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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Large Woody Debris on fluvial processes and channel geomorphology in unstable sand-bed rivers

Wallerstein, Nicholas Paul January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Engineered Log Jams on Channel Morphology, Middle Fork of the John Day River, Oregon

Duffin, Jenna 18 August 2015 (has links)
Engineered log jams (ELJs) were constructed on the Middle Fork of the John Day River in eastern Oregon as part of a large restoration project. These log structures were designed to address many of the restoration goals including creating scour pools, inhibiting bank erosion, creating and maintaining a sinuous river planform, and increasing complexity of fish habitat. This study uses geomorphic change detection techniques to monitor topographic change under and around the 26 log structures in two different river reaches over a six to seven year period. This study finds that the ELJs are remaining stable within the river and maintaining deep pool habitat. The study provides insight into which log structure variables are most related to the patterns and amounts of aggradation and degradation. Understanding the geomorphic changes to the riverbed in response to the placement of the ELJs can influence the design and future effectiveness of ELJs.

Interacting Influence of Log Jams and Branching Channels on Hyporheic Exchange Revealed through Laboratory Flume and Numerical Modeling Experiments

Wilhelmsen, Karl J. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Modelagem chuva-vazão utilizando framework JAMS em área de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani / Rainfall-runoff modeling using framework JAMS in the area of outcrop zone of the Guarani Aquifer System

Ribeiro, Aline da Silva 01 June 2012 (has links)
O Sistema Nacional de Informações de Recursos Hídricos (SNIRH) ainda não monitora todos os rios brasileiros. Esta carência de informações reflete em falhas na estimativa da disponibilidade hídrica para os usos múltiplos da água. Nesse contexto, os modelos hidrológicos destacaram-se por tentar suprir essa insuficiência de dados. Entretanto, nota-se que muitos modelos não geram bons resultados quando executados fora da área de estudo onde foram criados. Por isso, devido à flexibilidade na escolha dos processos hidrológicos a serem simulados, este trabalho utilizou o framework JAMS (Jena Adaptable Modelling System) na construção de um modelo chuva-vazão específico para a bacia piloto do Ribeirão da Onça, a qual está inserida em zona de afloramento de um dos mais importantes aquíferos do mundo, o Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG). O JAMS apresentou-se como um sistema simplificado e flexível diante das adaptações necessárias para tratar e gerar dados compatíveis com as características climatológicas e hidrológicas da área de estudo. O modelo construído mostrou-se eficiente na predição da resposta hidrológica da bacia avaliada, apresentando um coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe de 0,76 e 0,81, para os períodos de calibração e validação do modelo, respectivamente. Foi ainda satisfatória a predição do volume escoado, apresentando uma porcentagem de viés de -1.13 e -1.03% para os dois períodos. A reconstituição da série histórica de vazão mostrou que o escoamento de base representa de 79 a 89% do escoamento total anual da bacia do Ribeirão da Onça. Portanto, o modelo construído torna-se uma importante ferramenta para a reconstituição da série histórica dos dados fluviométricos da bacia do Ribeirão da Onça, importante para o aperfeiçoamento dos estudos de recarga e proteção do SAG. / The National System of Information Resources (SNIRH) has not monitored all Brazilian rivers. This lack of information reflects in the fault estimation of water availability for the multiple uses. In this context, the hydrological models stood out for trying to address this lack of data. However, it is noted that many models do not generate good results when performed outside of the study area where they were created. Therefore, due to flexibility in the choice of hydrological processes to be simulated, this study used the framework JAMS (Jena Adaptable Modelling System) in the construction of a specific rainfall-runoff model to the basin of the Ribeirão da Onça monitored watershed, which is embedded in an outcrop area of one of the most important aquifers in the world, the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG). The JAMS presented as a simplified and flexible for use on the necessary adaptations to process and generate consistent data with the climatological and hydrological characteristics of the study area. The constructed model was effective in predicting the hydrological response of the basin evaluated, with a Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.76 and 0.81, for periods of calibration and validation of the model, respectively. It was also satisfactory prediction of runoff volume, with a bias of -1.3 and -1.03% for the two periods. The runoff time series reproduction showed that the baseflow represents from 79 to 89% of the annual total runoff in the Ribeirão da Onça watershed. Therefore, the constructed model becomes an important tool for reconstruting the time series fluviometric data from Ribeirão da Onça basin, important for the improvement of the recharge studies and SAG protection.

