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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards a magmatic ‘barcode’ for the south-easternmost terrane of the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Gumsley, Ashley Paul 09 December 2013 (has links)
M.Sc. (Geology) / The south-easternmost Kaapvaal Craton is composed of scattered inliers of Archaean basement granitoid-greenstone terrane exposed through Phanerozoic cover successions. In addition, erosional remnants of the supracrustal Mesoarchaean Pongola Supergroup unconformably overlay this granitoid-greenstone terrane in the same inliers. Into this crust a variety of Precambrian intrusions occur. These are comprised of SE-, ENE- and NE-trending dolerite dykes. Also, the Hlagothi Complex intrudes into Pongola strata in the Nkandla region, particularly the quartzites of the basal Mantonga Formation. The whole area, including Phanerozoic strata, has in turn been intruded by Jurassic sills and dykes related to the Karoo Large Igneous Province. All the rocks of the Archaean inliers, with the exception of the Jurassic sills and dykes have been subjected to greenschist facies metamorphism and deformation, with petrographic, Ar-Ar geochronologic and palaeomagnetic studies attesting to this. This metamorphism and deformation is associated with the Mesoproterozoic orogeny from the nearby Namaqua-Natal Mobile Belt located to the south. This orogeny has a decreasing influence with distance from the cratonic margin, and is highly variable from locality to locality. However, it is generally upper greenschist facies up to a metamorphic isograd 50 km from the craton margin. Overprints directions seen within the palaeomagnetic data confirm directions associated with the post-Pongola granitoids across the region and the Namaqua-Natal Mobile Belt. The dolerite dykes consist of several trends and generations. Up to five different generations within the three Precambrian trends have potentially been recognised. SEtrending dykes represent the oldest dyke swarm in the area, being cross-cut by all the other dyke trends. These dykes consist of two possible generations with similar basaltic to basaltic andesite geochemistry. They provide evidence of a geochemically enriched or contaminated magma having been emplaced into the craton. This is similar to SE-trending dolerite dyke swarms across the Barberton-Badplaas region to the north from literature. In northern KwaZulu-Natal the SE-trending dolerite dyke swarms have been geochronologically, geochemically and paleomagnetically linked to either ca. 2.95 or ca. 2.87 Ga magmatic events across the Kaapvaal Craton. The 2866 ± 2 Ma Hlagothi Complex is composed of a series of layered sills intruding into Nkandla sub-basin quartzites of the Pongola Supergroup. The sills consist of meta-peridotite, pyroxenite and gabbro. At least two distinct pulses of magmatism have been recognised in the sills from their geochemistry. The distinct high-MgO units are compositionally different from the older Dominion Group and Nsuze Group volcanic rocks, as well as younger Ventersdorp volcanic rocks. This resurgence of high-MgO magmatism is similar to komatiitic lithologies seen in the Barberton Greenstone Belt. It is indicative of a more primitive magma source, such as one derived from a mantle plume. A mantle plume would also account for the Hlagothi Complex and the widespread distribution of magmatic events of possible temporal and spatial similarity across the craton. Examples include the layered Thole Complex, gabbroic phases of the ca. 2990 to 2870 Ma Usushwana Complex, and the 2874 ± 2 Ma SE-trending dykes of northern KwaZulu-Natal already described above and dated herein. A generation of NE-trending dolerite dykes in northern KwaZulu-Natal can also be palaeomagnetically linked to this event with either a primary or overprint direction. Flood basalts seen within the upper Witwatersrand and Pongola Supergroups (i.e., Crown, Bird, Tobolsk