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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A research of the appropriate reinsurance program for a typical small to medium size general insurance company in Hong Kong.

January 1991 (has links)
by Chan Kwok-kwong Peter. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1991. / Bibliography: leaves 49-50. / Abstract --- p.ii / Table of Contents --- p.iii / preface --- p.iv / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.1-4 / Chapter II. --- principles of Reinsurance --- p.5-19 / Chapter III. --- Property Insurance --- p.20-29 / Chapter IV. --- Marine Cargo Insurance --- p.30-37 / Chapter V. --- Motor Insurance --- p.38-43 / Chapter VI. --- Summary and Conclusions --- p.44-45 / Chapter VII. --- Recommendations --- p.46-48 / Bibliography --- p.49-50

Das Lebensversicherungsunternehmen in der Insolvenz : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Gesetzes zur Umsetzung aufsichtsrechtlicher Bestimmungen zur Sanierung und Liquidation von Versicherungsunternehmen und Kreditinstituten vom 10. Dezember 2003 /

Plath, Tobias Felix D. January 2007 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2007--Köln.

The relationship between corporate strategy and information systems strategy in Hong Kong insurance companies /

Brener, Sheba. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.B.A.)--University of Hong Kong, 1992.

The reorganization problem of mutual property and liability insurers special study of problems associated with conversion from the mutual to the stock form /

Fitzgerald, John Francis, January 1971 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1971. / Typescript. Vita. eContent provider-neutral record in process. Description based on print version record. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 494-510).

Attracting and retaining IT talent within the insurance industry

Mukansi-Manganye, Yolanda Kulani 21 June 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / Globalisation and the multi-generational workforce have made an impact on the workforce and the workplace. Demographic shifts are creating an aging population, creating a growing skills shortage which is putting pressure on businesses to create knowledge workers with cutting-edge expertise. Coupled with the explosion of new technologies and the application of , these issues have changed the way organisations work, recruit, and retain their employees. Organisations all over the world are faced with the challenge of attracting and retaining talent in their environments, resulting in the global marketplace for talent being far more competitive than ever before. This study was undertaken to gain an understanding of what factors within an IT organisation attract talented individuals. The study was concerned with identifying influences that also drive these talented individuals to remain with an organisation once they have joined. The study aimed to identify strategies that organisations can adopt to assist them with the attraction and retention of IT talented individuals. This study took place in a South African insurance organisation. Interviews in the form of unstructured face-to-face individual interviews, as well as focus groups, were conducted to understand the factors considered by IT talent when making employment decisions. Seventeen employees who were deemed talent by the researched organisation took part in the study. Based on the findings of the study, the factors that attracted IT talent to the organisation were organisational reputation, remuneration, the IT technology used by the organisation, and growth prospects. For retaining IT talent, factors highlighted were growth opportunities, recognition and reward, meaningful role and responsibilities, work environment – flexible working arrangements, market related remuneration, and management style. The study concludes that there are a number of factors that influence IT talent in their decision to either join or leave an organisation. Organisations need to provide a variety of these factors in order to cater for the different needs IT talent possesses.

Developing a framework to manage a sustainable life insurance franchise in South Africa / Leon Johannes Kruger

Kruger, Leon Johannes January 2014 (has links)
Changes and challenges that have occurred during the last couple of years, have forced life insurance companies to make certain strategic decisions in order to remain competitive. Life insurance companies have to monitor their surrounding environment in order to create opportunities to allow them to survive in their competitive environment. This study intends to contribute to the competitive advantage as well as to the profitability of life insurance companies. Franchising in the financial service industry in South Africa, as an alternative distribution channel, formed the focus of this study. The life insurance industry is struggling to come to terms with the wave of regulations being implemented in the industry. Because franchising provides an opportunity for people without business experience and due to the changing environment, a framework for managing such a business plays a major role in the success of the business. Through the use of a survey an empirical study was done to test the relationship of concepts that will contribute to the development of a framework for a sustainable franchise in the life insurance industry. The various concepts were discussed and brought into context with the objectives of the study. The research study shows that franchising can be a viable option as an alternative marketing channel in the life insurance industry. The main findings of the study contribute to the development of the framework for managing a sustainable franchise in the life insurance industry in South Africa. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Developing a framework to manage a sustainable life insurance franchise in South Africa / Leon Johannes Kruger

