Spelling suggestions: "subject:"intellectual property"" "subject:"ntellectual property""
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Justice in genetics : intellectual property and human rights from a cosmopolitan liberal perspectiveBernier, Louise, 1975- January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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From the right or the left: Generation Y and their views on piracy, copyright, and file sharing.Stanley, Heather Leigh. Unknown Date (has links)
Copyright infringement is not a recent phenomenon; however, the prevalence of the Internet and piracy software has made infringement easier to commit and harder to prosecute. Research identifies the offenders to be in their late-teens and early 20s, an age group that has been christened Generation Y or Millennials. This study confirmed that 19- to 25-year-old college students pirate music at an alarming rate; however, their responses indicate that they are pirating less than previously suggested. This study also determined through survey and focus group research that a disparity exists between legal and cultural mores. According to Posner's theory means-end rationality, if current deterrents fail to prevent future infringements, the justice system must adapt modifications to penalties or jurisprudence is not fulfilling its purpose.
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ACTA-avtalet : Historia och framtidNikula, Erik January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Intellectual Property Right's Strategy & management of Taiwan Technological EnterpriseLi, Chih-Pin 18 February 2002 (has links)
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L'usufruit des droits de propriété intellectuelle /Laronze, Bertrand. January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Nantes, 2005. / Bibliogr. p. [301] - 322. Notes bibliogr. Index.
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Upphovsrättens sanktionssystem : En komparativ studie av svensk och amerikansk upphovsrättMagnusson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
Immaterialrätten består av olika moment, bland annat upphovsrätt, patent samt varumärkesrätt, den här uppsatsen utgör en komparation mellan svensk och amerikansk upphovsrätt. På upphovsrättens område finns en rad olika internationella konventioner, bland annat, Bernkonventionen, TRIPS-avtalet samt WCT. I och med att länder ansluter sig till konventionerna och ratificerar dem i deras lagstiftning blir de också bundna av att följa dem och tillhandahålla de rättsmedel som föreskrivs för att kunna upprätthålla en fungerande upphovsrättslagstiftning. På upphovsrättens område har även EU kommit upp med direktiv, bland annat infosoc-direktivet samt IPRED-direktivet, dessa bygger i huvudsak på de internationella konventionerna. Konventionerna är gjorda av minimibestämmelser vilket innebär att länderna kan ha en hårdare tillämpning än vad som föreskrivs i konventionerna. Minimiskydden är till för att de utvecklingsländer som inte har någon fungerande lagstiftning så att upphovsmannens rätt kan tillvaratas där. Författaren har i en omfattande analys kommit fram till slutsatsen att svensk och amerikansk upphovsrätt är förenliga med de internationella konventioner som de är bundna av, främst TRIPS-avtalet vad gäller tillhandahållande av rättsmedel för att säkerställa att upphovsrätten följs. Av slutsatsen följer även att de svenska och amerikanska lagarna är väldigt snarlika vad gäller de rättsmedel som finns att tillgå. Den amerikanska upphovsrätten är dock mera tillfredsställande för det allmännas intresse.
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Justice in genetics : intellectual property and human rights from a cosmopolitan liberal perspectiveBernier, Louise, 1975- January 2006 (has links)
Genetics is one sector in which there has been tremendous evolution and progress over the last few decades. While it is believed that genetics could offer tremendous opportunities for global health improvement, there is also a fear that existing global health inequalities will be amplified by the evolution of genetics. / It thus appears necessary to analyse the way current assumptions define what is just and acceptable with regard to global access and distribution of resources in this field. Indeed, given the importance of genetics to human health globally, this thesis will evaluate two principal legal regimes---intellectual property and international human rights---to determine to which extent they further the goal of distributing the benefits of these technologies equitably and globally. This evaluation is vital to ensure that legal regimes assist in ensuring that this promising field develops in a way that improves global health without leaving the most vulnerable outside of the process. This dissertation will undertake this complex task by employing and building upon cosmopolitan liberal theories developed over the few last decades as an extension of the work of Rawls and Daniels. / A theoretical framework to justify engaging in a global and more equitable redistribution of benefits produced by genetics is required. Ultimately, our analysis will produce strong normative benchmarks based on justice considerations for engaging in a global and more equitable redistribution of the benefits likely to emerge from genetic science. Universal consideration of all human beings, importance of health needs, normal functioning and equality of opportunities are some of the notions that will be analysed to construct this framework. We will then attempt to determine how and if this theory of distribution translates into positive law and to identify and analyse the main obstacles to legal compliance with global distributive justice. We will assess two main international normative systems: intellectual property law and human rights law to determine if their underlying philosophy, structure, and functioning take account of the principles highlighted in our theoretical framework and how underlying politics and economics matter. / This will set out a basis for further discussion on how we could work around some of the major obstacles identified throughout our analysis. It will also help us move from the vague and often symbolic ideal of benefit sharing actually prevailing toward the establishment of a real, enforceable concept of global benefit sharing in health that would position genetics at the rank of essential tool for achieving global health.
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Copyright in the European Union with special reference to TurkeyYilmaz, Iihan January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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The Trade Marks Act 1994Isaacs, Nicola Jane January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Parallel importation : a global analysisOsuna Páez, Maria Luisa. January 1997 (has links)
This thesis analyses legislative and judicial responses to parallel importation, a practice that pits intellectual property rights against the freedom of trade. Parallel importation involves the sale of genuine products holding intellectual property rights which have been imported into a country without the authorization of the IP rightholder. This practice is opposed by those who claim that their rights are infringed. The author examines responses in Canada, the United States of America, and the European Union, and finds that they are not consistent. / The author questions the applicability of using intellectual property rights to stop parallel importation and whether such measures are necessary to protect intellectual property rights and consumer welfare. According to the author, it is more appropriate to address rightholder concerns contractually. Consumer welfare can be assured with a statutory requirement that products have sufficient labelling to prevent confusion as to their origin.
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