Modélisation hydrologique de bassins versants périurbains et influence de l'occupation du sol et de la gestion des eaux pluviales : Application au bassin de l'Yzeron (130km2) / Hydrological modelling of periurban catchments and impacts provoked by the evolution of landuse and rainwater management in a French periurban catchment (Yzeron, 130 km2)

Labbas, Mériem 24 February 2015 (has links)
Les bassins périurbains, constitués de zones urbaines, agricoles et naturelles, sont des bassinsversants complexes à étudier. L’augmentation des surfaces imperméables et les modifications deschemins d’écoulement par les réseaux d’assainissement influencent leur hydrologie. Ces modificationssont notamment liées aux choix de modes de gestion des eaux pluviales : réseaux unitaires,réseaux séparatifs, infiltration à la parcelle, etc. La modélisation hydrologique spatialisée, quirend compte de l’hétérogénéité des bassins versants, est un outil permettant d’évaluer les différentsenjeux en termes d’occupation du sol et de gestion des eaux pluviales. Cependant, peu demodèles ont été construits pour être appliqués aux bassins périurbains, à l’échelle des gestionnaires(˜ 100 km2) et pour des simulations sur de longues périodes (> 10 ans). La modélisationhydrologique doit donc être adaptée afin de mieux capter les spécificités des milieux périurbainstelles que l’hétérogénéité de l’occupation du sol et la connexion de certaines zones urbaines à unréseau d’assainissement.Ce travail de thèse a consisté à développer un nouvel outil de modélisation adapté à ces problématiques: le modèle distribué horaire J2000P. Ce modèle simule les processus hydrologiquesen milieux ruraux et urbains et prend en compte les réseaux d’assainissement, les connexionsà ces réseaux et les déversements des déversoirs d’orage (DO). Le modèle a été mis en oeuvresur le bassin périurbain de l’Yzeron (˜ 130 km2), situé à l’ouest de Lyon. L’évaluation, effectuéeà l’exutoire de différents sous-bassins de tailles et d’occupations du sol différentes, montre desrésultats très encourageants. Le modèle a tendance à sous-estimer le débit mais la dynamiquedes pics est bien représentée tout comme le déversement des DO. Suite aux résultats de l’évaluation,une analyse de sensibilité « pas à pas » du modèle a été réalisée et différentes hypothèsesde fonctionnement du bassin ont été formulées pour améliorer la compréhension du modèle etdes processus représentés. Le modèle a ensuite été utilisé pour tester l’impact de modificationsde l’occupation des sols et/ou de la gestion des eaux pluviales sur la réponse hydrologique. Lemodèle montre que la gestion de l’occupation du sol a moins d’influence sur l’hydrologie dubassin que la gestion du réseau d’assainissement. / Growing urbanization and related anthropogenic processes have a high potential to influencehydrological process dynamics. Typical consequences are an increase of surface imperviousnessand modifications of water flow paths due to artificial channels and barriers (combined and separatedsystem, sewer overflow device, roads, ditches, etc.). Periurban catchments, at the edgeof large cities, are especially affected by fast anthropogenic modifications. They usually consistof a combination of natural areas, rural areas with dispersed settlements and urban areas mostlycovered by built zones and spots of natural surfaces. Spatialized hydrological modeling tools, simulatingthe entire hydrological cycle and able to take into account the important heterogeneityof periurban watersheds can be used to assess the impact of stormwater management practiceson their hydrology.We propose a new modeling tool for these issues : the hourly distributed J2000P model.This model simulates the hydrological processes in rural and urban areas and takes into accountthe sewerage networks, connections to these networks and overflows from sewer overflow devices(SOD). The application site is the Yzeron catchment (˜ 130 km2), located in the West of Lyon.The evaluation, conducted at the outlet of different sub-basins with different sizes and landuse, shows very encouraging results. The model tends to underestimate the discharge but thedynamics of the peaks and the SOD overflows are well simulated. The model is also used to testthe impact of changes in land use and/or stormwater management on the hydrological response.The results show that land use management has less impact on the hydrology of the catchmentthan stormwater management.

