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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards the development of a protocol for rearing juvenile rock lobster, Jasus lalandii

Esterhuizen, J. A. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Rhodes University, 2004. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on June 9, 2006). Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-104).

The effects of ocean acidification and temperature change on the West Coast rock lobster (Jasus lalandii)

Knapp, Jarred Lee 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The West Coast rock lobster (WCRL), Jasus lalandii, is a critical marine fisheries resource for South Africa and may in future be negatively affected by the changes in seawater parameters associated with the ongoing anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These CO2 emissions have been linked to a global decrease in ocean pH (termed “ocean acidification”) and an increase in temperature. There are strong estimates that these changes are to worsen in coming centuries. This warranted research because of 1) the low current level of the resource (2.6% of pristine) and 2) the relatively unexplored physiological- and other biological responses of the WCRL to environmental stressors. This information is essential for the sustainable management of the resource by government scientists in times of global- and regional climate change. In the short term, it was found that the WCRL was able to rapidly and reversibly respond to acute changes in seawater pH (pH 7.4), this was achieved primarily through the active up-regulation of bicarbonate levels in the haemolymph. Maintaining extracellular pH protects oxygen transport mechanisms, which are sensitive to pH changes due to the large Bohr effect that this study also revealed, in the respiratory protein, haemocyanin of adult WCRL. The energy cost of actively maintaining extracellular pH, however, is expected to affect growth and potentially survival in the long term. This was tested on juvenile WCRL that were exposed to a reduced seawater pH of 7.3 (18.8 °C) over a period of 28 weeks. Results revealed that survival was not influenced and acid-base regulation in the hypercapnia-exposed lobsters was maintained throughout the duration of the trial, however, this led to a reduced growth rate. Subsequently, in order to replicate field conditions more closely, a combination of effects, namely seawater pCO2 (pH 8 and 7.3) and different temperatures (15.6 and 19 °C) on the growth of juvenile WCRL were assessed over an exposure period of 48 weeks in a second chronic trial. In contrast to the initial trial (28 weeks), where hypercapnia was assessed separately, lobsters exposed to hypercapnia had a higher growth rate than those at the same temperature exposed to a “natural” (normocapnic) seawater pH. The difference was interpreted as an indication that food availability/quality may negatively affect stress response, as feeding in the first trial was later considered “sub-optimal” in comparison to that of the second trial. In the latter, although both hypercapnia and temperature affected growth rates, temperature was the largest contributor to differences observed between treatments. The order of growth rates for lobsters from different treatments was: hypercapnia/high temperature > normocapnia/high temperature > hypercapnia/low temperature > normocapnia/low temperature. In this trial too, irrespective of treatment, lobsters were able to maintain extracellular pH within a relatively narrow range over the extent of the trial and survival was not negatively affected by hypercapnia or high temperature. In order to compare the sensitivity of juvenile WCRL to that of adults, with regards to the effect of changes