and Gabela lavas) may also be related. This large, voluminous extent of magmatism allows us to provide evidence for a new Large Igneous Province on the Kaapvaal Craton during the Mesoarchaean. This new Large Igneous Province would encompass all of the above mentioned geological units. It is possible that it could be generated by a shortlived transient mantle plume(s), in several distinct pulses. This plume would also explain the development of unconformities within the Mozaan Group. This is reasoned through thermal uplift from the plume leading to erosion of the underlying strata, culminating in the eruption of flood basalts coeval to the Hlagothi Complex. Marine incursion and sediment deposition would occur during thermal subsidence from the plume into the Witwatersrand-Mozaan basin. This magmatic event also assists in resolving the apparent polar wander path for the Kaapvaal Craton during the Meso- to Neoarchaean. Between existing poles established for the older ca. 2.95 Ga Nsuze event, to poles established for the younger ca. 2.65 Ga Ventersdorp event, a new magnetic component for this ca. 2.87 Ga magmatic event can be shown. This new component has a virtual geographic pole of 23.4° N, 53.4° E and a dp and dm of 8.2° and 11.8° for the Hlagothi Complex, with a similar magnetic direction seen in one generation of NE-trending dolerite dykes in the region. This new ca. 2870 Ma addition to the magmatic barcode of the Kaapvaal Craton allows for comparisons to be made to other coeval magmatic units on cratons from around the world. Specific examples include the Millindinna Complex and the Zebra Hills dykes on the Pilbara Craton. Precise age dating and palaeomagnetism on these magmatic units is needed to confirm a temporal and spatial link between all the events. If substantiated, this link would assist in further validating the existence of the Vaalbara supercraton during the Mesoarchaean. After the Hlagothi Complex event, different pulses of magma can be seen associated with the Neoarchaean Ventersdorp event. A generation of NE-trending dolerite dykes in the region was dated herein at 2652 ± 11 Ma. In addition, a primary Ventersdorp virtual geographic pole established in Lubnina et al. (2010) from ENE-trending dolerite dykes was confirmed in this study. This ENE-trending dolerite dyke has a virtual geographic pole of 31.7° S, 13.6° E and a dp and dm of 7.0° and 7.2°. This date and virtual geographic poles from NE- and ENE-trending dolerite dyke swarms in northern KwaZulu-Natal match up with NE- and E-trending palaeostress fields seen in the Neoarchaean Ventersdorp and proto- Transvaal volcanics by Olsson et al. (2010). Both generations of dolerite dykes also demonstrate variable geochemistry. The NE-trending dolerite dyke swarm is tholeiitic, and the ENE dolerite dyke swarm is calc-alkaline. In addition, some of the tholeiitic NE-trending dolerite dykes have a similar magnetic component to NE-trending dolerite dykes much further to the north in the Black Hills area according to Lubnina et al. (2010). This magnetic component is also similar to the Mazowe dolerite dyke swarm on the Zimbabwe Craton. The NE-trending dolerite dykes in the Black Hills area differ geochemically from those in northern KwaZulu-Natal though, but are also of ca. 1.90 Ga age. The Mazowe dolerite dyke swarm was linked to the dyke swarm of the Black Hills dyke swarm through palaeomagnetic studies. The Mazowe dolerite dyke swarm however is geochemically similar to the NE-trending dolerite dykes of northern KwaZulu-Natal, creating greater complexity in the relationship between the three dyke swarms. It is clear from the complex array of dolerite dyke swarms and other intrusions into these Archaean inliers of northern KwaZulu-Natal, that much more work on the dykes within the south-easternmost Kaapvaal Craton needs to be done. This will resolve these complex patterns and outstanding issues with regard to their palaeo-tectonic framework.