Development of a data-driven distributed hydrological model for regional scale catchments prone to Mediterranean flash floods. Application to the Ardèche catchment, France / Développement d'un modèle hydrologique distribuée construit à partir de l'analyse des données pour la modélisation régionale des bassins Méditerranéens soumis aux crues rapides. Application au bassin versant de l’Ardèche. France

Adamovic, Marko 05 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif scientifique de la thèse est de progresser dans la modélisation hydrologique spatiale régionale dans le contexte de crues éclairs qui représentent l'une des catastrophes naturelles les plus destructrices dans la région Méditerranéenne. L'accent est mis sur les questions de mise à l'échelle des bassins versants et la dérivation des équations et des modèles applicables aux bassins de milieu simplifiées de grande taille pour mieux décrire l'hétérogénéité du paysage et de la complexité du processus. Telles sont les questions clés pour faciliter le modèle mis en place dans le contexte de l'ensemble du bassin versant et d'essayer son application dans les bassins non jaugés trop. Pour répondre à ces questions, une modélisation hydrologique spatiale simplifiée sur les sous-bassins versants est d'abord proposé où les paramètres sont essentiellement tirées de l'information disponible (surtout cartographique). La méthode de Kirchner (WRR, 2009) qui suppose que le débit à la sortie est la seule fonction de stockage du bassin versant, est spécifiquement étudiée dans le cadre des bassins versants Méditerranéens. L'étape suivante consiste à créer un nouveau modèle hydrologique SIMPLEFLOOD distribué sur la base de « top down » méthodologie de Kirchner dans la plateforme de modélisation JAMS. Les paramètres du modèle simple sont estimés à des endroits calibrés et une régionalisation se fait en fonction de la géologie. Le bassin versant est discrétisé en sous-bassins versants d'environ 10 km2. La dernière étape consiste à procéder à un couplage de données avec le modèle hydraulique MAGE 1D développé à IRSTEA HHLY tenir compte des effets de propagation de la rivière sur les hydrogrammes simulés. Le couplage est externe, ce qui signifie que les sorties du modèle hydrologique dans le système de modélisation de JAMS deviennent les entrées du modèle MAGE hydraulique. Les sorties sont les débits qui sont transférés dans le modèle de MAGE soit comme flux latéraux (provenant des terres adjacentes) et /ou entrées d'eau locales. L'application de la thèse est le bassin versant de l'Ardèche (2388 km ²), qui est l'un des sites pilotes français pour le programme international HyMeX (cycle hydrologique dans l'expérience de la Méditerranée, http://www.hymex.org/). La thèse proposée contribue également au projet FloodScale (multi-échelle d'observation hydrométéorologique et de modélisation pour la compréhension et simulation des crues éclairs (http://floodscale.irstea.fr/). L'application de la méthodologie Kirchner (2009) montre que les résultats de simulation des débits sont bonnes pour les bassins de granit, trouvés à être caractérisée principalement par des processus excès de ruissellement et d'écoulement sous la surface de saturation. L'hypothèse simple de système dynamique fonctionne particulièrement bien dans des conditions humides (pics et les récessions sont bien modélisés). D'autre part, la performance du modèle est moins bien représentée à l'été et les périodes de sécheresse où l'évapotranspiration est large et observations de bas-débits sont inexactes. Dans le bassin versant de l'Ardèche, les précipitations simulées correspondent bien à de stations de jaugeage observés et données de réanalyse SAFRAN pendant les périodes de non-végétation. Le modèle doit encore être amélioré pour inclure une représentation plus précise de l'évapotranspiration réelle, mais fournit un résumé satisfaisant du fonctionnement du bassin versant pendant les périodes humides et d'hiver. Le couplage du modèle hydrologique obtenue avec le modèle hydraulique MAGE 1D fournit des résultats satisfaisants mais les résultats sont si réciproques comme dans le cas du modèle hydrologique ou une équation d'onde cinématique simple pour le routage des flux existe. On peut dire que dans les situations ou débordement de la rivière est significative, le couplage serai crucial. / The scientific objective of the thesis is to progress in regional spatial hydrological modeling in the context of flash floods that represent one of the most destructive natural hazards in the Mediterranean region. Emphasis is put on catchment scaling issues and derivation of simplified equations and models applicable to basins of medium to large size to best describe landscape heterogeneity and process complexity. These are the key issues in facilitating the model set up in the context of the whole catchment and trying its application in ungauged catchments too. To address these issues, a simplified spatial hydrological modeling over sub-catchments is first proposed where parameters are essentially derived from available information (cartographic utmost). For this purpose, the Kirchner (WRR, 2009) method that assumes that discharge at the outlet is only a function of catchment storage is specifically studied in the context of Mediterranean catchments. The next step is to create a new distributed hydrological model based on the data driven methodology of Kirchner within the JAMS modeling framework. The parameters of the simple model are estimated at the gauged locations and a regionalization is done according to geology. The catchment is discretized into sub-catchments of about 10 km2. The final step is to proceed with data coupling with the MAGE 1D hydraulic model developed at HHLY to consider river propagation effects on the simulated hydrographs. The coupling is external, meaning that outputs from the hydrological model in JAMS modeling system become inputs to the hydraulic model MAGE. Outputs are discharge rates in the reach network that are transferred into the MAGE model as either lateral flows (coming from adjacent land) and/or local inflows. The case study of the thesis is the Ardèche catchment (2388 km²), which is one of the French pilot sites for the HyMeX international program (Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment, http://www.hymex.org/). The proposed thesis also contributes to the FloodScale project (Multi-scale hydrometeorological observation and modeling for flash floods understanding and simulation, http://floodscale.irstea.fr/ ). The application of the Kirchner (2009) methodology shows that resulting discharge simulation results are good for granite catchments, found to be predominantly characterized by saturation excess runoff and sub-surface flow processes. The simple dynamical system hypothesis works especially well in wet conditions (peaks and recessions are well modeled). On the other hand, poor model performance is associated with summer and dry periods when evapotranspiration is high and operational low-flow discharge observations are inaccurate. In the Ardèche catchment, inferred precipitation rates agree well in timing and amount with observed gauging stations and SAFRAN data reanalysis during the non-vegetation periods. The model should further be improved to include a more accurate representation of actual evapotranspiration, but provides a satisfying summary of the catchment functioning during wet and winter periods. The coupling of the resulting hydrological model with the MAGE 1D hydraulic model provides satisfying results. However, the results show that the timing and magnitude of simulated discharge with coupled model is as good as by the hydrological model with a simple kinematic wave equation for flow routing. We argue that in situations when there is a significant overflow in the floodplain the interest of the coupling with the hydraulic model becomes crucial.

