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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Express?o imuno-histoqu?mica das integrinas ?2?1, ?3?1, e ?5?1, em mucosa oral normal, hiperplasia fibroepitelial inflamat?ria oral e displasia epitelial oral

Gord?n N??ez, Manuel Antonio 18 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:32:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ManoelAGN_tese.pdf: 5283581 bytes, checksum: 65511a1dd2487deff44e8db44d2a0cf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-18 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The objective of this study was perform by the streptoavidin-biotin technique an immunohistochemical analysis of ?2?1, ?3?1e ?5?1 integrins in 11 normal oral mucosa (NOM), 16 oral inflammatory fibroepithelial hyperplasia (OIFH) and 25 oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) (16 mild, 2 moderates and 7 severe), to determine if exists qualitative alteration in the expression of these integrins and if this guard relation with the oral epithelial modifications. It was observed that for the ?2?1 integrin the majority of the sample showed a predominantly intense labeling diffusely distributed in the intercellular contacts and the cytoplasm of cells of the basal and suprabasal layers, without difference of this profile between the different types of specimens, however with a trend to weak or loss of expression in 21.1% of the OEDs, being all the specimens that had not expressed this heterodimer, severe OEDs. For the ?3?1 integrin the majority of the sample showed a weak or absent labeling in basal layer. The ?5?1 integrin showed a predominant strong diffuse labeling in the intercellular contacts and cytoplasm in the suprabasal layer, with difference only in the labeling intensity between the types of specimens, inhabiting this difference in the OEDs, where 12 (48%) specimens had shown a weak labeling. It was concluded that the evaluated integrins can be involved in the cell-cell, cell-ECM interactions modulating the cellular differentiation and maintenance of the epithelial structural arrangement. The variable expression of the ?5?1 integrin in the OEDs, could suggest, respectively, a role of this molecule in the cellular survival, with intention to perpetuate the modified phenotype in these lesions, or a suppressor role on the modified phenotype due to lack of interaction of this molecule with the fibronectina of the MEC / Este estudo se prop?s analisar atrav?s da t?cnica da estreptoavidina-biotina a express?o imuno-histoqu?mica das integrinas ?2?1, ?3?1e ?5?1 em 11 esp?cimes de mucosa oral normal (MON), 16 de hiperplasia fibroepitelial inflamat?ria oral (HFIO) e 25 de displasia epitelial oral (DEO) (16 leves, 2 moderadas e 7 graves), procurando determinar se existe altera??o qualitativa na express?o destas integrinas e se a mesma guarda rela??o com as modifica??es sofridas pelo epit?lio oral. Para a integrina ?2?1 a maioria dos esp?cimes exibiu uma marca??o predominantemente intensa e difusa nos contatos intercelulares e no citoplasma celular das camadas basal e suprabasal, sem diferen?a desse perfil entre os diferentes tipos de esp?cimes, por?m com uma tend?ncia a fraca ou perda da express?o em 21.1% das DEOs, sendo todos os esp?cimes que n?o expressaram marca??o para este heterod?mero DEOs graves. Para a integrina ?3?1 a maioria da amostra exibiu uma marca??o fraca ou ausente predominantemente em camada basal. A integrina ?5?1 exibiu uma forte marca??o difusa nos contatos intercelulares e citoplasm?tica na camada suprabasal, com diferen?a apenas na intensidade de marca??o entre os tipos de esp?cimes, residindo essa diferen?a nas DEOs, onde 12 (48%) esp?cimes exibiram uma fraca marca??o. Concluiu-se que as integrinas avaliadas podem estar envolvidas nas intera??es c?lula-c?lula e c?lula-MEC que garantem a diferencia??o celular e manuten??o do arranjo estrutural tecidual. A vari?vel express?o da integrina ?5?1 nas DEOs, poderia sugerir, respectivamente, um papel dessa mol?cula na sobrevida celular, com o intuito de perpetuar o fen?tipo alterado nessas les?es, ou uma a??o supressora desse fen?tipo devido ? falta de intera??o desta mol?cula com a fibronectina da MEC

Express?o imuno-histoqu?mica das integrinas a2?1, a3?1 e a5?1 em adenoma pleom?rfico de gl?ndula salivar menor e maior e carcinoma aden?ide c?stico / Immunohistochemical expression of D2E1, D3E1 e D5E1 integrins in pleomorphic adenoma from minor and major salivary glands and adenoid cystic carcinoma