Kruger, Leon Johannes January 2014 (has links)
Changes and challenges that have occurred during the last couple of years, have forced life insurance companies to make certain strategic decisions in order to remain competitive. Life insurance companies have to monitor their surrounding environment in order to create opportunities to allow them to survive in their competitive environment. This study intends to contribute to the competitive advantage as well as to the profitability of life insurance companies. Franchising in the financial service industry in South Africa, as an alternative distribution channel, formed the focus of this study. The life insurance industry is struggling to come to terms with the wave of regulations being implemented in the industry. Because franchising provides an opportunity for people without business experience and due to the changing environment, a framework for managing such a business plays a major role in the success of the business. Through the use of a survey an empirical study was done to test the relationship of concepts that will contribute to the development of a framework for a sustainable franchise in the life insurance industry. The various concepts were discussed and brought into context with the objectives of the study. The research study shows that franchising can be a viable option as an alternative marketing channel in the life insurance industry. The main findings of the study contribute to the development of the framework for managing a sustainable franchise in the life insurance industry in South Africa. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The value of strategic positioning and differentiation in the non-life reinsurance industry in South Africa

Ncube, Hardman 30 November 2005 (has links)
Notable in strategic management research is a paradigm shift from industry/market factors as determinants of competitive strategy to a resource-based view. This study focuses on the extent to which firms in the reinsurance industry use resources for strategic positioning and differentiation. A qualitative case study approach has been adopted for this study. On the basis of open-ended questions, interviews were conducted with 6 executives of the 6 chosen non-life reinsurance companies. In addition to interviews, company annual reports were used. Results obtained point to similarities in broader categorisation of resources, namely human capital, financial resources, information systems and organisational culture. Despite similarities in the broader grouping of resources, uniqueness in resources and competitive advantage derived therefrom is in the attributes of each of the resources that a reinsurance firm own. The main driver for basing positioning and differentiation strategies is that resources are controllable and manipulative compared to industry factors. Though the results support the underlying principles of the resource-based view, it is notable that its prescriptive nature with regard to resource characteristics, does not hold for some of the resources such as human resources, which are not perfectly immobile. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL

An assessment of the comparability of financial reporting by South African long-term insurers