Modelagem chuva-vazão utilizando framework JAMS em área de afloramento do Sistema Aquífero Guarani / Rainfall-runoff modeling using framework JAMS in the area of outcrop zone of the Guarani Aquifer System

Aline da Silva Ribeiro 01 June 2012 (has links)
O Sistema Nacional de Informações de Recursos Hídricos (SNIRH) ainda não monitora todos os rios brasileiros. Esta carência de informações reflete em falhas na estimativa da disponibilidade hídrica para os usos múltiplos da água. Nesse contexto, os modelos hidrológicos destacaram-se por tentar suprir essa insuficiência de dados. Entretanto, nota-se que muitos modelos não geram bons resultados quando executados fora da área de estudo onde foram criados. Por isso, devido à flexibilidade na escolha dos processos hidrológicos a serem simulados, este trabalho utilizou o framework JAMS (Jena Adaptable Modelling System) na construção de um modelo chuva-vazão específico para a bacia piloto do Ribeirão da Onça, a qual está inserida em zona de afloramento de um dos mais importantes aquíferos do mundo, o Sistema Aquífero Guarani (SAG). O JAMS apresentou-se como um sistema simplificado e flexível diante das adaptações necessárias para tratar e gerar dados compatíveis com as características climatológicas e hidrológicas da área de estudo. O modelo construído mostrou-se eficiente na predição da resposta hidrológica da bacia avaliada, apresentando um coeficiente de Nash-Sutcliffe de 0,76 e 0,81, para os períodos de calibração e validação do modelo, respectivamente. Foi ainda satisfatória a predição do volume escoado, apresentando uma porcentagem de viés de -1.13 e -1.03% para os dois períodos. A reconstituição da série histórica de vazão mostrou que o escoamento de base representa de 79 a 89% do escoamento total anual da bacia do Ribeirão da Onça. Portanto, o modelo construído torna-se uma importante ferramenta para a reconstituição da série histórica dos dados fluviométricos da bacia do Ribeirão da Onça, importante para o aperfeiçoamento dos estudos de recarga e proteção do SAG. / The National System of Information Resources (SNIRH) has not monitored all Brazilian rivers. This lack of information reflects in the fault estimation of water availability for the multiple uses. In this context, the hydrological models stood out for trying to address this lack of data. However, it is noted that many models do not generate good results when performed outside of the study area where they were created. Therefore, due to flexibility in the choice of hydrological processes to be simulated, this study used the framework JAMS (Jena Adaptable Modelling System) in the construction of a specific rainfall-runoff model to the basin of the Ribeirão da Onça monitored watershed, which is embedded in an outcrop area of one of the most important aquifers in the world, the Guarani Aquifer System (SAG). The JAMS presented as a simplified and flexible for use on the necessary adaptations to process and generate consistent data with the climatological and hydrological characteristics of the study area. The constructed model was effective in predicting the hydrological response of the basin evaluated, with a Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0.76 and 0.81, for periods of calibration and validation of the model, respectively. It was also satisfactory prediction of runoff volume, with a bias of -1.3 and -1.03% for the two periods. The runoff time series reproduction showed that the baseflow represents from 79 to 89% of the annual total runoff in the Ribeirão da Onça watershed. Therefore, the constructed model becomes an important tool for reconstruting the time series fluviometric data from Ribeirão da Onça basin, important for the improvement of the recharge studies and SAG protection.