S-wave velocity structure beneath the Kaapvaal Craton from surface-wave inversions compared with estimates from mantle xenoliths

Larson, Angela Marie 30 July 2004 (has links)
Results from two-station surface-wave inversions across the Archean Kaapvaal craton of southern Africa are compared with seismic velocities estimated from approximately 100 mantle xenoliths brought to the surface in kimberlite pipes. As the xenoliths represent a snapshot of the mantle at the time of their eruption, comparison with recently recorded seismic data provides an opportunity to compare and contrast the independently gained results. These cratonic xenoliths from the southern Kaapvaal, all less than 100Ma in age, have been analyzed geothermobarometrically to obtain the equilibrium P-T conditions of the cratonic mantle to about 180km depth [James et al 2004]. Seismic velocity-depth and density-depth profiles calculated on the basis of these P-T data and the mineral modes of the xenoliths are used to produce theoretical surface-wave dispersion curves and to generate roughly the upper 200km of a starting/reference model. A regionally-developed crustal structure [Niu and James 2002] was used for the crust and 300km of mantle values taken from PREM filled in down to 500km depth. This composite model was used as the starting/reference model for a Neighbourhood Algorithm surface-wave inversion using fundamental-mode Rayleigh-wave phase velocities for 16 paths within the Kaapvaal Craton from five events. The velocity structures found by that inversion are consistent with those derived from the xenolith data. Hence the velocity structure (i.e. thermal structure) of the mantle to a depth of 180km beneath the Kaapvaal craton is basically the same today as it was 80-90Ma. Further, synthetics runs show that for this surface-wave dataset, there is no strong low-velocity zone at depths shallower than at least 200km. / Master of Science

Styles of hydrothermal alteration in archaean rocks of the Northern Kaapvaal craton, South Africa, with implications for gold mineralization

Sieber, Thomas 13 February 2014 (has links)
Ph.D. (Geology) / Shear zone controlled hydrothermal alteration zones in the northern Kaapvaal craton (NKC) are developed in host rocks of vastly different chemical composition and metamorphic grade. Some carry appreciable Au and base metals and some are barren. Alteration zones in three different distinctive crustal zones were examined in detail to determine the controls of these two types of alteration. 1. The Matok Complex is situated in the southern marginal zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt (LB), close to the zone of rehydration. Two major stages of hydrothermal alteration could be identified in local shear zones, a pervasive propylitization and a subsequent vein controlled quartzalbite alteration. The two-stage alteration occurred sometimes between the emplacement of the Matok Complex (2670 Ma) and the intrusion of unaltered mafic dykes (1900 Ma). Calculated isotopic compositions of the hydrothermal fluids indicate that magmatic ± meteoric waters as well as juvenile C02 were responsible for the establishment of the alteration zones. The fluids most probably were late magmatic fluids associated with the Matok magmatism. The propylitic alteration was accompanied by introduction of small amounts of CU + Au and represents an alteration type identical to that developed in porphyry copper deposits. The subsequent quartz-albite alteration was caused by extremely saline fluids which depleted the rocks of all the major and trace elements with exception of Si, Al, Na and Zr. 2. This chemical alteration pattern' contrasts with those developed in two alteration zones associated with economic gold mineralization in greenstone belts of the NKC (Sutherland and Pietersburg belts). At the Birthday and Eersteling gold mines, a biotite-calcite-quartz alteration is developed. The chemical pattern of the alteration is...

Provenance ages and timing of sedimentation of selected Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic successions on the Kaapvaal Craton

27 January 2009 (has links)
M.Sc. / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The influence of mantle metasomatism on the oxidation state of the lithospheric mantle

Creighton, Steven Unknown Date
No description available.

The influence of mantle metasomatism on the oxidation state of the lithospheric mantle