Van den Berg, Johannes Petrus 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MAcc )--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Existing long-term insurance financial reporting practices are heavily based on regulatory foundations. Although the reporting requirements of the long-term insurance industry are unique, there is currently no comprehensive, up to date Financial Reporting Standard in South Africa for long-term insurers. The demand for increased disclosure in the financial statements of long-term insurers increases the importance of the basic accounting principles for these companies as embodied in the Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, namely comparability, relevance, accuracy and understandability of financial reporting. The SAICA Long-Term Insurance Interest Group discussed the withdrawal of AC121 Disclosure in the Financial Statements of Long-Term Insurers and the replacement thereof by way of other guidance. Ultimately the Accounting Practices Committee has firmly stated that it will not tolerate the ongoing implementation of AC121 because it contradicted a number of other accounting statements and indeed overrode those statements. With this in mind and taking into account the program of harmonising South African accounting standards with International Accounting Standards, it insisted that AC121 be withdrawn and replaced by guidance notes only. The current lack of authoritative South African guidance on financial reporting by long-term insurers results in the potential compromise of the basic qualitative characteristics of comparability and relevance in their financial statements, as certain disclosures are voluntary rather than required. The aim of the research was to assess the impact of the lack of authoritative South African financial reporting guidance relating to South African long-term insurers on the basic financial statement characteristic of comparability. A literature study was undertaken and a checklist for disclosure in the long-term insurance industry was drawn up. The objective was to highlight areas of noncomparable disclosure for which financial reporting standards should be created in order to provide guidance on financial reporting by South African long-term insurers and, where possible, to suggest guidance. Financial statements of selected South African long-term insurers were reviewed and "measured" against the checklist in order to make an assessment of comparability. Currently the disclosure of industry-specific items differs significantly amongst long-term insurance companies in South Africa. The comparability test (on information disclosed in the 2002 annual reports of the selected companies) and the research done on industry-specific items identified by this test indicated the extent of this non-comparability within the South African long-term insurance industry. In view of the recent withdrawal of AC121 and the results of the comparability test, there is reason to believe that each long-term insurer in South Africa discloses what it believes is right and what it believes the industry is required to disclose. This results in significant non-comparability between the financial statements of South African long-term insurers. The author recommends that a long-term insurance industry accounting statement in the AC500 series should be issuéd, which should provide the appropriate guidance not only to preparers of financial statements, but also to other users of financial statements in the long-term insurance industry, until such time as the international accounting project relating to long-term insurers is complete. Some work will be required to update and/or amend a "new AC121" for the AC500 series. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige praktyk vir finansiële verslagdoening van langtermynversekeraars berus grotendeels op 'n regulatoriese grondslag. Hoewel die vereistes vir verslagdoening van die langtermynversekeringsbedryf eiesoortig is, bestaan daar tans in Suid-Afrika geen omvattende hedendaagse Finansiële Verslagdoeningstandaard vir langtermynversekeraars nie. Die vraag na groter openbaarmaking in die finansiële state van langtermynversekeraars verhoog die belangrikheid van basiese rekeningkundige beginsels vir hierdie maatskappye soos vervat in die Raamwerk vir die Voorbereiding en Aanbieding van Finansiële State, naamlik vergelykbaarheid, relevansie, akkuraatheid en verstaanbaarheid van finansiële verslagdoening. SAIGR se Langtermynversekering Belangegroep het die onttrekking van RE121 Openbaarmaking in die Finansiële State van Langtermynversekeraars en die vervanging daarvan deur middel van ander riglyne bespreek. Uiteindelik het die Komitee vir Rekeningkundige Praktyk nadruklik bepaal dat dit nie die voortgesette implementering van RE121 verder kan onderskryf nie, omdat dit teenstrydig is met 'n aantal ander rekeningkundige standpunte en in werklikheid daardie standpunte ter syde stel. Met dien verstande en met inagneming van die harmoniseringsprogram om Suid-Afrikaanse rekeningkundige standaarde in harmonie met Internasionale Rekeningkundige Standaarde te bring, is daarop aangedring dat RE121 onttrek en slegs deur rigtinggewende riglyne vervang word. Die heersende gebrek aan gesaghebbende Suid-Afrikaanse riglyne oor finansiële verslagdoening deur langtermynversekeraars lei tot die potensiële kompromie van die basiese kwalitatiewe eienskappe van vergelykbaarheid en relevansie in hul finansiële state, aangesien sekere openbaarmaking vrywillig eerder as verplig is. Die doel van die navorsing was In bepaling van die impak wat die gebrek aan gesaghebbende riglyne vir Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële verslagdoening met betrekking tot Suid-Afrikaanse langtermynversekeraars op die basiese kenmerk van vergelykbaarheid van die finansiële state het. In Literatuurstudie is onderneem en In toetsstaat vir openbaarmaking in die langtermynversekeringsbedryf is opgestel. Die doelwit was om die soeklig te laat val op terreine waar openbaarmaking nie vergelykbaar is nie, waarvoor standaarde vir finansiële verslagdoening geskep moet word ten einde riglyne te verskaf oor finansiële verslagdoening deur Suid-Afrikaanse langtermynversekeraars en om waar moontlik, voorstelle hiervoor aan die hand te doen. In Oorsig van finansiële state van geselekteerde Suid-Afrikaanse langtermynversekeraars is onderneem en aan die toetsstaat "gemeet" ten einde die vergelykbaarheid te beoordeel. Teenswoordig verskil die openbaarmaking van bedryfspesifieke items aansienlik tussen langtermynversekeringsmaatskappye in Suid-Afrika. Die vergelykbaarheidstoets (volgens inligting wat in die 2002-jaarverslae van die geselekteerde maatskappye verstrek word) en die navorsing wat gedoen is oor bedryfspesifieke items wat deur hierdie toets geïdentifiseer is, toon die omvang van hierdie nievergelykbaarheid binne die Suid-Afrikaanse langtermynversekeringsbedryf. In die lig van die onlangse onttrekking van RE121 en die resultate van die vergelykbaarheidstoets, is daar rede om te glo dat elke langtermynversekeraar in Suid-Afrika opbenbaar wat volgens sy oortuigings reg is en wat hy glo van die bedryf verlang word om te openbaar. Dit lei tot beduidende nie vergelykbaarheid tussen die finansiële state van Suid-Afrikaanse langtermynversekeraars. Die skrywer beveel aan dat 'n rekeningkundige standpunt vir die langtermynversekeringsbedryf in die RE500-reeks uitgereik word, wat die toepaslike riglyne behoort te voorsien nie net aan diegene wat finansiële state voorberei nie, maar ook aan ander gebruikers van finansiële state in die langtermynversekeringsbedryf, tot tyd en wyl die internasionale rekeningkunde projek met betrekking tot langtermynversekeraars afgehandel is. 'n Sekere mate van werk sal nodig wees ten einde 'n "nuwe RE121" vir die RE500 reeks by te werk of dit te wysig.

