Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hand used scenarios"" "subject:"land used scenarios""
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Feeling is Believing: Landscape as Communal Influence on Behaviour and BeliefEpp, Jonathan 06 May 2013 (has links)
This study integrated and applied effective communication concepts to highlight landscape as both medium and method to improve land use decisions, in the face of uncertainty, such as that posed by global climate change. Grounded theory guided the emergence of a communication model to illustrate impacts of land use scenarios in a study area. Scenarios incorporated socioeconomic trends and biophysical data, including localized climate projections and relevant audience traits assumed from prior assessments. Scenario implications were analyzed by comparing their ecological service values; the communication model’s effectiveness was evaluated against principles derived from the literature. Results suggest that a communication framework grounded in landscape can improve comprehension of environmental and human needs; however, further testing is needed. This framework can help enable broader landscape understanding through shared experience and engagement. Enhancing communication channels in this way is required as increasingly complex environmental problems demand more collaborative and communal solutions. / Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation
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Modélisation hydrologique de bassins versants périurbains et influence de l'occupation du sol et de la gestion des eaux pluviales : Application au bassin de l'Yzeron (130km2) / Hydrological modelling of periurban catchments and impacts provoked by the evolution of landuse and rainwater management in a French periurban catchment (Yzeron, 130 km2)Labbas, Mériem 24 February 2015 (has links)
Les bassins périurbains, constitués de zones urbaines, agricoles et naturelles, sont des bassinsversants complexes à étudier. L’augmentation des surfaces imperméables et les modifications deschemins d’écoulement par les réseaux d’assainissement influencent leur hydrologie. Ces modificationssont notamment liées aux choix de modes de gestion des eaux pluviales : réseaux unitaires,réseaux séparatifs, infiltration à la parcelle, etc. La modélisation hydrologique spatialisée, quirend compte de l’hétérogénéité des bassins versants, est un outil permettant d’évaluer les différentsenjeux en termes d’occupation du sol et de gestion des eaux pluviales. Cependant, peu demodèles ont été construits pour être appliqués aux bassins périurbains, à l’échelle des gestionnaires(˜ 100 km2) et pour des simulations sur de longues périodes (> 10 ans). La modélisationhydrologique doit donc être adaptée afin de mieux capter les spécificités des milieux périurbainstelles que l’hétérogénéité de l’occupation du sol et la connexion de certaines zones urbaines à unréseau d’assainissement.Ce travail de thèse a consisté à développer un nouvel outil de modélisation adapté à ces problématiques: le modèle distribué horaire J2000P. Ce modèle simule les processus hydrologiquesen milieux ruraux et urbains et prend en compte les réseaux d’assainissement, les connexionsà ces réseaux et les déversements des déversoirs d’orage (DO). Le modèle a été mis en oeuvresur le bassin périurbain de l’Yzeron (˜ 130 km2), situé à l’ouest de Lyon. L’évaluation, effectuéeà l’exutoire de différents sous-bassins de tailles et d’occupations du sol différentes, montre desrésultats très encourageants. Le modèle a tendance à sous-estimer le débit mais la dynamiquedes pics est bien représentée tout comme le déversement des DO. Suite aux résultats de l’évaluation,une analyse de sensibilité « pas à pas » du modèle a été réalisée et différentes hypothèsesde fonctionnement du bassin ont été formulées pour améliorer la compréhension du modèle etdes processus représentés. Le modèle a ensuite été utilisé pour tester l’impact de modificationsde l’occupation des sols et/ou de la gestion des eaux pluviales sur la réponse hydrologique. Lemodèle montre que la gestion de l’occupation du sol a moins d’influence sur l’hydrologie dubassin que la gestion du réseau d’assainissement. / Growing urbanization and related anthropogenic processes have a high potential to influencehydrological process dynamics. Typical consequences are an increase of surface imperviousnessand modifications of water flow paths due to artificial channels and barriers (combined and separatedsystem, sewer overflow device, roads, ditches, etc.). Periurban catchments, at the edgeof large cities, are especially affected by fast anthropogenic modifications. They usually consistof a combination of natural areas, rural areas with dispersed settlements and urban areas mostlycovered by built zones and spots of natural surfaces. Spatialized hydrological modeling tools, simulatingthe entire hydrological cycle and able to take into account the important heterogeneityof periurban watersheds can be used to assess the impact of stormwater management practiceson their hydrology.We propose a new modeling tool for these issues : the hourly distributed J2000P model.This model simulates the hydrological processes in rural and urban areas and takes into accountthe sewerage networks, connections to these networks and overflows from sewer overflow devices(SOD). The application site is the Yzeron catchment (˜ 130 km2), located in the West of Lyon.The evaluation, conducted at the outlet of different sub-basins with different sizes and landuse, shows very encouraging results. The model tends to underestimate the discharge but thedynamics of the peaks and the SOD overflows are well simulated. The model is also used to testthe impact of changes in land use and/or stormwater management on the hydrological response.The results show that land use management has less impact on the hydrology of the catchmentthan stormwater management.
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Response of endangered bird species to land‑use changes in an agricultural landscape in GermanyJungandreas, Anne, Roilo, Stephanie, Strauch, Michael, Václavík, Tomáš, Volk, Martin, Cord, Anna F. 02 February 2024 (has links)
Land-use intensification in agroecosystems has led to population declines in many taxonomic groups, especially farmland birds. Two contrasting conservation strategies have therefore been proposed: land sharing (the integration of biodiversity conservation in low-intensity agriculture) and land sparing (the spatial separation of high-yielding agriculture and areas for conservation). Despite the large academic interest in this field, only few studies have taken into account stakeholders’ perspectives of these strategies when assessing conservation implications. We modeled the effects of three land-use scenarios (a business-as-usual, a land-sharing, and a land-sparing scenario), developed together with regional stakeholders, on the habitat area of 13 regionally endangered bird species in the Middle Mulde River Basin (Saxony, Germany). We used random forest models based on environmental variables relating to land-use/cover, climate and soil characteristics, occurrence of linear landscape elements (hedges and tree rows), and distance to water and major roads. Responses to the three land-use scenarios were species-specific, but extensively managed permanent grassland and the density of forest edges were positively associated with the occurrence of most bird species. Overall, the land-sharing scenario provided the largest breeding habitat area: 76% of the species had a significant (p < 0.05) increase in breeding habitat, and none showed a significant decrease. Our findings confirm that balancing the different, often contrasting habitat requirements of multiple species is a key challenge in conservation and landscape management. Land sharing, which local stakeholders identified as the most desirable scenario, is a promising strategy for the conservation of endangered birds in agricultural landscapes like our study region.
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