Creighton, Steven 11 1900 (has links)
The oxidation state, reflected in the oxygen fugacity (fO2), of the lithospheric mantle is both laterally and vertically heterogeneous. Depth-fO2 profiles from kimberlite-borne peridotitic mantle xenoliths from the Bultfontein kimberlite, Kimberley, South Africa and the A154-N and A154-S kimberlites of the Diavik Mine, NWT, Canada were constructed by measuring ferric iron concentrations in garnets using the flank method. These data demonstrate that mantle metasomatic re-enrichment processes had a significant effect on fO2. In the garnet stability field, the Kaapvaal lithospheric mantle becomes progressively more reducing with increasing depth from Δlog fO2 (FMQ) of -2 at 110 km to -4 at 210 km. The lithospheric mantle beneath Diavik is vertically layered with respect to its bulk and trace-element composition. The shallow ‘ultradepleted’ layer is oxidized, to the point that carbonate rather than graphite is the anticipated carbon host. The deeper layer is more fertile and has fO2 conditions extending down to Δlog fO2 (FMQ) -3.8. Deviations from predicted depth-fO2 trends in both xenolith localities result from metasomatic re-enrichment caused by transient fluids and melts. Diamond formation in the Kaapvaal lithospheric mantle may have occurred through the infiltration of reduced fluids into relatively more oxidized mantle. Trace-element concentrations in garnets preserve evidence of two distinct melt metasomatic enrichment events. One was a craton-wide event that is commonly observed in garnet peridotite xenoliths and xenocrysts worldwide; the other was melt infiltration event, preserved as MARID xenoliths, related to the eruption of the Group 2 kimberlites in the western portion of the Kaapvaal craton. The effect of the former melt metasomatism on fO2 is unclear ambiguous whereas the MARID event was clearly oxidizing. Diavik xenoliths preserve evidence for events similar to the fluid and ‘common’ melt metasomatism seen in the Bultfontein samples. Fluid metasomatism affected the entire depth range of xenoliths sampled from Diavik and was oxidizing. A stage of melt metasomatism affected only the deeper (>140 km) portion of the lithospheric mantle and had an overall reducing effect. The observation of sharp-edged octahedral diamonds in microxenoliths affected by the fluid metasomatic event may indicate that this was a major diamond-forming event in the mantle beneath Diavik.

Mesoproterozoic volcanism, metallogenesis and tectonic evolution along the western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton

Bailie, Russell Hope 07 June 2010 (has links)
D.Phil. / The western margin of the Archean Kaapvaal Craton, at its contact with the polydeformed and metamorphosed Proterozoic Namaqua Province, is host to four volcanosedimentary successions of Mesoproterozoic age (1.1-1.3 Ga) that occur in close spatial and temporal association to each other. These are the Areachap Group, the Leerkrans Formation of the Wilgenhoutsdrif Group and the two volcanosedimentary successions that comprise the Koras Group. There has been protracted debate as to the exact nature, origin, age and tectonic evolution of these successions, particularly as they occur immediately adjacent to an important crustal suture. A comprehensive whole rock and isotope geochemical study, complemented by zircon-based geochronology where necessary, was thus carried out to characterize and compare the volcanic rocks associated with these four successions. The results are used to assess the role of the four volcanosedimentary successions during the development of the Mesoproterozoic suture between the Kaapvaal Craton and the Namaqua Province during the ~1.2-1.0 Ga Namaquan Orogeny. The geochemical study of the Areachap Group examined a suite of lithologies from different locations along the ~280km long outcrop belt, with the aim of testing the lateral continuity and integrity of this highly metamorphosed and deformed succession. As the bulk of the samples collected were from diamond drill core intersecting volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) Zn-Cu deposits it was only appropriate to extend the investigation to assess the metallogenesis and relation of these deposits to their host rock sequences. This included a survey of the sulphur isotope composition of sulphides and sulphates that comprise the Zn-Cu deposits. Furthermore, the architecture and origin of the world-class Copperton deposit, the largest Zn-Cu deposit of the Areachap Group, was examined. For this purpose, available literature data were collated and complemented by new geochemical and geochronological information. Sm-Nd isotopic systematics and U-Pb zircon ages suggest a coeval origin and close genetic link between the metavolcanic rocks of the Leerkrans Formation of the Wilgenhoutsdrif Group and the Areachap Group. Both successions record the establishment of an eastward-directed subduction zone on the western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton. The Areachap Group represents the highly metamorphosed and deformed remnants of a Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.30-1.24 Ga) volcanic arc that was accreted onto the western margin of the Kaapvaal Craton at ~1.22-1.20 Ga, during the early stages of the Namaquan Orogeny. The igneous protoliths within the Areachap Group are low- to medium-K tholeiitic to calc-alkaline in composition ranging in composition from basaltic through to rhyolitic. Tholeiitic basalts, represented by volumetrically minor amphibolites within the succession have Sm-Nd isotopic characteristics indicative of derivation from a depleted mantle source as denoted by their positive Nd(t) values. The lithogeochemical results highlight the fact that, despite differences in lithological architecture on a local scale, the Areachap Group exhibits coherent geochemical characteristics along its entire strike length.