Processo aerado termofílico combinando biomassa aderida e suspensa para tratamento de água residuária sintética de indústria de geleias e compotas de frutas / Aerated thermophilic process combining attached and suspended biomass in the synthetic wastewater from jams and jellies industries treatment

Pereira, Tiago Duarte Santos 26 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho foi teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho do tratamento aerado combinando biomassa aderida e suspensa, em diferentes condições de temperatura (25ºC, 27ºC, 45ºC e 55ºC), na remoção da matéria orgânica. Foi utilizada uma água residuária sintética simulando o efluente da indústria de geleias e compotas de frutas. Os dois reatores operados foram construídos em aço inox com diâmetro de 15 cm, 58,0 cm de altura e volume útil de 10,25 L, sendo 5,125 L preenchidos com meio suporte. O experimento se deu em duas fases. Na primeira (75 dias) o reator R1 foi operado a 25ºC e o R2 a 45ºC, na segunda (60 dias) a 27ºC e 55ºC, respectivamente. O TDH variou de 10,39h a 11,86h e a carga orgânica volumétrica aplicada de 2,82 kg.m-3.d-1 a 3,51 kg.m-3.d-1. As maiores eficiências de remoção de DQO foram observadas nos reatores R1(25ºC) e R2(45ºC): 80,27±11,97% e 78,41±6,41%, respectivamente. Estas médias não diferiram entre si. A colonização do meio suporte foi satisfatória, exceto a 55ºC onde se verificou a diminuição da aderência da biomassa. Foi observado o intumescimento do lodo nas duas fases experimentais, provavelmente devido à alta biodegradabilidade da água residuária, e um maior valor de SSV no efluente dos sistemas termofílicos. Os ensaios cinéticos apontaram para uma menor dependência do sistema na parcela suspensa da biomassa para a eficiência global. A análise do DGGE mostrou diminuição na diversidade entra a biomassa aderida do reator mesofílico (25ºC) e a biomassa aderida do reator termofílico (45ºC), entretanto, esta mudança não foi tão evidente de 45ºC para 55ºC. / The aim of this study was to investigate the attached and suspended biomass performance in the organic matter removal of a synthetic jams and jellies wastewater at different temperature (25ºC, 27ºC, 45ºC and 55ºC). Two stainless steel reactors, 15 cm diameter and 58 cm high were used. The working volume was 10,25 L and the support medium occupied 5,125 L. The experiment was developed in two stages. The first stage lasted 75 days, the R1 and R2 reactors operated at 25ºC and 45ºC, respectively. The second stage lasted 60 days and the reactors operated at 27ºC and 55ºC, respectively. The HRT ranged between 10,39h and 11,86h and the volumetric load between 2,82 kg.m-3.d-1 to 3,51 kg.m-3.d-1.The highest removal efficiencies of COD occurred in R1(25ºC) and R2(45ºC) reactors: 80,27±11,97% and 78,41±6,41%, respectively. These results were not statistically different. The colonization of the support medium was satisfactory, except at 55ºC, as in this condition it was observed decreased adhesion of biomass. Bulking occurred in both stages of the experiment, probably due to the high biodegradability of this wastewater, and a highest value of MLVSS in the effluent of the thermophilic systems. The kinect experiments appointed that the suspended biomass play a minor role in the global efficiency of the system. The DGGE analysis have shown reduction in diversity when the temperature increases from 25ºC to 45ºC, nevertheless, this change was not so clear from 45ºC to 55ºC.