in extracellular pH on oxygen transport, and to assess the impact of chronic hypercapnia, haemocyanin from juveniles was studied in detail after the first growth trial. This revealed that juvenile WCRL have a similar Bohr effect to that of adults. In addition, the haemocyanin of hypercapnia-exposed juveniles showed an increased affinity to oxygen caused by an intrinsic change in its molecular structure. This was interpreted as an energy-saving mechanism, because at the same time, haemocyanin concentration in these animals was lower than in normocapnic lobsters. At the termination of the second chronic trial, the immunological response to the combined stressors was assessed, namely total circulating haemocyte counts (THC) and the ability to clear/inactivate an introduced dose of a bacterium, Vibrio anguillarum. A pilot experiment on non-treated juveniles revealed a similar resting THC to that of other lobster species, and culturable V. anguillarum was rapidly cleared from their haemolymph. The effect of chronic exposure to a combination of effects, namely hypercapnia and different temperatures, was subsequently tested after termination of the second chronic trial. There were no differences between treatments in a) baseline THC (i.e. before bacterial challenge) and 2) the capability to clear culturable bacteria from haemolymph. The only difference was the circulating THCs post-bacterial challenge, as they were reduced in the hypercapnic-, high temperature treatment, compared with all other treatments. The reason is unknown, but it is speculated that it may have been linked to an increased metabolic demand in these lobsters. Overall, these results demonstrate the great plasticity of the WCRL at the molecular-, biochemical and physiological level. They provide important initial information for government fisheries scientists to aid in predicting future development of, and potential threats to the WCRL resource, as well as providing a platform from which the direction of future studies can be determined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Weskus-seekreef, Jasus lalandii, is ’n belangrike seevisseryhulpbron vir Suid-Afrika en kan in die toekoms negatief geraak word deur die veranderinge in seewaterparameters wat met voortgesette antropogeniese vrystellings van koolstofdioksied (CO2) verband hou. Hierdie CO2-vrystellings word met ’n wêreldwye daling in die pH van seewater (oftewel “oseaanversuring”) en ’n temperatuurstyging verbind. Alles dui daarop dat hierdie veranderinge in die volgende eeue sal vererger. Dít regverdig navorsing weens 1) die huidige skaarste aan dié hulpbron (2,6% van oorspronklike getalle), en 2) die betreklik onverkende fisiologiese en ander biologiese reaksies van die kreef op omgewingstressors. Hierdie inligting is noodsaaklik om staatswetenskaplikes in staat te stel om die hulpbron te midde van wêreldwye en streeksklimaatsverandering volhoubaar te bestuur. Op kort termyn word daar bevind dat die Weskus-kreef vinnig en omkeerbaar op akute veranderinge in die pH van seewater reageer (pH 7,4). Dít is hoofsaaklik deur die aktiewe opwaartse regulering van bikarbonaatvlakke in die hemolimf vasgestel. Die handhawing van ekstrasellulêre pH beskerm die meganismes wat suurstof vervoer, wat gevoelig is vir pH-veranderinge weens die beduidende Bohr-effek in die respiratoriese proteïen, hemosianien, by die volwasse kreef – nóg ’n bevinding van hierdie studie. Tog sal die energiekoste verbonde aan die handhawing van ekstrasellulêre pH na verwagting groei en moontlik ook oorlewing op lang termyn beïnvloed. Dít is getoets op jong Weskus-krewe wat oor ’n tydperk van 28 weke aan seewater met ’n verlaagde pH van 7,3 (18,8 °C) blootgestel is. Resultate dui daarop dat oorlewing nié geraak word nie, en dat