Captive insurance companies : a theoretical and empirical study

Le Roux, Magdalena Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Much research has been done on risk coverage within the field of the traditional insurance market, but the concept of alternative risk transfer is fairly new to the world of risk management. The need for more innovative, multi-faceted approaches to meet possible losses, together with the growing resistance to the cross-subsidisation inherent in traditional insurance, has initiated the development of the captive insurance industry as an alternative risk transfer mechanism. The objective of this research was to study the application of captive insurance as a risk management mechanism for managers. The objective comprised a modelling approach for managers to handle the strategic implications of establishing and operating a captive insurer. The tasks that were required for this assignment were as follows: • The completion of a literature study of the basic theory available on captive insurance as an internal risk financing mechanism for management; • The collection of relevant empirical information on the subject by means of questionnaires, which had to be based on the literature study; • The critical analysis of the collected data; and • The development of a decision-making model based on the outcome of the available information, that could provide a practical guideline for management to decide on the establishment and operation of a captive insurer. Twenty-five questionnaires were sent out during February 2003 to cover all the registered onshore and cell captive insurance companies in South Africa. Offshore insurance companies could not be included in this study due to article 33 of the Reserve Bank's Act no. 90 of 1989 regarding confidential information. Of the 25 captive insurance companies, 21 companies completed the questionnaires, and three respondents declared that they did not perform captive insurance activities anymore. A response rate of over 95 per cent is therefore achieved. The information obtained from the questionnaires was summarised on a SPSS spreadsheet and subjected to a statistical analysis to form the bases for the empirical investigation. The results of the empirical study for onshore and cell captive insurers leads to conclusions regarding the importance of the objectives needed for establishing and operating the captive Insurer. The three most importantfactors which should determine the decision of a holding company to establish an onshore captive insurer were identified as the financial commitment of the holding company, the spreading of the risks of the holding company, and the retention capacity of the holding company. The three most importantfactors which should determine the decision of a holding company to operate an onshore captive insurer are the retention capacity of the holding company, the financial commitment of the holding company, and the management commitment of the holding company. The three most importantfactors which should determine the decision of a holding company to establish a cell captive insurer were identified as the spreading of the risks of the holding company, the retention capacity of the holding company, and the financial commitment of the holding company. The three most importantfactors which should determine the decision of a holding company to operate a cell captive insurer are the financial commitment of the holding company, the spreading of the risks of the holding company, and the management commitment of the holding company. A decision-making model for both onshore and cell captive insurers was developed as a tool for risk managers when deciding on the establishment and operation of a captive insurer as part of their risk management programme. The resulting conclusions and recommendations of this assignment are largely based on the personal viewpoints of the captive insurers active in the South African captive insurance industry. It is therefore recommended that future research also includes the role and views of the holding companies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Heelwat navorsing is alreeds oor die tradisionele versekeringsmark ten opsigte van risikodekking gedoen, maar die konsep van alternatiewe risiko-oordrag is nog redelik nuut in die vakgebied van die risikobestuur. Die behoefte aan meer innoverende multivlak benaderinge om moontlike verliese te beperk, tesame