Miguel, M?rcia Cristina da Costa 27 May 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:32:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarciaCCMiguel_tese.pdf: 1534160 bytes, checksum: 1a3ec415bfaf10c088ec1ae5f6224189 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-05-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Pleomorphic adenoma and adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) consist benign and malignant neoplasm from salivary gland, respectively. These neoplasms share some characteristics, such as cellular origin and considerable production of extracellular matrix, however, with distinct biological behavior. The aim of the present study was to compare the expression of D2E1, D3E1 e D5E1 integrins in pleomorphic adenoma from minor and major salivary glands and ACCs. Furthermore, it was investigated possible differences in the expression of these integrins according to histological subtypes of ACC. Fourteen cases of pleomorphic adenoma from major salivary gland, fourteen cases from minor salivary gland and ten cases of ACC were selected. It was taken into consideration the presence or absence, localization and intensity of integrin immunoexpression. The cases of pleomorphic adenoma were grouped in order to compare the expression between the distinct neoplasms. It was observed a highly significant difference (p<0,0001) in relation to D2E1 integrin between the neoplasms since pleomorphic adenoma showed a pronounced immunostaining. It was not possible to perform statistical tests considering the D2E1 integrin expression; nevertheless, it could be observed a tendency of higher staining in pleomorphic adenoma. For comparative reasons the cases ACCs were divided in two groups: solid and tubular/cribriform. It was not detected significant differences in regard to D2E1 integrin; and statistical analysis could not be realized in relation to D3E1 and D5E integrin expression. However, it was also verified a tendency of absence or reduced expression in the solid subtype. It can be concluded that the reduced D2E1 integrin expression observed in CACs may be related to a lesser degree of cell differentiation in this neoplasm and the reduced D5E1 integrin expression can be associated with aggressive biological behavior. Moreover, the absence and/or reduced expression of the studied integrins in solid ACC suggests a role in pathogenesis and more aggressive biological behavior of this histological subtype / O adenoma pleom?rfico e o carcinoma aden?ide c?stico (CAC) representam neoplasias de gl?ndula salivar benigna e maligna, respectivamente, as quais compartilham algumas caracter?sticas como a mesma origem celular e uma marcante presen?a de matriz extracelular, apresentando, por?m, comportamentos biol?gicos distintos. O prop?sito desta pesquisa consistiu em comparar a express?o das integrinas D2E1, D3E1 e D5E1 em adenomas pleom?rficos de gl?ndula salivar menor e maior e CACs. Al?m disso, procurou investigar se havia diferen?as na express?o destas integrinas entre os subtipos histopatol?gicos do CAC. Foram selecionados 14 casos de adenoma pleom?rfico de gl?ndula salivar maior, 14 casos de gl?ndula salivar menor e 10 casos de CACs. Analisou-se a presen?a ou aus?ncia, localiza??o e intensidade de marca??o das integrinas. Os dois grupos de adenomas pleom?rficos foram reunidos em um s? para fazer a compara??o entre os dois tumores. Verificou-se que houve diferen?a estat?stica altamente significativa (p<0,0001) para a integrina D2E1 entre os dois tumores, apresentando o adenoma pleom?rfico, uma marca??o mais intensa para esta integrina. Em rela??o ? integrina D5E1 n?o foi poss?vel a realiza??o de testes estat?sticos, ficando patente, por?m, que houve uma tend?ncia da referida integrina ser mais intensamente expressa no adenoma pleom?rfico. Para an?lise comparativa, os CACs foram subdivididos em 2 grupos: s?lido e tubular/cribriforme. Para a integrina D2E1 observou-se que n?o houve diferen?a estatisticamente significativa e em rela??o ? D3E1 e D5E1 n?o foi poss?vel a realiza??o do teste estat?stico; no entanto, tamb?m foi verificada uma clara tend?ncia para os casos do subtipo s?lido apresentarem express?o ausente ou reduzida das integrinas avaliadas. Concluiu-se que a reduzida express?o da integrina D2E1 observada nos CACs, pode estar relacionada com a menor diferencia??o das c?lulas deste tumor e ? poss?vel que a reduzida express?o da D5E1, possa estar implicada em seu comportamento mais agressivo. Al?m disso, sugere-se que a aus?ncia e/ou redu??o da express?o das integrinas pesquisadas nos casos do subtipo s?lido, pode desempenhar algum papel na patog?nese e no comportamento biol?gico mais agressivo deste subtipo tumoral

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