suur-basis-regulering in die hiperkapnie-blootgestelde krewe vir die volle duur van die proef gehandhaaf is, hoewel dit tot ’n verlaagde groeitempo gelei het. Ten einde natuurlike omstandighede akkurater na te boots, is ’n kombinasie van uitwerkings, naamlik pCO2 van seewater (pH 8 en 7,3) en verskillende temperature (15,6 en 19 °C), op die groei van jong krewe oor ’n blootstellingstydperk van 48 weke in ’n tweede chroniese proefneming beoordeel. In teenstelling met die aanvanklike proef (28 weke), is hiperkapnie afsonderlik beoordeel en het krewe wat aan hiperkapnie blootgestel is ’n hoër groeitempo getoon as dié by dieselfde temperatuur wat aan seewater met ’n ‘natuurlike’ (normokapniese) pH blootgestel is. Dié verskil is vertolk as ’n aanwyser dat voedselbeskikbaarheid/-gehalte ’n negatiewe uitwerking op stresreaksie kan hê, aangesien voeding in die eerste proefneming later as ‘suboptimaal’ beskou is vergeleke met dié van die tweede proef. In die tweede proef, hoewel hiperkapnie én temperatuur groeitempo’s beïnvloed het, was temperatuur die grootste bydraer tot die verskille wat tussen behandelings opgemerk is. Die orde van die kreefgroeitempo’s met die verskillende behandelings was: hiperkapnie/hoë temperatuur > normokapnie/hoë temperatuur > hiperkapnie/lae temperatuur > normokapnie/lae temperatuur. In die tweede proef kon die kreef ook, ongeag behandeling, ekstrasellulêre pH vir die volle duur van die proefneming binne ’n betreklik beperkte bestek handhaaf, en het nóg hiperkapnie nóg hoë temperatuur ’n negatiewe invloed op oorlewing gehad. Om die gevoeligheid van jong Weskus-krewe met dié van volwasse krewe te vergelyk wat betref die uitwerking van veranderinge in ekstrasellulêre pH op suurstofvervoer, en om die impak van chroniese hiperkapnie te bepaal, is die hemosianien van jong krewe deeglik ná die eerste groeiproef bestudeer. Dít het aan die lig gebring dat die jong kreef ’n soortgelyke Bohr-effek as volwassenes toon. Daarbenewens toon die hemosianien van hiperkapnie-blootgestelde jong krewe ’n verhoogde affiniteit tot suurstof, wat deur ’n intrinsieke verandering in molekulêre struktuur veroorsaak word. Dít is as ’n energiebesparingsmeganisme vertolk, aangesien hemosianienkonsentrasie by hierdie diere terselfdertyd laer was as by normokapniese kreef. Aan die einde van die tweede chroniese proefneming is die immunologiese reaksie op die gekombineerde stressors beoordeel, naamlik totale sirkulerende hemosiettellings (THC) en die vermoë om ’n toegediende dosis van die bakterie Vibrio anguillarum op te ruim/te deaktiveer. ’n Toetseksperiment met niebehandelde jong krewe dui op ’n soortgelyke rustende THC as dié van ander kreefspesies, en kweekbare V. anguillarum is vinnig uit die hemolimf opgeruim. Die effek van chroniese blootstelling aan ’n kombinasie van faktore, naamlik hiperkapnie en verskillende temperature, is vervolgens na afloop van die tweede chroniese proef getoets. Die verskillende behandelings lewer dieselfde a) THC op die basislyn (met ander woorde voor toediening van die bakterie), en 2) opruimingsvermoë van kweekbare bakterieë uit die hemolimf op. Die enigste verskil was die THC’s ná toediening van die bakterie, wat laer was met die hiperkapniese hoëtemperatuurbehandeling as met alle ander behandelings. Die rede hiervoor is onbekend, maar hou vermoedelik verband met ’n verhoogde metaboliese vereiste by hierdie krewe. Oor die algemeen toon hierdie resultate die beduidende plastisiteit van die Weskus-seekreef op molekulêre, biochemiese en fisiologiese vlak. Dit bied belangrike aanvanklike inligting vir staatsvisserywetenskaplikes om die toekomstige ontwikkeling van én moontlike bedreigings vir die kreefhulpbron te voorspel, en voorsien boonop ’n platform van waar die rigting van toekomstige studies bepaal kan word.

