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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement d'éléments de construction en bois de pays lamellés assemblés par tourillons thermo-soudés / Development of local laminated wood construction element using welded-through dowels

Resch, Ludovic 12 November 2009 (has links)
Le soudage du bois constitue un nouveau procédé d’assemblage, deux pièces de bois sont assemblées sans aucun adhésif, ni organe métallique. Ce travail étudie la faisabilité d’éléments de construction en bois lamellé à échelle 1 comme des poutres, des parois et des planchers, en utilisant le soudage de chevilles (Fagus sylvatica) dans des avivés (Picea abies) des forêts locales (VOSGES). La maîtrise du procédé étant primordiale pour étudier sa reproductibilité, une machine prototype est développée. Les paramètres d’asservissement et la mesure des efforts appliqués sont maîtrisés précisément par un logiciel. La fabrication contrôlée d’échantillons et de poutres soudées permet de caractériser les propriétés mécaniques élémentaires.L’étude du comportement des poutres et des planchers fait appel à la théorie des poutres à connexions imparfaites. Une approche par éléments finis montre que le modèle analytique de KREUZINGER n’approche pas suffisamment la distribution des contraintes dans la section composite, un modèle analytique est développé selon l’approche de GIRHAMMAR : le modèle exact généralisé. Les essais de poutres montrent une trop grande souplesse de la liaison et sa sensibilité au fluage. Les essais sur le plancher conduisent à des caractéristiques intéressantes en termes de rigidité et de confort. Les parois, non optimisées, montrent des résultats prometteurs pour le contreventement. Les premiers éléments sur l’utilisation du soudage du bois dans la construction sont présentés. Cette technologie se révèlerait compétitive dans la réalisation d’éléments constructifs en 3D. Dans un contexte de développement durable, cette approche constructive est porteuse d’avenir / Wood welding is a new assembly concept; two pieces of wood can be connected without any adhesive or any metal fastener. This study present the feasibility in usable scale, to produce laminated elements for construction like beams, walls and floors, using welded dowels (Fagus sylvatica) to connect planks (Picea abies) from local forests (Vosges). To be used, it is essential that the welding process has to be reproducible; a prototype machine was designed in this aim. It mastered the main parameters of welding like rotation speed and efforts. A convivial software pilot efficiently the machine. This allows a controlled fabrication of welded samples and beams to characterize their basic resistance properties. The behaviour of beams and floors is given by composite beam with interlayer slip theory. A finite elements approach showed that the KREUZINGER’s analytical model does not allow to describe well enough the stress distribution in a multi layer composite section, an analytical model is then develop from GIRHAMMAR’s composite beams theory: the so call generalized exact model. Tests of beams show that the dowel connection is too weak and will have then a great sensitivity to creep. Tests on floor provide interesting features in terms of rigidity and comfort. The walls which are not optimized show encouraging results for racking resistance. The first items for the use of wood welding in construction are presented. This technology will be competitive in achieving constructive elements in 3D. In a context of sustainable development, this constructive approach takes its full meaning

Lenkiamųjų gelžbetoninių elementų, sustiprintų mechaniškai tvirtinama armuoto polimero juosta, elgsenos tyrimai / Analysis of behavior of a reinforced concrete flexural member strengthened by mechanically fastened fiber reinforced polymer strips

Bartkevičius, Justinas 25 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe atliekami eksperimentiniai gelžbetoninių sijų, sustiprintų pneumatiniu montažiniu pistoletu mechaniškai tvirtinama anglies pluošto juosta, elgsenos tyrimai, nagrinėjama jungių skaičiaus ir išdėstymo įtaka sijos elgsenai. Darbą sudaro: įvadas, trys pagrindiniai skyriai, pasiūlymai ir išvados, literatūros sąrašas. Įvade aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas ir naujumas, pristatomas darbo objektas, formuluojami tikslai ir uždaviniai, pateikiama tyrimų metodika. Pirmajame skyriuje pateikiamos bendros žinios apie sijų stiprinimą, apžvelgiama stiprinimo metodų raida, aptariamos statybiniams kompozitams gaminti naudojamos medžiagos ir aprašomi populiariausi metodai, naudojami statybiniais kompozitais sustiprintų sijų skaičiavimui. Antrajame skyriuje plačiau aptariamas sluoksnių skaičiavimo metodas, atliekama jo parametrinė analizė. Trečiajame skyriuje plačiai aprašomas bandinių paruošimas ir jų bandymo metodika, pateikiami eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai, jie palyginami su teoriniais skaičiavimais bei kitų autorių gautais rezultatais. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiami sijų stiprinimo pneumatiniu montažiniu pistoletu mechaniškai tvirtinama anglies pluošto juosta pasiūlymai, formuluojamos išvados. Darbo apimtis – 69 p. teksto be priedų, 33 paveikslai, 5 lentelės, 32 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. / This thesis presents the analysis based on experimental testing of reinforced concrete beams, strengthened by mechanically fastened fiber reinforced polymer strips, when high pressure air powered pinner was used to fasten the strips. The influence of the number and arrangement of fasteners is investigated. Thesis consists of introduction, three main chapters, recommendations and conclusions, literature list. The introduction presents an overview, objectives, scope, methodology and significance of thesis. The first chapter shows the development of beam strengthening, introduces composite materials and methods used for calculating beams strengthened using FRP strips. In the second chapter the chosen calculation method is described in detail and its parametric analysis is performed. Third chapter gives a detailed description on the test specimen preparation and the methodology of testing. Experimental results and their comparison with theoretically obtained values and values obtained by other researchers are given here. The recommendations on the technology of strengthening the beams using mechanically fastened fiber reinforced polymer strips are given and the conclusions are drawn. Thesis contains 69 pages. There are 33 pictures, 5 tables and 32 references in the thesis.