Processo aerado termofílico combinando biomassa aderida e suspensa para tratamento de água residuária sintética de indústria de geleias e compotas de frutas / Aerated thermophilic process combining attached and suspended biomass in the synthetic wastewater from jams and jellies industries treatment

Tiago Duarte Santos Pereira 26 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho foi teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho do tratamento aerado combinando biomassa aderida e suspensa, em diferentes condições de temperatura (25ºC, 27ºC, 45ºC e 55ºC), na remoção da matéria orgânica. Foi utilizada uma água residuária sintética simulando o efluente da indústria de geleias e compotas de frutas. Os dois reatores operados foram construídos em aço inox com diâmetro de 15 cm, 58,0 cm de altura e volume útil de 10,25 L, sendo 5,125 L preenchidos com meio suporte. O experimento se deu em duas fases. Na primeira (75 dias) o reator R1 foi operado a 25ºC e o R2 a 45ºC, na segunda (60 dias) a 27ºC e 55ºC, respectivamente. O TDH variou de 10,39h a 11,86h e a carga orgânica volumétrica aplicada de 2,82 kg.m-3.d-1 a 3,51 kg.m-3.d-1. As maiores eficiências de remoção de DQO foram observadas nos reatores R1(25ºC) e R2(45ºC): 80,27±11,97% e 78,41±6,41%, respectivamente. Estas médias não diferiram entre si. A colonização do meio suporte foi satisfatória, exceto a 55ºC onde se verificou a diminuição da aderência da biomassa. Foi observado o intumescimento do lodo nas duas fases experimentais, provavelmente devido à alta biodegradabilidade da água residuária, e um maior valor de SSV no efluente dos sistemas termofílicos. Os ensaios cinéticos apontaram para uma menor dependência do sistema na parcela suspensa da biomassa para a eficiência global. A análise do DGGE mostrou diminuição na diversidade entra a biomassa aderida do reator mesofílico (25ºC) e a biomassa aderida do reator termofílico (45ºC), entretanto, esta mudança não foi tão evidente de 45ºC para 55ºC. / The aim of this study was to investigate the attached and suspended biomass performance in the organic matter removal of a synthetic jams and jellies wastewater at different temperature (25ºC, 27ºC, 45ºC and 55ºC). Two stainless steel reactors, 15 cm diameter and 58 cm high were used. The working volume was 10,25 L and the support medium occupied 5,125 L. The experiment was developed in two stages. The first stage lasted 75 days, the R1 and R2 reactors operated at 25ºC and 45ºC, respectively. The second stage lasted 60 days and the reactors operated at 27ºC and 55ºC, respectively. The HRT ranged between 10,39h and 11,86h and the volumetric load between 2,82 kg.m-3.d-1 to 3,51 kg.m-3.d-1.The highest removal efficiencies of COD occurred in R1(25ºC) and R2(45ºC) reactors: 80,27±11,97% and 78,41±6,41%, respectively. These results were not statistically different. The colonization of the support medium was satisfactory, except at 55ºC, as in this condition it was observed decreased adhesion of biomass. Bulking occurred in both stages of the experiment, probably due to the high biodegradability of this wastewater, and a highest value of MLVSS in the effluent of the thermophilic systems. The kinect experiments appointed that the suspended biomass play a minor role in the global efficiency of the system. The DGGE analysis have shown reduction in diversity when the temperature increases from 25ºC to 45ºC, nevertheless, this change was not so clear from 45ºC to 55ºC.

Testování mikrometody izolace DNA z listů, plodů a výrobků z ovoce / Evaluation of a micromethod for isolation of DNA from plant leaf, fruit and fruit products

Balažovičová, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
The thesis has been focused on testing of micromethod of DNA isolation from leaves, fruits and fruit products. Jams were selected for the analysis of plant DNA in technologically processed foods. Plant leaves, fruits, and jams were homogenized using plastic copist in a lysis buffer containing 2% cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) with 2.5M sodium chloride (NaCl). Microisolation of plant DNA was performed using poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate-co-glycidylmethacrylate) – P(HEMA-co-GMA)microparticles. Isolated the DNA concentration and purity were assessed by UV light aborbance using a spectrophotometer. After that, amplification of the DNA was tested in PCR. Primers specific for plant ribosomal DNA: 18S_for a 5,8S_rev (PCR product - 700bp), 26S_for a 26S_rev (PCR product - 220 bp), 18S_for a 18¬S_rev (PCR product - 263 bp) were used. The PCR conditions were optimized and the effect of the amplicon length on its detection was followed. PCR products were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. It was shown that DNA isolated from almost all of leaves using magnetic particles was in PCR-ready quality in contrary to the fruits. DNA amplified in PCR with primers giving short PCR products was isolated from almost all tested jams. The method must be optimalised, yet.

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