Puerulus and early juvenile recruitment of the rock lobster jasus lalandii in relation to the environment at Lüderitz Bay, Namibia /

Keulder, Felicia Juanita. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Ichthyology and Fisheries Science))--Rhodes University, 2005.

Towards the development of a protocol for rearing juvenile rock lobster, Jasus lalandii /

Esterhuizen, J. A. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Ichthyology & Fisheries Science))--Rhodes University, 2005.

Puerulus and early juvenile recruitment of the rock lobster jasus lalandii in relation to the environment at Lüderitz Bay, Namibia

Keulder, Felicia Juanita January 2005 (has links)
A global decline in the lobster fishery has necessitated the growout of wild-caught postlarvae (pueruli) on farms to meet the worlds lobster demand. A limited knowledge on puerulus settlement in the West Coast rock lobster (Jasus lalandii) constitutes a major barrier for J. lalandii culture development in Southern Africa. As an extension of an existing long-term puerulus monitoring program of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia, the present study monitored puerulus recruitment (supply), puerulus condition and juvenile growth of J. lalandii and their relationship with environmental variables on an oyster farm at Lüderitz Bay, Namibia. Implications for lobster aquaculture and fisheries management are discussed. Oyster bags, crates and collectors were sampled daily, weekly and bimonthly, for pueruli and juveniles, respectively, between August 2001 and July 2003 to establish spatialtemporal patterns in their distribution. Animals were transported to the laboratory for morphometric analyses where they were staged as puerulus (Pt = transparent; Pp = pigmented) and juvenile lobsters. The carapace lengths (0.1mm CL) and wet weights (0.01gram) of animals were recorded. Carapace length frequencies were subjected to Modal Progression analysis to identify early juvenile cohorts and calculate their growths. The weight-length ratios calculated and percentage fat content were used as indices of nutritional condition. Seasonal peaks in puerulus and juvenile abundance were estimated using Periodic Regression analysis. The relationships of puerulus and juvenile abundance with respect to sea surface temperature (SST), wind speed-direction, moon phase, swell and tidal range were established using time lag analysis (ADL). Transparent pueruli were randomly distributed on oyster bags and crates, and also between collector sites, suggesting that they have no particular settlement preference for certain areas on these structures (p>0.05; n=150). Pigmented puerulus (p<0.05; n=566) and juveniles (p<0.05; n=3528) preferred structurally complex structures that provided better shelter such as crates, which were more sheltered from sea swells, compared to oyster bags. Among oyster rafts, pigmented puerulus and juveniles preferred occupying the sheltered and centred raft areas, which provided better protection from wave action, compared to exposed raft areas, which were exposed to the incoming swell. Puerulus and juvenile lobster appeared to recolonise adjacent bags and crates, and possibly migrate to the substrate and off the farm due to the disturbance of the habitat during harvesting. The booth crevice collector was more efficient in collecting puerulus possibly due to the high structurally complex habitat and the better shelter they provided compared to the hogshair collector. The occupation of structurally complex habitats by early benthic stages may be related to morphological changes associated with metamorphosis. Puerulus settlement peaked during early spring (August-September) and was related to low sea surface temperatures (12.3°C), strong south winds, and moderate swells in the week preceding settlement. These conditions are synonymous with the “spring upwelling” season of the Lüderitz upwelling cell in the central Benguela current region. Puerulus nutritional condition peaked during this period possibly due to high levels of planktonic food (due to high nutrients from upwelling) that was available to the late stage phyllosoma larvae further offshore. A “good” puerulus settlement year during 2000 was associated with lower than average SST (11.6°C) and strong south winds and was followed by “poor” puerulus settlement years during 2001 and 2002 when higher than average SST were experienced with below average wind speeds experienced during 2001 only. Puerulus of J. lalandii recruited in high numbers into Lüderitz Bay during the new moon, full moon and last quarter moon phases by making use of the increased tides during these phases of the lunar cycle. Peak juvenile abundance during early summer (November-December) lagged by 8 weeks was significantly correlated with peak puerulus abundance. Puerulus size was similar (8.5–9.7mm CL) over the study period. Juvenile cohorts, 9.9-20.6mm CL in size recruited in 2 distinct waves in August 2001-June 2002 and July 2002-February 2003. The 2001/2002 recruits had higher monthly growth increments and better nutritional condition compared to 2002/2003 recruits. Peak frequencies of 2nd moult juveniles (9.9- 10.8mm CL) occurred in September of both recruitment events with nutritional condition being poorest during the 2002/2003 event. The nutritional condition of the settling puerulus did not appear to be related to the subsequent growth of juvenile lobster. These preliminary results suggest that pueruli recruit once a year mainly during late winter/ early spring under conditions typical of coastal upwelling in the Benguela current near Lüderitz. It appears that puerulus settlement is driven by favourable shoreward currents, which help in transporting puerulus to their settlement grounds. Puerulus supply is highly variable between years, which appears to be consistent with a highly variable Benguela environment. The oyster farm supported a substantial standing stock averaging 123 800 lobster per day (range: 22 600-325 300 lobster per day) of which 26 600 were puerulus and 97 200 were juveniles, that may have been harvested once off on any given day during the sample period. Monthly harvesting of the total lobster standing stock during the one and a half year sampling period was just over 2 million lobsters (505 700 pueruli and 1.85 million juveniles) and would potentially have been sufficient seed for a 200 ton lobster production in puerulus lobster growout facilities. In the light of high inter-annual variation in puerulus settlement observed at Lüderitz, the seed supply at the Lüderitz oyster farm is clearly limited and therefore it is prudent that other sites of high puerulus settlement is established before large commercial scale lobster growout can commence. The migration of lobster off the farm suggested that these lobsters potentially recruit to the fishery and therefore harvesting the entire standing stock on the farm may have adverse negative effects on the wild fishery. A policy decision will be required as to whether more efficient harvesting of lobster from the farm should be allowed. If puerulus removal in J. lalandii for aquaculture is allowed in the near future, it should be conducted on an experimental scale or small commercial scale until the potential effects on recruitment into the fishery are clearer.