LUDIMAR LIMA DE AGUIAR 26 February 2019 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho, o comportamento tridimensional de tubos multicamadas com escorregamento entre camadas, sob grandes deslocamentos, para aplicação em análise global de risers e dutos é avaliado. Foi desenvolvido um novo elemento finito, considerando o modelo de viga de Timoshenko em cada camada. O elemento contempla os graus de liberdade axial, flexional e torcional, todos variando ao longo do elemento de acordo com as funções de interpolação de Hermite: carregamentos axial e torcional constantes e momentos fletores lineares. As deformações de cisalhamento também foram consideradas na formulação do elemento através de graus de liberdades generalizados, constantes ao longo do elemento. A formulação também considera modelos de contato não-lineares para representar várias possibilidades de atrito entre camadas, através da representação apropriada da relação constitutiva para as tensões de cisalhamento no material adesivo. O trabalho também apresenta os carregamentos hidrostáticos e hidrodinâmicos devidos aos fluidos interno e externo, atuando nos graus de liberdade das respectivas camadas. As forças de arrasto e de inércia devidas ao fluido externo foram calculadas através da fórmula de Morison. As matrizes de massa e amortecimento, associadas a cada camada do elemento, são obtidas através da consideração das respectivas contribuições na expressão do trabalho virtual desenvolvido pelo carregamento externo. O elemento finito desenvolvido permite a representação numérica de risers com camadas aderentes ou não aderentes, incluindo os efeitos de pequenos deslocamentos entre camadas. O problema de interação solo-estrutura também é tratado neste trabalho, sendo que dois modelos de contato entre o solo e o duto são propostos. A formulação do elemento e o seu desempenho numérico são avaliados através de alguns exemplos de aplicação e os resultados são comparados com outros resultados numéricos ou analíticos disponíveis na literatura. Os resultados mostram que o novo elemento é uma solução simples, robusta e confiável para análise de tubos em multicamadas. / [en] This work addresses the behavior of three-dimensional multilayered pipe beams with interlayer slip condition, under general three-dimensional large displacements, in global riser and pipeline analysis. A new finite element model, considering the Timoshenko beam for each element layer, has been formulated and implemented. It comprises axial, bending and torsional degrees-of-freedom, all varying along the element length according to discretization using Hermitian functions: constant axial and torsional loadings, and linear bending moments. Transverse shear strains due to bending are also considered in the formulation by including two generalized constant degrees-of-freedom. To represent various friction conditions between the element layers, nonlinear contact models are considered. These conditions are accounted in the model through a proper representation of the constitutive relation for the shear stresses behavior in the binding material. Derivations of hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loadings due to internal and external fluid acting on respective element layers are presented. The drag and inertia forces due to external fluid are calculated by using the Morison equation. Mass and damping matrices, associated to each element layer, are properly derived by adding their respective contributions to the expression of the virtual work due to external loading. The FE implementation allows for the numerical representation of either bonded or unbonded multilayered risers, including small slip effects between layers. Effects of the pipe-soil interaction are also addressed in this work with two contact models considering either no or full interaction between friction forces in longitudinal and lateral directions, respectively. The element formulation and its numerical capabilities are evaluated by some numerical testing, which are compared to other numerical or analytical solutions available in the literature. These tests results show that the proposed element provides a simple yet robust and reliable tool for general multilayered piping analyses.

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