met die toenemende weerstand teen kruissubsidiëring inherent aan tradisionele versekering, het tot die ontwikkeling van die gebonde (gevange) versekeringsbedryf as 'n wyse van alternatiewe risiko-oordrag gelei. Die doelstelling van hierdie navorsing was om die toepaslikheid van gebonde versekeraars as 'n risikobestuursmeganisme vir bestuurders te bestudeer. Die doelstelling omsluit 'n modelboubenadering vir bestuurders om die strategiese implikasies van die stigting en bedryf van 'n gebonde versekeraar te beheer. Die voortvloeiende take van die werkstuk is soos volg: • Die voltooiing van 'n literatuurstudie van die basiese teorie wat oor gebonde versekering, as 'n wyse van interne risikofinansiering vir bestuur beskikbaar is; • Die versameling van relevante empiriese inligting oor die onderwerp deur middel van vraelyste wat op die literatuurstudie gebaseer is; • 'n Kritiese ontleding van die versamelde inligting; en • Die ontwikkeling van 'n besluitnemingsmodelop grond van die resultate van die beskikbare inligting wat as 'n praktiese gids vir bestuur kan dien met betrekking tot besluitingneming oor die stigting en bedryfvan 'n gebonde versekeraar. Vyf en twintig vraelyste is gedurende Februarie 2003 gepos om al die geregistreerde binnelandse gebonde versekeringsmaatskappye, asook gebonde versekeringsmaatskappye wat uit verskillende selle bestaan ("cell captive insurance companies"), in Suid-Afrika te bereik. Buitelandse gebonde versekeringsmaatskappye kon nie deel van hierdie studie vorm nie vanweë artikel 33 van die Reserwebank se Wet nr. 90 van 1989 insake vertroulike inligting. Van die 25 gebonde versekeringsmaatskappye het 21 maatskappye die vraelyste voltooi en drie respondente het aangedui dat hulle nie meer by die aktiwiteite van gebonde versekering betrokke was nie. 'n Reaksiekoers van meer as 95 persent is gevolglik behaal. Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za Die inligting vanuit die vraelyste is opgesom deur middel van 'n SPSS-sigblad en 'n aantal statistiese ontledings is gedoen, wat die basis van die empiriese studie gevorm het. Die resultate van die empiriese studie ten opsigte van binnelandse gebonde versekeraars, asook gebonde versekeraars wat uit verskillende selle bestaan, het tot gevolgtrekkings gelei met betrekking tot die belangrikheid van die verlangde doelstellings vir die stigting en bedryf van gebonde versekeraars. Die drie belangrikste faktore wat die besluitneming van 'n houermaatskappy behoort te beïnvloed om 'n binnelandse gebonde versekeraar te stig, is geïdentifiseer as die finansiële verbintenis van die houermaatskappy, die spreiding van die risiko's van die houermaatskappy en die retensiekapasiteit van die houermaatskappy. Die drie belangrikste faktore wat die besluitneming van 'n houermaatskappy behoort te beïnvloed om 'n binnelandse gebonde versekeraar te bedryf, is geïdentifiseer as die retensiekapasiteit van die houermaatskappy, die finansiële verbintenis van die houermaatskappy en die bestuursverbintenis van die houermaatskappy. Die drie belangrikste faktore wat die besluitneming van 'n houermaatskappy behoort te beïnvloed om 'n gebonde versekeraar wat uit verskillende selle bestaan, te stig, is geïdentifiseer as die spreiding van die risiko's van die houermaatskappy, die retensiekapasiteit van die houermaatskappy en die finansiële verbintenis van die houermaatskappy. Die drie belangrikste faktore wat die besluitneming van 'n houermaatskappy behoort te beïnvloed om 'n gebonde versekeraar wat uit verskillende selle bestaan, te bedryf, is geïdentifiseer as die finansiële verbintenis van die houermaatskappy, die spreiding van die risiko's van die houermaatskappy en die bestuursverbintenis van die houermaatskappy . 'n Besluitnemingsmodel is as hulpmiddel vir risikobestuurders ontwikkel, vrr beide binnelandse gebonde versekeraars asook gebonde versekeraars wat uit veskillende selle bestaan, om met besluitneming ten opsigte van die stigting en bedryf van 'n gebonde versekeraar as deel van hul risikobestuursprogram te help. Die voortvloeiende gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings van die werkstuk was grootliks gebaseer op die persoonlike menings van die gebonde versekeraars wat aktief in die Suid-Afrikaanse gebonde versekeringsbedryf is. Dit word gevolglik aanbeveel dat toekomstige navorsing ook die rol en menings van die houermaatskappye insluit.

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