Towards the development of a protocol for rearing juvenile rock lobster, Jasus lalandii

Esterhuizen, J. A January 2005 (has links)
The diversification of current aquaculture practise in South Africa is crucial for the future development of the industry. The rock lobster, Jasus lalandii has been identified as a possible candidate species for shore based culture in systems similar to those used for abalone farming. Reduced Total Allowable Catch (TAC's) and an increased minimum legal size were implemented as management strategies to relieve fishing pressure on natural stocks of J. lalandii, and in turn led to increased market demand and a possible niche for farmed lobsters. High puerulus settlement along the Namibian coast, together with other favourable aquaculture attributes, indicate that the commercial grow out of wild harvested juveniles could be feasible. The aim of study was to investigate the feasibility of growing out rock lobsters in shore based systems in Namibia and South Africa. The experimental objectives of the project were to investigate the nutritional requirements, as well as the effect of stocking density and tank design on growth and survival of J. lalandii. The economic viability of shore based rock lobster farming was then evaluated based on the experimental results and typical capital requirements of an abalone farm in South Africa. Puerulus and early juvenile rock lobsters were collected in Luderitz, Namibia and transported to HIK Abalone Farm in Hermanus, South Africa where they were acclimated in black fibre glass tanks in a flow through system. The pueruli were stocked at 50, 75, 100 and 125/m² and early juveniles at 20, 30, 40 and 50/m² to test the effect of density on growth and survival. A comparative dietary study with both size classes was conducted using a mussel diet (Choromytilus meridionalis and Mytilus galloprovincialis), a commercial shrimp feed diet and a rotational diet comprising both mussels and shrimp feed. Tanks provided with "v-shaped" asbestos hides, PVC hides and no hides were compared to test the effect on growth rate and survival of pueruli. All treatments were conducted in triplicate. Temperatures were recorded twice daily while water quality parameters were tested every second week. The results indicate that density had a significant effect on growth and survival on post-pueruli. An initial stocking density of 75 post-pueruli/m² is regarded as optimal both in terms of the growth rate and biomass production per tank. No differences in growth and survival rates were attained in the early juvenile size class. This indicates that higher densities can be used to rear juvenile J. lalandii. No significant differences were obtained in growth rate when reared under different hide conditions although asbestos hides yielded significantly higher survival rates (93.3 %) compared to the tanks provided with PVC hides (74.04 %) and no hides (77.8 %, p≤0.05). As a result of the high survival rate observed in tanks provided with "V-shaped" asbestos hides, these tanks also yielded higher biomass production per tank (297.8 grams) compared to the tanks provided with PVC hides and no hides (261.09 and 260.5 grams respectively). In the diet trials, growth rates of post pueruli and juvenile lobsters fed the mussel and rotational (mussel and shrimp feed) diets did not differ significantly, however, growth rates of lobsters fed the shrimp feed only diet was significantly lower than both the mussel and rotational diets (p≤0.05). Lobsters fed the mussel diet yielded significantly higher survival rates compared to lobsters fed either the rotational diet or shrimp feed diet only. An imbalance in the fatty acid profile of the shrimp feed could have been a major contributing factor to the poor growth and survival in lobsters fed the shrimp feed only diet as the level of linoleic acid (LOA) was exceptionally high resulting in a high (n -6):(n-3) ratio (1.01) compared to the mussel and rotational diets (0.17 and 0.56 respectively). The low level of arachidonic acid (ARA) in the shrimp feed diet could be a further contributing factor explaning for the poor growth and survival of juvenile rock lobsters. An economic feasibility study was conducted at the end of the experimental phase by modelling a hypothetical shore based rock lobster farm. A projection of production costs and revenues was based on the typical costs of a shore based abalone farm and the current market prices for wild harvested J. lalandii. The economic viability was evaluated using benefit-cost ratios, payback period, internal rate of return and breakeven analysis. Sensitivity analyses revealed that the projected lobster growth and survival rates were the main biological factors influencing the economic feasibility of the hypothetical rock lobster farm. An assumed four year grow out period at a low stocking density yielded more lucrative internal rate of return (IRR), benefit-cost ratio, payback period and net present values (NPV) than a five year grow out period at a high density. The four year grow out scenario proved to be more robust to the fluctuating Rand/US$ exchange rate and could accommodate a lower lobster survival rate. Results presented in this study indicate that rock lobster farming is a marginal commercial prospect based on current production performance and costs. Further research to develop effective puerulus collection techniques as well as to make lobster grow out technology more cost effective is required.