Analysis of the structural geology of the high-grade metamorphic rocks in part of the Kakamas terrane of an area adjacent to the Neusspruit shear zone South of the orange river, Northern Cape, South Africa

Sonwa, Cyrille Stephane Tsakou January 2021 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Proterozoic Namaqua-Natal Province comprises highly deformed rocks of medium to high grade metamorphism and is bordering the Archean Kaapvaal Craton to the west, south and east in South Africa. The sector to the west of the Craton, namely the Namaqua Sector, is structurally complex and subdivided from west to east into the Bushmanland Subprovince, the Kakamas and Areachap terranes of the Gordonia Subprovince and the Kheis Subprovince. The prominent Neusberg Mountain Range, with exposures to the north and south of the Orange River in the Kakamas Terrane constitutes evidence of crustal shortening as a result of continental collision of the Namaqua Sector block with the Kaapvaal Craton during the Namaquan Orogeny. The Mesoproterozoic Korannaland Group in the Kakamas Terrane is affected by faulting, folding and shearing.

The geochemistry, geochronology and petrogenetic characteristics of two granitic suites on the eastern margin of the Namaqua Sector, Namaqua-Natal Mobile Belt, South Africa

Nethenzheni, Sedzani Shane January 2016 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The group of granites on the eastern margin of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqua sector of the polydeformed and highly metamorphosed Namaqua-Natal Province of southern Africa is known as the Keimoes Suite. The suite includes mixtures of diverse rock types not belonging to a single intrusive series and so it should be subdivided into more than one intrusive suite. The exact definition, extent, distribution and petrogenesis of these granites have been poorly defined in the past, with various authors defining the suite differently due to the lack of proper geochronology and geochemical data. The exact contact between the Namaqua sector and Kaapvaal Craton together with the role of the suite to the Namaqua tectonic evolution is still unclear. The granites of the Keimoes Suite are thought to mark the contact between the Namaqua sector and the Kaapvaal Craton. This study seeks to address the above mentioned problems by making use of new geochronology, isotope, major and trace element geochemistry together with petrography. The granites of the Keimoes Suite were previously grouped based on their degree of deformation. The geochronology, undertaken as part of this study, has proven that this classification is unfounded. The degree of foliation in these granites appears to be largely controlled by the abundance of platy minerals, such as biotite and muscovite, together with the intrusion mechanism, with deformational processes, such as shearing, playing a secondary role. The geochronology, together with geochemistry has helped to redefine the previously defined Keimoes Suite so that two well defined separate suites are recognized and the third is poorly defined due to lack of more samples of that age group. The new classification or grouping of the granites of the eastern Namaqua sector allows a more detailed examination of the tectonic evolution of this region. A member of the 1225 to 1200 Ma early syn-tectonic granites, the Josling Granite, shows a strongly developed foliation and was derived from a depleted source with a relatively low continental crustal component. This granite intruded during the time of arc accretion, and is associated with, and partly responsible for the D₁ deformation and M₁ metamorphism recognized in most of the rocks of the eastern terranes of the Namaqua sector. In terms of age, the syn-tectonic granites of the Augrabies Suite extend from 1200 to 1120 Ma and were largely derived from depleted sources with variable but more substantial amounts of continental crustal components as compared to the early syn-tectonic granite. The granites of this suite intruded during the period of peak D₂ deformation with peak magmatism between 1180 - 1135 Ma, and particularly around 1150 Ma, during the peak of metamorphism (M₂) caused by, and associated with these voluminous intrusions. The Keimoes Suite can now be defined as comprising granites of late- to post-tectonic age relative to the 1.2 - 1.08 Ga Namaquan Orogeny with magmatism occurring on the western side of the Kaapvaal Craton. The 1116 to 1066 Ma Keimoes Suite intruded during the stage of the Namaquan Orogeny in which there was continued indentation of the Kaapvaal Craton into the Namaqua sector with wrenching and shearing causing the development of rifting into which the granites intruded. The Keimoes Suite granites were derived from continental crustal sources and incorporated varying degrees of depleted source components. The intrusives and extrusives of this age occured after the main collisional event between the Namaqua Sector and the Kaapvaal Craton and are associated with the D₃ deformational event, imparting the thermal conditions leading to the M₃ metamorphic event of the rocks within both the Kakamas and Areachap Terranes. The suites mark the suture between the Archean Kaapvaal Craton and the Proterozoic Namaqua sector. The compositions of the granites of the individual suites were mainly controlled by the source with the degree of partial melting exerting a major control. The proportion of entrained peritectic assemblages and accessory minerals played a major role in controlling the compositions of the granites, particularly those of the trace elements. Variations within the compositions of the same suite are due to source heterogeneities. Generally, fractionation processes played a secondary role in influencing the composition of the granites. / Council for Geoscience and National Research Foundation

