fondamentale. Cette thèse décrit diverses expériences de guidage et de décélération des faisceaux supersoniques d'atomes paramagnétiques à l’aide de champs magnétique inhomogène dépendent du temps. Ces champs magnétiques inhomogènes ont été utilisés pour exercer une force sur les atomes ou les molécules paramagnétiques, qui résultent de l'effet Zeeman. Le principe du ralentisseur Zeeman nouvellement développé est de produire un déplacement tridimensionnel du piège magnétique, à la vitesse initiale du faisceau. Le contrôle de la dépendance temporelle du champ magnétique nous permet de contrôler la vitesse du piège magnétique co-mobile, procurant ainsi une décélération d'une classe de vitesse du faisceau supersonique. Le piège magnétique co- mobile est déduit à partir d'une onde magnétique mobile, offrant un minimum de distorsion du piège lors de sa propagation. Les propriétés transverses du piège sont réglables grâce à un champ magnétique transversal quadrupolaire, qui peut être ajusté indépendamment des propriétés de vitesses et l'accélération du piège. Une grande part du travail de thèse a été consacrée à la conception, la réalisation et la construction du montage expérimental, consistant en un jet supersonique et en un dispositif complexe de bobines pour réaliser l’onde magnétique progressive, formant un piège magnétique mobile. Le jet froid pulsé d'atomes métastables est produit par expansion supersonique à travers une valve refroidie à l'azote liquide, excités dans l'état métastable par une décharge électrique. Nous avons guidé le jet d'argon au travers d’un tube capillaire le guidage et la décélération ont été démontrés. Le piège magnétique mobile est formé par la combinaison d'un champ magnétique quadrupolaire et d'un champ magnétique axial modulé spécialement. Le champ quadrupolaire est continu et un gradient de champ est dirigé seulement dans la direction transverse du jet. Le circuit plan produit une onde magnétique sinusoïdale avec un gradient de champ dans la direction axiale. Avec l'électronique fabriquée au laboratoire, ou peut produire une onde magnétique progressive d'amplitude 0.69T (avec un courant AC de 300A) et de fréquence 40 kHz. On obtient ainsi une onde qui se déplace à une vitesse de 464m/s. Plusieurs expériences de principe ont été réalisées en utilisant le jet froid pulsé d'argon métastable. Nous avons étudié les propriétés de guidage du quadrupole pour divers courants et pour différents atomes (hélium et argon) et comparé les résultats aux prédictions théoriques de simulations numériques. Le jet d'argon métastable a été guidé en 3D à des vitesses variées (464m/s, 400m/s, 392m/s) avec un décélérateur de 28cm de long. La température observée du paquet guidé est de 100mK. L'expérience de décélération a été réalisée avec le jet d'argon métastable depuis la vitesse de 400m/s jusqu’à 370m/s et depuis la vitesse de 392m/s jusqu’à 365m/s. Les résultats expérimentaux sont comparés avec les simulations numériques. / The development of various techniques to control both the internal and external degrees of freedom of molecules and to produce (ultra-) cold, trapped molecular ensembles open various avenues to physics and chemistry in the low temperature regime. These include many territories in physics like, quantum phases of matter, quantum information processing, cold molecular scattering, cold chemistry and also various high precision tests for fundamental physics.This thesis describes various guiding and deceleration experiments of supersonic beams of paramagnetic atoms using inhomogeneous time-dependent magnetic fields. Inhomogeneous magnetic fields have been used to exert a force on paramagnetic atoms or molecules, which derives from the Zeeman effect. The principle of the newly developed Zeeman decelerator is to produce a moving tridimensional magnetic trap, which moves at the initial velocity of the beam. The control of the time dependence of the magnetic field allows us to control the velocity of the so-called co-moving magnetic trap, thereby affording for a deceleration of a velocity class of the supersonic beam. The co-moving magnetic trap is inferred from a moving magnetic wave, offering a minimal distortion of the trap during its propagation. The transverse properties of the trap are tunable through a transverse quadrupolar magnetic field, which can be adjusted independently of the velocity and acceleration properties of the trap.Much of this thesis was devoted to the design, development and construction of the experimental setup consisting of a supersonic beam and complex coils to achieve a traveling magnetic wave. Using home-made electronics operating 300A AC currents at frequencies up to 40 kHz, the coils can produce a magnetic wave of amplitude 0.7T, moving at a controllable velocity up to 464m/s. Several proof-of-principle experiments have been carried out using a pulsed, cold beam of metastable atoms, excited in metastable states by an electric discharge during the supersonic expansion. We have studied the guiding properties of the quadrupolar magnetic field alone on two atomic beams (metastable helium and argon) and compared with the theoretical prediction of tridimensional numerical simulations. A supersonic beam of metastable argon atoms has been trapped in a co-moving trap at a constant velocity (464m/s, 400m/s, and 392m/s) using a 28cm-long prototype decelerator. The temperature of the guided beam packet is observed to be 100mK. Finally, Zeeman deceleration experiments have been done on metastable argon beams with an initial velocity of 400m/s, decelerated to various final velocities (392m/s, 370m/, and 365m/s). The experimental results are compared with tridimensional numerical simulations.Keywords: Supersonic beams, metastable atoms, cold molecules, atoms in inhomogeneous magnetic fields, transverse magnetic guide, co-moving magnetic trap, tridimensional guiding, Zeeman deceleration.

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