A quantitative bio-economic investigation of inshore fisheries

Du Toit, Elmari 11 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The efficient management of renewable resources may ensure sustainable income to communities and countries. In the past the mathematical modelling used in the management decisions, in South Africa, was based on biological considerations only. In this thesis we include economic factors in the models and aim to determine steady state harvesting levels such that a maximum present value of all future revenues may be reached. A bio-economical approach is followed throughout the study and applied to the South African Cape Rock Lobster (Jasus lalandii) resource. We first address the problem using the simplest surplus production models. The model is applied to the Cape Rock Lobster, finding that the economical factors do indeed influence the steady state results, emphasising that they should be incorporated in the modelling process. A more descriptive two-sex-delay-difference model is then applied, which includes delay times for juveniles to reach sexual maturity and distinguishes between sexes. Yet further involved stage-class models are also studied and we propose a solution to the non-linear programming problem reached. These models may assist decision makers in future as knowledge on, for example, the growth of the two sexes, proper size limits and the influence of price differences are gained. Finally, we propose a harvesting strategy where catch is taken from alternative spatial lanes and apply here results from reaction diffusion theory. This theoretical approach might provide guidelines to new and underdeveloped fisheries in future, but also influence current inshore fisheries towards new management strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doeltreffende bestuur van hernubare hulpbronne kan 'n volhoubare ekonomiese opbrengs aan gemeenskappe en lande verseker. In die verlede is die wiskundige modelle wat in die besluitnemingsproses gebruik is, in Suid Afrika, gebaseer op biologiese oorwegings alleen. In hierdie studie word ook ekonomiese faktore in die modelle ingesluit en word ewewigstoestande bepaal vir vangste, sodanig dat 'n maksimum huidige waarde van toekomstige inkomste uit 'n vissery bereik word. 'n Bio-ekonomiese benadering word deurgaans gevolg en modelle word toegepas op die Suid-Afrikaanse Weskus Kreefbron (Jasus lalandii). Die studie begin deur basiese surplus produksie modelle te gebruik. Die resultate van die toepassing op die Weskus Kreefbron toon dat die ekonomiese faktore 'n groot invloed op die voorgestelde ewewigstoestand van die populasie het. Dit benadruk dus die feit dat hierdie faktore in die modelleringsproses ingesluit behoort te word. Meer beskrywende twee-geslag-vertragings-verskil modelle word daarna toegepas, en sluit in 'n vertragings periode vir vis om 'n volwasse stadium te bereik. Hierdie tydfaktor verskil dikwels vir mannetjies en wyfies en daarom word hier 'n twee-geslag model gebruik. Meer gevorderde klasse modelle word ook bespreek. Ons stel 'n oplossing vir hierdie nie-lineêre programmeringsprobleem voor. Hierdie gevorderde modelle mag in die toekoms handige hulpmiddels wees wanneer inligting rakende 'n spesie gesoek word. Sulke inligting mag insluit die groeitempos van mannetjies en wyfies, geskikte grootte beperkings vir vangste en die invloed van prysverskille vir verskillende groottes vis. 'n Nuwe vangste strategie word ook voorgestel waar vangste slegs geneem word uit alternatiewe ruimtelike bane en pas ons hier resultate uit die reaksie-diffusie teorie toe. Hierdie teoretiese oplossings mag riglyne bied wanneer nuwe visserye in die toekoms ontgin word, maar ook huidige visserye beïnvloed in die rigting van 'n nuwe bestuur strategie.

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