Diagenetic carbonates and biogeochemical cycling of organic matter in selected Archean-Paleoproterozoic sedimentary successions of the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Cochrane, Justin Michael 03 June 2010 (has links)
M.Sc. / The Kaapvaal craton is one of few regions on earth with an almost continuous record of wellpreserved supracrustal rocks ranging in age from ~3.5 Ga to the late Paleoproterozoic at ~1.75 Ga. In this study diagenetic carbonates from the Paleoarchean Buck Reef Chert and Joe’s Luck Formation of the Swaziland Supergroup, the Mesoarchean Thalu and Promise Formations of the Mozaan/Witwatersrand Supergroups and the Paleoproterozoic Timeball Hill and Silverton Formations of the Transvaal Supergroup were sampled and analyzed. The aim of the study was to determine possible variations in the composition of the carbonates through time and their significance especially with regards to microbial activity in diagenetic systems in early Earth history. Results indicate similar petrographic observations and geochemical signatures in diagenetic carbonates of iron formations in the Buck Reef Chert, Joe’s Luck and Griquatown Iron Formation. The carbonates all tend to be siderites with iron derived from hydrothermal input and all are depleted in 13C relative to Peedee Belemnite standard. It suggested that siderite formed as a result of microbial respiration. Microbes degrade organic matter and reduce iron in this process. This resulted in the depletion in 13C and in the precipitation of siderite. However in order for iron reduction to have occurred the reduced iron first had to be oxidized. This most probably occurred through iron oxidizing chemolithoautotrophs under microaerophilic conditions. Diagenetic carbonate concretions of the Thalu and Promise Formations are manganiferous and are highly depleted in 13C relative to PDB. There is also strong evidence for hydrothermal input of manganese and iron into the system because of positive europium anomalies. The carbonates from both of the formations strongly suggest the presence of some free oxygen. The reasoning behind this conclusion is as follows: The depletion of 13C in the carbonates points to microbial decomposition of organic matter and manganese respiration (the decomposition of organic matter by microbial MnO2 reduction) is shown to be the most reasonable process that led to the formation of the carbonate concretions. The implication is that MnO2 must first have been precipitated and that can only be achieved in the presence of free oxygen with the oxidation reaction often catalyzed by manganese oxidizing chemolithoautotrophs. The carbonates of the Timeball Hill and Silverton Formationsare calcites ad contain little no iron. There is also little or no evidence for hydrothermal input and the basin appears to be a clastic dominated. It is generally accepted that a major rise in oxygen in the oceans and the atmosphere occurred at about 2.32 Ga. This rise in oxygen levels is reflected in the diagenetic calcite concretions of the Silverton Formation. Both iron and manganese reduction where not very effective because of the depletion in the basin water of these two elements, organic carbon taken up in the calcite concretions, indicated by negative δ13CPDB carbonate values, was most probably derived from aerobic and/or nitrate respiration. The most important conclusion from this study is that sufficient free oxygen and hence oxygenic photosynthesis were present to oxidize both Fe and Mn at least as far back as the Paleo-Mesoarchean.

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